Why are we here?

Cobalt Wolf

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Nov 7, 2002
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Here's the way it is:
People are going to disagree with each other and well,
that's what's happening here. Big whoopy. It happens alot.
But instead of people on the opposite end trying to beat their
beliefs into the other and seeing as how none of us are rocket
scientists or psychologists, etc, I think I'll just leave this to
the "professionals" :)rollie) while I go put on a movie and
sip some Earl Grey.

Or you can all keep rambling on like a bunch of mad monkeys
and I'll go find a more interesting thread lol. Whatever.

Ciphus, right on with that last comment, brutha!

Oh and one more thing. ORC-r0x0r-ROC, you are dead wrong
about there not being true love. It may be hormones controlling
you but it is my heart controlling me so speak for yourself buddy.

Black Cat

Mar 10, 2004
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Exactly!!! You are fully correct, are you sure you arnt a 'professional'. But unfortunatly i am a Mad Monkey so its too late for me. Love is very important to people and love is real hormones do count for something, but it is your heart that leads you too Love!!


Eat your vegetables!
Nov 16, 2002
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Okeee......now its time for Munchy to butt in and say stuff. Personally, I've got nothing against religion. For some people, it provides meaning in their lives and helps them go to sleep at night. And for others, they enjoy the social environment that going to church/temple/wutever offers. But all that stuff isnt for me. I believe that you have no purpose in life until you decide what it is. You make you own purpose..... Some omnipotent god doesnt just bestow upon you he wil to become a hamburger flipper at Mconalds, you (believe it or not) have to get up and use your own will to do it. Personally, I don;t think thats y purpose, but I believe that I'l make one for myself someday.

As for why we are here.......Everything, the human body included, is a complex mixture of chemical compounds that have come together after a long process of experimenting with combinations to produce a product that survives in its environment. The same elements you find in our stomachs and livers can also be found in the corona of a star, or in the atmosphere of a gas giant......they just havent come together the way they have on earth.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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Oh and one more thing. ORC-r0x0r-ROC, you are dead wrong about there not being true love. It may be hormones controlling
you but it is my heart controlling me so speak for yourself buddy
You're heart has nothing to do with love, yeah yeah I know it's an expression. If I change your chemistry a tiny bit I could make you never find a man attractive again.
Exactly!!! You are fully correct, are you sure you arnt a 'professional'. But unfortunatly i am a Mad Monkey so its too late for me. Love is very important to people and love is real hormones do count for something, but it is your heart that leads you too Love!!
Yet again, your heart has nothing to do with love. It can be all explained with pychology and science.
Okeee......now its time for Munchy to butt in and say stuff. Personally, I've got nothing against religion
What about all the wars that have been cause by it, all the people that were burnt in the name of God. The only thing that is good about religion is that it teaches you right and wrong. The rest of what munchyman said was basically right.

Black Cat

Mar 10, 2004
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What about all the wars that have been cause by it, all the people that were burnt in the name of God. The only thing that is good about religion is that it teaches you right and wrong. The rest of what munchyman said was basically right.
All those wars and people being burnt are people beleiveing they are doing "gods" wish (loonies). Those people who were burnt died for there religion they new what they were doing. Bloody Mary gave plenty Proistents(Carnt Spell) a chance to become Catholic, some did some didnt the ones who didnt died for there beleifs. Not all religion teaches you bad from good many different religions have differant customs and beleifs right in christianity could well be bad in muslim.


Like my cute wabbit?
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I didn't need a history lesson. Mary was a hag that thought anything that contradicts her religion was wrong and anyone who spread or believed something that she decided was wrong was executed. Screw her and anyone that killed over religion, theres no point.

for future reference if you're not sure about a spelling write (sp?) next to it and It's spelt "protestant".

Black Cat

Mar 10, 2004
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Sorry mate about the history, Yeah i totally agree with your last sentence
Screw her and anyone that killed over religion, theres no point.
Thanx for the help with the spelling =]


Like my cute wabbit?
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Thanks for supporting my argument, and this debate is nearly over unless some adds a new element to this topic.

No problem about the spelling just remember tp write (sp?) next to a word you're not sure about and they'll either say "Yeah, you've spelt that right" or they will corect you so you can spell it right in future.

Cobalt Wolf

New & improved!
Nov 7, 2002
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Rofl All of a sudden you are worried if you are spelling words
correctly but yet you didn't even spell the word Correct right.

