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Dec 23, 2003
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Iliarian are you American? If you are you can't really discredit his country for having a debt, does 7 trillion ring a bell?
@spike: One of the most ignorant posts I have seen of you.
Oil - proved reserves(bbl) 2003
Data source: 2003 CIA World Factbook

1 World 1,025,000,000,000
2 Saudi Arabia 261,700,000,000
3 Iraq 113,800,000,000
4 Kuwait 97,680,000,000
5 Iran 94,390,000,000
6 United Arab Emirates 80,310,000,000
7 Venezuela 63,950,000,000
8 Russia 51,220,000,000
9 Libya 29,750,000,000
10 Nigeria 27,000,000,000
11 China 26,750,000,000
12 México 25,030,000,000
13 United States 22,450,000,000
14 Qatar 14,510,000,000
15 Algeria 13,100,000,000
16 Norway 9,859,000,000
17 Brazil 8,507,000,000
18 Indonesia 7,083,000,000
19 Oman 5,703,000,000
20 Angola 5,691,000,000
21 Canada 5,112,000,000
22 United Kingdom 4,741,000,000
23 India 4,330,000,000
24 Malaysia 3,729,000,000
25 Australia 3,664,000,000
26 Egypt 3,308,000,000
27 Yemen 3,200,000,000
28 Argentina 2,927,000,000
29 Kazakhstan 2,709,000,000
30 Gabon 2,450,000,000
31 Syria 2,400,000,000
32 Ecuador 2,358,000,000
33 Colombia 1,800,000,000
34 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1,538,000,000
35 Vietnam 1,400,000,000
36 Brunei 1,255,000,000
37 Denmark 1,230,000,000
38 Romania 1,055,000,000
39 Trinidad and Tobago 716,000,000
40 Sudan 631,500,000
41 Peru 614,700,000
42 Azerbaijan 589,000,000
43 Italy 586,600,000
44 Equatorial Guinea 563,500,000
45 Thailand 551,500,000
46 Cuba 532,000,000
47 Bolivia 458,800,000
48 Tunisia 417,000,000
49 Papua New Guinea 345,200,000
50 Germany 327,300,000
51 Pakistan 297,100,000
52 Uzbekistan 297,000,000
53 Turkey 288,400,000
54 Turkmenistan 273,000,000
55 Guatemala 263,000,000
56 Cameroon 200,000,000
57 Ukraine 197,500,000
58 Albania 185,500,000
59 Philippines 164,000,000
60 France 144,300,000
61 Burma 142,500,000
62 Poland 116,400,000
63 Hungary 110,700,000
64 Croatia 93,600,000
65 Congo, Republic of the 93,500,000
66 New Zealand 89,620,000
67 Netherlands 88,060,000
68 Austria 85,690,000
69 Chile 81,050,000
70 Bahrain 62,280,000
71 Cote d'Ivoire 50,000,000
72 Serbia and Montenegro 38,750,000
73 Suriname 37,000,000
74 Japan 29,290,000
75 Bangladesh 28,450,000
76 Czech Republic 17,250,000
77 Spain 10,500,000
78 Ghana 8,255,000
79 Bulgaria 8,100,000
80 South Africa 7,840,000
81 Greece 4,500,000
82 Slovakia 4,500,000
83 Benin 4,105,000
84 Taiwan 2,000,000
85 Israel 1,920,000
86 Barbados 1,254,000
87 Morocco 900,000
88 Jordan 445,000
89 Ethiopia 214,000
90 Afghanistan 0
91 Mozambique 0
92 Tanzania 0
93 Somalia 0
94 Rwanda 0
95 Ireland 0
96 Madagascar
Otto wasn't far off with 50 billion

