What the scariest thing you've seen??

Aug 31, 2003
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The Area of Role Playing
I dont know my SCARIEST but heres one of them.

I had a dream, it was on the night on September 11, yes the twin towers got destroyed. Well i slept, and there was this dream, there were lots parts here the scary part, i saw a terrorist trying to kill us ( me n my class ). We all ran seperate ways but he followed me and my dad and he was shooting mad. We were in the parking lot. Bam bam everywhere. The cars blowing up. His face.. wait HER face was really weird and stuff and she shot my dad. Pow .. *dead* then she went after me, i ducked. She followed pow a car's window blew up, then there.. she shot me in the chest. Augh that was so weird! Then when I was dead, I saw Jason and Matthew ( friends ) playing YUGIOH cards together. I was like wtf....?
The End.

That is a true nitemare and it fr33k3d me out. Its true!@!!! Friggin scary for a 10 yar old!

l33t 0n3

Aug 12, 2002
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another one was one night I dreamt of being chased, and right as the hooded black figure stabbed me in my dream, my cheaply made lamp form target fell on me and hit me in the head, scared the SHIT outta me!


BattleForums Senior Member
May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
My Uncle had lots of weird things happen to him.

One time he heard something to tell him to put his seat belt on. He ignored it but finally gave into it and put his seat belt on.....As soon as he pulled out of his driveway a woman ran into his truck and died.

And that banging on the door of the closet from the inside is some scary shit. lol. Some guy was acually yelling help and banging from the inside of the closet. The door was moving as it would if it was moving like that.....I get goose bumps thinging about it.


BattleForums Member
Jun 9, 2003
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lol omg i just thought of something really funny and also scary, one time me and my friend were walking down the sidewalk at like 9 at night and all of a suden a dog jumped over a fence onto my friend lol it ****ing freaked us out soo bad but after we were laughing our asses off.

RoaCh of DisCord

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May 17, 2003
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Scary stories?

Err...I may have a few.

Okay, where to start...

Well, one night, along time ago, I was with 2 friends, and one had 2 little sisters with them. Anyway, I was with Crystal, and Mechala (just for reference).

So we were all listening to music, and just hanging out, when we heard the door bell ring. Now this was about 10 PM...so we're like...uhh what the hell!??! So Crystal (it was her house) went to the door, and opened it. No one was there. She went out on the steps, and was like "hello?"...but no one answered. So we're like, okay, wierd, and shrugged it off. So we continued to hang out, and just mess around. About 10 minutes later, we heard a REALLY loud noise, and chellsy and jamie (young, about 10 and 6) came running out from their room and said someone hit their window. So I was like...wtf, and went outside, yet again, no one there. So I went back in, and was like "its probably just someone messing around".

Well, we all went into the kitchen, because we were doing something (I think making a candle or something). Mechalla was up against the door leading to the garage, and me and crystal were using the counter. Anyway, out of no where, mechalla yelled, and was like "oh my god!". We looked over, and someone was trying to open the door leading to the garage. They were pushing the door really hard, into mechalla's back. Mechalla turned around fast, and pushed it shut, then locked it. Right then jamie and chellsy were crying, and crystal grabbed the phone. We heard about 4 loud bangs at the door, which were very loud. After that, she called the police, and we all waited, pretty freaked. After a few minutes, of being totally freaked out, we went out to the garage, and no one was there, but the door leading to outside was wide open. So we were looking around for a second, and we heard the smoke detector go off. It was really wierd.. So we ran in, and somehow, someone turned on a burner, and a piece of paper, and a few other things were on fire. The cops pulled in, right as I was trying to put it out. Crystal and mechella went out to talk to them, and they said they'd do a search. They found absolutely nothing, but said to keep an eye out.

Now this is even wierder...

A few days after, right up the road, a young girl (a nieghbor) was pulled from the road, and drug into someones car. The guy drove a few feet, but she kicked, somehow got loose, and ran off.

Very wierd in my opinion, and quite freaky.

Okay, here's one about a oujia board.

I actually really like ouija boards. I find then 100% interesting. I also am into the paranormal, but have various reasons. Anyway, this was a few years ago, about the third time I have ever used one.

