

Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red]Saying that you pwn me then you are the one pwned is also getting old. Anyway Russian democracy is different from US democracy, its more like Canada's democracy or EU's democracy. We got free health care, president got much more power then in US, and there are many other differences. For example in Russia police uresdiction covers the whole country.We are not doing better then we did, we have just started to regain some of our former strength, but compared to what we were 20 years ago we still have a long way to go, but we will go all the way. Also, people who voted on that poll were mostly american ofcourse they would vote for you, they didn't like hearing that their technology is inferior. We have been all over this. No matter how much you want those people to be non american they were american because i provided valid facts about you being wrong, so if they voted for you that means their opinion is biased. Poll meant nothing only that more people here are american then non american, and even if they were non american they didn't tell any facts they just voted, it means nothing.[/glow]


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Originally posted by Kuzmich
[glow=red]Saying that you pwn me then you sre the one pwned is also getting old. Anyway Russian democracy is different from US democracy, its more like Canada's democracy or EU's democracy. We got free health care, president got much more power then in US, and there are many other differences. For example in Russia police uresdiction covers the whole country.We are not doing better then we did, we have just started to regain some of our former strength, but compared to what we were 20 years ago we still have a long way to go, but we will go all the way. Also, people who voted on that poll were mostly american ofcourse they would vote for you, they didn't like hearing that their technology is inferior. We have been all over this. No matter how much you want those people to be non american they were american because i provided valid facts about you being wrong, so if they voted for you that means their opinion is biased. Poll meant nothing only that more people here are american then non american, and even if they were non american they didn't tell any facts they just voted, it means nothing.[/glow]
Sorry otmo but you just made yourself look more retarded than ever imagined.

First, dumbass, Canada doesn't have a democracy. As for EU, not every country in it is a democracy.


Thought I had put this. But anyone who has a democracy in modern times has copied us, since we invented the form of it that is used to day.


Free health care has nothing to do with democracy, its a government policy.

Checks and balance my vary but the basic idea you are copying is still the same.

And, please, when did you ever have strength? Give me a year.

As for the poll, you are only assuming they are American, but you can't back that assumption and until you can that isn't a valid arguement. And I believe you were American too, so it wasn't biased.

You never awnsered my question of how my arguement is invalid.


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red] We didn't copy anything from you, our system is totally deifferent the only same thing is that we elect our president but even in that we elect him directly and not like you through board of electors. I am not american, are you an idiot or an even bigger idiot? As for year then Russia was powerful, all the time of its existence up until 1991. Your argumeny is in valid because you assume that we copied something from you then really we didn't copy anything. Also all countries in EU are a democracy, democracy different from yours but still democracy.[/glow]


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Originally posted by Kuzmich
[glow=red] We didn't copy anything from you, our system is totally deifferent the only same thing is that we elect our president but even in that we elect him directly and not like you through board of electors. I am not american, are you an idiot or an even bigger idiot? As for year then Russia was powerful, all the time of its existence up until 1991. Your argumeny is in valid because you assume that we copied something from you then really we didn't copy anything. Also all countries in EU are a democracy, democracy different from yours but still democracy.[/glow]
Negatory. You run a representative democracy just like we invented. You obviously don't know enough about governments if you think the fact we have an electorial college you're president has more power than ours has anything to do with the type of government we are running.

England is in the EU and isn't a democracy.

Russia was never strong because communism mudered it for a century. A command economy is horrible and murders the economy. Exactly while you loss the cold war. Your people were poor, treated unfairly, and Stalin led to the death of millions of them. Before that, you have czars. I need not go there. Pick any moment in America's history and we hauled ass.

You lived in America and were an American citizen.

I didn't assume, you did. Every democracy in modern times has, suck it. Maybe not word for word, but you did copy us.

So, just about everything you said was wrong. Once again, gg.


