New Character Class/Race/Ideas thread


May 12, 2006
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Why would u make bow and crossbow amazon when you can have 1 with both type of skills... same thing for the other classes.


BattleForums Junior Member
Jan 22, 2003
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because he obviously lacks imagination


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
First off, I would like to say that this is my first post on Battleforums, so i hope to become more aquainted and friendly with all of you. Hopefully I can add a little more insight and entertainment to these already interesting and insightful forums.

Now, on to some ideas. I'm fairly certain that Blizzard wants to continue its increasingly successful Diablo series as it has done with both Warcraft, Starcraft, and now WoW. The big issue with Diablo 3 will probably be the playability. Betting that Blizzard will stick with the traditional MMORPG game style isn't to much of a long shot. The problem with tradition is that D3 will have to do more than simply evolve from D2. Due to WoW's success D3 has to top both of Blizzards most successful prodigies in order to make something truely unique. However the hell they do that is up to them, but I'm certain that character classes and races will be a big influence on the games success.

First off: Should there be races other than Human?
...YES!! More races means more customization, diversity, and playability. Definatley include various races in both male and female styles.

Race suggestions:
Naturnal (a humanoid with some sort of animal template, player choice)

These suggestions are made to attract a diverse audience and to influence the idea of factions.

As for factions: It is important to avoid factions such as good v. evil, thus eliminating some sort of WoW spinoff. Factions are fun though, and they do add to a games replay value and overall playability, so instead of 2 factions, I think 3 is a great choice. Given the races above, the obvious 3 would be Heaven, Earth, and Hell (or good, neutral, and evil) however you want to look at them.

The seperation of Races under Faction should go something like this:

Dwarf (pure)
Elf (High)

Elf (Wood)

Dwarf (tainted)
Elf (Dark)

Every faction would have one specific faction race mixed with a series of multifaction races. The Heaven races would attract more of a clerical or moral boosting type of character, such as a healer or the traditonal pally. The Earthen races would attract more of a balanced hunting/elemental character, such as a druid, Amazon, or monk. Hell would attract more evil oriented characters, such as necromancers or assassins. These suggestions would give a fantastic sense of origin and personality to every character. They would also attract a wide audience. Ultimately, the important difference between the factions above and the Horde and Alliance in WoW is dependent on storyline, and would have to be left up to the creators to properly differentiate between the two games. The reasoning behind my race/faction suggestion is simple. One, i think it works well in attracting new players and inspiring various playable scenarios, and two, I think that it fits well in Diablo's continued storyline. In D2, Tyrael sent whatever hero on a whatever quest to destroy Diablo yet again. Why couldn't Diablo (assuming he somehow survived D2) do the same? The above ideas for playability and customization are very open ended and feel free to critique them, but it is important that D3 hits soundly on both of these ideas to pickup where D1 and D2 lacked. As for Classes... supprise me!
i see what ur going at...i agree with most of it, but elfs and dwarfs do -not- belong in the Diablo universe. thats a wow/wc setup. stay true to the Diablo universe, youve NEVER heard of an elf or dwarf in the world of Diablo.

the entire idea is Heaven, Hell, and humans. not nature/Fantasy characters

Milo stone

New Member
Apr 5, 2007
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I liked the skill system in Diablo 2, I wish there could have been more. My take on the characters is a wider selection of characters from the other games. Have jump be an action for all classes, set it to one of the clicks. Any combat oriented class can dual-wield. Maybe the option to play a male or female character? My classes:

Warrior - Skilled with weapons, much like the "Barb" in D2. This is the more sophisticated version of the damage dealer.

Enchantress - Has area of effect spells ranging from illusions to DoT's. Can also manipulte monsters much like the Necro's Curses. Can cast buffs as well, like the Pally.

Rogue - Like the assasin, in fact, almost the same exact thing as the assasin. Except instead of Martial Arts, the Rogue has a set of passive skills that boost "Luck". Things in this catagory include everything from Magic Find to Critical Hits. The rogue has a Combat Skill tab, a "Luck" tab, and a Traps.

