Whats Wrong With Russia


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Dec 23, 2003
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thats all you think about, is oil.
Meh, oil is becoming rarer and rarer a chance to get tons of it didn't get passed up by Bush.
And Sudam has killed way more than we did in a ten year period. Hes used biological weapons on his own people
He killed kurds, a lot of these killings were probally made up by U.S to get the people against Saddam this is called propaganda.
You country didnt lose 2000+ people on 9/11 so you can bitch all you want because nothing you say is going to stop us from getting rid of the ones who did it.
2 planes have crashed in his country a school has been taken hostage and many children killed. Lots of terrorists have attacked Russia so don't keep with this "OMFG U.S IS INNOCENT AND IT GETS ATTACKED NO ONE ELSE HAS HAD THIS HAPPEN TO THEM" The people who were directly involved died on the plane -.-.
And btw, the Iraq people didnt have any freedom so they lost nothing.
They had more freedom than they do now, they afraid to cross the road, they have lost people. They are always being harassed constant and cannot rest or relax.


Oct 22, 2003
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ORC-r0x0r-ROC said:
Meh, oil is becoming rarer and rarer a chance to get tons of it didn't get passed up by Bush. He killed kurds, a lot of these killings were probally made up by U.S to get the people against Saddam this is called propaganda. 2 planes have crashed in his country a school has been taken hostage and many children killed. Lots of terrorists have attacked Russia so don't keep with this "OMFG U.S IS INNOCENT AND IT GETS ATTACKED NO ONE ELSE HAS HAD THIS HAPPEN TO THEM" The people who were directly involved died on the plane -.-. They had more freedom than they do now, they afraid to cross the road, they have lost people. They are always being harassed constant and cannot rest or relax.

I honestly dont care what you think. Lots of children died in 9/11 and besides, your just a liberal pussy. And what the **** do you mean they are afraid to cross the road? In some places sure, but liberated places, no. Im tired of liberal shit heads whining about everything the US does.


Nov 23, 2003
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dreamcrusader said:
thats all you think about, is oil. Thats just liberal bullshit. And Sudam has killed way more than we did in a ten year period. Hes used biological weapons on his own people. I think everyone here thinks that Afghanastan was a right war. Al-Quida was everywere there. Sorry Kuzmich but you seem like a liberal pussy whos gonna whine about everything the US does. You country didnt lose 2000+ people on 9/11 so you can bitch all you want because nothing you say is going to stop us from getting rid of the ones who did it. In the Iraq case, Ive pointed out all the things they have done. And btw, the Iraq people didnt have any freedom so they lost nothing. Your only contridicting yourself when you say that your Afghan war was right and ours was wrong

[glow=red]I am not a liberal, and you are much more of a pussy then i am. I know that you wanted revenge, but you should have taken it out on Alqueda not on Iraq which had nothing to do with anything. You killed more Iraqies then he did thats a fact. Just admit it, you are not the good guys thats all i want from you. War is war the one who won is always right, i just want you to admit that you acted out of your selfishness and greed not out of your kindness. Don't start on that 9/11 crap with me. Its nothing 2000 people, for most countries that wouldn't mean much. Chechen terrorists killed many more Russian civilians then Al Quaeda ever did Americans. Why don't you stop crying about how you are heroes and all that bullshit. Iraqie people had freedom, you idiot. Russia tries to take revnege on those who are responsible, US just made a random, unjustified attack on Iraq while it should have been fighting Al Queda.[/glow]

dreamcrusader said:
I honestly dont care what you think. Lots of children died in 9/11 and besides, your just a liberal pussy. And what the **** do you mean they are afraid to cross the road? In some places sure, but liberated places, no. Im tired of liberal shit heads whining about everything the US does.
[glow=red]And i am tired of a ignorant redneck idiot thinking that he is right. While he is actually wrong.

