Looks at your post for not posting a story..Originally posted by PiNk PeOn
Yes I've noticed.... *looks up at minnesota's post* Anyways.. let's hear some actual scary storie's come on..
please remember I posted all this and am only asking people to do the same..
Yeah we talked about Signs in math once, and how it is a "questioable" movie and leaves you "thinking... what if this could happen?"
I think there is life elsewhere.
Oh yeah, one time on the discovery channel, there was some story about a guy who had a brother that talked to some very small creature that lived in his brother's closet, and he said it was a Grey (a grey is believe to be a type of alien) and it was very scary. And it wasnt made up, the guy who was this one guys brother was telling it and it sounded creepy!
There was another one where some little kid was being traumatized in his bedroom by something, but wouldnt tell his mom. And one day he found these pictures in a box, and one was a holy seen of Lucifer (the devil) and some angels over a cliff or something, and he starts screaming his head off and his grandma comes in and shes like "What happened?!" and hes like "I seen it over there!!" and shes like "whad did you see??" and he pointed to Lucifer on the picture.
I am not joking, that scared the #### out of me! I seen it on that "Unsolved Mysteries" program on lifetime
When I was a little kid, about six, my dad was asleep in his bedroom with the TV turned down really soft. My mom was out to the grocery store, and I was trying to sleep. Then I heard something coming from my room saying "Andrew, Andrew (my name/i heard it about 6 times) it was in a low, scary voice and I started crying and my dad didnt know what was wrong so he let me sleep on his bed until my mom got home. I have aboslutely no idea what was making the deep noise, it wasnt my dad I know that, and it was not the TV in his room that was on low volume.
Another scary thing is going to funerals, because the skin looks almost fake, and its really different and quite odd.
I used to sleep all by myself on the 2nd floor of an old house we had had. I slept in the room that was the biggest bedroom (remember, I had the whole level to myself) and one of the other 2 bedrooms on that floor, had been an old mans bedroom, and my guess is that that was the room he died in (he was a previous owner). Being the only one who slept on the top floor, which included a bathroom and 3 bedrooms. I got scared like crap. Pretty soon I started hearing noises coming from this guys old bedroom, and I would hear strange stuff going on.
Eventually I got so scared I wouldnt even sleep up there, I would come down and sleep in the living room on the couch, every single night. We didnt even live in that house for a year and then moved.
Some other scary things I know of (but these DIDNT happen to me are Once in the 1950's my grandparent had a home in the country and my grandpa looked out the window and he seen a UFO, im not kidding. He then grabbed a shotgun and went to go shoot it.. only it had moved above the other side of the small 2 room house and he tryed to shoot it from there, but it kept moving about 6 times back and forth until it finally went away.
Then one other time, they moved to a new house, about 5 miles away from their old one and they seen a blue light floating across their yard; and another time they had a cropcircle in their field.
My grandpa also said that once he woke up in the middle of the night because he had heard something outside growling (this wasd about 10 years ago) and it was a huge cat (panther or a cougar), they live VERY rural, and if anythign ever happened to them it would be a matter of days before anyone knew. Anyways they have a yardlight to light up their yard, and this huge cat was there (and that is very rare to see one in the stray part of the country where they live). I think it would be really scary to wake up hearing crowling, and then to see a huge wild cat in your front year, them things arnt afraid of anything, after a while I think it went away though. Another time my dad said it was just getting pitch black at night, and he decided he would go back in the woods by the swamp to do something (i dont know if it was to drop off some wood with his tractor or what) he no sooner got pretty far back in the woods when he heard a HUGE, LOUD shreek, he recognized it as a panther, and immediately backed out and put the old 1946 John Deere in overdrive all the way home. He told me it was the scariest thing that ever happened to him and that he never went back there in the night again, especially when it was pitch black. He also said that it was so loud an intence, it sounded like a woman with a high pitched voice, being murdered.
Anyways, I hope you all write more, it gets [glow=blue]Intresting