Whats Wrong With Russia


Sep 7, 2004
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Azeroth, where else?
[glow=red]Kokoi tebe ia droog? [/glow]

I was just trying to be nice...

Actually Russia was never bought in any way. It was and remains the second ,most powerful nation in the world and now is the closest ally to the US.


Nov 23, 2003
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dreamcrusader said:
What you have forgotton is ever since your country collapsed after the Cold War you have been bottled down with the same technology for years. You copied our F-16 designs and your Navy is a joke. How do you know our soldiers would run away? My ****ing god, you talk about how advanced your country is but you cant even make a complete sentance! Your just ignorant by the fact that your economy is gone and you cant fund a military to fight us. Everyone knows it to, your military isnt even half of what it was 30 years ago. Face it. And ill say it agian Reagan got rid of you guys as a threat. He bought you. End of story. Your economy is in shambles and so is your old and out dated military.
You might have some advance stuff up your sleeve but you will never have the economy to fully support it, as were we do. GG
[glow=red]We didn't copy your F-16 designs, and as i said in case of the american invasion no one in Russia will care about money. Our economy is growing. Only 5 years ago our whole budfet was 28 billion, now it is a 102 billion, if that growth continues then we gonna get enough money to fund all our research pretty soon. Su-37 wasn't tested in USSR it was tested after the collapse, and it is better then any american plane exept F-22. Su-47 is currently being tested in Russian Federation, we got 3 prototypes made. We will win that war, we can't hope for the offensive, but on defensive, on our soil, fighting for our soil we would win. Too much of blood of our forefathers has been spilled on that land for our great nation to just disappear, every Russian will fight till last breath.[/glow]

Undead Cheese

Aug 3, 2003
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Kuzmich seems to be under the misguided impression that Russia has more nukes than the United States, which just isn't true. Russia had more nukes than the United States from 1978-1999, but, as of 2002, the United States had 10,640 nuclear weapons where Russia had just 8,600. (link) Not that it would matter much, as a nuclear war would wipe out both sides. I don't understand why you people think the F-22's and SU-47's would even matter in a war between the USA and Russia. If the two nations went to war, one of them would eventually, if not immediately, use its nuclear arsenal.


Oct 22, 2003
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Kuzmich said:
[glow=red]We didn't copy your F-16 designs, and as i said in case of the american invasion no one in Russia will care about money. Our economy is growing. Only 5 years ago our whole budfet was 28 billion, now it is a 102 billion, if that growth continues then we gonna get enough money to fund all our research pretty soon. Su-37 wasn't tested in USSR it was tested after the collapse, and it is better then any american plane exept F-22. Su-47 is currently being tested in Russian Federation, we got 3 prototypes made. We will win that war, we can't hope for the offensive, but on defensive, on our soil, fighting for our soil we would win. Too much of blood of our forefathers has been spilled on that land for our great nation to just disappear, every Russian will fight till last breath.[/glow]
so your saying it would be a stalemate? You cant mop up a Navy to transport a large enough force and yet we can but your soil would be to hard to attack? Theirs some trueness to that, but I still belive you copied our F-16 designs and your economy isnt even close to what our is. Statisticly and visually. Im not a huge military unit expert but im Postitive we have some new stuff under our sleeve.


Nov 23, 2003
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dreamcrusader said:
so your saying it would be a stalemate? You cant mop up a Navy to transport a large enough force and yet we can but your soil would be to hard to attack? Theirs some trueness to that, but I still belive you copied our F-16 designs and your economy isnt even close to what our is. Statisticly and visually. Im not a huge military unit expert but im Postitive we have some new stuff under our sleeve.
[glow=red]And i know for sure that we have some stuff under ours. All of the Russian planes are completely different from F-16, thats because we invented them on our own. Mind giving a link to there it says that we did?[/glow]


