Oooh i played a good LAN game last night. The matchup was...
Earthshaker, Venomancer, Sand King VS Keeper of the Light, Naga Siren, Bristleback.
I was Earthshaker, by the end of it i had travel, guinsoos, blink dagger, S&Y and skadi (We were losing and the game was going to end, so i just got skadi for kicks
). And i found out that blink dagger and guinsoos wont trigger Aftershock when you use their spells. It sucks! Doesn't really matter though, blink dagger is very handy, and you can put them in stun/hex lock for about 7.5 seconds all up.
Keeper of the Light just went some crazy build for fun, got a Heart at Lv8 and a Butterfly shortly after haha.
I did notice that you guys keep getting Linkens. What heroes *don't* you get it on?
Earthshaker, Venomancer, Sand King VS Keeper of the Light, Naga Siren, Bristleback.
I was Earthshaker, by the end of it i had travel, guinsoos, blink dagger, S&Y and skadi (We were losing and the game was going to end, so i just got skadi for kicks
Keeper of the Light just went some crazy build for fun, got a Heart at Lv8 and a Butterfly shortly after haha.
I did notice that you guys keep getting Linkens. What heroes *don't* you get it on?