I am not a liberal you idiot, i live in another country, this is a thrid person veiw, i am not a democrat or republican, i don't give a shit about who gets elected in your country. I wish you would try to call me a pussy to my face, that would be fun beating the shit out of you, setting you straight. All people who say truth are in your eyes pussies, well you are truly a retard then.[/glow]


Oct 22, 2003
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Kuzmich said:
[glow=red]I am not a liberal, and you are much more of a pussy then i am. I know that you wanted revenge, but you should have taken it out on Alqueda not on Iraq which had nothing to do with anything. You killed more Iraqies then he did thats a fact. Just admit it, you are not the good guys thats all i want from you. War is war the one who won is always right, i just want you to admit that you acted out of your selfishness and greed not out of your kindness. Don't start on that 9/11 crap with me. Its nothing 2000 people, for most countries that wouldn't mean much. Chechen terrorists killed many more Russian civilians then Al Quaeda ever did Americans. Why don't you stop crying about how you are heroes and all that bullshit. Iraqie people had freedom, you idiot. Russia tries to take revnege on those who are responsible, US just made a random, unjustified attack on Iraq while it should have been fighting Al Queda.[/glow]

[glow=red]And i am tired of a ignorant redneck idiot thinking that he is right. While he is actually wrong.

I am not a liberal you idiot, i live in another country, this is a thrid person veiw, i am not a democrat or republican, i don't give a shit about who gets elected in your country. I wish you would try to call me a pussy to my face, that would be fun beating the shit out of you, setting you straight. All people who say truth are in your eyes pussies, well you are truly a retard then.[/glow]

you are a pussy Kuzmich. I said it to your face. I dont know why you continue to ignore every point I have I have made. He has attacked our allies, and he has killed more people than we have(If you show me a link on the civilion casualties he has caused compared to us I might reconsider). Hes funded the terrorists that we have encouterd and has ignored the 17 UN resolutions that he signed at the end of the Gulf War. And btw, the points that you are bringing up(oil, civilians, etc etc) I have only heard from liberals. That means on the news, and personal. Thats why I made that judgement. And Al-Quda is really hurt right now. After we beat Afghanastan they are broken.

Now listen. Civilian casualties are bad. Im not saying they arnt. They are an unfortanante loss to whomever county. But is your judging a war based on that fact, thats not very educated. Does this mean the US should have stayed out of WW2? We killed tons of civilians there! I bet we killed a good 30k in just bombing raids. But we still had to go. Iraq in this case, we had to because(see the points I brought up in the paragraph above). I realize we have killed 10000+ civilians, but we try our best to keep them at a minimum. And Im sure that once Iraq is liberated and in the future, they will look back in a posative way. There economy will be alot more stable, they will have an organized voting system, free spech, their own good military and other. The points that you are making my friend is all liberal bullshit. Ive seen in your previous posts that you arnt to kind to liberal bullshit, but yet you are mouthing it all off.

As a question did you support the war in Afghanastan from your country in the 80's? You killed plenty of civilians, and your previous posts consider "it was for expansion". Do you think that was a right war?


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red]Then i said tell it to my face i meant to my actual face. What i am saying isn't bullshit its the truth what you are saying is bullshit, and actually wait, i get it. You are the one who is a liberal pussy, you look at what the biased news tell you and you agree with it cause it suites your personal belifs although it isn't true. Iraqies will never like you because you are the agressors you came in striped them of any pride they had, took away their rights, all why? Because their leader was acting unamerican? Hell, one thing i like about Putin is that he is acting unamerican. You can't judge other nations comparing it to yours, they jsut have a different way of life, not neccerarry worse then yours. Alright lets say the war is justified, but the only reason i see for that is that you are stronger so you had the right to invade, thats the reason enough. Now what i completely disagree with is that you seem to think that america has some other interests exept the selfish need to expand influence and to get oil. Al Quaeda is not suffering. Look, new terrorists groups are formed every day now, thx to the war you started. New members are being trained in Al Queads camps as we speak. Now the whole middle east hates you more then ever before, and they have every right to hate you. Oh and you have killed more civilians in two years then Saddam killed in 10. Thats a fact, go ahead try to proove me wrong. [/glow]


Oct 22, 2003
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Kuzmich said:
[glow=red]Then i said tell it to my face i meant to my actual face. What i am saying isn't bullshit its the truth what you are saying is bullshit, and actually wait, i get it. You are the one who is a liberal pussy, you look at what the biased news tell you and you agree with it cause it suites your personal belifs although it isn't true. Iraqies will never like you because you are the agressors you came in striped them of any pride they had, took away their rights, all why? Because their leader was acting unamerican? Hell, one thing i like about Putin is that he is acting unamerican. You can't judge other nations comparing it to yours, they jsut have a different way of life, not neccerarry worse then yours. Alright lets say the war is justified, but the only reason i see for that is that you are stronger so you had the right to invade, thats the reason enough. Now what i completely disagree with is that you seem to think that america has some other interests exept the selfish need to expand influence and to get oil. Al Quaeda is not suffering. Look, new terrorists groups are formed every day now, thx to the war you started. New members are being trained in Al Queads camps as we speak. Now the whole middle east hates you more then ever before, and they have every right to hate you. Oh and you have killed more civilians in two years then Saddam killed in 10. Thats a fact, go ahead try to proove me wrong. [/glow]

Ill continue this debate when you answer my question.


