New Character Class/Race/Ideas thread


Mar 15, 2006
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I revert back to my choice for tiered character development.

Core classes




Warrior at lvl 25 can split into Barbarian, Paladin and Mercenary (new)

Rogue at lvl 20 can split into Amazon, Assassin and Hunter (new Male only)

Apprentice at lvl 20 can split into Necromancer, Druid, Sorceress

at 75 all classes can split again

Barbarian - Beserker and Warlord

Paladin - Knight and Cleric

Mercenary - Myrmidion and Varangian (an old Mercenary Guard found in Byzantine Empire)

Amazon - Valkyrie and Gladiatrix

Assassin - Shadow Warrior and Shinobi (shinobi-no-mono is a japanese word for someone who studies ninjutsu or in other words a Ninja)

Hunter - Beast Master and Ranger

Necromancer - Warlock and Rathma's Chosen

Druid - Lycanthrope and Shaman

Sorceress - Elementalist and Magus

The reasoning behind this is it will introduce alot of replayability. as well as character diversity. In keeping with the 7 core classes from D2 I have also include 3 BASE classes and 2 Standard classes and 18 derivative classes


Base Class - an origin class that will provide fundamental skills to the certain classes that derive from it (EG Mana regeneration bonus for mage classes)

Standard Class - A class where skills will differ from all other classes.

Derivative Class - A class that will advance on certain aspects of its parent class (EG Rathma's Chosen will focus on expanding on bone Magic and Golems where Warlock focusses on Curses and Skeletons)

As classes progress they keep attributes and skills gained from a parent class.

Tall N White

Apr 20, 2006
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I dont really like this idea....I mean it is a very unique idea, but not for Diablo. I dont like the fact that the classes split at lvl 20/25 into actual core classes. It is like a waste of 20-25 skill points if you think, because your changing classes all the time and your not building a specific class into a stronger character. And i dont like how 3 different characters are using the same skills to get to lvl 20/25.


First off keeping the same charecters from D2 or D2 LOD is bullshit its a new game it should take place many years later and should have new charecters to keep peoples interests a set example such as having a menu that consists of the old char classes for more traditional users and a menu of new chars for people who like new and improved shit the whole charecter editing to make it more preferable to you is a great idea modification should be alowed more...alot more and as well as 2D come keep it but common put some effort into the garaphics and try to put some time into the charecters to make them more unique from each other and clothing needs to be more selective having a wider range of armours and such and possibly over clothes to put over your armour to give your charecter a more *kooler* look or more modern look more easter eggs are needed and such figures as cain being a krazy ass psycho guy you talk to for knowledge make the game more humorus but at the same time keeping its seriousness intact items are another big deal and should taken about WAY more freely rings need to have more freedom in (pic ID) along with all assests to your charecter swords need to be more creative i mean hello we are fighting demons i dont wanna see this medivial shit i wanna see insane swords that are crafted by demons and look like something from the under world tokens should be able to be taken from monsters and bosses as proof you slayed them the head of the demon/boss in a shrunken head form that you can show to ppl over a more secure network should be inabled so that open battle net is just like closed and you cannot hack it skills should be changed because sorry guys they where great and all but they get old after a while keep a good story line that will ensure that ppl stay interested in the game alligance should be enabled choosing if you wanna be good or evil is a good cause but not automatically selecting the (demon) chars to be evil good or evil should be a choice you make in the game not before it and will determine if you wanna save the world or destroy it for yourself (more ideas to come)


Apr 19, 2006
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mother russia
Ye i must agree i dont like the idea of character splitting SO EverQuest II lol. i think that Diablo games should not allow class splitting at all because that would make a terrible mix of characters online and for the players they should concentrate on creating one char that is of a particular class and not split their heads in two while creating a character. May be a character should be allowed to multiclass instead e.g. taking skills from other classes to use with their current class for example: a barb with energy shield (SO D&D) that way characters will be more flexible but players should take more cautious approache if they want to mutliclass as they might waste their skills. But i still think that they should keep chars from D2 and invent some new once of course. The crazy ass swords, i think not a good idea they should keep the swords as they are but more customisable probably.


