What the scariest thing you've seen??


BattleForums Member
Jun 9, 2003
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the depths of the sea
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i found this story on the net, a long read but very scary o_O

In May of 1991, while on a fishing/camping trip to Broken Bow Res., north of Broken Bow, Ok., I , and my friend A.C. (Name with held by request) encountered what I now believe was a Sasquatch/Bigfoot. At this time in my life I was only 18 years old, and neither A.C. nor myself had ever heard of such a creature.
We were being rewarded by my father for our 12 years of hard work getting through high school. A.C. had (along with most of my other friends) enlisted in the Armed Forces. I had bigger plans as I had been awarded a scholarship to attend college.
We arrived at our campsite around midday and began setting up our camp. My father, Hugh Holley and a cousin of ours; Earl Varley set a tent up near the beach. A.C., my brother-in-law Carl (Sonny) Walston, and I set our tent up approximately 50 yards from the rocky beach. A variety of trees surrounded our tent. The brush was thick. Following a light lunch of cheese and crackers, the four of us started out onto the lake in two separate boats to fish and set lines out. My father and Earl were in one boat. They would be setting out "trot lines". Sonny, A.C. and myself were in another boat. Our intention was to catch some Crappie or Channel Catfish for the evening meal with our poles.
As the day wore on, and as we were not catching anything with our poles, sonny suggested we call it a day and return to camp. We arrived ahead of Dad and Earl, so we decided to get things set up for the evening meal. A.C. had never camped or fished in the 18 years I'd known him. So, he wanted to have a camp fire. (Now I don't ever go camping unless I have a camp fire. It doesn't have to be big, just cheerful and small) We gathered fire wood, and A.C. reflected that he thought there should be birds chirping, and squirrels running through the trees. I didn't think anything about it, until that night after it got dark.
Dad and Earl had left camp shortly before dark to run their lines. Sonny had gotten sick during the evening meal and had retired to our tent to sleep. A.C. and I had gotten close to the fire and had started congratulating each other for having survived 12 years of the Clarksville, Texas, school system. We opened a couple cans of Coors beer and began toasting each other, and our futures together. We sat close to the fire and A.C.. remarked, "Dave, it sure is quiet." I stopped talking long enough to listen to the sounds of the night; but there were none. No crickets, no owls, no frogs, nothing. It was strange. I'd been on enough trips with my Dad, Earl, Sonny and my uncle and cousins to know that you always heard sounds. Especially on or near a lake surrounded by trees.
I think I told A.C. it was strange, but not to worry about it. I got us another beer and as we sat around the fire, I began to get an uncomfortable feeling. The hair on the back of my neck began to stand up, I began to wipe my eyes which had begun to tear. I turned to A.C. and asked him if he had the feeling we were being "watched". He nodded his head yes, and we began to listen. Just beyond the tree line, we could hear something large moving around our campsite. We began to get worried about Sonny. He was asleep in our tent, and whatever was circling our camp was also just behind our tent. We began to walk around the fire, putting the fire behind us. We both just figured with the campfire flames in front of us, we wouldn't be able to see whoever (and we did think it was a whoever) was trying to scare us. We soon heard my Dads boat coming back towards the beach, and so gathered up a couple of weak flashlights and went down to the beach to meet them. (Maybe not the bravest thing to do, but perhaps it was the smartest).
Dad and Earl told us we really needed to have been in bed, and that we should turn in for the night if we were going to fish the next day. we looked at each other, and then looked back towards our tent. Believe me, the night had suddenly become much darker...much more menacing. As we began our long walk towards the tent, Dad said, "You boys be sure to put out the fire." Yeah...go ahead and laugh. When the fire was put out, and we had to walk to the tent, the night was even darker.
Somehow, we fell asleep. Maybe it was because we didn't hear anything or anyone walking around the tent after we turned in; but we slept. The next morning, Sonny woke us up and told us he didn't appreciate A.C. and I walking around the tent the night before breathing hard and "growling". A.C. and I just looked at each other and tried to tell him we hadn't been guilty of trying to frighten him. (After all...my brother-in-law had been in Viet Nam and had been awarded a Purple Heart, a Bronze Star, and a Silver Star. Sonny wouldn't scare easy).