I was with a friend, Jen, and her brother kenny. Usually we use homemade ouija's, because it is believed that putting your own work into them, makes them more powerful. So anyway, we went to a store called Raven's World, which is downtown. This is a pretty nice store...related to mostly pagan and wiccan type beliefs. I noticed a really nice looking ouija, and decided to actually buy one. After we got it, we went back over to Jen's. We had to sneak it in, because her mom HATES ouija stuff. Anyway, we all went upstairs to her room, and into her big walk in closet (very dark). We lit some candles, and started up. This is the first time her brother kenny took part. Anyway, we asked some basic questions, and did some concentrating, and slowly the planchette began to move. This was actually about MY third time, so it was pretty exciting.

It was odd though, because the planchette just seems to slowly (VERY SLOW) move around in a circular pattern. Finally it spelled out a wierd name, which I believe was something like anyakain or something, it was hard to tell, because it just kept going through the letters. After that, it just stopped. We tried everything, sitting for minutes, but no luck. We became annoyed, and decided to put it away. Me and jen went downstairs, and talked with another friend for a bit. After that, we went back up, and noticed kenny was messing with it. He told us it was a piece of crap, and didn't work. He then bent it, and tried breaking it, but it really didn't work. Jen tried to get it back, but he pulled it away, and lit a lighter underneath it.

It was so odd looking, because the flame just seemed to hover below the buttom, not even touching. Suddenly, the flame went HUGE (and I mean huge), and seemed to wrap all around the board, and the lighter caught on fire. Quickly kenny through the lighter outside, and it exploded. We noticed he dropped the board on the ground, yet it was so wierd. It wasn't burned at all, almost spotless, just as we once bought it.

Okay, one more...

This isn't very freaky, but basically very cool. This was a LONG time ago. I went camping with a friend and his parents. We also brought two other friends. Anyway, it was around august, so it was pretty warm. The great thing was, where we were, we could just look up, and see the sky perfectly. That night, the sky was amazing. No clouds, crystal clear. It was great. Anyway, about midnight, we began to settle down, and go back towards the actual camping area, where the tent was. While walking back, we noticed a strange, VERY bright light, hovering high above us. It slowly moved, and seemed to break off, into another round, bright ball. The light seemed to duplicate itself. Once again, another duplicated, but this time, from the one that came off from the first light. It happened again, and suddenly began moving faster, almost like a falling star. Out in the distance, it finally stopped moving, and with a blink of an eye, disappeared. Very wierd, and I'm still convinced it was some sort of UFO. It was odd..because when it happened, we were all speechless, and motionless. Just starting up silently.

That's about all I have, I have more stories, but not all that scary.

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
Scariest thing...

1. Res Evil 2 4 AM, no lights, home alone. Met the Licker.

2. Seeing wierd lights outside window, March 21, birthday.

3. You don't want to know. Really, the image that has been ingrained into my retinas is so horrific, you just don't want to know.

4. Halo, 12AM midnight. 343 Guilty Spark, first saw Flood. Home alone, no lights.

5. Photos on the Internet. January 1st, NewGrounds.


Jun 15, 2003
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sweet, i want to mess around with one of them wegi boards? or don't i? are these things very real?


Jun 15, 2003
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BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 17, 2003
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LoL.. i hate that site.. scares the hell out of me at night.. the say it 3 words thing.. LoL the pic stays there..



BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 17, 2003
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Ugh.. not pretty.. blood flyin everywhere i bet.. Just like exploding a bird with alkaseltzer.. EwW....


RoaCh of DisCord

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May 17, 2003
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Foolz, they are Ouija boards. Yes, they do work. Atleast for me.


Jun 15, 2003
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will they haunt me and all that sort've stuff!!!! WHY WOULD THEY SELL SUCH A vIOLENT THING AT TOYS R US!?!?!?!?

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by foolz
will they haunt me and all that sort've stuff!!!! WHY WOULD THEY SELL SUCH A vIOLENT THING AT TOYS R US!?!?!?!?
Ouija's aren't "violent". They can't harm you physically, but possibly mentally. They've actually been around for over a 100 years, but stores like toys r' us now sell them, because they are a money maker. They don't "haunt" you, but there are rumours about them doing odd things...if you don't end conversations properly. For allot of people they don't work, but I'm almost positive that they work for me. They take tons of consentration though.


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May 19, 2003
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Lol apprently everyone fears mR bean...well he's gone for good but anyways.....This happen bout 10 years ago..

