What the scariest thing you've seen??


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 25, 2003
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Originally posted by PiNk PeOn
Yes I've noticed.... *looks up at minnesota's post* Anyways.. let's hear some actual scary storie's come on..
Looks at your post for not posting a story..

please remember I posted all this and am only asking people to do the same..

Yeah we talked about Signs in math once, and how it is a "questioable" movie and leaves you "thinking... what if this could happen?"

I think there is life elsewhere.



Oh yeah, one time on the discovery channel, there was some story about a guy who had a brother that talked to some very small creature that lived in his brother's closet, and he said it was a Grey (a grey is believe to be a type of alien) and it was very scary. And it wasnt made up, the guy who was this one guys brother was telling it and it sounded creepy!
There was another one where some little kid was being traumatized in his bedroom by something, but wouldnt tell his mom. And one day he found these pictures in a box, and one was a holy seen of Lucifer (the devil) and some angels over a cliff or something, and he starts screaming his head off and his grandma comes in and shes like "What happened?!" and hes like "I seen it over there!!" and shes like "whad did you see??" and he pointed to Lucifer on the picture.

I am not joking, that scared the #### out of me! I seen it on that "Unsolved Mysteries" program on lifetime

When I was a little kid, about six, my dad was asleep in his bedroom with the TV turned down really soft. My mom was out to the grocery store, and I was trying to sleep. Then I heard something coming from my room saying "Andrew, Andrew (my name/i heard it about 6 times) it was in a low, scary voice and I started crying and my dad didnt know what was wrong so he let me sleep on his bed until my mom got home. I have aboslutely no idea what was making the deep noise, it wasnt my dad I know that, and it was not the TV in his room that was on low volume.

Another scary thing is going to funerals, because the skin looks almost fake, and its really different and quite odd.

I used to sleep all by myself on the 2nd floor of an old house we had had. I slept in the room that was the biggest bedroom (remember, I had the whole level to myself) and one of the other 2 bedrooms on that floor, had been an old mans bedroom, and my guess is that that was the room he died in (he was a previous owner). Being the only one who slept on the top floor, which included a bathroom and 3 bedrooms. I got scared like crap. Pretty soon I started hearing noises coming from this guys old bedroom, and I would hear strange stuff going on.
Eventually I got so scared I wouldnt even sleep up there, I would come down and sleep in the living room on the couch, every single night. We didnt even live in that house for a year and then moved.

Some other scary things I know of (but these DIDNT happen to me are Once in the 1950's my grandparent had a home in the country and my grandpa looked out the window and he seen a UFO, im not kidding. He then grabbed a shotgun and went to go shoot it.. only it had moved above the other side of the small 2 room house and he tryed to shoot it from there, but it kept moving about 6 times back and forth until it finally went away.
Then one other time, they moved to a new house, about 5 miles away from their old one and they seen a blue light floating across their yard; and another time they had a cropcircle in their field.
My grandpa also said that once he woke up in the middle of the night because he had heard something outside growling (this wasd about 10 years ago) and it was a huge cat (panther or a cougar), they live VERY rural, and if anythign ever happened to them it would be a matter of days before anyone knew. Anyways they have a yardlight to light up their yard, and this huge cat was there (and that is very rare to see one in the stray part of the country where they live). I think it would be really scary to wake up hearing crowling, and then to see a huge wild cat in your front year, them things arnt afraid of anything, after a while I think it went away though. Another time my dad said it was just getting pitch black at night, and he decided he would go back in the woods by the swamp to do something (i dont know if it was to drop off some wood with his tractor or what) he no sooner got pretty far back in the woods when he heard a HUGE, LOUD shreek, he recognized it as a panther, and immediately backed out and put the old 1946 John Deere in overdrive all the way home. He told me it was the scariest thing that ever happened to him and that he never went back there in the night again, especially when it was pitch black. He also said that it was so loud an intence, it sounded like a woman with a high pitched voice, being murdered.

Anyways, I hope you all write more, it gets [glow=blue]Intresting :)[/glow]


Feb 28, 2003
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mann minnesota i cant even go down to your level just SHUT UP!!


Jun 15, 2003
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Originally posted by mannersing
but it looked like it rolled around the corner
remember that movie willy wonka's chocolate factory, it was that girl that got all blown up into a giant blueberry.. f'realz..

anyways.. ur stories sound like their made up.. lolz.. f'realz..


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 25, 2003
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Spam spam spam,

Please actually share something and dont flame at me...

Try posting a story in this thread at least once since that is the purpose of it.

PiNk PeOn

Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2003
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I have left, And started a new
Originally posted by PiNk PeOn
Ok this happend to me when I was like 10.. scared the shit out of me...

Okay it wasn't exactly halloween it was the night before and like most people I hear people coming up and down the stairs while I'm sleeping so I just think it's my parents or something... but then I keep on hearing the "thing" come up and down the stairs and I'm like wtf...after about 5 mins of this, this figure comes to my room and stands in the doorway, and at this point I'm like so scared... I pretend to be sleeping and hope that nothing happens then it starts walking around my room and I'm like holy shit...then I wake up thinking it was all just a dream and I was dreaming it all and he's still there... it was still late in the night and I'm hoping it would go away but it didn't for about 30 minutes.... And for about an hour I'm curled up in a ball inside my covers and eventually I fall asleep and the next morning when I wake up I tell my older bro's what happend and they say they didn't hear a thing... to this day I'm still scared to shit about it...
Minnesota... I did post a story here it is if you wish to read it.


Oct 15, 2003
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Buena Park, CA
This story will scare the shit out of you, and will also give you some great advice. This is more scarier than any of the other stories and is true.