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red]Yes i think that war was right. But notice i am not saying that we tried to be the good guys and to stabilize them, we tried to take them, simple as that, same thing you are doing in Iraq, exept we weren't covering our intensions with such stupid things as to establish a democracy or to free those people.[/glow]


Oct 22, 2003
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Kuzmich said:
[glow=red]Yes i think that war was right. But notice i am not saying that we tried to be the good guys and to stabilize them, we tried to take them, simple as that, same thing you are doing in Iraq, exept we weren't covering our intensions with such stupid things as to establish a democracy or to free those people.[/glow]

How the **** can you say it was a right war? You tried to "take" them. I think thaty reason is alot worse than the ones im bringing up


Nov 23, 2003
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dreamcrusader said:
How the **** can you say it was a right war? You tried to "take" them. I think thaty reason is alot worse than the ones im bringing up

[glow=red]Oh, god. Look i support it because my country did it. Because i am a patriot, we have a right to expand, we never said that we gonna do anything good to those people. You doing the same thing to Iraq but you are trying to hide your true intensions under false promises of freedom and better way of life.

I say it again, Afghanistan was a right war.[/glow]


Oct 22, 2003
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Kuzmich said:
[glow=red]Oh, god. Look i support it because my country did it. Because i am a patriot, we have a right to expand, we never said that we gonna do anything good to those people. You doing the same thing to Iraq but you are trying to hide your true intensions under false promises of freedom and better way of life.

I say it again, Afghanistan was a right war.[/glow]

And I do the same, support my country. But is your think Afghanastan was a right war because "you had the right to expand" and not think Iraq was right then you obvoiusly dont like the war simply because Americas in it. I dont want to argue about how freedom and life will work out for the Iraq's in the future. I bet that only after the war is over, which could be a few years, time will tell. I think we will both agree to that. Am I wrong?


Nov 23, 2003
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dreamcrusader said:
And I do the same, support my country. But is your think Afghanastan was a right war because "you had the right to expand" and not think Iraq was right then you obvoiusly dont like the war simply because Americas in it. I dont want to argue about how freedom and life will work out for the Iraq's in the future. I bet that only after the war is over, which could be a few years, time will tell. I think we will both agree to that. Am I wrong?

[glow=red]I repeatedly said that war in Iraq is right. Because you are stronger then them. But the fact that you are trying you are trying to hide the true reasons for the war which are selfish reasons as were the reasons for USSR invading Afghanistan. I just want you to realize that americans aren't the good guys, Iraqies aren't the good guys, no one is a good guy. Nations have their personal goals and they want to reach them, all the rest of the world can go to hell. Thats how world works, and it doesn't mean that this is bad. Yeah i agree, time will tell.[/glow]


Oct 22, 2003
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I see what your saying. And I agree to an extent, but I do think that we are helping the middle east as a whole. But with that comes the same answer that only time will tell what we did was right, as only time will tell is the Iraq's will benifit from our invasion. Glad we debated on this.


Sep 29, 2004
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Oh wow, I couldnt be bothered to read through all of the pages to see how stupid Kuzmich is.

What happend was.. Dudayev, former general of Russia, declaired independance from Russia in 1991 once he was elected president in Chechnya. He started an anti Russia movement IN Chechnya, he wanted to SEPARATE from Russia, a lot of people didn't believe they should, so he enforced it. So, the outcome was fighting between the anti and pro Dudayev in Chechnya. Russia of course backed up the Anti Dudayev, but without any force. Why did Yeltsin invade later? There are economic factors to consider. Chechnya and its neighboring Caucasian republics provide access to the oil-rich Caspian, with a major pipieline running through Chechnya.