Nothing happened that day, or that night. Everything changed, however, on Sunday, May 16,1991 .A.C. and myself had decided to climb to the top of one of the islands in the middle of the Res. We had spotted the island we wanted to "conquer" the day before. We told my Dad, Earl, and Sonny we would meet them back at camp. They were going to take their lines up.
I was running the outboard motor. Everything was fine. We moved across the water and circled one island and then we saw our island in front of us. I eased off the gas, turned the motor off and we slip effortlessly to a stop on the islands rocky beach. A.C. pulled the boat up farther onto the beach, secured the boat and I climbed out. We noticed a rather large game trail a short distance away from us, and we decided we'd use it to make our way to the top of the island. As we walked up the trail it began to get steeper and harder to climb without grabbing a sapping, or a bush along the way. We persevered, however, and gained the top of the island.
We were amazed with what we saw. A clearing of about 50-60 yards wide had been packed down. There was no tall grass. The grass had not been grazed by deer, wild cattle, etc. No, it had been flattened by something, or someone who was very heavy. Near the edges of the clearing were several trees; all around us which had been snapped off approximately 9-10 feet . The tops of these trees (mostly Pine saplings) hung down lifeless towards the ground. I commented to A.C. that a skunk must be near because the wind was bringing its scent towards us, and it was sure stout.
We had brought a small Confederate flag with us, and I put it in the break of one of the broken saplings. We agreed we should do our class yell. "WE RAISE HELL...WE HAVE FUN...WE'RE THE CLASS OF '91!" We left the flag and began our trip back down the hill.
At some point, we became aware we weren't alone. Just beyond our vision we could hear something, or someone walking. When we walked, it walked. When we stopped, it stopped. The worse smell odor either of us had ever smelled was nearly overpowering.
A.C. said he caught the glimpse of someone watching us as we stopped for a rest, but he couldn't make any features out. Suddenly we heard it moving towards us. The stench was bad! We began to run, and I realized we were not on the game trail. We panicked! After 28 years I'm not ashamed to say I was scared. We found ourselves standing on the edge of a drop off of about ten feet from the forest floor, and whatever was pursuing us was coming closer. I screamed to A.C. to jump! We landed on our feet and tried to catch our breath. That strange sensation washed over me, and I became very still and very quiet. The forest was still. Not even a breeze. Then we heard it. A grunting/growl, heavy breathing. We both turned our heads upwards and looked into the face of what I at first thought was a gorilla! "holy shit!" shouted A.C. All I could do was say "Run!"
Run we did! We ran through thorn bushes. We crashed through trees and brush a sane man would have gone around, and all the time we could hear this "gorilla" crashing through the same brush and trees. Only it sounded like a freight train coming after us.
To this day I don't know how we made it to the beach, but we made it. However, our escort was still coming, and it didn't sound to pleased. Fortune smiled upon us in the fact we came out only yards away fro our boat. I raced for the boat, untied it and jumped in! I started the motor and shouted for AC. to come on. He was about to climb into the boat when he spied a triangular rock. Grabbing the rock he planted it in the middle of the game trail we had originally followed up the hillside. I was still screaming at him when he pushed the boat into the water and jumped into it.
As I put the boat in reverse and was moving away from the island, "IT" burst out of the brush and onto the beach. It made a scream I will never forget. (I have heard screams of a similar type on many of the BIGFOOT WEB SITES.)
What did this creature look like, I honestly can't say I looked at his/its feet, so I'm not going to be foolish enough to comment upon this point. However, as it entered the lake after us, swinging its long arms, splashing water, I had the impression it was about 8-9 feet tall. Heavily built, covered in redish-brown hair which covered its entire body except around the eyes, nose and mouth. I also had the impression its head was conical in shape, and I can't remember seeing much of a neck. I do know it was very aggressive.
A.C. and I agreed not to speak about what happened to our buddies. We were afraid of being branded as "Nuts". We never did speak of it.
It was about a year later while sitting in a doctors office I happened to run across a Readers Digest, which carried an article on a creature called Sasquatch, or more commonly known as Bigfoot.
It didn't take me long to figure this is what A.C. and I saw, and im still afraid to return to the location me and A.C. saw the beast.

