New Character Class/Race/Ideas thread


Apr 19, 2006
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mother russia
Hmm tatoo magic, seems a good idea but not for a character, i think all heroes should have access to them but as rewards for quests.
I also like the idead of whips (lol) but it should work in diablo games.
I was thinking about a skill that turns a char invisible (soz if that was already posted) for a period of time to enemies, but that more on the lines of assasins. May be an intimidate skill that doesnt require mana to use but chars strength stats.


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
nishtjak said:
Hmm tatoo magic, seems a good idea but not for a character, i think all heroes should have access to them but as rewards for quests.
I also like the idead of whips (lol) but it should work in diablo games.
HUH? Think you reached your limit on sugar lol. the whip class IS for the diablo game. The tattoo magic is to vast to be as a secondary quest. How would that work out one tat for a quest, or do you get to pick one at random? Not too sure what you mean exactly.


Apr 19, 2006
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mother russia
Well first of all, chars cant have unlimited space on their bodies, they will eventially run out of space and then what, where they going to put the tatoos??? Then the char is stuck with no way out about their skills or their tatoo magic. I do like the idea of tatoos magic but not the idea of a character based only on tatoo magic. No Offence m8.
But a tatoo as a reward for a quest that will really boost your stats or skills can be very useful, chars dont use up the inventory space they just have a couple of tatoos on their bodies and thats it.


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
Tatoos as a skill for characters can be hypothetically on the body, doesn't mean their has to be a physical place for each one that has a point into it.

Maybe these characters can wear only etheral gear, so that the hand can be placed threw the clothing to contact with a certain tatoo. This would clear up alot more room (if this is what you meant) from the midsection on up.

On a side note, I cant see certain classes with tatoos. My thinking is that they are more tribal like, and this would not bode well for a Paladin or Sorcoress character in my oppinion.

I take no offense in your post, so no worries, this is just friendly conversation/debate.


Apr 19, 2006
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mother russia
I c. I have agree with you now after i thought about it. That would make a nice character.
Titan - calls forth a hero from his history (something like Thor, or a Valkery)
I like that one especially, a character could summon any monster (may be excpet bosses) that he/she killed back from the dead. (hold the phone thats Necro, but may be it would work)
But also i was thinking about certain skills that are avaliable to all classes so called common skills. They wont do great thing (like increase in life or mana) but they would be permenant any char dont have cast them, they just there from the moment a char takes the skill. What do you think about that?


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
nishtjak said:
I c. I have agree with you now after i thought about it. That would make a nice character. I like that one especially, a character could summon any monster (may be excpet bosses) that he/she killed back from the dead. (hold the phone thats Necro, but may be it would work)
But also i was thinking about certain skills that are avaliable to all classes so called common skills. They wont do great thing (like increase in life or mana) but they would be permenant any char dont have cast them, they just there from the moment a char takes the skill. What do you think about that?
Think you misunderstood the Titan Skill, I was imagining a viking like character that can call upon long dead fighters from his lineage. Guess I should explain in detail a bit.
The character himself does not call forth a slain monster from his own hands, rather like the Zon skill Valkyrie, Necromancers Golem, Assassin's Shadow where a aid is summoned, but make it something from it's background. A Viking would call upon a Norse God, like Thor, or a asian like character would call maybe a dragon. It is calling things back from the dead, but, not monsters it killed. My apologies for not explaining properly.

As for skills, (I think I understand what you are saying, correct me if I am wrong) the ones I mentioned are not all of the skills for that particular tree, it is just some I can come up with at the moment. Their of course will be what I call garbage skills, (things needed to reach better skills) but, I felt no point in putting them down, since they are infact crappy skills.


Mar 15, 2006
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I would like to see spell hybridisation. That is to say, what if some skills (say with 10 skill points in them) could be mixed with other spells from other characters.

Take for example an Earthquake spell, the ground splits near the monster but also while the spell is being "channeled" a fire spell was cast from a friendly player onto the channeling spell. Suddenly lava starts comming out of the ground.

Or say a fighter character has a skill called "Absorb Elements" and a mage character (friendly) hits him with a frie spell... temporarily he would gain fire dmg and resistance to fire.

thought that up in 5 mins =) what do you guys think?

(come up with more plausable ones if you wish)


Apr 19, 2006
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mother russia
Yes i like the idea of friendly spells, not only for one character that casts it but for everyone in the party, for example: sorcs energy shield could be cast on other characters if the player wants to do it then that way the party will be under more protection.
I also like the idea of having magic scrolls that a chracters can find and cast at certain moment, that could prove very useful for fighting classes since they dont do that much magic. For example: a barb is fighting a boss and he has a bone prison scroll and in that way he could cast the scroll and inprison the monster and get some time to take a potion or do something else like escape (if he is losing lol).


Mar 15, 2006
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How about instead of scrolls they bring back the tomes... to a degree. By this i mean instead of having the standard class skills like firebolt, have generic version that all classes could use without having say a necro sorc (like say instead of firebolt or holy bolt have a "energy beam". and other skills like identify or even a light spell (bonus to light radius) the tomes can onl be learnt 5 levels per difficulty (as to prevent them becoming as powerful or more powerful then skill spells). I dunno, looking at what i wrote it sounds kinda silly (1 am here =) ) it could work but you would need a few spells i suppose

I still like my hybridisation better =S

Tall N White

Apr 20, 2006
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i think the set up for diablo 3 characterwise should not change.....allowing people to make their own personalized characters is kind of pushing it, especially with the tattooes. Choosing whether to be male or female kind degrades the would you make a lady barbarian? It wouldn't settle very well. The way the gender is for the classes in D2 should not change and should be kept the same for D3 (assuming it is coming out). Now adding new classes should be done, I'm sick of playing with the same characters on D2 LOD. I've mastered them all, plus everyone knows every last detail as how to make a perfect character by going to character forums and finding out. It would be nice to see some new characters with different skills to learn how to make that character godly.

