[glow=red]So can we, Russia and India are working on the most advanced air to land missile right now. There will be no slughter expet for that we gonna cause to you. Because as i said most Russians been to the military and are trained. Good things about Russian made stuff is that it is cheap, reliable, and the best. Our anti aircraft systems are being installed as we speak. You don't have that many F-22s yet, and Mig-29 owns all the rest of your planes. We would just bomb your sea vessels or launch missile at them, its not that hard really. We can launch a misslie from Kursk that will hit a bird seating on the tree, in Washington. We can get your ships, and we will get your ships. Stealth fighters? Well if you see a radar signature of an object that looks like a bird, but is flying at supersonic speeds i think you gonna understand that its a stealth fighter.[/glow]