Mar 15, 2006
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Tall N White said:
I dont like the fact that the classes split at lvl 20/25 into actual core classes. It is like a waste of 20-25 skill points if you think, because your changing classes all the time and your not building a specific class into a stronger character. And i dont like how 3 different characters are using the same skills to get to lvl 20/25.
Firstly your thinking D2 class skills. In that sense it would be a waste.

Secondly, Changing classes all the time? Youd do it twice (after an inital class selection)

Thirdly, how is having a core class with similar skills to 25 any different then say 60% of the population makin a barbarian any different? except that the model i provided your character would split at 25 instead of never? (meaning that D2s limited classes, though fun in its day need to be expanded. 5 classes get figured out so damn fast) You need to remember that D1 selecting a class did 2 things, provide 1 base skill and set your limits on your attributes. and thats all. You could have in theory and provided the right INT boosting items, had a powerful warrior mage

Also in a growing online world (lets face it, it wouldnt be much of a Diablo without online abilities somewhere) the fact that there are 5 different avatars all the time can get tedious. especially when they follow a certain build (Skeleton Master necromancer or Frozen orb sorc) so rigourously.

What im trying to do is diversify the characters. I mean really all fighting class warriors tend to favour a weapon (a warrior skill (choice or weapon preference)) and magic users need to learn the fundamentals of magic (IE how to cast spells without blowing stuff up) Core classes seem to be the way to do it (what harm could a decent character advcancement do to the diablo games? I mean its story is good, it has a certain edge of your seat feel and... bland generic stereotypical heroes (oh did you see that barbarian go by today? which one? good point)


Apr 19, 2006
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mother russia
Guys what do you think on idea of bringing more magic elements like water (dont confuse with ice), earth as Pale Horse said, air, lava, stone (to petrify) or something like that. An idea of bringing an elemental pet for each class that they can summon to their aid. This will be basically Necros golem but as other classes cant summon golems they will have elemental pets.


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
nishtjak said:
Guys what do you think on idea of bringing more magic elements like water (dont confuse with ice), earth as Pale Horse said, air, lava, stone (to petrify) or something like that. An idea of bringing an elemental pet for each class that they can summon to their aid. This will be basically Necros golem but as other classes cant summon golems they will have elemental pets.
Page back a few I covered all that already, with Elementalists (basically a Warlock that summons elementals) and added tons of other elements one fore every enviornment really.

Tall N White

Apr 20, 2006
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No Shadow Drifter I'm not thinking of only D2 wouldn't matter if it was D1 skills, if your giving 3 classes the same skills all the way up to lvl 25 what is the point? And how is that diversifying the game? And I don't even understand how you could say something about 60% of the people with barbs have the exact same things. They have the same crap because they are too busy reading forums for character builds so they have a top notch barbarian or any character at that....they don't take the time to actually play the game and build a character in their own way.

And if you are going to do something where a hero splits up into 3 different classes (depending on which one you choose) wouldn't you want to make that change sooner say at level 10? so your not wasting skill points...

One more thing.....all characters get figured out quickly.....when there are more than a million people (literally) playing a game its not that hard to figure out how to make a strong character and post your build on a rpg forum.


Mar 15, 2006
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Tall N White, instead of slamming everyone elses ideas, bring some of your own here. I have yet to read a post of yours where there is a constructive comment.

As for D1... there was no unique skills per se.your character was a mage and thats it through and through. As ANYONE here and they will say D1 was an awsome game in its day and people still play it.

You could make the first change at lvl 10 if you wanted. LOL its not like im a blizzard employee that is making it HAHA. What im suggesting is character evolution. D2s character evolved from D1, so why then must D3s characters stagnate from D2s?

