What the scariest thing you've seen??


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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dang it i had to double psot srry..... heres the skelton ghost


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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well apprently somthing f'ed up here the pic of teh ghost


Oct 15, 2003
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Buena Park, CA
I had a dream... and I was shot 4 times in the stomach/chest. I don't know who or what did it, or even that it happened to me until I saw my chest. My mom was dropping my off somewhere and apparantly it was on a highway or some road that cars can go fast. Then, I was shot 4 times, or at least I noticed it. I tried screaming for my mom, but I couldn't, and I had a low raspy voice maybe cuz it punctured my lungs. She took off and I was screaming. Oh well, I woke up, didn't die.


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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Originally posted by glowpole
Well since its getting closer to haloween i thoguht A thread with everyons scariest moment would be cool.....ok i'll start it off

Ok 4 years ago down in mississippi me and my cousin were going down to our lake to get drunk and have a campfire. Our farm is way out in the woods and their is alto of deer,turkey and what not their...anyways I was driving my 4-wheeler while my cousin was driving the truck and eveyron else was following when i came around a corner and saw these bright eyes glaring in my headlights.....well i stopped and ask my cousin ashley what it was....he said it looked lie ka deer and i agreed with him but the wierdest thing about it was that it seems to have a rounder face and ears liek acat........being the redneck my cousin is he was i am gonan shoot it...so he pulled out his gun and when the whatever it was saw the gun it stood straight up and his 2 hind legs and took off running on two legs.......i shit you not this is a true story and i got 10 witness's.......I get the chills everytime i think about whatever this thing is but bout 2 years later around hallwoween i was telling this story and he said he saw somthing on the interenet that sounded liek what i described.....well he printed it off and showed it to me and it was liek a perfect describtion....apprently thier is an old indian legend about this demon that was howling and scaring this indain tribe until this womeans husband decided to go out and rid the tribe of this beast.....and it was 3 weeks and he never returned well one night she heard it roaring and she decided to avenge her husband and she went out into the woods and when she saw the demon it was down on all fours drinking from a stream well she was wearing the mask of a cat and was going to try and scare it off...so as she started to move she step on a twig and the dmeon spun around and the women saw it hidous face and screamed at the top of her lungs and the dmeon did also...and forget how the rest of it goes but someone how the dmeon possed her and now she still wanders the southern continent looking for her husband and is said to have the head of a cat and the body of a small dear and walks on two legs....is this a conwincidence or not??? i'll never know..

but post your scairest things you've encounter i would really liek to read them and see what other people saw.....

sorry bout my bad typing you guysd know why

when i get more time i'll go find the legend and psot it here for you guys to read it...its cool

K well i found the article...apprently what i saw was a wumpus cat.....here's the story....at least i have some proof of what i saw....:shocked

Mysterious Wampas Cat

Of all the fabulous creatures in East Tennessee folklore, nothing stirs the imagination like the so-called Wampas Cat -- a giant feline said to walk on its hind legs.

There is, for instance, the account of a Knoxville man. He heard a commotion in his garden late one night. Thinking that a raccoon was after his vegetables, the man stormed out the back door determined to shoot the intruder. Halfway to the garden he noticed two glowing yellow eyes staring at him from behind the pole beans. They stood about four feet off the ground and were unblinking. A cold shiver went up the man's spine. He dropped his shotgun and ran back into the house, locking the door behind him. He thought that a lion had escaped from the Knoxville Zoo. On another occasion and man and his wife were staying at the Martha Washington Inn in Abingdon, Virginia. The first night they decided to take a moonlit stroll around the historic town. Just as they were crossing the lawn in front of the Martha Washington, they noticed something stirring under the metal fire escape of the Barter Theater across the street. The thing, whatever it was, must have seen the couple coming because it scurried away. The man and woman looked at each other in amazement. Both of them had just seen a large cat running away on its hind legs. Another time a fourteen year old girl was retiring for bed. Just as she turned off the lights, she had the uneasy feeling that something was watching her. She looked toward her bedroom window. A pair of eyes stared into the room. It looked like a huge tom cat. She screamed in terror and the eyes disappeared. The occasion was especially hair-raising because the girl's bedroom was on the second floor of the house. There was no porch roof outside on which to stand and look in a window. Who, or what, is the Wampas Cat? There are several theories about this elusive animal. One is that the cat is a demon that terrorizes the countryside. Another, and my favorite, is that the cat is the ghost of an young Cherokee woman who, hundreds of years ago, chased a demon away from her home village. In life this woman was married to a great warrior. One day, a demon appeared just outside of the village, where the couple lived, and made itself known by hideous howling in the woods. At the urging of the rest of the villagers, the husband went into the woods to slay the demon. He returned a few hours later, but something was terribly wrong. The warrior was totally insane and the demon could still be heard howling. The demon had surprised him -- taken him unaware -- and the sudden sight of the terrible monster had driven this great warrior completely out of his mind. The warrior's wife then claimed her right of revenge against the demon. She consulted the medicine man who gave her some sound advice. "You must see the demon before it sees you," he said. He gave her the sacred "black drink" to cleanse her body and soul. Then he gave her a mask to wear. It was made from the face of a large wildcat. Hopefully, the mask would scare the demon. Late that night the woman ventured out into the woods to hunt the demon. She could hear it howling in the distance and followed the sound, walking slowly and carefully, daring not to make the slightest noise. Finally, after an hour, she peered around some bushes and spied a great hulk of fur, sitting beside a steam in the moonlight, face turned away. It was the demon. Luckily it hadn't spotted her first. The woman in the mask reached out and grabbed a twig from the ground. Then she broke it with a loud snap. Startled, the creature whirled around. It's face was the most horrible thing that the woman had ever seen and she screamed so loudly that the entire woods reverberated with the sound of her terror. But the demon had been caught off-guard. The sight of the "screaming cat" so unnerved it that it leaped to its feet and ran away. The demon was never seen in those parts again. A description of the Wampas Cat roughly fits that of a small woman wearing the mask of a cat. Could this legendary creature, then, actually be the ghost of that Cherokee woman, still wandering the woods, and still looking for more demons to exorcize? Might be. You'll have to admit one thing. You seldom hear demons howling in the woods around here anymore.