Russia's oil production= 7.286 million barrerls/day
Russia's oil reserves=51.22 billion barrels
You just sort of went against what you just said, when otto mentioned the 7.2 percent increase you said it wouldn't be like that forever, Russia has said it would cut down on oil exportation. So... you really think it would be 7.286 million barrels/day for 19 years.
Oil...there is more oil in alaska alone than the whole middle east(if i got the info correctly)
It appears not.
btw...Russia's the 3rd largest oil producer...Saudi Arabia's first, the United States is second, and you're third. (CIA world factbook)
He may be wrong but you didn't prove him wrong there, you said that they weren't the largest producer of oil but you need to prove that someone produces more natural gas than Russia (take the oil from Russia's total).
your nukes are better
He never said they were better he just said that they have all missiles available to them and you have old nukes too.
learn to read. I suggest going through kindergarten again (you DO have that in Russia, right?)....and get yourself a dictionary while you're at it...i guess you just "prooved" yourself wrong.
You also took something the wrong way, he misunderstood something in his second language so he is a child now. That is really ignorant thinking.
So you're telling me that the CIA's lying about how much oil you've got left?
No......... maybe they got it WRONG or maybe, hell the information is outdated.
'mine's bigger than yours!' attitude.
The Americans have a dolt as a leader and have that attitude... it is weird.
btw...unless if you can come up with coherent, logical arguments supported by trustworthy sources...you can consider this my last post in this topic....arguing with you is about as constructive as arguing with a brick wall cause you're so narrow-minded and stuck up (once again, a euphimism)...
Every country is open to criticism and you have exploited Russia's Criticisms but fail to tell us where you are from.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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[glow=red]It is ovious that he is an american. But anyway i provided many facts like that link i gave him, it says the number of barrels of oil Russia produces and that number is much bigger then what Ilirian stated. Also it says that Russia is world's second in oil exports. Yet after reading that he still insists on being right, without giving me any of the sources he takes his info from.About his pathetic attempts to insult me, it doesn't matter his inability to hold an adult discussion harms only himself. Now if he wants to talk to me in the Asylum i would be delighted to proove to him that he is difective.[/glow]


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red]I've been reading God father and Don Corleone said that you should never get angry then you are negotiating, this is kind of like negotiating, exept its debating, anyway, if you tell a fool that he is a fool you not gonna make any difference.[/glow]


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red] Well actually if talking about the size then my countrie's penis is actually three times as big as your countries penis. AS i understand you trying to make this thread a spam so Spike or CB would move it. I don't really care.[/glow]


Jul 21, 2003
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ORC-r0x0r-ROC, no im not American, so ill just disregard your 7 trillion debt comment.

You just sort of went against what you just said, when otto mentioned the 7.2 percent increase you said it wouldn't be like that forever, Russia has said it would cut down on oil exportation. So... you really think it would be 7.286 million barrels/day for 19 years.
Oil exportation has nothing to do with oil PRODUCTION. Russia's current economic growth (if you can call it that) will be reflected by an increasing demand for natural resources (oil being one of them). So no, I dont think it would be 7.286 barrels/day for 19 years, I think that oil production will increase exponentially despite the fact that the world's running out of oil.

He may be wrong but you didn't prove him wrong there, you said that they weren't the largest producer of oil but you need to prove that someone produces more natural gas than Russia (take the oil from Russia's total).
And...why do i have to do that? The entire thing's been about oil (well until otmo got confused between Yukos and Gazprom and went and edited his post)

You also took something the wrong way, he misunderstood something in his second language so he is a child now. That is really ignorant thinking.
yea...I do admit i was a bit harsh, but i was getting a bit tired of Otmo's 'Russia Rocks!' remarks

The Americans have a dolt as a leader and have that attitude... it is weird.
I. Am. Not. American.

Every country is open to criticism and you have exploited Russia's Criticisms but fail to tell us where you are from.
if you actually took the time to read the posts in this thread, you wouldve come across this:

"...oh...and about oil...if not for the Sheikhs in my country (the UAE)..." (posted by me somewhere in this thread)

It is ovious that he is an american. But anyway i provided many facts like that link i gave him, it says the number of barrels of oil Russia produces and that number is much bigger then what Ilirian stated. Also it says that Russia is world's second in oil exports.
The american part: see my response to ORC-r0x0r-ROC's post
The link: Your link doesnt support your arguments, it supports MY arguments. Re-read my post, I've already explained how your link supports my arguments, and im not about to repeat myself just so you get the jist of it.

ORC-r0x0r-ROC: Don't jump to conclusions so quickly, kay?
Otmorozok: are ANY of my arguments are getting through to you? Is it so hard to see the truth when its staring right at you?

Moderators: please, for the love of god, close this thread.


Jan 23, 2003
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otmorozok, africans have the biggest penis's, everyone knows that!