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red] Correction, i lived in america on visa i was never a citizen, neither did i want to be. I live in Russia now, i moved back almost a year and a half ago. I only lived in US for two years. Also representative democracy was used before you. Also england has democratic monarchy which is different from one you have. USSR was strong, Russia was strong, my people were happy for most of their communist lives, i know that a bit better then you seens my parents and my grandparents lived most of their lives in USSR and they say that those were happy lives.No matter what your propaganda tells you they were happy. Also USSR was a global super power so yes it was strong. Russian Empire was also strong especially after we defeated Napoleon, before that Russian kniaz Vladimir even conquered Canstantinople once, we were strong most of our history with only few major draw backs. US on the other hand... you only got strong after WW1 and only because all those european countries payed you to help them rebuild europe, same thing repeated after WW2.[/glow]


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Originally posted by Kuzmich
[glow=red] Correction, i lived in america on visa i was never a citizen, neither did i want to be. I live in Russia now, i moved back almost a year and a half ago. I only lived in US for two years. Also representative democracy was used before you. Also england has democratic monarchy which is different from one you have. USSR was strong, Russia was strong, my people were happy for most of their communist lives, i know that a bit better then you seens my parents and my grandparents lived most of their lives in USSR and they say that those were happy lives.No matter what your propaganda tells you they were happy. Also USSR was a global super power so yes it was strong. Russian Empire was also strong especially after we defeated Napoleon, before that Russian kniaz Vladimir even conquered Canstantinople once, we were strong most of our history with only few major draw backs. US on the other hand... you only got strong after WW1 and only because all those european countries payed you to help them rebuild europe, same thing repeated after WW2.[/glow]
Negatory. England is a consitutional monarch.

Who else used a representative democracy prior to the United States?

The winter defeated Napolean.

What part of starving to death is a happy life?

We have always been strong, it's just we minded our own business until WWI. Lets not forget we defeated the greatest army in the world with a bunch of farmers. Twice.

I want a link to the people paying us to rebuild them. And we were small in WWI, but come WWII we were the reason of victory. But I will save you the embarassment and not go into that again.

I'm not talking about superpowers as much quality of life and economy, btw.


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red]In WW2 Russia did all the work and somehow you turn out to be the reason for victory? That is bullshit. Also we defeated Napoleon, there is a little thing called strategy you might not know about. You were never strong until WW1. And with your revolutionary war, well you lost most battles but won only the significant once, by using tactics terrorists use today. Also no one was starving in USSR, everyone was given food. You listening too much to your american propaganda, you are hopeless and can not hear the truth.So basically you are wrong.[/glow]


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Originally posted by Kuzmich
[glow=red]In WW2 Russia did all the work and somehow you turn out to be the reason for victory? That is bullshit. Also we defeated Napoleon, there is a little thing called strategy you might not know about. You were never strong until WW1. And with your revolutionary war, well you lost most battles but won only the significant once, by using tactics terrorists use today. Also no one was starving in USSR, everyone was given food. You listening too much to your american propaganda, you are hopeless and can not hear the truth.[/glow]
Russia...strategy...lol. More like lack there of. WW2 Russia just pushed them out of Russia. You lost 75,000 men taking berlin. That goes back to the lack of strategy.

The fact that America was an idustrial juggernaut is what won the war. We supplied everyone from Great Britain to even Russia with arms. So you're welcome for saving your ass. We also did the same work you did with a later start and on two fronts. And we had to storm beaches.

Napoleon won because the people burned their farms and what not and that army starved and froze. The people starved with them though.

Terrorist tactics? When did we crash planes into their buildings?

Also, kings mountain was one because we had superior positions. Cowspen, the turning point of the war was on open field. Every battle we won was fair.

As for I can't see the truth, if you want to make a poll on the next thread to get public opinion be my guest. Everyone seems to agree that your the one who can't except the truth.


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red]Alright first, you should thank Russia for saving your ungrateful ass. You had to storm beaches then we had to storm machine guns without having guns ourselves. You never made weapons for us. You did give us crapy trucks, we had to pay a lot for. Also we destroyed 80% of their army so yes we did do most work. Most important battles were on Eastern front, like Kursk, or Stalingrad, thats there most germans died. Oh and there were a 100 years between Napoleon and WW2, great strategies were used by Russians against Napoleon. Burning all the food supplies is a strategy, then we had small raids on the retreating army, 30000 french men died in Borodino Battle alone, and then there were many major battles we won then Napoleon was retreating to Paris. Who cares about public opinion? You know they gonna vote for you cause they are the same as you, they are retarded americans, besides it will proove nothing, only that more people here are american and believe in your bullshit. Who is everyone? You, radix, and Ilirian? Thats far from being everyone. Go ahead make that poll.[/glow]


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First, what is with the retarded font? And have you not ever heard of grammatical structure?

Moving on, we stormed the beaches and the machine guns at the beach. We also destroyed their production and their citys. You just saved your own ass, we saved others.