It is obvious that character builds can be a problem, and every game you will find one. I also get annoyed at people who cant play a game and learn for themselves, but character builds tend to get easier with games that have a smaller amount of characters.

If i find a build i like and it works for me and tends to be unique i keep that build to myself. As for wasting skills to lvl 25. the first 25 lvls (or 10 or 15 or whatever) skills would be made SOLELY for that class. I was thinking when ou hit lvl 25 SOME of these base skills (IE anything not passive) would be refunded for redistribution. ( the concept behind a preliminary class is mainly for people to trial skills used by the three classes ahead, to find out what a player likes to play (kinda like trialing a class))

Diablo 2 evolved greatly from D1. Story became more indepth, audio was improved, visuals were cutting edge for the time and characters evolved. In some places the atmosphere suffered ((IMO ACT 1) Loved act 2). D3 has to grow. Considereing the game isnt even offically announced (IF EVER it will be) there is no schedule to go by (Unless they announce a semi completed one at E3)


New Member
May 2, 2006
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Diablo char ideas

2mages (good ones)
4cyborg (not to sure bout that 1 lol)
6shadow knight
lemme no what u think

Acid Reign

Apr 14, 2006
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thedarkone11 said:
2mages (good ones)
4cyborg (not to sure bout that 1 lol)
6shadow knight
lemme no what u think
Clean the cyborg idea out of your head (save that for StarCraft), and I'm a littly iffy about the samurai - I don't think I would like that character. Other than that, it sounds good to me.


New Member
May 4, 2006
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I personally think they should add different races to the game like baldurs gate except a better storyline. They should also makle it so you can choose the gender of the charatcter. Plus it would be cool if you could be the bad guy or the bad guy, that would be fun. And more weapons, and armors (Maby other gems)!!!! More monster types, NPC's, areas, and more than deffinately more abilities and levels. They sould make it out of 200 or some larger number, that way you can explore all the abilities and make super strong characters.

I personally think they should add different races to the game like baldurs gate except a better storyline. They should also makle it so you can choose the gender of the charatcter. Plus it would be cool if you could be the bad guy or the bad guy, that would be fun. And more weapons, and armors (Maby other gems)!!!! More monster types, NPC's, areas, and more than deffinately more abilities and levels. They sould make it out of 200 or some larger number, that way you can explore all the abilities and make super strong characters.


Mar 15, 2006
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You cant really have other races in Diablo for the major reason that no where in Diablo 1 or 2 are there seperate races, aside from demons and angels (and to a lesser extent, Rat Men).

You never see a zombie elf or dwarf, any monster that once lived comes off a human frame (skeletons, Corrupted peoples).

Also this game isnt owned by WotC so it doesnt have to be like BGate or anything that resembles DnD (buy NwN 2 if ya want some of that ADnD action (i will be =) ))

And I still hold to my tiered advancement on classes =)

Tall N White

Apr 20, 2006
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A Baldur's Gate storyline wouldn't be so great. And I still don't like the idea of being able to choose a Good or Bad character, plus I don't think Blizzard would be to fond of putting another year or two just to make the game that way.....and I know for sure nobody else wants to wait that long.

Acid Reign

Apr 14, 2006
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Tall N White said:
A Baldur's Gate storyline wouldn't be so great. And I still don't like the idea of being able to choose a Good or Bad character, plus I don't think Blizzard would be to fond of putting another year or two just to make the game that way.....and I know for sure nobody else wants to wait that long.
You are truly genius, sir. I agree with you 110%.


May 11, 2006
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First off, I would like to say that this is my first post on Battleforums, so i hope to become more aquainted and friendly with all of you. Hopefully I can add a little more insight and entertainment to these already interesting and insightful forums.

