how or where could i get one?
this is done with regionsOriginally posted by Skywalker
How can I make a character chooser like In the warchasers map. You know, at the start you are a wisp and you move your wisp onto the circle in front of a hero and then you are the hero.
not sure if this is what you want but you could give the building the frost arrows ability and give it an insanely huge amount of mana and an insanely huge mana regen.Originally posted by Stucco
I got the builder to work, not sure exactly what I did but now I have a new problem. Like everyone else I want an ice tower and a frost tower. The frost tower and ice tower both do little damage, but slow entire groups of enemies with frost breath. I have frost breath on each of the towers, with no additional abilities. The towers do not slow down enemies though. I have the area of effect set high, the area of effect targets set to ground air debris, and I know the towers are hitting a lot of people because early on lots of people die from them. Can anyone tell me how to actually make them slow down guys?
they are included in UMSWE by Scio. You probably want the nooby version (standard version just has the hidden units). This is available at: posted by PsYcHoMaRiNe
Can you please tell me how to get the marine model to work on warcraft 3 like what I need to do.
here ya go, the paths for every single model in wc3 (units abilites creeps, the whole thing.)Originally posted by chesseh_styla
heya, i got the basics and a good deal of the advanced in my head about the map editor...
is there a list i can get for creating spell effects on Units/Regions,
i can only use the one that it supplys me with (i think its thunderclap that they all start with) coz i dont have a clue how to write the string for another one.
its abit of an awkward question coz its hard to phrase, but if you can help i will be much obliged
chesseh dude
P.S. i only registered this account so i could ask someone with more knowledge a few questions (i just saw the title it gave me, "Total Noob")
its in the main mpq for wc3. you dont even need to download it, just use mpq2k or tech mpq and "unzip" the mpq and find ability.slkOriginally posted by homicide
Can someone tell me where you can download the ability.slk?
no good, you have to resave it as abilities.slk and attach it to ure map using an mpq program. take note that if u reopen the map in the editor after tagging on ure spells, the world editor will automatically delete it. SO! what has to be done is ure spells have to be based off of an original spell. And all refrences to the spell in world editor will come out as ure new spell.Originally posted by Dofanic
was to tired and frustrated to post last night like i said i would =p so i post it now.
ok i got the spell editor working and i've altered some of the spells, but now, how do i get those spells into my map? i saved my changed to a file called "testing.slk" and dunno how to get those changes into my map..
hmmm... is it the marine being created using a trigger? (some triggers mess up online....) You sure someone else didnt kill it first? no idea, im just pulling at straws here. If you like, you can e mail me ure map with a brief description of what you need to happen, and ill fix it for you.Originally posted by Pziko Snake
I'm new here, i created a thread to know how to fix a "Bug".
DemonMarine posted, but he said "no double posts!"
So i went here, now here's the problem:
I created a custom unit based on the "Marine" model (the starcraft one), and i called it "Future Troop".
I saved the map, played it offline to check if it worked and it was all ok (i killed it).
After i played it online with other players the unit wasn't there!!! It pratically banished.
I also created a unit before the future troop, based on the gnoll model, and it worked fine for both on-line - off-line playing.
Now, can you tell me how to fix that bug (The unit doesn't appear)
Thx alot
I created the map with the umswe editor