Lol, also the united states has nothing to thank Russia for. We gave them weapons, not vice versa. Had we stayed out of WWII we'd have been fine, and with the atom bombs we had the Germans wouldn't have even though of attacking the US.

Burning you're food supply is what I call an ingenious strategy. Also, it is a lot more like terroist tactics than how we faught in the Revolutionary War. Which you forgot to tell me I was right about that.

They aren't all americans but you are too dumb to see that. You, for some reason, asume they are because thats all you are - assumptions and stubborness. One of the reasons you are so dumb is because you refuse to accept the truth.


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 20, 2002
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Originally posted by Kuzmich
[glow=red]Alright first, you should thank Russia for saving your ungrateful ass. You had to storm beaches then we had to storm machine guns without having guns ourselves. You never made weapons for us. You did give us crapy trucks, we had to pay a lot for. Also we destroyed 80% of their army so yes we did do most work. Most important battles were on Eastern front, like Kursk, or Stalingrad, thats there most germans died. Oh and there were a 100 years between Napoleon and WW2, great strategies were used by Russians against Napoleon. Burning all the food supplies is a strategy, then we had small raids on the retreating army, 30000 french men died in Borodino Battle alone, and then there were many major battles we won then Napoleon was retreating to Paris. Who cares about public opinion? You know they gonna vote for you cause they are the same as you, they are retarded americans, besides it will proove nothing, only that more people here are american and believe in your bullshit. Who is everyone? You, radix, and Ilirian? Thats far from being everyone. Go ahead make that poll.[/glow]
The battles in Russia still doesn't constitute as "all the work" for WW2.

Battle of Britain, Tobruk, El Alamein, Midway, Okinawa, Normandy, Bulge... The British and United States did their share.


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red]Shut your hole you ****ing retard. You are the one who is saying ignorant bullshit in here. We took their cities too, also **** you, we lost 12000 soldiers to the war and we killed 3 million Germans, and captured millions upon millions more, we destroyed their army we defeated them. Also if not for the Germans you wouldn't have an atomic bomb, and they would attack you and destroy you. Burning food supply is a good strategy, if you don't destroy it then it gets to the enemy and unless you are a dumbass, and you ARE a dumbass, you don't want that to happen. You are a fool, your opinion is based on biased propaganda, you are truly the dumbest person i have ever talked to. You can't accept the truth and try to spray your bullshit around. **** off bitch.Also retard, you copied your representative gov't from Roman Republic.[/glow]


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12000 million to the entire war? Can you get any dumber? You lost 75000 to one battle alone.

I thought I already told you the germans had little to do with the A-bomb. It was an American project led by Americans and worked on by American Scientist. Good try though.

Buring you're own country is one hell of a pathetic last ditch effort. And yes, that is terroist tatics.

Besides that, all I heard was **** and I'm an idiot. Other than that you didn't touch on anything else. All you useless crap like propaganda...give me one example of propaganda Americans are exposed to retard. You couldnt support anything you said and you didn't comment on things I said, I will take it that you agree with me.

As for me being the dumbest person, everyone else seems to disagree. From what I hear everyone hates you. gg.


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red]Just read your own posts all of it is untrue and is american propaganda. Also dumbass, we lost 12 million soldiers in WW2, about 75000 in Berlin, so what i don't see your point, not every battle ended that badly. We lost 12 million thats a fact. Also we burned our own city to show the french that we will never give up, thats called heroism, not that an american would ever no anything about it. Who are those people who hate me? Please tell them to post here. Atomic bomb wasn't an american project, just because you think it is and you told us that you think it is doesn't make it so, most of your scientist who worked on it were Jews, most of our scientists who worked on it were Russian, so shut up. I don't really see anyone disagreeing with me on you being the dumbest expet your groupies (Ilirian and Radix) those two are not everyone as i said before so you are wrong.[/glow]

Originally posted by B)ushid(o
The battles in Russia still doesn't constitute as "all the work" for WW2.

Battle of Britain, Tobruk, El Alamein, Midway, Okinawa, Normandy, Bulge... The British and United States did their share.
[glow=red]Thats true, americans and UK did do a lot, but Russians did the most. Guru here seems to think that americans did all by themselves, as they say idiot once, idiot for a long time.[/glow]


Jan 23, 2003
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1)thank the british that they won the battle of britain

2)German air force, thank them that they were mainly on the west front

3)How does burning your town down show your heroism? The only tactic i see heroic is fighting untill you cant fight anymore, and then kill yourself than be taken by the opponent.