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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Hell, here's some points for kuzmich (being so everyone is against him)
We ARE the best in the world. End of story.
us military budget is over 450 billion
How can you be so sure, other countries make planes with capabilitys surpassing US planes but still much cheaper, the US is so damn ineffiecient because it has enough money to piss around with. They spend millions on completely pointless tasks. A 3rd world country can do a lot more with a couple of billion than America.
by just looking at those numbers, i can conclude EASILY the usa would win a war with russia.
EASILY? Keeping Iraq isn't easy, with Russia you are not just fighting a army you are fighting a whole population, the people there aren't as tame as Americans and the French.
Note how the bombs n missles are attached to the wing (ie. they're not INSIDE the aircraft)...well... that sorta renders the plane's stealth capabilities useless...I for one, have never heard of missles and bombs coated with RAM.
A lot of stealth planes have weapons outside.
Russia is already in debt
Already? You say this like countries have only been in debt recently, America has bigger debt than a lot of countries.
so they would invade russia as well.
No, you are both wrong, Russia and China has close ties, they have many military training exercises together and are not likely to declare war on each other (I have said this in another thread).
We have the best trained ground(and sea) troops in the world as well (Navy Seals).
Lol! Assumptions, British SAS I dare say are better trained than navy seals *calls in Ammartin* (he knows a more than us about this area)
What are you going to do when you have the worlds largest army is allied with the USA and the USA is sending weapons and tanks to the large numbers of chinese? die? yes
Very stupid assumptions.
i think the chinese would definitly ally with the us against russia.
I think definately? What the hell? It isn't even likely they would ally with the US why does this keep on appearing in your posts?
maybe since the USA educates its military to where they can handle any sitation they get stuck in. Russia...RUN FOR THE GUNS AND DONT STOP. pretty big diffrerence.
Who said WW2 is not today?
accidentally shoot your foot or ally is all good.
A American complaining about friendly fire. Wow.
Your planes are copies of ours and your navy is a joke!
ROFL. Planes are copies? 2 examples of the top of my head. America copies the concorde, bit of more than they could chew and FAILED. The Joint strike fighter, one version tries to copy the harrier, it is too heavy, they can't even lift off, they are abandoning it. Biggest planes and subs made by Russia.
And Kuzmich, why are you defending Russia so much? They owe the Western governments over $150 Billion right now in money. That's just the western governments too.
7.4 trillion? Record deflicit, and if your president gets elected again......
You copied our F-16 designs
Really? When? What plane?
cant even make a complete sentance!
He's not the only who who has made mistakes and it is his second language.
your military isnt even half of what it was 30 years ago.
Why do you make stupid assumptions like that?
What you have forgotton is ever since your country collapsed after the Cold War you have been bottled down with the same technology for years.
A lot of countries have used old equipment including America. And they have new tanks, planes and rifles in the pipeline.
Your economy is in shambles and so is your old and out dated military.
Mehh..... again you always say things that can be completely untrue, no basis or anything stated as facts.

Undead cheese, I have read in books that Russia have more nukes, the books were made before 1999. Why be able to destroy the world twice over? You only need to do it once.

Undead Cheese

Aug 3, 2003
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You want large stockpiles in case you are attacked, so there is a greater chance that your nuclear arsenal won't be crippled.


Sep 7, 2004
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Azeroth, where else?
Does it actually matter what side is better? Both sides will be wiped out and onbody will be alive to say who the better side was- unless you live in some other country, and then the whole world will suffer from all sorts of stuff- including the greenhouse effects, causing the nuclear radiation to melt the polar icecaps, flooding the whole world and doing stuff like in The Day After Tommorow. Well thats my theory. Well we will all be dead so it doesn't matter who has more weaponry. All that matters is that we all have weapons...


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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One reply to all of that, pathetic. Jesus, the cold war the cold war, not a shot fired. It is pretty obvious thier military is more than half it was 30 years ago. You state random shit as facts.


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Jun 7, 2003
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AxL said:
RE: US Civil war

By your logic the Confederates had every right to seperate from the Union.
They did, they just didn't have the right to attack Fort Sumter.

US military being most technologically advanced one is pure bullshit that only ignorant americans beleive. Russian army got better tanks, better plains, and better infantry rifles. If you attack us we would win easily. About you making me look like an idiot. Ehm, well you see if i look like an idiot in the eyes of a complete moron, who is also american which makes him dumber then an average moron, i don't really care, i am jsut trying to get the facts across to you, maybe make you a little less ignorant and stupid.
Kuzmich is right here, and the Russian army could easily defend Russia from a US invasion.

You people have to much liberal propaganda in your head, thats why you are so damn ignorant.
Amen to that, all of the major news American news organizations, fox, cnn, etc do not actually have to report the truth by law. They do the news to make money, not to tell the news.

your forgetting one thing. Chechney(sp?) if you were at war with USA, chechney would rebel while you have your forces concentrated on an obvious east front. and hey, china has always wanted to flex their military might. so they would invade russia as well. What are you going to do when you have the worlds largest army is allied with the USA and the USA is sending weapons and tanks to the large numbers of chinese? die? yes
And your also forgetting that that the UN would be required to back up Russia if the US invaded Russia. Alot of countries wouldn't and the UN would basically fall apart and the world would probably fall into another World War. War is always a lose lose situation, so don't say it isn't for the US.