What Dudayev he wanted to do was create and ANTI RUSSIAN nation, for what Stalin has done to them. I dont agree with Stalins rulings, but thats past and what Dudayev did was make a mistake.

NOW, Yeltsin, is THE WORST "ruler" that Russia has EVER had. He came to power and completely and totaly destroyed Russias economies, the people in the country started to starve while his, the people who worked for him, the mafia, the greedy mans pockets got REAL FAT. And I mean like, BILLIONS fat. Billions have been transfered to the WEST, the army is demoralized, left for nothing..

At 19, you HAVE to go to the Army in Russia. It is a manditory thing. I have left Russia because of that. I lived on the coast of the black sea, and there was a 90% chance I would have to be sent out to fight the rebels in Chechnya.

The war was and still is about money, and Putin cannot just STOP it like the government did with Afghan. Too many people have suffered there.

And who every started the topic please don't tell me that you approve the action of MURDERING CHILDREN. As a good reason for what Russia has done to Chechnen people... PLEASE BOMB the GOVERNMENT. Terrorist NEED to attack who is RESPONSIBLE. Killing innocent children is COWARDLY and further more disgraces, what once was a peaceful religion, Islam.

This is a long ass post, but now lets talk about America and how you 12 year olds are screaming that USA would win.

1. The war would NEVER happen.. why? Another WW3 anyone?
2. Russia has defeated the worst and the strongers rulers at its WORST times. Hitler at his best, couldnt defeat Russia. The Mongolian Rule held Russia broken apart for a long time, the faithful people, beat the mongolians off. Napolean? A BRILLIAN strategist.. fell to Russia. History Proves itself many times.
3. We cannot say who has "better" equipment. But I now live in Canada and I have served here. The Equipment here is better then what the US has and its still crap. If you want to talk Rifle power? The AK47 has always been a better rifle then a M4A1.

Don't discuss things that are just impossible and wont happen. If these 2 nations collided, not many would stay alive.

Okay, this brings me to Mr. G. W. Bush. Please don't tell me that the Invasion of Iraq is justified? The killings of over 2 million (note thats 2 Chechnya's) people to capture one man is justified? Hey, I agree with Mr. Bush and I'd vote for him over Kerry any day. What he needs to do is Handle things more differently. I am not a war strategist, so I will not talk about tactics. It is now in the past.

What here now is, Global Terrorism.. what that means is.. if you LIKE America, or if you LIKE Russia, or if you HELP the Jews, TERRORISM WILL TOUCH YOU. One way or another. This is an issue we ALL need to adress and stop.

And just as it happens to be.. CHECHNYA is a HOME for Terrorists.

Putin on public television said, "We crushed, and will continue to Crush terrorism, even in the shitter." YOU CANNOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS. You allow them 1 thing, they will keep on doing it that way to get what they want.

Come out of the box and think about how the world NEEDS to be and what we as people need to do about it.

Kuzmich, read more.


Nov 23, 2003
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Andrei said:
Oh wow, I couldnt be bothered to read through all of the pages to see how stupid Kuzmich is.

What happend was.. Dudayev, former general of Russia, declaired independance from Russia in 1991 once he was elected president in Chechnya. He started an anti Russia movement IN Chechnya, he wanted to SEPARATE from Russia, a lot of people didn't believe they should, so he enforced it. So, the outcome was fighting between the anti and pro Dudayev in Chechnya. Russia of course backed up the Anti Dudayev, but without any force.

What he wanted to do was create and ANTI RUSSIAN nation, for what Stalin has done to them. I dont agree with Stalins rulings, but thats past and what Dudayev did was make a mistake.

NOW, Yeltsin, is THE WORST "ruler" that Russia has EVER had. He came to power and completely and totaly destroyed Russias economies, the people in the country started to starve while his, the people who worked for him, the mafia, the greedy mans pockets got REAL FAT. And I mean like, BILLIONS fat.

At 19, you HAVE to go to the Army in Russia. It is a manditory thing. I have left Russia because of that. I lived on the coast of the black sea, and there was a 90% chance I would have to be sent out to fight the rebels in Chechnya.

The war was and still is about money, and Putin cannot just STOP it like the government did with Afghan. Too many people have suffered there.