Me my sister and my freinds lil sister were in my sisters room watching some scary movie about a doctor who kills people with needles...anyways it was like 10. pm and I was laying on the floor and I heard footsteps down the hall....so i turned down the volume and we all listen to footsteps walking around my house....then we heard a kitchen cabinet open and close then we heard teh door handle chittering liek someone was trying to open it...........so...my first instic was it was a robber or smthing so after my sister pride me from under the bed and told me i was sopose to protect them.....she and I open the door slowly and saw a lock picking tool laying on the groud...you know one of those weird looking one with the hook....anyways me and my sister starting screaming bloody murder and we heard footsteps runing in the garage...so my sis called the police and apprently someone broke into our garage threw a window and was actaully trying to pick the lock....to the room we was in.....that was some freaky shiznit

and also

Last haloween me and some freinds decides to go on some ghost hunts...so we did the whole blair witch thing and got a camera....anyways there this old abandon house in the woods behind me...(thats where i used to go smoke in stuff) anyways my stupid cats follows my and my freinds to the house...well you know how they say that dogs and cats can sense paranoia or whatever so as we were going into the basement my cat stopped right at the door......and every hair on her body stood straight up and she took off running full speed back to my house....anyways i was looking around and i saw this big dirt mound in the corner...and their was a door underneath sme of the dirt....so I grabed the camera(only source of light) and peeked in their and there was bones laying everywhere...i mena cats,dogs,birds, skunks you name it and i mean a huge pile of them.......some were burnt...so we were like wtf...so we went upstairs and went into the attic....and as soon aswe got into this one rooms my camera starter fading and losing power and blinking adn going haywire..........so i was hmmm low battery so i go back down the stairs and as soon as i left teh room it went back to normal......so i was guys check this out...so i went back up and stuck the camera in the room and it started tweaking again.......i did it several time to make sure so somthing in that room was messing with my camera.....so we were like peace.....o yea somthnig that was funny was that my freinds justin was looking in this old bathroom and he fell threw the floor into the basement..i got it on camera also...lol.....and some more freaky things i've seen frm this house is that there is this huge fireplace in the living room and everytime i went to the house...there was the burnt outline of a big bird.....each time i came back sometimes it would be their and sometimes it wouldn't......and the weirdest thing was that when we was watching the tape it didn't show on the camera.....anyways so next we decided to go the this rock quarry.....people has said that hundreds of people commited suicide off this giant rig into the lake down below....so we were walking down this road and i had the camera and angel was look on the rig...and their was a shadow of a guy standing their....then it jsut kinda faded out..i duno if it jumped or waht......but after that we got chased off by some really nasty dogs...so we went to knoxville to find some creepy stuff their...and we found this old burnt psyco asylum that they had sealed off so me and ronny snuck in their while the girls waited at the truck....so me and him was in the basemnet and their was glass everywhere....and then my camera light stopped working...halfway up the stairs....well the sound still was working so i let it roll and we had to get back so when we got back up the field the light came back on...and when wewatched the tape their was all these weird noises on it ...somthing like \a baby crying and someone beating their head on a wall...its rumored the most haunted place in tn.....and after we got back we had a beer and watched our film and we caught so clips of shit we never did see like when we was in the first house i was doing a sweep of the living room and their was a shadow walking across the room...oh yea almost forgot...as we left the burnt insane place we kinda got lost in these woods and was trying to get out and we came up upon this humoungus house....it looked like a french house or somthing anyways we was t urning around and i was shooting the camera in this window seeing if i could se anything and this is he weird part....its like this man in a tuxedo just kinda appear..stared for a few seconds then split in half kinda liek curtains being drawn...and i got a clear shot of that.......it was so ****ing scary.........it was hard to sleep after we watched all this crap and my freind chad was paranoid about one of us being possed or somthing.....the next night we tried to go some other places but we didn't see anything except these balls of light floating aroudn this old graveyard.......look them up on the internet....go to google type : ghosthunters...and you'll see what i am talkin about with the balls...but tha night we saw everything it was a full moon so i think it had somthing to do ith that...........


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 25, 2003
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Originally posted by AvalonX
a lady gettig hit by a train ... i kid you not (watched it on some "funny" site, it wan't funny, t'was sick)
Those faces of death videos are sick and disgusting. They are worse than rape-porn


Feb 28, 2003
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Originally posted by Final Warrior
Scariest thing...

1. Res Evil 2 4 AM, no lights, home alone. Met the Licker.
im a rather jittery person, so i think if that happened to me id have a heart attack.


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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Here's one of the orbs thingy's i was talkin about.......if you noticed that the orb floatin thigy is casting a shadow on the wall that i pointed out...now thats freakin creepy

holy shit this guy was exploring a abandon gold mine in austrlia and look what he saw

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