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Cobalt Wolf

New & improved!
Nov 7, 2002
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Black Cat, if you think these forums don't have trends then
your registration date does you justice. Sorry it's taken me
so long to reply. I finally have a few minutes while I'm sitting
here eatting my bagel. No sorry, I haven't browsed the
'Ghosts Real' thread yet but I'll take your word that you
said that until I get a chance to look at it.

Ok it's obvious that you are not a middle-aged bum with
nothing to live for and you're right that age is not a concern
but yet sometimes it is important to me to know a little bit
about the person(s) I am conversing with so that I don't
totally discombobulate them.

('Discombobulate': word of the day) It's your vocabulary and
your spelling that made me bring this subject up. Otherwise
yes, you are pretty smart for your age I guess, whatever
age it is that is you are - I don't know.

How do I revise the dictionary?

Also, Wal-Mart is not a bad place to work so don't knock it.
There's nothing wrong with the job itself, it's just that the
customers expect you to know everything there is to know
about everything and sometimes will give you a hard time
because they are having a bad day.

Ok, got a couple questions. "Good for you Wal-mart is that
Asda and Mac donalds." - Sorry, what's that? And what's
wrong with having a brain?

Orc, I would love for you to remember why the word bigot
reminds you that I am an American. Is it me 'using the word
bigot' which reminds you of Americans (saying that Americans
use the word bigot pretty often) or the word bigot being under
my post name which associated it with me in some way and
reminded you of an American (saying Americans are bigots)?

That second sentence you quoted me on was not an insult,
it was for my own defense. It was just reminding you that I
have my own way of thinking also and it is not always wrong
even if you don't believe it. Repeating things from a book is
called quoting btw, just like what you do with my posts when
you break them down like this. Hmm, that's interesting, my
opinion doesn't seem to count as much in this thread as yours
does. You showed that in the next reply... example: "And?
blah blah blah something something that has to do with
nothing I said which you quoted me saying."

~ Breaking these sentences down so that they parallel with your comments. ~

Morals are what keep me from hurting your feelings.
Go read a bible, dear.

The minority of people care. If the majority of people
tried to save a species it would be flourishing.

Like, miracles come through prayer which come through religion,
dude. And like, God can like, cure diseases and stuff, dude.

Funny you say I'm stubbourn. Really funny. I'm actually
laughing too. Haha... Hey, you're not trying to recuit me
to the darkside are you?

Ok, this one is for the both of you, Orc and Black Cat. You both
underestimate this generation (generation world-wide) if you
don't think that we are dumb enough to wipe ourselves out.
You obviously have not seen the sort of things I have. I have
seen people killed (not on tv) because of someone else's
stupidity or carelessness. It makes me so mad just thinking
about it. Those people had people who cared about them
and children to take care of. Those poor little children, their
parents or sisters or brothers or uncles or aunts being
taken away from them and everyone feeling so helpless.
It makes me sick too.

Underestimating would be saying that someone doesn't have
the capabilities to do something. I believe people have the
capability to be stupid lol. In which way are you not
underestimating people?

Don't bother telling me that God doesn't exist. I won't believe it.

Thank you for the compliment on sounding like a typical Christian.
I'm not a Christian but thanks just the same for the association and comparison.

If I were gullible then I would believe at least half of what you say.

O yes, I'm such a bad hypocrit. Shame on me!

Commenting on your last sentence, you need to get out more.
Seriously! lol Normally I wouldn't say that to people, knowing
what I know but it just might do you some good because you
sound like a sheltered child and one that gets heard. Maybe if
you knew what was outside your door you could change peoples'
minds and they would start caring. Or maybe they would just
burn your house down but who's to say you didn't try, right?

Next time I post...
I' keel j00 wit kindess! Rarr!