Necromancer - Summons skeletons and other minions, controls poisins and toxins, but instead of Curses, a Shapeshifting ability. This skill set allows the Necro to take on different forms such as a Lich (Mana and Life Steal) to a Wrath (Higher Defense and Movement Speed)

Paladin - Exactly the same, maybe switch out some skills for new ones.

Huntress - Combine the Druid and the Amazon. Bow and Javelin, with the Nature Skills. Give them some pets, like the wolves and bears. And for the third Skill Set, maybe something like a totem effect. Some totems can heal, some cast off fire bolts.

Elementalist - Like the Sorcerer. They control the elements. The three tabs are Natural Elements (Cold, Heat, & Light), Cosmic Elements (Evocation) Super Natural Elements (Ground, Sky, & Water) The "Natural" Elements are the damage dealing spells. The Cosmic tab holds all of the Passive and generic skills. These generic skills include energy bolts and "Warmth" type effects.

Monk - This is the Martial Arts class. The three tabs are the three different styles of fighting. One is about offense, one is defense, and the other is movement and healing oriented skills.

Pit Fighter - This is the more savage version of the damage dealer. Instead of style and grace, the Pit Fighter deals with raw power. One skill tab is Warcries. Combat Skills, like Frenzy and Bash is another tab. The last tab is another set of Combat Skills which focus on Dual Wielding explicitly.

These are my character classes.


BattleForums Member
Sep 3, 2006
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New York
I don't how to put this but they should expand every act. Add more quests. Make it so that people don't have to be rushed to get to a harder difficulty. They should make it where anyone can say hey I want a mule to put all my stuff on maybe I'll put him in hell difficulty to conduct trades. And then maybe people shouldn't have to beat a difficulty to make the cow level. Like some already said there should be a stadium to duel in, maybe. And they should allow a barbarian to either male or female (there are female barbarians, we all know this). They should allow people to have more freedom in the game. But they shouldn't change the races, and classes. People should be allowed to choose their age, also people should be allowed to make themselves be different from everyone else. You should also make it so that people can eat and drink, not where your constantly on the run or killing things and drinking potions. When people wanna get off for an hour or the rest of the day they should be allowed to go and bring there character to a inn to go to sleep, if they want to they could have sex (not to be perverted) with another players character, they could also reproduce. They should also add a skill to maybe the sorcerer and necromancer where they can make clones of themselves that move and fight but can't summon (necro) but only when fighting bosses, and they should be able to use those effects for a teammate. People should be able to make it where they can cast spells that work over time to kill a enemy, not anything thats already been made, but maybe like a a painful and slow death, or fast and painful. People should be allowed to make items like a blacksmith and choose what they want it to be able to do. But they should make it so that people can't set it where it gives them powers that noone else has. They should also make it so that people can send other players out to do their work.

These are all my ideas at this time, so don't judge to fast.

EDIT: THey should also add new skill for necromancers, the almighty skelly archers/rangers!!!!
Without archers and rangers you get pwned. And they could make it where the archers like give off auras to zons and other chars using ranged attacks, like their brothers skeleton mages!!!


BattleForums Junior Member
Sep 3, 2003
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Mighty Midwest
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I just want it to hurry up and come out, Im comfortable with letting blizzard make the decisions they seem to be good at it


BattleForums Junior Member
Mar 4, 2005
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Altair IV, pre-nano Plague
What would you think, could there be guns in D3? And some specific character class who would be expert using guns and bombs and stuff... I don't mean these modern guns that we have like for example in CS, but old ''medievil'' guns...?
Medieval or mid-Renaissance guns would work, if not going all the way into flintlock rifles. Primitive cannons were first mentioned in Act V, when one repeatedly clicks on the Barbarian smith, eventually he talks about a crazy idea for a primitive cannon, but the Elders (or the leading authorities) won't allow it...

Either way, since D3 will most likely take place post-Diablo 2, Barbarian forays into guns would be wonderful.