omg this would put me in cardiac arrest lol.


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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lol.......thats an aswome story........god i jsut woke up..had a hard time sleeping maybe lookin at thos ghost pics was a bad idea but i a simliar story that happen to me and some freinds but not as dramatic..

Me and my freinds family were camping in cades cove and my sister, reese, brian, micheal, dustin and I was climbing around in the woods just goofing off when we started to smell somthing that just plain reaked....anyways we was blaming each other about who delt it when my sister pointed in the distance and said look...we all looked and there was a brownish black thing leaning up against a tree...and i coulnd't tell if it was a bear or not becuase by the time i said that the thing turned and ra noff and we did the same.....i never knew wtf that was.....maybe a bear...maybe a skunkape ( thats what we call bigfoot)


Jan 20, 2003
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The Asylum
this aint scary, but it's just ****ed up

once i was going to visit my dad in hong kong... i had to live in an apartment that we rented... then in theb afternoon a cocroach came out under the table... so i got a slipper and stomped it in half... then it still started moving with its head and it's body...

about 5 years ago me and my sister was outside in the backyard... then we saw a daddy long legs (spider with big ass legs and an oval for a head) so since we were young back then, we killed him and all his legs fell off... but each leg kept moving....



Aug 10, 2003
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In hell, Most likely life.
When a friend gave me a link to ******* in which case led me to going over to his house and beeting him with the butt of his bebee gun then kicking him off the porch 5 ft down while he landed on sticks stabbing him and I laughed....until I had to talk to the cops.......

= *******, the scarriest thing on the planet (zoomz off into the sky like a hacker with anime hyper speed star after me)


Jan 20, 2003
Reaction score
The Asylum
this is also ****ed up...

once i was chatting with my friend and he told me to go to this website called *********.com... and it was porn... not any other porn... theres this girl with shit all over her body... its shit porn!!!


Machine Gun Funk
Jun 15, 2003
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Washington DC
lol i wanna go see tht.

anyways i was 6 and i got bored and decided to watch a scary movie. i watched the exorcist... scared me to death. doesnt now but whe i was 6, damn tht was scary.


Jun 15, 2003
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are you guys talking about *******.com? loliez

btw, what's that site for the ouji board? i wanna **** around with one.


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 25, 2003
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Where the **** is ******.com?? PM me, lol I have no idea what site u guys are talking about neither do other ppl.

Yes I agree, rotten is a very sick site. I found it by accident once while browsing their network. I think they have a connection with DumbLaws.com or something... I hate that site, its disgusting and Im not going back there again. Eeew!

Anyways the online Ouija Board (yes thats how it is spelt) is www.WitchBoard.com I believe.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
ewwww the nastiest site is rotton .com omg it so gross. It shouls attempted suicides and people getting hit by trains and people who shoot themselves in their mouth. It also shows decapitated heads and this one dead old lady with her gown rotted to her body. Its so ****ing nasty. It also shows people who fall out of buildings and the splatter. I threw up 1 time looking at it. And I always thought it was funny to laugh and point at freaks.

BTW I went to a Baseball game and tried to start the wave...^^


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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Originally posted by mannersing