U.S. Advantages:
-Allies, Nato, and Seato.
-Money, we've pretty much always had more much money then Russia.
-Technology. I beleive on a educated guess that we have a better grip on technonolgy then Russia.
-Nukes. Yes, we most likely have more, and possibly better nukes then Russia.
-More population. If War mounted, we'd beat you in population.
1) The majority of NATO won't help the US in an unjust war against Russia, I myself believe that Iraq was justified and look at all the NATO countries in Iraq. Now think of this war which really is unjust and think of who would go in it.
2) Money doesn't matter, pre-ww2 germany had the worst industrialized economy in the world and hitler turned it into the best in under 5 years.
3) Technology
4) The post says nukes are removed from the war, and also Russia and the US both have enough nukes to basically destroy each other, aka Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD).
5) Think of the statistics of people who could actually fight and be well trained before you start talking about population.

You got few things wrong there. Russia got better technology like planes, tanks and anti-aircraft systems. Stealth planes still give out a signature on radar just a much smaller one then that of a non stealth palne, and Russia got more nukes then US, also you will not fight with your whole population, we will, money, i explained that in case of war everyone would do their job for food not for money. I think that covers it.
I myself don't know first hand about Russian planes because I've never looked into that, but our planes wouldn't last too long over Russia. Also, Russia has had the best tanks in the world since WW2, starting with the T-34 and working up to their present day tanks.

wow, you think the US soldiers just learn in building? What time period are you living in? The cold war
Why would that make a difference, they never were trained just in buildings.

To sum everything up that I have posted, I am posting this as an American, ontop of that I myself live in the capital. If there was a war between Russia and America I wouldn't be alive very long. Just to let everybody know, *private* news sources such as cnn, fox, etc will never tell you the whole truth. There are half truths everywhere, not to mention the recent document released about Bush on CNN that was completely falsified. When I look for political news my first source is BBC, and then several internet sites (not american news companes).


Sep 12, 2004
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We are a SuperPower dumbasses and ever hard of an anti-missle....we have those you know...we are the most powerfulest counrtey ever.....


Oct 22, 2003
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ORC-r0x0r-ROC said:
One reply to all of that, pathetic. Jesus, the cold war the cold war, not a shot fired. It is pretty obvious thier military is more than half it was 30 years ago. You state random shit as facts.

obviously you dont know what the cold war is. We out bought Russia during it and it ruined their economy.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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Stfu, I know what the cold war was and you talk about it like was a ****ing actual war. The cold war is what happens all the time, a country gets too strong and America tries to oppress them, a lot of countries could easily be the richest if they were aloud, shut the **** up and learn what you are talking about, only beeing able to reply to random sentances.


Oct 22, 2003
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stfu bitch, think you all tough? The Cold War was an economic war were we advanced in science and left them in the dust. The results were their economic collapse and the fact that they couldnt keep up with our technology. How the **** do we oppress them? We dont threaten them, if you dont like this gloroius country(which I asume you live in) go over to Russia and have fun with communism bitch. You liberal nut, people like you that are going to give Russia the lead someday

Undead Cheese

Aug 3, 2003
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Umm... The Soviet Union was leading America in the technology race for a while. They invented the first Hydrogen bomb (though when America made its own it was bigger) and they sent the first capsule into space. They just couldn't keep up with America's military build-up under the Reagan administration.


Nov 23, 2003
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ScaRRed4lyf3 said:
We are a SuperPower dumbasses and ever hard of an anti-missle....we have those you know...we are the most powerfulest counrtey ever.....

[glow=red]Russia also has anti missile program you moron. And no you not.[/glow]


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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stfu bitch, think you all tough?
Whatever gave you that idea?
The Cold War was an economic war
we advanced in science and left them in the dust.
Give a example, and please not the space race, the Russians were the first to put a satelite/man/probe to moon/spacestation.
How the **** do we oppress them?
You do not allow them to use thier own resources, you threaten them by saying you will stop the aid unless (one example is: vote for war)
The results were their economic collapse and the fact that they couldnt keep up with our technology.
Maybe not your economy, but there is a reason why the Yankes work with Russia with so many of the more complicated projects.
(which I asume you live in)
I am offended, no I am not American.
go over to Russia and have fun with communism bitch.
That would be great if they were communist.
You liberal nut, people like you that are going to give Russia the lead someday
What would be wrong with that? The "lead"........

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