Oh wow, I couldnt be bothered to read through all of the pages to see how stupid Kuzmich is.
What happend was.. Dudayev, former general of Russia, declaired independance from Russia in 1991 once he was elected president in Chechnya. He started an anti Russia movement IN Chechnya, he wanted to SEPARATE from Russia, a lot of people didn't believe they should, so he enforced it. So, the outcome was fighting between the anti and pro Dudayev in Chechnya. Russia of course backed up the Anti Dudayev, but without any force. Why did Yeltsin invade later? There are economic factors to consider. Chechnya and its neighboring Caucasian republics provide access to the oil-rich Caspian, with a major pipieline running through Chechnya.
What Dudayev he wanted to do was create and ANTI RUSSIAN nation, for what Stalin has done to them. I dont agree with Stalins rulings, but thats past and what Dudayev did was make a mistake.
NOW, Yeltsin, is THE WORST "ruler" that Russia has EVER had. He came to power and completely and totaly destroyed Russias economies, the people in the country started to starve while his, the people who worked for him, the mafia, the greedy mans pockets got REAL FAT. And I mean like, BILLIONS fat. Billions have been transfered to the WEST, the army is demoralized, left for nothing..
At 19, you HAVE to go to the Army in Russia. It is a manditory thing. I have left Russia because of that. I lived on the coast of the black sea, and there was a 90% chance I would have to be sent out to fight the rebels in Chechnya.
The war was and still is about money, and Putin cannot just STOP it like the government did with Afghan. Too many people have suffered there.
And who every started the topic please don't tell me that you approve the action of MURDERING CHILDREN. As a good reason for what Russia has done to Chechnen people... PLEASE BOMB the GOVERNMENT. Terrorist NEED to attack who is RESPONSIBLE. Killing innocent children is COWARDLY and further more disgraces, what once was a peaceful religion, Islam.
This is a long ass post, but now lets talk about America and how you 12 year olds are screaming that USA would win.
1. The war would NEVER happen.. why? Another WW3 anyone?
2. Russia has defeated the worst and the strongers rulers at its WORST times. Hitler at his best, couldnt defeat Russia. The Mongolian Rule held Russia broken apart for a long time, the faithful people, beat the mongolians off. Napolean? A BRILLIAN strategist.. fell to Russia. History Proves itself many times.
3. We cannot say who has "better" equipment. But I now live in Canada and I have served here. The Equipment here is better then what the US has and its still crap. If you want to talk Rifle power? The AK47 has always been a better rifle then a M4A1.
Don't discuss things that are just impossible and wont happen. If these 2 nations collided, not many would stay alive.
Okay, this brings me to Mr. G. W. Bush. Please don't tell me that the Invasion of Iraq is justified? The killings of over 2 million (note thats 2 Chechnya's) people to capture one man is justified? Hey, I agree with Mr. Bush and I'd vote for him over Kerry any day. What he needs to do is Handle things more differently. I am not a war strategist, so I will not talk about tactics. It is now in the past.
What here now is, Global Terrorism.. what that means is.. if you LIKE America, or if you LIKE Russia, or if you HELP the Jews, TERRORISM WILL TOUCH YOU. One way or another. This is an issue we ALL need to adress and stop.
And just as it happens to be.. CHECHNYA is a HOME for Terrorists.
Putin on public television said, "We crushed, and will continue to Crush terrorism, even in the shitter." YOU CANNOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS. You allow them 1 thing, they will keep on doing it that way to get what they want.
Come out of the box and think about how the world NEEDS to be and what we as people need to do about it.
Kuzmich, read more.