Feb 28, 2003
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Originally posted by glowpole
Lol apprently everyone fears mR bean...well he's gone for good but anyways.....This happen bout 10 years ago..

Me my sister and my freinds lil sister were in my sisters room watching some scary movie about a doctor who kills people with needles...anyways it was like 10. pm and I was laying on the floor and I heard footsteps down the hall....so i turned down the volume and we all listen to footsteps walking around my house....then we heard a kitchen cabinet open and close then we heard teh door handle chittering liek someone was trying to open it...........so...my first instic was it was a robber or smthing so after my sister pride me from under the bed and told me i was sopose to protect them.....she and I open the door slowly and saw a lock picking tool laying on the groud...you know one of those weird looking one with the hook....anyways me and my sister starting screaming bloody murder and we heard footsteps runing in the garage...so my sis called the police and apprently someone broke into our garage threw a window and was actaully trying to pick the lock....to the room we was in.....that was some freaky shiznit

and also

Last haloween me and some freinds decides to go on some ghost hunts...so we did the whole blair witch thing and got a camera....anyways there this old abandon house in the woods behind me...(thats where i used to go smoke in stuff) anyways my stupid cats follows my and my freinds to the house...well you know how they say that dogs and cats can sense paranoia or whatever so as we were going into the basement my cat stopped right at the door......and every hair on her body stood straight up and she took off running full speed back to my house....anyways i was looking around and i saw this big dirt mound in the corner...and their was a door underneath sme of the dirt....so I grabed the camera(only source of light) and peeked in their and there was bones laying everywhere...i mena cats,dogs,birds, skunks you name it and i mean a huge pile of them.......some were burnt...so we were like wtf...so we went upstairs and went into the attic....and as soon aswe got into this one rooms my camera starter fading and losing power and blinking adn going haywire..........so i was hmmm low battery so i go back down the stairs and as soon as i left teh room it went back to normal......so i was guys check this out...so i went back up and stuck the camera in the room and it started tweaking again.......i did it several time to make sure so somthing in that room was messing with my camera.....so we were like peace.....o yea somthnig that was funny was that my freinds justin was looking in this old bathroom and he fell threw the floor into the basement..i got it on camera also...lol.....and some more freaky things i've seen frm this house is that there is this huge fireplace in the living room and everytime i went to the house...there was the burnt outline of a big bird.....each time i came back sometimes it would be their and sometimes it wouldn't......and the weirdest thing was that when we was watching the tape it didn't show on the camera.....anyways so next we decided to go the this rock quarry.....people has said that hundreds of people commited suicide off this giant rig into the lake down below....so we were walking down this road and i had the camera and angel was look on the rig...and their was a shadow of a guy standing their....then it jsut kinda faded out..i duno if it jumped or waht......but after that we got chased off by some really nasty dogs...so we went to knoxville to find some creepy stuff their...and we found this old burnt psyco asylum that they had sealed off so me and ronny snuck in their while the girls waited at the truck....so me and him was in the basemnet and their was glass everywhere....and then my camera light stopped working...halfway up the stairs....well the sound still was working so i let it roll and we had to get back so when we got back up the field the light came back on...and when wewatched the tape their was all these weird noises on it ...somthing like \a baby crying and someone beating their head on a wall...its rumored the most haunted place in tn.....and after we got back we had a beer and watched our film and we caught so clips of shit we never did see like when we was in the first house i was doing a sweep of the living room and their was a shadow walking across the room...oh yea almost forgot...as we left the burnt insane place we kinda got lost in these woods and was trying to get out and we came up upon this humoungus house....it looked like a french house or somthing anyways we was t urning around and i was shooting the camera in this window seeing if i could se anything and this is he weird part....its like this man in a tuxedo just kinda appear..stared for a few seconds then split in half kinda liek curtains being drawn...and i got a clear shot of that.......it was so ****ing scary.........it was hard to sleep after we watched all this crap and my freind chad was paranoid about one of us being possed or somthing.....the next night we tried to go some other places but we didn't see anything except these balls of light floating aroudn this old graveyard.......look them up on the internet....go to google type : ghosthunters...and you'll see what i am talkin about with the balls...but tha night we saw everything it was a full moon so i think it had somthing to do ith that...........
after reading all that my sister had managed to sneak behind me and go "BOO!"