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Dec 23, 2003
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Ok it's obvious that you are not a middle-aged bum with
Wasn't it obvious anyway? I don’t know what lead you to believe that.
it is important to me to know a little bit about the person(s) I am conversing with so that I don't totally discombobulate them.
You don't have to worry about that.:rolleyes
Orc, I would love for you to remember why the word bigot
reminds you that I am an American. Is it me 'using the word
bigot' which reminds you of Americans (saying that Americans
use the word bigot pretty often) or the word bigot being under
my post name which associated it with me in some way and
reminded you of an American (saying Americans are bigots)?
Bigot = American...... I don't think it's right to put word next to it.
That second sentence you quoted me on was not an insult, it was for my own defense. It was just reminding you that I have my own way of thinking also and it is not always wrong
even if you don't believe it. Repeating things from a book is called quoting btw, just like what you do with my posts when you break them down like this. Hmm, that's interesting, my opinion doesn't seem to count as much in this thread as yours does. You showed that in the next reply... example: "And? blah blah blah something something that has to do with nothing I said which you quoted me saying."
I don't need to be reminded what a quote is, I'm sure you know. Where is this? In another thread maybe, I’ve searched for it in this thread… You probably quoted mw and then started rambling about something else.
Also, Wal-Mart is not a bad place to work so don't knock it.
If Wal-Mart is not bad, then neither is being a bin-man. If it's part-time while you're going through college or whatever then It wouldn't really matter.
Ok, got a couple questions. "Good for you Wal-mart is that Asda and Mac donalds." - Sorry, what's that? And what's
wrong with having a brain?
Asda is a super market and Mac Donalds is obviously a fast food restaurant.
Morals are what keep me from hurting your feelings. Go read a bible, dear.
So, you said something on the lines of: “look into your heart and morals for an answer†and I said that they cannot give you an answer, so…..
The minority of people care. If the majority of people tried to save a species it would be flourishing.
Name 5 species of animals that bothered to try save another species… Survival of the fittest is the way they live; at least some of us even bother.
Like, miracles come through prayer which come through religion, dude. And like, God can like, cure diseases and stuff, dude.
Ha, people make miracles and cure diseases, not god.
Ok, this one is for the both of you, Orc and Black Cat. You both
underestimate this generation (generation world-wide) if you
don't think that we are dumb enough to wipe ourselves out.
You obviously have not seen the sort of things I have. I have
seen people killed (not on tv) because of someone else's
stupidity or carelessness. It makes me so mad just thinking
about it. Those people had people who cared about them
and children to take care of. Those poor little children, their
parents or sisters or brothers or uncles or aunts being
taken away from them and everyone feeling so helpless.
It makes me sick too.
When?? I do think we can destroy ourselves, ever heard of nukes?
Don't bother telling me that God doesn't exist. I won't believe it.
Why do you laugh at the thought of being stubborn?
Thank you for the compliment on sounding like a typical Christian.
I'm not a Christian but thanks just the same for the association and comparison.
Ok, what are you? It’s a pretty valid assumption. American + believes in god + most of the people who believe in god in America are Christians = high chance of being Christian.
If I were gullible then I would believe at least half of what you say.
If you were gullible you would believe religion.
Commenting on your last sentence, you need to get out more.
Seriously! lol Normally I wouldn't say that to people, knowing
what I know but it just might do you some good because you
sound like a sheltered child and one that gets heard. Maybe if
you knew what was outside your door you could change peoples'
minds and they would start caring. Or maybe they would just
burn your house down but who's to say you didn't try, right?
So, knowing that people from different countries act differently means I should get out more...


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Hey orc, cat, cobalt, can you pm eachother, cause you kind of just made a whole page of spam.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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LOL, you can talk :p. Seriously otmo, what is your view on the whole thing? You haven't really contributed or tried to keep this thread on-track.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Well, from what i read right now we discussing Black's spelling errors. I had things to do in Asylum so i didnt have time for this thread, and now i dont feel like influencing it.

Cobalt Wolf

New & improved!
Nov 7, 2002
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*Replies are in order to Orc's comments.*

What's obvious is that this tired, dragged-out arguement
is still being continued. I don't know about you, but it's
getting rather boring for me.

It's my business whether I worry about that or not.

Aren't you a bigot? I mean uh, an American.

Not sure what you are talking about there.

n/c (no comment)

Ok well since you bothered to tell me what those two
places of business are why don't you reword his sentence
so that I can understand it too?

They do.

"Name 5 species of animals that bothered to try save
another species" Hunh? I was talking about PEOPLEs'
efforts of reserving a species of animal - what the hell
are you talking about?

People do not make miracles, you dope.
People are people. Nothing more, nothing less.

Black Cat is the one who said he didn't think people were
stupid enough to kill themselves. So you actually agree
with me on something, Orc?


I'm not a Christian and I'm not a Satanist.
I'm somewhere in between.

Says you who obviously thinks they know it all.

You'll never know half of what goes on in this world.
All you know is what you hear about or see on the news.

Jackalopes, read the 2nd to last reply to Orc.

Otmorosok, I realize that this has gotten a little personal
but this discussion has been open to everyone from the start.
I will calm it down a bit on my part though because
I'm losing interest.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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Aren't you a bigot? I mean uh, an American
Nope, most people mistake me as a russian but I'm British.
Ok well since you bothered to tell me what those two places of business are why don't you reword his sentence
so that I can understand it too?
Sorry, thats impossible.
Please tell me how morales can give you answers.
"Name 5 species of animals that bothered to try save
another species" Hunh? I was talking about PEOPLEs'
efforts of reserving a species of animal - what the hell
are you talking about
You say we are screwed but animals don't do shit to help either.
People do not make miracles, you dope.
People are people. Nothing more, nothing less.
Then what is a miracle? I would call the cure for cancer (If we ever get one) a miracle and some people would call thier babies miracles too.
Black Cat is the one who said he didn't think people were
stupid enough to kill themselves. So you actually agree
with me on something, Orc?
Depends on what you mean by "agree" :p.
I'm not a Christian and I'm not a Satanist.
I'm somewhere in between.
You're a anti christian christian.
Says you who obviously thinks they know it all.
They will never "know it all" the universe is far to vast for that but science has answers for a lot of things and is usually correct.

Religion will NEVER be reliable. Religion should NEVER be trusted. Religion will never be proven so lets leave it at that.

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