And who every started the topic please don't tell me that you approve the action of MURDERING CHILDREN. As a good reason for what Russia has done to Chechnen people... PLEASE BOMB the GOVERNMENT. Terrorist NEED to attack who is RESPONSIBLE. Killing innocent children is COWARDLY and further more disgraces, what once was a peaceful religion, Islam.

This is a long ass post, but now lets talk about America and how you 12 year olds are screaming that USA would win.

1. The war would NEVER happen.. why? Another WW3 anyone?
2. Russia has defeated the worst and the strongers rulers at its WORST times. Hitler at his best, couldnt defeat Russia. The Mongolian Rule held Russia broken apart for a long time, the faithful people, beat the mongolians off. Napolean? A BRILLIAN strategist.. fell to Russia. History Proves itself many times.
3. We cannot say who has "better" equipment. But I now live in Canada and I have served here. The Equipment here is better then what the US has and its still crap. If you want to talk Rifle power? The AK47 has always been a better rifle then a M4A1.

Don't discuss things that are just impossible and wont happen. If these 2 nations collided, not many would stay alive.

Okay, this brings me to Mr. G. W. Bush. Please don't tell me that the Invasion of Iraq is justified? The killings of over 2 million (note thats 2 Chechnya's) people to capture one man is justified? Hey, I agree with Mr. Bush and I'd vote for him over Kerry any day. What he needs to do is Handle things more differently. I am not a war strategist, so I will not talk about tactics. It is now in the past.

What here now is, Global Terrorism.. what that means is.. if you LIKE America, or if you LIKE Russia, or if you HELP the Jews, TERRORISM WILL TOUCH YOU. One way or another. This is an issue we ALL need to adress and stop.

And just as it happens to be.. CHECHNYA is a HOME for Terrorists.

Putin on public television said, "We crushed, and will continue to Crush terrorism, even in the shitter." YOU CANNOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS. You allow them 1 thing, they will keep on doing it that way to get what they want.

Come out of the box and think about how the world NEEDS to be and what we as people need to do about it.

Kuzmich, read more.
[glow=red]You have to be 18 you idiot. And also

Shto za hui ti tut nesesh ah? Blaidi da ti idiot. ya necgda negovoril shto Yeltsin horoshie president, ati vobshe predatil, kto ti takoi shto bi mne shto to govoriti? Ia poidu v armiu a trusi kak ti doljni bit ubiti, vi pazorite nashu stranu. Tak shto poshol na hui suka.

Che ti vobshe naijaish to, ah? Ia tebe shto to scazal? Ti soglasilsia so mnoi vo vsem shto ia scazal i ti menia zavesh tupim? Nu shto mne tebe skazati, zasohni pleseni.[/glow]


Sep 29, 2004
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Okay Kuzmitch.. I would translate, but I am not familiar with "swearing" rules on these boards since im "NEW".

OKAY, I respond in english since this is an ENGLISH board. Everyone should read and be active.

Now, you say that YOU will go to the Army and COWARDS like me should die? Hmm, let me see.. if you don't agree with something should you be forced to die for it? If I believed in the war I would die for my country without a question. I am not a coward, never was, never will be.

I'm sorry I misspelled the 9 for the 8 there. Also, I think you would know, right now once you GRADUATE from school, in the first days after, you, your class are taken to the army, RIGHT out of school. So my guess is, you are STILL in school.

Why I confronted you, was because of your "EVERY COUNTRY NEEDS TO EXPAND, ITS ONLY NORMAL. WHAT RUSSIA IS DOING IS EXPANDING." This is not the midevil times anymore kid. What if tomorrow, Russia says, HMMM Ukrain, you have always been a part of Russia and we defended you from the Pols for years! Join us or be defeated..
AND at the same time, USA went and said, CANADA You are RIGHT Above us. We want your great wide land, Join us or be defeated!

Is this your Idea of right? Then the world, like before, would be in constant battle. You wouldnt be able to go to school safe, have a family and live a long and boring life like we all do now.

Next time, write in english. So everyone can understand how much of an idiot you are.


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red]I will graduate then i am 17 i will have another year before the army. You are a coward you have refused to serve your country. You are the one who is an idiot. Damn people like you are the once who robbed Russia of all its possesions during the years of reconstruction. People like you are the once that try to make money for themselves regardless of the effects it will have on the country as a whole. I am right and you are wrong. You might be older then me, but if you think that war in Chechnya is wrong then you are an immature idiot, and i think i should start calling you a kid too, hey its all fun. Anyway, how about you proove to me that you are right. This is what we do here, we debate, give me atleast some facts that proove that Chechen war isn't right.

