Whats Wrong With Russia


Sep 18, 2003
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Well it's nice to see that the same nationalist fervor I saw when I left is still here.

Arguments of current monetary allocation to military funding in time having a factor in a war between two nations such as USA and Russia is laughable. War as one of its side effects causes a bulge in funding for military across several areas.

We also would find in a war of this magnitude development of technology that has been shelved for industrial powerhouse security. eg. large scale viable alternative energy sources, and large scale viable chemical feedstock alternatives. This would change economics quite a bit and make comparisons of money less useful that one would anticipate.

We seem to also be forgetting (most people arguing heer at least) that this would not be a war between two countries. This would get very messy very fast, there would be a mad dash to secure allies, and there would be a lot of surprises. So if you want to compare GDPs and National debts your forgetting that you would also have to add in ally nations.

Lets not forget also that geography would play a heavy part in this conflict. It takes fuel to transport ships, airplanes, and other assorted toys across oceans. So ideally there would be staging areas for attacks set up in allied countries.

My point, pretty much that arguments about which country would win a war are pointless unless your talking about some tiny little unpopular country that has no military, no allies, and is pissing everyone off.

As for Chechnya and Iraq they are both conlicts that are wasting valuable lives and resources. There is no big bad wrong evil one to smite, there are only shades of grey. Atrocities are happening on all sides and those individuals commiting them are wrong, however these atrocities tell us nothing in general of the people living in Iraq, Chechnya, or America. No matter where you go there will always be evil, and there will always be good.

As for me I am an american who opposes war in Iraq, and I want a new president for my country. This does not mean I hate the soldiers fighting for my country, or the misguided people who sent them there. I love my country and my countrymen even if I may diagree with them.

I am also descended from some who came from Russia and I don't want to see that country in strife either. Russia although it would seem in crisis is a ********* country, I hope I see in my lifetime a strong and peacful Russia just as I want for my country the same peace and prosperity.


Oct 22, 2003
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ORC-r0x0r-ROC said:
Whatever gave you that idea? JESUS I DIDN'T KNOW THAT OMFG!!! Give a example, and please not the space race, the Russians were the first to put a satelite/man/probe to moon/spacestation. You do not allow them to use thier own resources, you threaten them by saying you will stop the aid unless (one example is: vote for war) Maybe not your economy, but there is a reason why the Yankes work with Russia with so many of the more complicated projects. I am offended, no I am not American. That would be great if they were communist. What would be wrong with that? The "lead"........

We dont threaten their aid you idiot, because liberals like you would be crying. and we were the 1st on the moon. Our space program kills theirs. And my example: The cold war ended, russias economy was in shambles, our advanced and their still trying to get on their feet. And yeah you arnt American, so you hate us. Thats how most of the world is. We own and so everyone hates us.

Gedrin has his own opinions, and I think they were well brought out. Although I dont agree with them, I still respect it.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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We dont threaten their aid you idiot, because liberals like you would be crying.
Wtf, I am a liberal because? Oh wait, because you are a moron who thinks everyone who hates Bush or something like that is a liberal, it's not remotely insulting.
and we were the 1st on the moon. Our space program kills theirs.
Ohhh, so does that equal having the first space station/man/probe/ship/probe to the moon/satelite. Ok..
And yeah you arnt American, so you hate us. Thats how most of the world is.
Because so many Americans are fat lazy idiots and there government is corrupt and full of shit.
Gedrin has his own opinions, and I think they were well brought out. Although I dont agree with them, I still respect it.
Basically you are ignoring them.

Gedrin you are right, it is very unlikely they would fight, and allies would be involved but it doesn't stop the fact that either country can say it's better.


Aug 16, 2004
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you know whats stupid? is how everyone whos a different race feel the right that they should mention that they are asian, or RUSSIAN (kuzmich) or african american every 10 f#$$INg seconds. or that they must always include there race in any topic (kuzmich).... exspecially those AZN_PRIDE people... of course im asian and im proud but i dont f@#%Ing scream that out at the top of my lungs... people like that give their race a bad rep


Oct 22, 2003
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ORC-r0x0r-ROC said:
Wtf, I am a liberal because? Oh wait, because you are a moron who thinks everyone who hates Bush or something like that is a liberal, it's not remotely insulting. Ohhh, so does that equal having the first space station/man/probe/ship/probe to the moon/satelite. Ok.. Because so many Americans are fat lazy idiots and there government is corrupt and full of shit. Basically you are ignoring them.

Gedrin you are right, it is very unlikely they would fight, and allies would be involved but it doesn't stop the fact that either country can say it's better.

Your telling me you arnt a liberal? lol

And it dosent matter if they had the 1st probe in space, who has more space technology now?

And your calling us fat and lazy idiots even though were working our ass off to send your 3rd world country aid. I can just tell by the way you flap your lips your country is inferior to ours in freedom, technology, and military


Nov 23, 2003
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dreamcrusader said:
Your telling me you arnt a liberal? lol

And it dosent matter if they had the 1st probe in space, who has more space technology now?