Ok anyways lol. It's very off to have an argument and claim to
be right when every single bit of this is nothing more than a
matter of opinion but I'll tell you what - whatever floats your
boat but you still haven't proven me wrong and that must sting
at least a little bit because you people keep on and on and on
about "I'm right, you're wrong. There is no God, only science."

If I could prove that God is not man-made like science is
then you would all start sucking your thumbs and crying.
But no matter what evidence I showed you, you wouldn't
believe it because you don't want to. I think that you would
not even believe what you saw if God came to visit and stay
for a spot of tea. You would think it was all a dream or that
you stayed out in the sun too long. So whatever.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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Rofl All of a sudden you are worried if you are spelling words correctly but yet you didn't even spell the word Correct right.
Well, it isn't "all of a sudden" I've always been concerned with my spelling. You must know that there is a difference between a typing error and the inability to spell a certain word correctly.

Well, you're argument will work both ways, if God came to my house proved he was all-powerful blah blah I would be open to suggestion but I won't see anything like that and we both know it. Science has a good argument, religion doesn't.

Cobalt Wolf

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Nov 7, 2002
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One word comes to mind... bigot.
It made me think of you when I was using that word in a post
on another thread when I was describing the Nazis. You say
you're open to suggestion but you wouldn't believe that God
were real if he were standing right in front of you if you couldn't
touch or feel or smell him. You can't tell me that you're open for
suggestion and me believe it with the way you have been
talking this whole time. But whatever.

I'm not impressed but I'm also not the least bit emotionally
moved by your comments and arguements because I have my
own beliefs and they cannot be proven wrong and I have no
doubt that one day I will know the answers.

I believe things exist beyond our comprehension and that there
are things in this universe that we will never hear or know of and
never experience and probably wouldn't even have the capability
to understand. I don't doubt that there really are aliens and
there probably are other universes.

I also believe that the macrocosm deserves more credit than
what it is given. We have learned to take so many things for
granted and science seems to be turning into a religin itself.
More and more people are looking to science for an answer
instead of their own hearts and minds and common sense
and morals.

Laugh all you want but if mankind is so damn smart then why
after all these centuries are we not living on other planets yet?
Why are we not visiting other galaxies? Why do we still not
know all the secrets of the universe? We're not as smart as
we tell ourselves. We have had the idea to be elsewhere and
doing the impossible since the beginning of time and have been
doing incredible things but humans always put themselves on a
pedastool and think they are the greatest thing and will
continue to do so until we bring about our own end.

We respect nothing. We've been told to look out for #1 but we
don't even respect ourself but if someone else disrespects then
there's a bullet in their head. People are so screwed up.

How is science going to save us on the days of reconsile
and revelation? How is it going to save us from something
that we cannot touch but can touch us?

Oh sorry, I'm way off track now.
That was just a piece of my mind.
Continue on.

Black Cat

Mar 10, 2004
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I'm not impressed but I'm also not the least bit emotionally
moved by your comments and arguements because I have my
own beliefs and they cannot be proven wrong and I have no
doubt that one day I will know the answers.
We all have are own beleifs, which were are sharing so you have missed the point.
Laugh all you want but if mankind is so damn smart then why
after all these centuries are we not living on other planets yet?
Actually we are starting to visist mars and nasa are setting up a project to actually get someone to live on mars.(This is being tested on the moon first for obvious reasons.)
Why do we still not
know all the secrets of the universe?
Because there secrets!!!
We have had the idea to be elsewhere and
doing the impossible since the beginning of time and have been
doing incredible things but humans always put themselves on a
pedastool and think they are the greatest thing and will
continue to do so until we bring about our own end.
How is science going to save us on the days of reconsile
and revelation? How is it going to save us from something
that we cannot touch but can touch us?
Science has help us in millions of ways, to dayly life and beyond. Who says there is going to be such a day that day may never come, science could even stop it from coming for all you know. And if you were truly sorry for putting that you should of edited it.
First of all you say we have the idea to do the 'impossible' but if it is realy impossible then how would we do it. What else have we got to compare our selves with, there is no proof of other life any where else and if so its the smallest thing. We only have animals to compare our selves too and we obviously win that. I dont we will bring our own end because we are not that stupid and there are many other things which will probably kill us all before we do.
We respect nothing. We've been told to look out for #1 but we
don't even respect ourself but if someone else disrespects then
there's a bullet in their head. People are so screwed up.
Who have we been 'told' by to look out for ourselves, personally i think i take care of my ourself and if someone disrespects be usually i will let it blow over or replie not shoot someone. I dont know many people to shoot someone if the disrespects them, people who do that are either in a mental home, prison, seriously dumm and paranoid or dead. In my opinion people are not screwed up, some people are but most of the time its not there fault either a disability at birth treated badly as a child the list varies.