In light of that, this is what I'd like concerning characters:


1. I want all character classes from both Diablo 1 and Diablo 2 and the 2 Expansion. The only exception would be the Sorcerer, as his abilities are already present in the Sorceress and not needed.

2. There should be a rationally-designed character employing the use of guns. He should be like a Hunter-class or something, capable of diverse tricks of the trade. I would give the Traps abilities to the Hunter from the Assassin, design them to be like what a hunter would employ as traps in real life, and he could also use bows competently along with guns.

2a. A second class I'd want starting to occur in D3 is the Mercenary. It comes with it's own backstory, as it is simply the Warrior from Diablo 1 renamed. After the devastating wars against Westmarch, which the other kingdom fighting Westmarch ultimately lost, and the king then went nuts and the kingdom disintegrated, the Warriors in the king's former armies have disbanded and now roam the countryside, selling their services to whosoever might need them. Like the Hunter, Mercenaries would be very diverse characters; I'd model them along the lines of a fusion of 15th-Century German Landsknecht mercenaries, the Warriors from Diablo 1, and Hessian soldiers from Prussia, famed for a certain skill with guns and also their rowdiness.:rolleyes-old: They would have multiple weapons upgrades and skills, and I'm thinking give them a specialty use for the guns coming out of the Barbarian tribes of the Northlands.

3. I want Samurai. Somewhere, somehow. Possibly an island culture, like Japan in OTL, but an island from the west, possibly off of Westmarch somewhere. They gained the gradual advances in technology from Westmarch, but due to frequent storms the island chain has remained isolated. Their society is a regimented caste structure, the top being elite warriors who spend their lives fighting. They would possess the ultimate in combat skills, sort of supplanting the legendary feats of the Barbarian in later years post-Diablo 2. They would especially excel in the usage of swords, and certain of them better than others, but they can use any weapons with bonuses attributed to each weapons type.

4. The Barbarian class would have to reflect the changing face of Barbarian culture. Due to gunpowder and the resultant development by Barbarian smiths of the first guns (which rapidly improve due to the Barbarian's technical ingenuity), Barbarians come face to face with the realization that guns don't care how goddamn strong or fast you are, you will still die from only a few shots. Thus, the core principle Barbarian virtues of Strength and Integrity, and the reason why they're so goddamn buff, would begin lessening in terms of social value. In its place would come...what? A resurgence of technical ingenuity, to compensate for their physical shortcomings when it comes to flesh against bullet? Something else? I'm not exactly sure, just that Barbarians would have to change to reflect this.


1. Interactive environment. Trees burn when struck with fire or lighting spells, when it rains, characters low down due to mud, characters gain a certain statistical chance of increased stealth by moving through tall grass, certain environments, etc.

2. Statistical chance that rounds from guns, arrows, etc. will miss. Chance increases with more weather activity, more fighting and crowded screens filled with monsters, etc.

3. All character classes should be capable of buying and riding horses. Horses will be tremendously useful in getting from one place to another, and making maps as horrifically large as Kurast a lot easier to cross if one dies. Horse armor could and should be bought at a special category with the guy who in D2 has the Gamble section. Horse armor should be expensive but not too expensive, and should gradually increase to show increased monetary earnings. One can get three types of horses: fast horses, slower but tougher horses (ie combat horses), or slowest (but still faster than walking or running) as pack mules. All slow down when equipped with armor, but gain significant HP and armor upgrades in doing so, thus increasing survivability. Obviously, some places horses can't go, such as abandoned derelict buildings, so before going in places like that one must dismount from horses. Oh yeah, and only those characters, regardless of class, that are equipped and currently using either a bow, crossbow, or gun of some sort will be capable of using their weapons while riding, but they can't do that on a mule, as mules can only provide storage space for extra stuff or gold.

4. Characters should be fully customizable in both appearance and any beginning skills they might have, if beginning skills are possible at all. If not, hair, clothing, appearance, gender, scars, tattoos, etc. should all be customizable, as per other suggestions on this thread.

5. Possibly cool badass things for each character to randomly utter. Barbarians could make Conan jokes, Samurai could say pithy Japanese sayings, and continue on in that line. Would be nice, and add some realism and coolness to one's character.