im still hyperventilating :(


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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hahah......i got the chitters from looking at that skeleton ghsot pic..god i am viewing this website with these ghost hunters pics...they are scaring the shit out of me......gonan be hard to sleep tonight but if you wanna check out these pics go to..http://www.ghosm.com/pictures37.htm


Feb 28, 2003
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umm.. i looked up ghost hunters and got this

and although that is truely scary, i wanna know what these "balls" look like.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2002
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In my field of paper flowers..
Hmm...more scary stories...

I remember sleeping in my room when the only people at our house were mom and I. I heard this weird sort of moaning sound from downstairs, but I decided to ignore it. The moaning stopped, but I heard something like claws scratching the back of my burreau drawer. I sat up and found out my cat was asleep on my bed. I feel asleep, and then I woke up to feeling a slight chill. The chill got greater, as if something cold was breathing on my face. I sat up and the chill disappeared. I looked outside and the wind picked up, then started howling. Scary.

Oh...and one more thing...never try to do research for your speech at 1:00 am on Saturday when you're bored. Especially when your speech is about the faces of Belmez. o_O

Concerning faces as Belmez ones, I had a few appear in my carpet. They disappear after a few minutes, but I'm sure they were there.


Oct 15, 2003
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Buena Park, CA
Originally posted by glowpole
hahah......i got the chitters from looking at that skeleton ghsot pic..god i am viewing this website with these ghost hunters pics...they are scaring the shit out of me......gonan be hard to sleep tonight but if you wanna check out these pics go to..http://www.ghosm.com/pictures37.htm
Lol dude...... I can't controll myself...

Must not look won't sleep....

but ah gash there's a link must click

no no no no!!!!!!






Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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Originally posted by TheNamelessPunk
umm.. i looked up ghost hunters and got this

and although that is truely scary, i wanna know what these "balls" look like.

roflamo jsut look at the website i am viewing and be sure to check out that skeelton its it wicked


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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Originally posted by glowpole
well apprently somthing f'ed up here the pic of teh ghost

Jsut in case you missed this...imgaine seeing this mofo in your bedroom ack...damn it........can't uplaod....o well scroll up and view mine_skeleton.jpg its very wicked


Feb 28, 2003
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Originally posted by CelestialRush
Lol dude...... I can't controll myself...

Must not look won't sleep....

but ah gash there's a link must click

no no no no!!!!!!




you do know thats exactly what im doing? :p

i cant help butkeep clicking :(


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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Lol...its addicting.....anyone else have any more cool stories...if not dun make me start posting ghost pics


Oct 15, 2003
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Buena Park, CA
Originally posted by TheNamelessPunk
post a picture of your half finger :)

LOL!!!! Scary.

Anyways, guys check out rotten com. More gross than scary.

According to the forum rules, discussion of a place is OK, as long as no link is provided. So... I don't expect to be banned tomorrow.... uh.... thanks.


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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Originally posted by TheNamelessPunk
post a picture of your half finger :)

I will as soon as i get some apoliges from a couple of peopl in the pic thread.....they still havcn't apologized.....andd we are getting off topic...doh!


Feb 28, 2003
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man you are too paranoid celestialrush, mods arent going to murder you for talking about it :/

anyway, rotten.com is more for disgusting stuff like people having their heads grinded off or whatever, boners.com is hilarious as hell, but nothing amongst those sites really scare the crap out of me :/

on the other hand...

glowpole did a good job scaring the crap out of me, that accursed winch ;[

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