Cobalt Wolf

New & improved!
Nov 7, 2002
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Oh shut up about missing the point.
That must be the new trend as far as insults.

I have been saying all along that every bit of this conversation is
nothing more than opinion whereas you have not even began to
concede that fact. It's starting to piss me off that you continue to
try and shove this nonsense at me and expect me to step in line.
What are you getting out of this? Acknowledge
that none of this is either wrong nor correct.

As far as Nasa trying to make Mars a liveable environment,
it's about bloody time.

And as far as us not knowing all the secrets of the universe,
no shit it's a secret, Sherlock. But because you answered that
one in such a way that does not disaccord with the fact that
there may be unexplained phenomenon, do you believe that
not everything can be broken down and explained by science?

By saying 'doing the impossible', I mean that these ideas
were impossible the years before we had the tools to pull off
such feats. And wow lol, you really need to look outside the
boundaries and stop looking at what there is around you and
start looking and what there can be. How old are you? You're
starting to sound like a middle-aged bum with nothing left to
live for. It's depressing. But then again, you don't seem to
comprehend what I'm saying very well most of the time.
So you must be a teenager who watches too much tv lol.
You don't think we're stupid enough to
bring about our own end... riiiiight.

It's good to know that yet another person values life.
People are screwed up still. How often do you get out?
I work at Wal-Mart. Thousands of customers a day.

Black Cat

Mar 10, 2004
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LoL trend, i seriously doubt that. I wasnt meaning it as a insult. We are sharing opinions, not forcing them on each other, you are doing that more then anyone who has replied in this forum. If you look closely enough you will notice many of us have noticed its opinion, i myself have said many times its about opinion. I

(sorry for double post, can a admin delete this one pls)

Black Cat

Mar 10, 2004
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LoL trend, i seriously doubt that. I wasnt meaning it as a insult. We are sharing opinions, not forcing them on each other, you are doing that more then anyone who has replied in this forum. If you look closely enough you will notice many of us have noticed its opinion, i myself have said many times its about opinion. I do not wish to gain anything from this beside who peoples opinions.

Yes and it about bloody time.

LoL, my name isnt sherlock (jk). And if you noticed on the thread Ghosts real or not i do say what i feel happens, which it can not be brocken down into science terms, does that answer that question?

I am very open to other opinions and i do beleive things can be there which you carnt smell, hear, touch, see, taste. But sometimes i require more then just because you say so. My age is not a concern neither is my private life. Please explain why i sould like a 'middle-aged bum with nothing to live for', this should be good for a laugh. You dont really comprehend what im saying, maybe you do but refuse to take notice, I dont know. You sound like a person who finds it fun to revise the dictionary! Personally, no i dont think were dumb enough to bring our own end, other wise we would of done it all ready :p how isnt a problem, we have many ways to kill EVERYONE!!