but im beggining to think that russian spunk is wearing off


Sep 20, 2002
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East Coast
This was the first time i read every bit of someones post in the Arcane Santuary in a while. I loved Iliaran posts, it was informative and it was a barrel of whopass. This was great, i had almost no information on this topic and i leave now with alot more knowledge than before.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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And...why do i have to do that?
Because you gave him a fact and it didn't prove him wrong at all, I was just pointing that out you can make misconceptions aswell as him.
(if you can call it that)
7.3% is a large amount, how can you deny that?
So no, I dont think it would be 7.286 barrels/day for 19 years, I think that oil production will increase exponentially despite the fact that the world's running out of oil.
Yes quite possibly because of other countries putting pressure on the oil rich to produce, but they could possibly go with their plans to reduce production. You made the same mistake as otm, you didn't take into account that rates change and it probally wont last 19 years, or be estimated to last 19 years.
but i was getting a bit tired of Otmo's 'Russia Rocks!' remarks
You started this one tbh, it really wouldn't of started if you didn't post that. You really didn't seem too intellegent when you corrected him by 0.1%, you made your point then got carried away almost in some sort of vendetta
"...oh...and about oil...if not for the Sheikhs in my country (the UAE)..."
Aha, you see, it is very easy to miss something like that as we have all shown, I don't think any flame is neccessary for eyes not being perfect :).
ORC-r0x0r-ROC: Don't jump to conclusions so quickly, kay?
What?, me thinking you were American? I thought that as you seemed to have something against Russia/otmo, the yankes don't really like him and this forum is mainly full of American users. Oh yeah, I think we might of gone a bit off topic here, so any last replies you can PM us or add them to somming about Putin. I must say, I may not know too much about the guy but he certainly ain't the worst Russia has had :p he has kept his nose out of a lot of things and kept mostly to himself. *adds a tiny sentance about putin to stay slightly on topic*.


Jul 21, 2003
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Because you gave him a fact and it didn't prove him wrong at all
k, im really confused here. I said that Russia was the third largest oil producer, and proved it. Where does the russian gas industry come into play?

you didn't take into account that rates change and it probally wont last 19 years, or be estimated to last 19 years.
Correction, I made an estimate based on current figures, whereas Otmo just came up with a number from nowhere.

7.3% is a large amount, how can you deny that?
Easy. GDP figures can be quite misleading. As i said in a previous post, a large percentage of that involves millitary expenditure, which DOESNT impove the standards of living of Russia (yea...invading chechnya is GOOD for Russia!). There are many, many different ways to measure economic growth. Though the GDP method is often used, its also one of the least reliable. Real income per capita is MUCH more reliable, and although it indicates Russia IS growing, thats also an illusion. Why? Just think of the unequal distribution of income in Russia. While the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. The middle class is basically non-existent in Russia (as is the case with most LDCs). Plus, like I previously mentioned, afghanistan's growth rate is at a staggering 20 something percent. Does that mean its growing? Does that mean a majority of the population are benefiting? i think its not so hard to see where this argument's going...so yea...7.3% is just a number....nothing more...nothing less.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Originally posted by Iliaran
ORC-r0x0r-ROC, no im not American, so ill just disregard your 7 trillion debt comment.

Oil exportation has nothing to do with oil PRODUCTION. Russia's current economic growth (if you can call it that) will be reflected by an increasing demand for natural resources (oil being one of them). So no, I dont think it would be 7.286 barrels/day for 19 years, I think that oil production will increase exponentially despite the fact that the world's running out of oil.

And...why do i have to do that? The entire thing's been about oil (well until otmo got confused between Yukos and Gazprom and went and edited his post)

yea...I do admit i was a bit harsh, but i was getting a bit tired of Otmo's 'Russia Rocks!' remarks

I. Am. Not. American.

if you actually took the time to read the posts in this thread, you wouldve come across this:

"...oh...and about oil...if not for the Sheikhs in my country (the UAE)..." (posted by me somewhere in this thread)

The american part: see my response to ORC-r0x0r-ROC's post
The link: Your link doesnt support your arguments, it supports MY arguments. Re-read my post, I've already explained how your link supports my arguments, and im not about to repeat myself just so you get the jist of it.

ORC-r0x0r-ROC: Don't jump to conclusions so quickly, kay?
Otmorozok: are ANY of my arguments are getting through to you? Is it so hard to see the truth when its staring right at you?