Nations don't care about human life, they care about themselves. Thats how world runs, read some books, or check the news maybe you will become less ignorant.

Ah bliadi Ruskie cheloveck, a tokaia svenia, horosho shto tebia net v rossie odnim predurcom menishe.[/glow]


Sep 29, 2004
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Ahh, there we go, mr. debator. For one, if your dad havent tought you, you can't really say I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG. We are obviously way different people, and have different belives.

Now, I do think its wrong, at where it is not, it's wrong. The war lasted for over 10 years, in a country of only 1 million. WHY? TELL ME WHY GOD DAMN IT? BECAUSE IT IS PROFITABLE FOR OUR GOVERNMENT. This war is NOT about conquest or RUSSIA IS DEFENDING THEM FROM TERRORISTS. IT IS NOW ABOUT MONEY.

If you think I am a coward because I dont want to bleed for some fat mans pockets. Then you are a fool, and you will die a fool. Also, people like me try to make money for myself? Hey, I got a family to feed and look after, not a country which ONLY fu*** me. You dont know how hard it is yet, you are still in school. Wait till you start to live on your own, wait till you meet the real "people", not kids like you.

Hey, my parents paid their taxes, but once my dad was out of a job, he HAD to leave. AND PLEASE don't try to tell me that there are a lot of decent jobs to feed a large family.

As I said, look outside the box. Family first. I dont care if I leave, drop my country, I did what I could, and I didnt work there. Now, my life in Canada is great, I can now help my grandparents and cousins back in Russia with money, I still go visit, matter of fact I was back in Krasnodar in August..


Nov 23, 2003
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Andrei said:
Ahh, there we go, mr. debator. For one, if your dad havent tought you, you can't really say I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG. We are obviously way different people, and have different belives.

Now, I do think its wrong, at where it is not, it's wrong. The war lasted for over 10 years, in a country of only 1 million. WHY? TELL ME WHY GOD DAMN IT? BECAUSE IT IS PROFITABLE FOR OUR GOVERNMENT. This war is NOT about conquest or RUSSIA IS DEFENDING THEM FROM TERRORISTS. IT IS NOW ABOUT MONEY.

If you think I am a coward because I dont want to bleed for some fat mans pockets. Then you are a fool, and you will die a fool. Also, people like me try to make money for myself? Hey, I got a family to feed and look after, not a country which ONLY fu*** me. You dont know how hard it is yet, you are still in school. Wait till you start to live on your own, wait till you meet the real "people", not kids like you.

Hey, my parents paid their taxes, but once my dad was out of a job, he HAD to leave. AND PLEASE don't try to tell me that there are a lot of decent jobs to feed a large family.

As I said, look outside the box. Family first. I dont care if I leave, drop my country, I did what I could, and I didnt work there. Now, my life in Canada is great, I can now help my grandparents and cousins back in Russia with money, I still go visit, matter of fact I was back in Krasnodar in August..

[glow=red]I think i met some real people. I am in 11th grade. I can stand up for myself, and if you ever lived in Russia you must know that you have to stand up for yourself. I am not afraid of skinheads, or whoever else tries to **** with me and my freinds. I agree there is corruption and it must be fought. But what else are we to do? Quit trying like you have? WE can't just make all the bad guys pay. Its not up to us to decide, we are jsut doing what we are told to do. I would gladly shoot Lebedev or another asshole who ruined lives of 10s of thousands of russian families. But i can't, all i can do is do my part in making sure that things liek Beslan don't happen anymore.[/glow]


Sep 29, 2004
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As I said man, my family is first to me. I am a strong patriot, but I belive in the better ways of things. I dont see why you would have to worry about skinheads if you are a "pure" russian.

My suggestion, you HAVE to make it. At all costs, you need to be a man and MAKE IT. I did not see that option in Russia, so I left. Now I see options here on having a new career a better life, and soon, a CANADIAN wife :). Everyone told me, take a Russian girl, go back and find one who will love you for ever.. but Love isnt culture to culture, I fell in love here, and it is great :).

My suggestion man, do what you can to MAKE it. Russia is not in the state of improving, and Putin can't fix it, it will take decades upon decade.

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