Yes, like i said before my private life is my own. Good for you Wal-mart is that Asda and Mac donalds, well done i bet it was pritty hard to get that with your ''brains'' since you have some much to critosise and say! I seriously doubt Thousands of customers per day maybe a thousand, on a good day.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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One word comes to mind... bigot.
It made me think of you when I was using that word in a post
on another thread when I was describing the Nazis. You say
you're open to suggestion but you wouldn't believe that God
were real if he were standing right in front of you if you couldn't
touch or feel or smell him. You can't tell me that you're open for
suggestion and me believe it with the way you have been
talking this whole time. But whatever.
Don't use words like bigot, you remind me you're an American by saying that (dunno why). I am open to suggestion, I'm just not going to be in a rush to believe in every dick and harry story. I try to see both sides of an argument, but religion doesn't really have one except "you're not quite sure how we're created so God must be real".
I'm not impressed but I'm also not the least bit emotionally moved by your comments and arguements because I have my own beliefs and they cannot be proven wrong and I have no doubt that one day I will know the answers.
Nah, I don't think in our life time we're going to figure it out. Anyway was that supposed to be an insult? Well, I'm not impressed either, you either repeat stuff out of the bible or well, I'm not quite sure, you're posts are long but...
I believe things exist beyond our comprehension and that there and that there are things in this universe that we will never hear or know of and never experience and probably wouldn't even have the capability to understand. I don't doubt that there really are aliens and there probably are other universes.
And? I don't think we will understand somethings now but I wouldn't under estimate our future generations.
I also believe that the macrocosm deserves more credit than
what it is given. We have learned to take so many things for
granted and science seems to be turning into a religin itself.
More and more people are looking to science for an answer
instead of their own hearts and minds and common sense
and morals.
How can you look into to your heart, and how will it give you a answer? Morals won't give answers either. Unless you can come up with a theory better than the scientifc one don't call it a religion.
all you want but if mankind is so damn smart then why after all these centuries are we not living on other planets yet? Why are we not visiting other galaxies? Why do we still not know all the secrets of the universe? We're not as smart as we tell ourselves. We have had the idea to be elsewhere and doing the impossible since the beginning of time and have been doing incredible things but humans always put themselves on a pedastool and think they are the greatest thing and will continue to do so until we bring about our own end.
We will think we're smart until we find a species smarter than us. Centuries isn't a very long time you know, and we have gotten very far in the limited time we've been here.
We respect nothing. We've been told to look out for #1 but we don't even respect ourself but if someone else disrespects then there's a bullet in their head. People are so screwed up
People are screwed up to your standard, people are screwed up to peoples standards. If we had no respect for anything than why are we always trying to protect endangered species and why do we care about some of our species so much?
How is science going to save us on the days of reconsile and revelation? How is it going to save us from something that we cannot touch but can touch us?
Lke what? How is religion going to save us from anything? At least science can protect us from so many things.
First of all you say we have the idea to do the 'impossible' but if it is realy impossible then how would we do it. What else have we got to compare our selves with, there is no proof of other life any where else and if so its the smallest thing. We only have animals to compare our selves too and we obviously win that. I dont we will bring our own end because we are not that stupid and there are many other things which will probably kill us all before we do.
We might well bring our own destruction, with nukes but when we start going into dpace the chances of that will get lower and lower.
I have been saying all along that every bit of this conversation is
nothing more than opinion whereas you have not even began to
concede that fact. It's starting to piss me off that you continue to
try and shove this nonsense at me and expect me to step in line.
What are you getting out of this? Acknowledge
that none of this is either wrong nor correct
I wouldn't expect anyone as stuborn as you would look at the oppositions side and realise its got a lot less holes in it. They have to be either correct or wrong, you meant to say "none has been proven to be correct or not correct"
As far as Nasa trying to make Mars a liveable environment, it's about bloody time.
The idea has been there for relatively not long but it isn't anything new, it's called teraforming btw.
And as far as us not knowing all the secrets of the universe,
no shit it's a secret, Sherlock. But because you answered that
one in such a way that does not disaccord with the fact that
there may be unexplained phenomenon, do you believe that
not everything can be broken down and explained by science?
There not really secrets, who have they been kept by? It's just something we don't know yet, by saying it's a secret implies that someone already knew about it, aliens? Well not every thing can be explained by science, there’s psychology or is that a branch of science?
By saying 'doing the impossible', I mean that these ideas
were impossible the years before we had the tools to pull off
such feats. And wow lol, you really need to look outside the
boundaries and stop looking at what there is around you and
start looking and what there can be. How old are you? You're
starting to sound like a middle-aged bum with nothing left to
live for. It's depressing. But then again, you don't seem to
comprehend what I'm saying very well most of the time.
So you must be a teenager who watches too much tv lol.
I know what you mean by doing the impossible. I know black personally, and he’s pretty smart for his age. You sound like a gullible person, that when you talk about science you sound like a bad hypocrite. How are you looking outside the boundaries you just well, ask questions that so many people have asked before you. You seem like a typical Christian and good luck with that, but you’re the wrong person to be calling anyone here blind.

About your last paragraph, I assume that you’re talking about that respect and violence thing, let me remind you that we live in a different country and the people here act very differently.

Black Cat

Mar 10, 2004
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I know black personally, and he’s pretty smart for his age.
Thanx!! You are very clever to, for your age. I agree completly with what you are saying, you just said it a lot better then me :p


Nov 23, 2003
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I got to get my freinds in here, ah wait, better do that in the Asyllum.

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