Ok, well, when I was younger, my older sister and her friends bought a wegi (SP, sounds like spelled here) board from Toy's R Us. I was sleeping in my room as normal. I hear the back guest room door slam (the room was creepy to begin with) and I woke up. The door slammed again in about another minute. I was wondering what the F is goin on. And then my sister and ALL of her friends run over to my room, shut the door and lock it. They told me about the board, and everything, and we all started freaking out. We were thinking it was spirts that were rested that have been awaken by the board. After the slamming calmed down, I looked across to my Mom and Dad's room, and we all make a dash for it, we told them everything. All the people that were at the house were now in my parent's room. The door slamming continues, but this time it's SLAM SLAM SLAM SLAM SLAM, as well as the lights repeatedly going on and off on and off on and off in the freaky room. My dad, (who was a Sheriff of like LA County and Buena Park) grabbed his gun and a flashlight. He kicked open the door and the lights stop flashing. We watched from outside and he said he found nothing. The stuff in the room was thrown around but that's about it. Ever since then, we always hear walking on the stairs and noises as well as creepy voices. My sister locked up the wegi board in a closet and it kept appearing in the creep room. No matter what we did, it just mysteriously appeared in that creepy room. We burned it and it was no more, however, weird stuff continued. We moved out of the house after a month, we just couldn't take it anymore.

The lesson learned is NEVER EVER EVER buy a wegi (sp) board ever! It's NOT worth it.


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 25, 2003
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Theres an online ouigi board, its www.WitchBoard.com I think

My mom told me never to mess with them because they have to do with the devil.

I believe your story Rush, that is really scary!


BattleForums Senior Member
May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
lol I saw this one horror book and it was titled "Strange Noises Comming from Mommy and Daddy's Room"


Oct 15, 2003
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Buena Park, CA
Originally posted by PiNk PeOn
No just an object dissapearing re-appearing you know that thing anyways...
I'm DEAD SERIOUS ABOUT THE DISSAPEARING. No ONE was playing a prank or anything.

In fact, my mom has a friend who is some other religion, and she went to go put her jacket in the closet. She saw it in there, and she said some things in spanish at the closet and she called my mom and said "I'm sorry Consuelo (my mom's name), I just can't stay here. I'm telling you right now that you need to burn it! You need to burn it!" and then she rudly left.

That's freaky.


Oct 15, 2003
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Buena Park, CA
Originally posted by t.a.t.u97
lol I saw this one horror book and it was titled "Strange Noises Comming from Mommy and Daddy's Room"
The noises were coming from the guest room, not my parent's room.

And someone needs to work on reading comprehension.

Also, this thread is a SCARY STORY THREAD, not flame the story tellers.


BattleForums Member
Jun 9, 2003
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the depths of the sea
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Originally posted by foolz
remember that movie willy wonka's chocolate factory, it was that girl that got all blown up into a giant blueberry.. f'realz..

anyways.. ur stories sound like their made up.. lolz.. f'realz..
both true, no joke.


Jan 20, 2003
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The Asylum
once it was like 12:00 and my mom and dad was at one of my aunt's parties, my sister was sleeping over at her friends' house and i was playing d2 then suddenly the living room's light was out so i didn't bother to change it. so then after a while my whole house's electricity was out, including my computer... but then the phone rang...but how? the power was out... i was so ****in scared i was lying on my computer room floor and slept there for the whole night...

another was when i was in one of those outdoor outhouses and i saw something in the toilet covered with bugs and blood... it looked like a finger... it was so ****ing scary.

another is when i saw a bleeding bum on an alley without a leg... that explains my name Dead peasent


Oct 15, 2003
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Buena Park, CA
Originally posted by DEAD_PeASENT
once it was like 12:00 and my mom and dad was at one of my aunt's parties, my sister was sleeping over at her friends' house and i was playing d2 then suddenly the living room's light was out so i didn't bother to change it. so then after a while my whole house's electricity was out, including my computer... but then the phone rang...but how? the power was out... i was so ****in scared i was lying on my computer room floor and slept there for the whole night...
Usually, electrical problems or anything having to do with electricity doing odd behavior is not supernatural. It happens. But in my story, it's coincidental, I don't believe it was electrical problems, it was just that one room, combined with the slamming and the tantrum-sort-of-thing that went in there.

Also, phones don't need electricty, especially the cord ones, Well technically, they use electricity, and when the phone isn't ringing it's like -40 (volts i think volts) and when it rings its like 60 volts (i think volts) positive. Thats how the phone rings. And basically, phones just transmit electricity constantly. You don't need house power to operate your cord phone, even some cordless have extra unit batteries, for that case, because cordless doesn't work without electricity.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
lol I wasn't flaming you lol I was just saying what a wonderful book to read to a younger sibling, especially when you have to express the diaolog in mommy and daddy's strange noises. :)


BattleForums Senior Member
May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
lol I wasn't flaming you lol I was just saying what a wonderful book to read to a younger sibling, especially when you have to express the dialog in mommy and daddy's strange noises. :)

Edit:LOL pedro wasn't lying!

l33t 0n3

Aug 12, 2002
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Well I was riding my bike with two friends, at the last minute decided to wear a helmet, so I was doing little dunny-hops over street reflectors for fun when all the sudden it all went like slow motion, and I felt the wheel fall off of the bike, the handles crushing my ribs, my face scraping sliding, breaking, and my skull cracking against the ground. It ends up i'd be toothless without braces and be dead without a helmet. The scariest part was looking in a mirror, I could see only blood on half of my face, my entire lip torn apart, braces sticking into it, and trying to walk with my broken ribs piercing my lungs. The Paramedics couldn't remove the braces from my lip, so without any numbing things, I tore my own lip open, feeling the skin rip and peel, and ended up saving my entire lip, needing only 14 stitches! now I look normal besides a small patch of gravel deep in my face that is visible and annoying as crap to eat with.

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