Moderators: please, for the love of god, close this thread.
[glow=red] Same here, is it so hard to get the truth into your head. Also my link prooves my argument, if you read more then first paragraph of it you will realize it, but even if you only read one paragraph it still supports me, like the number of barrels it shows is bigger then the number you stated, i am getting tired of repeating same stuff over and over to you, why can't you finally get it i am right and you are wrong. Oh and also "Russia Rocks". Also i never got confused between Yukos and Gasprom, and i never edited my post, my views on that still remain the same. Damn i really getting tired and seeing you repeat same untruthful comments over and over. Also my country can own your country so sit quiet. Also why close this thread? We are all on topic here.
Originally posted by Iliaran
k, im really confused here. I said that Russia was the third largest oil producer, and proved it. Where does the russian gas industry come into play?
Alright now things like this really piss me off. You never prooved anything. Did you gave me a link to some website that prooves it? Oh no you just said that it is in CIA fact book, you might as well have made that up, and i on the over hand gave you a link that states that Russia is second and not third. How can you be so dumb?
Originally posted by Iliaran The middle class is basically non-existent in Russia
This is the biggest bullshit i heard in this thread, guess what i am living here and let me tell you most people in cities like St.Petersburg, Moscow or Volgograd are middle class, thats already more then 30 million people, not that small of a number. How can you be so damn retarded?
I am a Russian and i am pretty happy with my life, i got a cell-phone, i got a note book, i got a PC, i got a big screen TV, and same holds true for most of my freidns, they are middle class, maybe some of their parents have to work on two jobs to get enough money to be a middle class, but that doesn't matter, anyway Russia will grow, and just because your country is screwed up beyond believe doesn't mean that Russia will suffer the same fate, we will grow its like those German soldiers said:"Russians never give up" we fight and fight and fight to get what we want, and we will get what we want. And would you be so kind as to post Russia's current LDC numbers and a link to there you got it from cause your opinion although valuable can not be considered a fact by itself.Also read the second paragraph of this link http://samvak.tripod.com/brief-middleclass01.html
It prooves what i said about the middle class. Well atleast it prooves that you are wrong, its 7% of all the people in Russia, not exactly so unexistant.
Originally posted by raDixGhost
This was the first time i read every bit of someones post in the Arcane Santuary in a while. I loved Iliaran posts, it was informative and it was a barrel of whopass. This was great, i had almost no information on this topic and i leave now with alot more knowledge than before.
Seens all of what he said was never prooved by link it might as well be just his opinion, but on the other hand you are an american, ready to believe a first good thing said about your country even if you know its not true.[/glow]


BattleForums Senior Member
May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
Fools, Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova should be the Russian President


Nov 23, 2003
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Originally posted by t.a.t.u97
Fools, Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova should be the Russian President
[glow=red] Alright we got it, you like tatu, can you please not say any more bullshit?[/glow]


BattleForums Senior Member
May 26, 2003
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t.A.T.u Land!
24.12.2003 (18:38) Group Tatu to become presidents of Russian Federation. As a Duo.
The scandalous Russian duo has got their eyes on the post of the president of the Russian Federation.

"On 27th of December at 12.00 in the Palace of Moscow Youth people will be able to sign to support Tatu to become on of the candidates to the post of the president of Russian Federation ", - was said in the press-release centre of “Neformatâ€Â.

As to the reason why Tatu want to become the president of Russian Federation, there is no information.

"Group Tatu are aiming to become the president of Russian Federation full speed. And we can’t separate the girls", - said PR-manager of “Neformatâ€Â, Sasha Tityanko.

"First we have to get 500 signatures, is order to become a candidate, and then we’ll see", - said Ms. Tityanko.

Although, it is not yet clear how Tatu are going to over come the “age requirementâ€Â. According to the federation law since 10th of January 2003 N 19-F× "On electing president of Russian Federation", the age restriction to become a candidate is 35 years old. On the other hand, if you add the girls’ age together, you will get abou 35 years old.

Also, we don’t know how the girls will become the president as a duo. Duos are not foreseen as candidates.

So, the government will have to deny the girls’ new idea to become Russian president no matter how many signatures they will collect.

Source: newsru.com

Edit: If they were eligable they would be in that position.


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red]No they wouldn't first they would probably never get 500 signatures second even if by some amazing luck they get to be a candidate there are 144 million Russians, and even in their best years only 2-3 million of them listened to tatu. Russia needs someone to do good for the country not a couple of lesbians who new they coudn't be nominated and did only because it was good publicity for them. There was another so called candidate who didn't meet the requirement. "Masyania" a character of internet political cartoons, well she probably had more chances then tatu if she qualified.[/glow]


Sep 20, 2002
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East Coast
Actually i wasnt born in the U.S.A. and it seems that Iliaran has proved enough for you guys to be more than happy. I dont think he needs to prove any more than he has already. When its a "fact" it cant be a "opinion" and you cant seem to get that through your head. And thirdly i dont hate Russia, and this didnt make me hate Russia. And lastly i dont care if you make U.S.A. look bad because every country has its faults but you seem to evade that for Russia. So shut your mouth and come back with better evidence because yours just doesnt seem to hold up your arguments.


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red] Ilirian hasn't prooved anything, tell me one thing he prooved by giving us a link? I did give you the link that prooves all i said so you should shut your mouth cause i prooved everything i said and he hasn't prooved anything he said. Get it? It is not too difficult to understand.[/glow]


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red] Neither are you, i am telling you the facts and you don't wanna listen to them, whatever, do me a favor and don't talk to me, i have been tired of your ignorance from the first time you posted in this thread.[/glow]

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