4)thank the US for supplies durring ww2

5)Thank hitler for not finnishing development of the V2 missile.

6)And i agree with guru that starvation isnt that great of a way to live.


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red]but there was no starvation. Also people willingly given up everything they owned and then went into the forest, most of them did eventually die fighting while doing raids on French army. Thanks to the Russians that 80% of german forces were killed on eastern front and you didn't have to suffer such giant casualties as we have. Thanks to the Russians D-day was possible, thanks to the Russians you met little resistance in africa cause most germans were on the eastern front. Thanks to the russians for dying and knowing that they are going to die but still fighting, still running, against the machine guns, against the tanks against the aviation, all because a georgian fool has killed all those generals who had any idea about what it means to have proper tactis, to have position advantage and all of that. Also killing yourself is a cowards way to escape unless you know something important that would help your enemy greately against your country, and if they capture you they will make you tell them. Thats the only surcustances then you can kill yourselves and be a hero. If you are still alive then fight, you don't have any bullets, use, your gun asd a club, use a rock, use your teeth and your hands, but don't give up, make your life count for as much as it can.[/glow]


Jan 23, 2003
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ok, lets assume the uk is defeated. The US does NOT enter the war. All of germany's airforce moves to russian front. Then, the UK+US bombing runs on major german factories never happens and germany builds something over 100 bombers and fighters due to victory in desert front. Oh btw, how often did you lock horns with the military genius Erwin Rommel? not often? i think if he was made in charge of the eastern front he would have annihilated you with brilliant tactics. But lucky for you, Hitler was an insane moron and sent him as far away from him as possible.

Thank Hitler, he handed you victory, sending in the forces and leaving them there durring one of the worst russian winters in decades (and dont say it wasn that bad becaues you wernt there). thanks to hitler, he never was able to send supplies of any sorts to the troops on the russian front. Hitler resorted to terror tactics in UK instead of taking out what little fighter bases remained in UK, thus giving the Brits a chance to get their superior spitfires in the air and annihilate the German Lufaffae(sp?) With the German loss in UK, the americans would be able to use UK as a foothold in europe, and send thousands of troops and supplies onto British soil. Hitler could have saved germany at normandy, but instead descided he was a maniac and didnt let rommel or the other general at the beaches run their tactics, which in turn became disasterous and the allies in the west were able to land. If this was prevented, it would take another 6 months to plan for another invasion. Thankfully, Hitler was a moron and the forces at normandy took the beaches. Now how did that affect you? Well, 6 months is a LOT of time for Germany would be able to prolongue the war and POSSIBLY finnish the v2 missle and even possibly build a wmd. But like i said, that didnt happen and germany was ****ed.


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Actually it was the other way around. Thanks to D-Day, Russian victory was possible. Guarding the entire Alantic coast line sucks up a shit load of reasources in men.

We met little resistance in Africa because it really wasn't that important.

If you are trying to impress me with honor, it won't happen. You forget who we fought and beat in the pacific theatre


Jan 23, 2003
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ok, guru, if Erwin Rommel was in charge of German forces, how do you think the war would have turned out?


Nov 23, 2003
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Originally posted by Guru
Actually it was the other way around. Thanks to D-Day, Russian victory was possible. Guarding the entire Alantic coast line sucks up a shit load of reasources in men.

We met little resistance in Africa because it really wasn't that important.

If you are trying to impress me with honor, it won't happen. You forget who we fought and beat in the pacific theatre
[glow=red]If not for Russia D-day wouldn't be possible. If most german troops weren't in USSR then you wouldn't win those beaches. Besides it was already 1944 and Russians were winning the war, so D-day made no major difference for us. Russians fought Japanese too, in China.[/glow]

Originally posted by thebastardsword
(and dont say it wasn that bad becaues you wernt there).
[glow=red] And you were?First it wasn't just one winter it was winters, Germans tried ro conquer russia for 5 years. Second those winters were nothing special, they were usual winters just like the once before them. Winter wasn't the toughest time for the Germans, its not that easy to die from cold then there are a lot of people around you. The toughest time for germans was spring cause the roads were all soaked, in melted ice, and they were unbale to transport supplies and stuff. But never the less that alone could in no way stop German advance, we have stoped them with our deaths, with our bodies, with our blood, millions died to stop the germans so other millions would die pushing them back. Thats how we won.[/glow]

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