And your calling us fat and lazy idiots even though were working our ass off to send your 3rd world country aid. I can just tell by the way you flap your lips your country is inferior to ours in freedom, technology, and military
[glow=red]He is from UK, it is a 1st world country, and they are anything but poor. Anyway freedom is a relative characteristic. You still have laws in US, which restrict your freedom. If you mean freedom of speach and owning guns, well its nothing. I rather not have biased media telling me what to think, and kids brining guns to school and shooting other people. I rather keep my freedom of thought.[/glow]


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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dreamcrusader, shut up.

roxxor, no most americans are not fat lazy idiots. hell, walking down the street i do sometimes think "lets see how many people really are fat" and i see some, mostly older women, but not nearly as many people are fat as youd think. if your bmi is over 25 your considered overweight. im around 22 and im skinny as a ****ing pole. im trying to GAIN weight. stop arguing with dreamcrusader, hes a dumbass and hes going to leave a worse impression about americans than you already have -.- trust me, all americans arent idiots.

and dreamcrusader. do you know what a liberal is? i have a lot of liberal views. im pro abortion, for legalization of drugs, for legalization of prostitution, and a few other major things..

rather not have biased media telling me what to think, and kids brining guns to school and shooting other people.
biased media? the media controls itself. it plays what it wants. if it gives false information it loses credibility. but it is there to make money, so it shows stories people want to hear. i have a question. what media ISNT biased? tell me where you get your information. and tell me how its not biased in some way (owners views, making money, ect.)

and your bitching about school shootings? i thought you were bragging about howrussians killed eachother regularly.


Oct 22, 2003
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amrtin77 said:
dreamcrusader, shut up.

roxxor, no most americans are not fat lazy idiots. hell, walking down the street i do sometimes think "lets see how many people really are fat" and i see some, mostly older women, but not nearly as many people are fat as youd think. if your bmi is over 25 your considered overweight. im around 22 and im skinny as a ****ing pole. im trying to GAIN weight. stop arguing with dreamcrusader, hes a dumbass and hes going to leave a worse impression about americans than you already have -.- trust me, all americans arent idiots.

and dreamcrusader. do you know what a liberal is? i have a lot of liberal views. im pro abortion, for legalization of drugs, for legalization of prostitution, and a few other major things..

biased media? the media controls itself. it plays what it wants. if it gives false information it loses credibility. but it is there to make money, so it shows stories people want to hear. i have a question. what media ISNT biased? tell me where you get your information. and tell me how its not biased in some way (owners views, making money, ect.)

and your bitching about school shootings? i thought you were bragging about howrussians killed eachother regularly.

Yeah, out of the things you listed(pro abortion, for legalization of drugs, for legalization of prostitution, and a few other major things.. ) I agree with none of them. I know what a liberal is. Its a pussy that whines about the words "Under god" in the pledge, a person who huges tress and a person that whines about wanting gays to get married. Sorry to sterotype but most liberals are that way. I watch Fox News. They have balanced covarage of both sides going at it which I like to see and learn from. CBS just got caught with memo-gate, CNN(Or the Clinton News Network) is as liberal as ****, and same with all of the newspapers.
So **** you amrtin77 and stfu. In a time of war you people are the last thing we need for this country. All liberals do is bitch about this and that. period


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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dreamcrusader said:
Yeah, out of the things you listed(pro abortion, for legalization of drugs, for legalization of prostitution, and a few other major things.. ) I agree with none of them. I know what a liberal is. Its a pussy that whines about the words "Under god" in the pledge, a person who huges tress and a person that whines about wanting gays to get married. Sorry to sterotype but most liberals are that way. I watch Fox News. They have balanced covarage of both sides going at it which I like to see and learn from. CBS just got caught with memo-gate, CNN(Or the Clinton News Network) is as liberal as ****, and same with all of the newspapers.
So **** you amrtin77 and stfu. In a time of war you people are the last thing we need for this country. All liberals do is bitch about this and that. period
not true at all. only the EXTREME left are the way you describe liberals. hell, i was for the war in iraq. i may join the marines when i get out of school. and i have some liberal views. im no treehugger. the environment is something i dont think about too often.. maybe i should.

extreme liberals AND extreme conservatives are equally retarded. the extreme left is unrealistic as **** and really DOES just bitch about anything just so they can bitch. but your averabe liberal person isnt like that.

the extreme right is just as stupid. they seem to be bloodthirsty assholes that think theyre superior to everyone because of their belief in god. but your average conservative isnt bad. im more centrist than anything... but i think i have more liberal views than conservative.

im for homosexual marraige. why are you against it? its against your religion? you know thats no reason. seperation of church and state...

i like this definition of liberal "Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded."

too bad so many extremists who say theyre open minded and for equality go too farand end up being unequal/racist themselves

i believe in the freedom to do whatever you want until you interfere with someone elses freedoms.

please quit being stupid.


