Golden Fox
LOL if u try to select "Player a" or "Player b" I'm next to sure it will crash (the players real names is "Player 1" and "Player 2"
Well heimdal today is your lucky day im here to conferm this for you. I made a whole map with creep terrain a while back. Zergbuildings could be built on it just like normal terrain (ie: only hateries and extractors). When a hathery is built on the creep tiles the "real" creep will not spread (only a little bit 1 space above and below and 2 spaces left and right of it). Creep won't spread with creep colonies ither.Originally posted by Heimdal
Creep tiles and creep created by buildings are completely different. The creep tiles will never disappear, and I'm pretty sure that you can't build zerg buildings on them, but I haven't confirmed that. I have only just now realized that the installation tileset does not have any creep tiles! I'll take if off the list in the new map window. It froze when creating a new map because it was searching for valid tiles in the tilegroup where the creep was supposed to be, but there weren't any.