Now, on to some ideas. I'm fairly certain that Blizzard wants to continue its increasingly successful Diablo series as it has done with both Warcraft, Starcraft, and now WoW. The big issue with Diablo 3 will probably be the playability. Betting that Blizzard will stick with the traditional MMORPG game style isn't to much of a long shot. The problem with tradition is that D3 will have to do more than simply evolve from D2. Due to WoW's success D3 has to top both of Blizzards most successful prodigies in order to make something truely unique. However the hell they do that is up to them, but I'm certain that character classes and races will be a big influence on the games success.

First off: Should there be races other than Human?
...YES!! More races means more customization, diversity, and playability. Definatley include various races in both male and female styles.

Race suggestions:
Naturnal (a humanoid with some sort of animal template, player choice)

These suggestions are made to attract a diverse audience and to influence the idea of factions.

As for factions: It is important to avoid factions such as good v. evil, thus eliminating some sort of WoW spinoff. Factions are fun though, and they do add to a games replay value and overall playability, so instead of 2 factions, I think 3 is a great choice. Given the races above, the obvious 3 would be Heaven, Earth, and Hell (or good, neutral, and evil) however you want to look at them.

The seperation of Races under Faction should go something like this:

Dwarf (pure)
Elf (High)

Elf (Wood)

Dwarf (tainted)
Elf (Dark)

Every faction would have one specific faction race mixed with a series of multifaction races. The Heaven races would attract more of a clerical or moral boosting type of character, such as a healer or the traditonal pally. The Earthen races would attract more of a balanced hunting/elemental character, such as a druid, Amazon, or monk. Hell would attract more evil oriented characters, such as necromancers or assassins. These suggestions would give a fantastic sense of origin and personality to every character. They would also attract a wide audience. Ultimately, the important difference between the factions above and the Horde and Alliance in WoW is dependent on storyline, and would have to be left up to the creators to properly differentiate between the two games. The reasoning behind my race/faction suggestion is simple. One, i think it works well in attracting new players and inspiring various playable scenarios, and two, I think that it fits well in Diablo's continued storyline. In D2, Tyrael sent whatever hero on a whatever quest to destroy Diablo yet again. Why couldn't Diablo (assuming he somehow survived D2) do the same? The above ideas for playability and customization are very open ended and feel free to critique them, but it is important that D3 hits soundly on both of these ideas to pickup where D1 and D2 lacked. As for Classes... supprise me!


New Member
May 15, 2006
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Hmm really unbalancec.... like it should be in old game few good and few evil.... but i think insted of barbarian a dwarf should come in....and maybe elf ore something..... there is manny to choose between..


May 16, 2006
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Nightwing said:
Now, post your beautiful ideas. The old thread(s) can be found here

I'll kick this badboy off.

I personally think they should keep it races as just human. That tends to be the whole story of the Diablo series. It has to do with mankinds lust for power and greed, and the lack of the ability to clear their mind at certain points. Adding new races would be a huge mistake, IMHO, because then theyde have to backtrack as to why they were completely non-existant in Diablo I and Diablo II, and give them a whole backstory. Unless it was a prequel, and the afforementioned race was destoryed.

Character customization should play a major role, and I'm sure it will. Even just a slight thing, like being able to change the skin/hair color would add so much more diversity to the game. But in reality, I hope they can change it to where you can do the characters hight, weight, tatoos, colors, and hair features. Hell, even let people add their own custom tatoos if they wanted. Although that raises the question of morality or not, but hey, thats what Diablo's alll about.
Hi eric :D... i am agree they should have a backstory...
But new char classes they must have!!!
Reason because i like d2.. bacause its dont just do that quest and level up..
They shouldn have that in d3 to...
and they should have more quests and acts... MORE PEOPLE IN A GAME!!!!
I hope money will be more worth.. that u can buy GOOD thing for money...
And HARDER quests, because in d2 u not even need to listen to the people thats talk....quests is so easy... And important is that its not shal be so easyn to level up.. that we must train on other ting instead off just training to killing for level up.... Thats my meaning ;)

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