In May of 1991, while on a fishing/camping trip to Broken Bow Res., north of Broken Bow, Ok., I , and my friend A.C. (Name with held by request) encountered what I now believe was a Sasquatch/Bigfoot. At this time in my life I was only 18 years old, and neither A.C. nor myself had ever heard of such a creature.
We were being rewarded by my father for our 12 years of hard work getting through high school. A.C. had (along with most of my other friends) enlisted in the Armed Forces. I had bigger plans as I had been awarded a scholarship to attend college.
We arrived at our campsite around midday and began setting up our camp. My father, Hugh Holley and a cousin of ours; Earl Varley set a tent up near the beach. A.C., my brother-in-law Carl (Sonny) Walston, and I set our tent up approximately 50 yards from the rocky beach. A variety of trees surrounded our tent. The brush was thick. Following a light lunch of cheese and crackers, the four of us started out onto the lake in two separate boats to fish and set lines out. My father and Earl were in one boat. They would be setting out "trot lines". Sonny, A.C. and myself were in another boat. Our intention was to catch some Crappie or Channel Catfish for the evening meal with our poles.
As the day wore on, and as we were not catching anything with our poles, sonny suggested we call it a day and return to camp. We arrived ahead of Dad and Earl, so we decided to get things set up for the evening meal. A.C. had never camped or fished in the 18 years I'd known him. So, he wanted to have a camp fire. (Now I don't ever go camping unless I have a camp fire. It doesn't have to be big, just cheerful and small) We gathered fire wood, and A.C. reflected that he thought there should be birds chirping, and squirrels running through the trees. I didn't think anything about it, until that night after it got dark.
Dad and Earl had left camp shortly before dark to run their lines. Sonny had gotten sick during the evening meal and had retired to our tent to sleep. A.C. and I had gotten close to the fire and had started congratulating each other for having survived 12 years of the Clarksville, Texas, school system. We opened a couple cans of Coors beer and began toasting each other, and our futures together. We sat close to the fire and A.C.. remarked, "Dave, it sure is quiet." I stopped talking long enough to listen to the sounds of the night; but there were none. No crickets, no owls, no frogs, nothing. It was strange. I'd been on enough trips with my Dad, Earl, Sonny and my uncle and cousins to know that you always heard sounds. Especially on or near a lake surrounded by trees.
I think I told A.C. it was strange, but not to worry about it. I got us another beer and as we sat around the fire, I began to get an uncomfortable feeling. The hair on the back of my neck began to stand up, I began to wipe my eyes which had begun to tear. I turned to A.C. and asked him if he had the feeling we were being "watched". He nodded his head yes, and we began to listen. Just beyond the tree line, we could hear something large moving around our campsite. We began to get worried about Sonny. He was asleep in our tent, and whatever was circling our camp was also just behind our tent. We began to walk around the fire, putting the fire behind us. We both just figured with the campfire flames in front of us, we wouldn't be able to see whoever (and we did think it was a whoever) was trying to scare us. We soon heard my Dads boat coming back towards the beach, and so gathered up a couple of weak flashlights and went down to the beach to meet them. (Maybe not the bravest thing to do, but perhaps it was the smartest).
Dad and Earl told us we really needed to have been in bed, and that we should turn in for the night if we were going to fish the next day. we looked at each other, and then looked back towards our tent. Believe me, the night had suddenly become much darker...much more menacing. As we began our long walk towards the tent, Dad said, "You boys be sure to put out the fire." Yeah...go ahead and laugh. When the fire was put out, and we had to walk to the tent, the night was even darker.
Somehow, we fell asleep. Maybe it was because we didn't hear anything or anyone walking around the tent after we turned in; but we slept. The next morning, Sonny woke us up and told us he didn't appreciate A.C. and I walking around the tent the night before breathing hard and "growling". A.C. and I just looked at each other and tried to tell him we hadn't been guilty of trying to frighten him. (After all...my brother-in-law had been in Viet Nam and had been awarded a Purple Heart, a Bronze Star, and a Silver Star. Sonny wouldn't scare easy).
Nothing happened that day, or that night. Everything changed, however, on Sunday, May 16,1991 .A.C. and myself had decided to climb to the top of one of the islands in the middle of the Res. We had spotted the island we wanted to "conquer" the day before. We told my Dad, Earl, and Sonny we would meet them back at camp. They were going to take their lines up.
I was running the outboard motor. Everything was fine. We moved across the water and circled one island and then we saw our island in front of us. I eased off the gas, turned the motor off and we slip effortlessly to a stop on the islands rocky beach. A.C. pulled the boat up farther onto the beach, secured the boat and I climbed out. We noticed a rather large game trail a short distance away from us, and we decided we'd use it to make our way to the top of the island. As we walked up the trail it began to get steeper and harder to climb without grabbing a sapping, or a bush along the way. We persevered, however, and gained the top of the island.
We were amazed with what we saw. A clearing of about 50-60 yards wide had been packed down. There was no tall grass. The grass had not been grazed by deer, wild cattle, etc. No, it had been flattened by something, or someone who was very heavy. Near the edges of the clearing were several trees; all around us which had been snapped off approximately 9-10 feet . The tops of these trees (mostly Pine saplings) hung down lifeless towards the ground. I commented to A.C. that a skunk must be near because the wind was bringing its scent towards us, and it was sure stout.
We had brought a small Confederate flag with us, and I put it in the break of one of the broken saplings. We agreed we should do our class yell. "WE RAISE HELL...WE HAVE FUN...WE'RE THE CLASS OF '91!" We left the flag and began our trip back down the hill.
At some point, we became aware we weren't alone. Just beyond our vision we could hear something, or someone walking. When we walked, it walked. When we stopped, it stopped. The worse smell odor either of us had ever smelled was nearly overpowering.
A.C. said he caught the glimpse of someone watching us as we stopped for a rest, but he couldn't make any features out. Suddenly we heard it moving towards us. The stench was bad! We began to run, and I realized we were not on the game trail. We panicked! After 28 years I'm not ashamed to say I was scared. We found ourselves standing on the edge of a drop off of about ten feet from the forest floor, and whatever was pursuing us was coming closer. I screamed to A.C. to jump! We landed on our feet and tried to catch our breath. That strange sensation washed over me, and I became very still and very quiet. The forest was still. Not even a breeze. Then we heard it. A grunting/growl, heavy breathing. We both turned our heads upwards and looked into the face of what I at first thought was a gorilla! "holy shit!" shouted A.C. All I could do was say "Run!"
Run we did! We ran through thorn bushes. We crashed through trees and brush a sane man would have gone around, and all the time we could hear this "gorilla" crashing through the same brush and trees. Only it sounded like a freight train coming after us.
To this day I don't know how we made it to the beach, but we made it. However, our escort was still coming, and it didn't sound to pleased. Fortune smiled upon us in the fact we came out only yards away fro our boat. I raced for the boat, untied it and jumped in! I started the motor and shouted for AC. to come on. He was about to climb into the boat when he spied a triangular rock. Grabbing the rock he planted it in the middle of the game trail we had originally followed up the hillside. I was still screaming at him when he pushed the boat into the water and jumped into it.
As I put the boat in reverse and was moving away from the island, "IT" burst out of the brush and onto the beach. It made a scream I will never forget. (I have heard screams of a similar type on many of the BIGFOOT WEB SITES.)
What did this creature look like, I honestly can't say I looked at his/its feet, so I'm not going to be foolish enough to comment upon this point. However, as it entered the lake after us, swinging its long arms, splashing water, I had the impression it was about 8-9 feet tall. Heavily built, covered in redish-brown hair which covered its entire body except around the eyes, nose and mouth. I also had the impression its head was conical in shape, and I can't remember seeing much of a neck. I do know it was very aggressive.
A.C. and I agreed not to speak about what happened to our buddies. We were afraid of being branded as "Nuts". We never did speak of it.