I really think that by detailing a character to the point where you can choose it's tattooes kind of ruins the game. But that's just me.


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
I didn't mean that you would visually distiguish every last tattoo, but, rather have the skills. The Barbarian has at present tattoos but they are not something all to noticable. I just think that it would add a kind of magical property that is good for a melee character to balance them a bit more.

BTW, welcome to Battle Forums.

Tall N White

Apr 20, 2006
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well every character is distinguishly different already, from muscle to clothing. tattooes arent really necessary if you think because as soon as you hit higher levels you will be wearing armor like gothic plates and full plate males which cover up your tattooes so its still a waste of time putting effort into it. and thanks for the greeting!


Mar 15, 2006
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Yeah tats get covered up as soon as some armour is thrown on top of it.

As for tall n whites comment on lady barbarians. the game implies that some classes can only be a specific gender (IE the sorceress). You could simply make the Barbarian male only. A female druid, Necromancer or whatever could work (cant remember but i dont think they are stuck to a single gender) and i know there are female paladins (the blacksmith in D2 Act 2 is a paladin of zakarum). =)

I whole heartedly agree though that D3 should used different classes or at least add new classes. But customisation would also be nice (a few different heads, hair and skin colour and maybe height (scars and stuff just end up getting covered over).

As for extra stats for warriors. (as i mentioned elsewhere) add 2 new slots. One for a scabbard and another for a quiver. Then maybe have magic quivers that transfer bonuses (IE fire dmg to arrows) or something like that. Scabbards could also do that kind of thing (maybe one that while equiped, weapon durability drops at 50% speed (IE twice as durable) or something along those lines.


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
Tall N White said:
well every character is distinguishly different already, from muscle to clothing. tattooes arent really necessary if you think because as soon as you hit higher levels you will be wearing armor like gothic plates and full plate males which cover up your tattooes so its still a waste of time putting effort into it. and thanks for the greeting!
I loosly covered the clothing aspect, by mentioning that they could only where etheral gear from the waist up of course. Maybe magically they could physicaly transfer threw etheral gear to actually touch their skin to activate ... I don't know. It's the beginning of something in my head. I'm sure it will become more detailed and fine tuned as I go on. Even still, like all here it is just an idea I threw together and posted.


Mar 15, 2006
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hmmm what if you instead could have 2 slots on your Character. Not Tattoos but instead warpaint. By applying styles (different shapes) you get different effects. Since the warpaint is magical how about it transends your armour and appears on the outside (this way its an equipable item) (so kind of imagine having a red glowy tribal marking on the outside of your armour)


Apr 19, 2006
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mother russia
I like the idea of warpaints but wouldnt that look silly sometimes not everytime of course. But i think that will add some humor to the game tho.
(Sorry if that has been posted already) I was thinking about rings and amus, in D2 there is just 2 rings and 1 amu space, i mean thats not enough, there can be a ring on each finger or at least the developers could add couple more ring fingers. Also how about an idea of ear rings and bracelets, i think that would be a nice addition to a character.


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
Runic Braclet, and Necklace/chokers would be interesting IMO. Could create some runewords for bracelets, and get rid of alot of what they already have that is not widely used. Like the 1.11 runewords. I don't think I have seen one person make one and use it.

The "Warpaint" as you call it is not meant for any character but one. That will be there trademark fighting style. Just like Holy Shield is for a Pally, or a Shadow is for a Assassin.

This IMO would balance a melee fighter with some magical abilities. At the same time have some low mass summoning, elemental skills, enhancements for them and the party to assist in fighting.

I think I am going to write up a character sheet just for this, to fine tune it so it is understandable to all.

Tall N White

Apr 20, 2006
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Shadow Drifter, the whole be able to choose whether a class can be male or female would degrade the game. When you think of a Necromancer you automatically think of a male. When you read up on things like this most would never picture this game as having a female necromancer. It just doesn't work like that. The gender for the classes are correct as they are now. Blizzard just needs to make new classes, and if they want to make different gender classes be my guest. I just think choosing the gender of a necromancer or druid would make the game kind of lame. (and its not just for a druid and necromancer, but for paladins as well)

I'm still not to ineterested in the warpaint and the effects it could possibly have on armor/character strength. Plus you still wouldn't see it even with ethereal armor/weapons. You're constantly moving most of the time when you are playing the game. Now I do like the idea of having bracelets. I'm still debating about having more then 2 rings and being able to wear more then one amulet, because say you get skill rings that give +2 to all skills and you can wear 4 rings, you have +8 to all skills just on your hands and the character is already too powerful.


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
They could make some changes for gender specific characters.
For example:
You could very well split the Amazon in half and make the Javlin skills on a female (Amazon) and the Archer could be a male counter part (Rouge)

Male Paladin,(A Fighter) Female Priestess, (A Healer)

Sorceress, and a Wizard/Warlock (could deal in Earth, Poison, Magical)

It could be done, if it was done right, I don't see a big problem with it. But, it would intale different skills for both sexes of the classes. This however would mean basically different characteres for the most part.

Tall N White

Apr 20, 2006
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Female Priestess would not work. It would be a Nun. And the whole javelin skills as a female trait, and the bow skills as a male trait.....questionable. I dont like the skills you put for a warlock/wizard. Necromancer already deals with poison, druid deals with earth, and every character has some sort of magical skill, so when you think everything is already there. And by the way it's Rogue not Rouge

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