6. Increase the number of quests/Act. Like, ten instead of six, and some of them can offer mythic items or massive amounts of gold or something. Like the Countess mission, just more of them.

7. Possibly bring back the Scrolls of Apocalypse concept from Diablo 1. VERY nice, but make them damn near impossible to find or get.:D

8. More than one merc, max of five.:D Mercs should also be substantially less powerful than your character, as you'll basically be leading a militia at that point, but nowhere near as well trained as say you. Okay, one super-merc as of Diablo 2 and 5 smaller, weaker merc-ish characters, but that's it.

9. Diablo 3D!!!!!!!!!!!!



Jan 12, 2008
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burbank california
i think they should keep the characters from diablo 2 lod but add a gender thing thats it no other customizations like diff hair color or height n weight next thing you know there gunna put boob size or size of z a male chars junk i mean come on thats just a waste of time with that much customizationas for the gender thing i would break it down like this
assassin/ hmm idk ninja or sumthin
amazon/archer or wat ever
barbarian/i really dont know
necromancer/ lady necro
druid/lady druid
as for the paladin if you remember fara from act 2 she said she was skooled in the the arts or watever of the paladin
if the whole gender thing doesnt spin off well
then if the next diablo is gunna go by the rumors of a game ware you can pick ur faction aka good or evil just create an evilside for each char in d2 except the druid is like the necros opposite well theres my 2 cents


Jan 12, 2008
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burbank california
I don't how to put this but they should expand every act. Add more quests. Make it so that people don't have to be rushed to get to a harder difficulty. They should make it where anyone can say hey I want a mule to put all my stuff on maybe I'll put him in hell difficulty to conduct trades. And then maybe people shouldn't have to beat a difficulty to make the cow level. Like some already said there should be a stadium to duel in, maybe. And they should allow a barbarian to either male or female (there are female barbarians, we all know this). They should allow people to have more freedom in the game. But they shouldn't change the races, and classes. People should be allowed to choose their age, also people should be allowed to make themselves be different from everyone else. You should also make it so that people can eat and drink, not where your constantly on the run or killing things and drinking potions. When people wanna get off for an hour or the rest of the day they should be allowed to go and bring there character to a inn to go to sleep, if they want to they could have sex (not to be perverted) with another players character, they could also reproduce. They should also add a skill to maybe the sorcerer and necromancer where they can make clones of themselves that move and fight but can't summon (necro) but only when fighting bosses, and they should be able to use those effects for a teammate. People should be able to make it where they can cast spells that work over time to kill a enemy, not anything thats already been made, but maybe like a a painful and slow death, or fast and painful. People should be allowed to make items like a blacksmith and choose what they want it to be able to do. But they should make it so that people can't set it where it gives them powers that noone else has. They should also make it so that people can send other players out to do their work.

These are all my ideas at this time, so don't judge to fast.

EDIT: THey should also add new skill for necromancers, the almighty skelly archers/rangers!!!!
Without archers and rangers you get pwned. And they could make it where the archers like give off auras to zons and other chars using ranged attacks, like their brothers skeleton mages!!!
so basically you want to make a game with more handson capabilities and give the necro assassin skillz?


Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
burbank california
i see what ur going at...i agree with most of it, but elfs and dwarfs do -not- belong in the Diablo universe. thats a wow/wc setup. stay true to the Diablo universe, youve NEVER heard of an elf or dwarf in the world of Diablo.

the entire idea is Heaven, Hell, and humans. not nature/Fantasy characters
i agree either way i read it some ware on this thread or another and ill say it here you would have to either make a cover story as to why the other races were not in d2 or d1 or just have blizz change the whole story or have them put out a diablo prequl however you spell it


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 7, 2004
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theres too much diversity. we all know diversity means the game is harder to balance. i hope blizz doesnt make a char class like the paladin who is imba compread to the others. smiter, hammer, zeal. i just want a good 5 to 10 classes. making it too WoW like is bad. and plz no MMO.

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