Oct 22, 2003
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ok I see what your saying and although I consider myself a conservative I am not an extream conservative. I like to keep my options open minded. I support your decsicion to join your countrys military, which I will do the same. My christian belifs tell why I do not support gay marraige. And if were suppose to "tolorate" other peoples belifs how come "most" liberals do not tolorate us Christians belifs? Its to the point in America were we cant display a scene of Jesuses birth in like a park, nd the words "under god" out of our pledge. We arnt allowed to call it "Christmas" break in our winter freedom, or arnt able to pray in some public schools, or before a football match. I dont want to sound like im complaining(although some of these things make me mad) but no one wants to "tolorate" our belifs. Thats one reason. But beside the fact liberals are the ones that do complain about this "war". Most of them anyway


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red]If you mean the war on Iraq, there is a lot to complain about. One thing being that it has no point.[/glow]


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Dec 23, 2003
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Your telling me you arnt a liberal? lol
Hmm definition of liberal: (of a political party or a country) believing in or allowing more personal freedom and a development towards a fairer sharing of wealth and power within society. Well for one I am not a part of a political party, but the rest of it seems nothing insulting.
And your calling us fat and lazy idiots even though were working our ass off to send your 3rd world country aid.
Hey I am just going by facts and people I know have been to America and spotted too many fat people, it is a common generalisation of your country now.
roxxor, no most americans are not fat lazy idiots.
I never said that, I just said so many and a lot just are complete wankers/idiots I know that you aren't I don't know about personal appearence but you don't seem as from my point of view like a arrogant prick.
I watch Fox News. They have balanced covarage of both sides going at it which I like to see and learn from.


Sep 18, 2003
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Actually you're supposed to be able to pray in schools as long as all religions are able to pray within reason.

As for the pledge the words under God were not in the original version which should have been retained in the first place. Forcing people to say the words under God shows a bias in religion. Just answer me this if an Indian teacher made you say hail lord Ganesha before every class yould that bother you?

Also although we don't call it christmas break you're still getting out of school for weeks, so what's the differnce as long as you get to celebrate it at home. I have had just as many fanatical christian conservatives bitching about halloween, and I love haloween.

Even though I am a liberal I oppose gay marriage. I have no problem with some new kind of legal union, but it should be seperate. The reason for this is that the seperation of church and state means not only that religion should not be imposed through government, but also the government should not be able to impose changes in the church.

So there you have it a liberal who opposes gay marriage on seperation of church and state issues.


Oct 22, 2003
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Kuzmich their is a point to the Iraq war. Take out the dictator, set them up a new gov type.

oxroc or whatever the **** your name is, I was right about you being a liberal and the generalization about fat people is bullshit. Their is alot of obiese people in our country but that dosent mean everyone. The only reason you dont like Fox News is because its the only network that challenges your Al gazera bullshit programs.

And Gedrin I dont mean that the "under god" should be enforced, I know some classmates that dont say the pledge because of it. But taking it out is stupid. I have a problem when at school im not "alowed" to say Christmas break. Im not allowed. Think thats fair? And if an Indian teacher made me say a different pledge I just wouldnt do it.


Nov 23, 2003
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dreamcrusader said:
Kuzmich their is a point to the Iraq war. Take out the dictator, set them up a new gov type.
[glow=red]Thing is Iraqie people don't want that. Expecially since US army killed more Iraqie civilians in 2 years then Saddam did in 12 years.[/glow]


Oct 22, 2003
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lol, he was a threat to us and the countrys around him. And most of the Iraqs do want it. They get to have a democracy, vote, and free speech. Who dosent want that? And dont forget your countrys little hic-up in Afghanistan....


Nov 23, 2003
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dreamcrusader said:
lol, he was a threat to us and the countrys around him. And most of the Iraqs do want it. They get to have a democracy, vote, and free speech. Who dosent want that? And dont forget your countrys little hic-up in Afghanistan....
[glow=red]Iraqie people don't want democracy, because US came and killed Iraqie people. Saddam was no threat to anyone. Anyway you are retarded. How is Afghanistan related to anything?[/glow]


Oct 22, 2003
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omfg, Saddam wasnt a threat? lol. You are a dumbass. Hes invaded Kuwait, Isreal, and has supported terrism. And I was talking about when your country invaded Afghanastan. Didnt turn out that well huh?


Nov 23, 2003
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dreamcrusader said:
omfg, Saddam wasnt a threat? lol. You are a dumbass. Hes invaded Kuwait, Isreal, and has supported terrism. And I was talking about when your country invaded Afghanastan. Didnt turn out that well huh?
[glow=red]And, so? You are a dumb one here. 10 thousand iraqie civilians were killed by US forces, god knows how many innocents are imprisoned and tortured as we speak. Saddam didn't do any of this, US did. The war is not justified. You should have looked for Osama who was at afghanistan during all this time.[/glow]

Undead Cheese

Aug 3, 2003
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You're going to say Saddam didn't kill his own people and torture and imprison innocents? Even the far left will agree to that to some extent.

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