getting off topic but hey man i read this this moring and whe n iwas on my break at work i was reading the newspaper and there was this article about a skunkman being spotted in our town and that witness's said they it's killing their pets...so far 1 dog and 4 cats have been killedi n the last three days..........thats not cool consdiering its in my town...:shocked


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 25, 2003
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It is a very crude site, too bad someone cant sue those idiots. Who could possibly have fun at that site.. im suprise everything they got isnt illegal

RoaCh of DisCord

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by Minnesota
Where the **** is ******.com?? PM me, lol I have no idea what site u guys are talking about neither do other ppl.

Yes I agree, rotten is a very sick site. I found it by accident once while browsing their network. I think they have a connection with DumbLaws.com or something... I hate that site, its disgusting and Im not going back there again. Eeew!

Anyways the online Ouija Board (yes thats how it is spelt) is www.WitchBoard.com I believe.

Ahaha rotten...

Yes, disturbing site, but ive seen far worse...un fortunatly. The online boards don't work, by the way :eek:


BattleForums Member
Jun 9, 2003
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the depths of the sea
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Originally posted by glowpole
getting off topic but hey man i read this this moring and whe n iwas on my break at work i was reading the newspaper and there was this article about a skunkman being spotted in our town and that witness's said they it's killing their pets...so far 1 dog and 4 cats have been killedi n the last three days..........thats not cool consdiering its in my town...:shocked
iv herd about the skunk man before, they had it on unsolved mysteries before or something anyway they found a hair sample of it and sent it in to see what it acually was but they never said what it was cus it was supost to be on an updated show i think but i never saw it.


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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Man last night after viewing all them ghost pics...I had a hard time getting to sleep...half way i heard this rattling sound that me me jump but it was my dog...lol now me co-worker told me some freaky stories this morning...i'll be damned if i go outside to smoke tonight and there's a skunkape sitting in my chair....


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 25, 2003
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Roach, you have seen "worse" than rotten?


Anyways, at Ripleys mueseum in Bronson Moussouri I got to see 3 real human shrunken heads and look them in the eye. Isnt that cool?

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