New Character Class/Race/Ideas thread


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
Shadow_Drifter said:
Druids... I think for fighting keep it bear or wolf, but maybe as a transport mode have a bat (fly over spaces etc) but bat mode should drain mana instead of having a timelimit. This would ensure that PvP against a druid wont mean you wont have a chance of catching up to it.
They read somewhere, that they originally planed for the druid to have a bird transformation, but took it out due to the fact that no one could hit up in the air, and this would really unbalance the characters against each other.

I mentions somewhere before, but I think their should be good, evil, and middleground characters. The evil ones of course you would fight against, as you play the good guys, and the middle ground characters would be converted bad guys who lost faith in what the prime evils where trying to accomplish.

One idea I had, that incorperates the badassness of a evil character, a character class that can ride a animal, but still be a playable good character would be a Undead Knight from Zakarum that can create a horse that can do damage instead of the Knight. It would have 3 different lvls or classes. Suck as a Stallion, Pony, and a Donkey or something. Each different ride would have better attributes. The pony will go semi fast but has no stamina, the donkey or whatever would have better stamina, and def, but go fast. Then finally the stallion, will will do massive damage, speed, def, and life. Look at this like a rideable Golem if you will. The Undead Knight would have as well, a skill to summon verious types of weapon, that do various things, but depends on mana and life to cast it and use. The third tree of skills would be cursing auras. basically have a aura that affects enemies with negative effects. Example would be:

Plauge Aura - Aura slows, and depletes enemy life, defense, in waves.

The Rack Aura - Aura chooses a random enemy for all other enemies to attack. The attackers take double damage on striking said enemy.*

The Vice Aura - Aura does spectral damage to all enemies within sight. Physical damage is half of normal to enemies

Apocalypse Aura - Any enemy (except bosses) that were killed by any Undead Knight aura, has a % chance to return under the contol of the Undead Knight.**

*the enemy that recieves the target from the others to attack, has double life, and def. Making it live longer so the others can die by their own means.

**all stats, skills, life, and powers are normal, but if it dies when under the Undead Knights control, their souls are gathered and used as life/mana to the party. (basically redemption)

Each Aura will increase in cost, damage, area, ect with each lvl added.


Mar 20, 2006
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k im a newb but watever...k if they decided to make a d3 that would be kick ass cuz it gets borin playing the same game over and over again. now as for charachter ideas i think that they should let u pick your own gender and appearence, and as for char.classes they could have a witch hunter, and keep the paladin, sorc, and druid. also id like to see more of the forces of heaven play a role in the game maybe throw in an angel character class.

but honestly i think if they do ever make this game they should wait for a more advance system kinda like a virtual reality system that would enhance the level of play. this way u would have more freedom in roaming the gaming world and be able to interact with the npc's (for example you could actually talk to them and stuff like it was the real world).


New Member
Mar 25, 2006
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Good characters:-

Evil characters:-
Dark elf

Neutral characters:-


Mar 15, 2006
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Thats assuming D3 is MMO, which i doubt.

Diablo 1 and 2 were humans only which is how they should forever remain. Elves and vampires should stay in DnD IMO.

HOWEVER that said IF IT BECAME an MMO (which i doubt) RACES should all be human BUT depending on where they live gives them abilities.

An example would be "Man* of the North" Favoured Class - Barbarian Racial Trait - +Strength +Resist Cold -Intelligence -Resist Fire

another Example "Woman* of the Wood" Favoured Class - Amazon Racial Trait - +Dexterity +Spear Type proficient -Vitality

Also people from different regions would have different looks Like "Man of the North" would be Tall and Heavy Built (like a barb)

HOWEVER they shouldnt be forced to stay a class ("Man of the North as a Barbarian Mercenary or Druid)

* Man and Woman Interchangeable (EXCEPT CERTAIN CASES like sorceress)

Dont get me wrong - I would like to see an MMO diablo over the normal type, but with WoWs Burning Crusade still due out I dun think an MMO Diablo is on the tables at the moment (though i wish it was)


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
After the fall of the prime evils our heros left to return back to where they came, but, took with them what they saw in the other heros.

Our Barbarian, stayed behind to keep watch over his town and people of Harrogoth. The Amazons have returned to their forest treetops, the Necromancer fades away and is wispered to be seen wandering from town to town during nights clouded by fog, The Druid, one with nature finds home in woods often outside of towns, but not too far, while the Sorceress and Paladin return to the high fort walls of their cities with Cain to reinstate a new order of the Horodrum, and knights of Zakarum their ever loyal gaurdians of light.

Threw the years, each learn skills, that they so admired within the fellow heros that battled at their side. These skills begin to branch off creating seperate classes of fighters.

Demon Tamers - Seeing the might one could have by having minions under ones control, the Barbarian, finds a way to harness the fear in demons have threw the cracking of a whip weapon.

Rouge - Amazed by the ability to be so powerful with ranged weapons, and the talents to lay traps to destroy anyone who dared to venture forth, the Necromancer saw a potential to become more. Hard training, and a bit of a darker soul, melds into the perfect theif, and archer in one fine tuned killer.

Elementalist - Combining what he learned from watching Golems being created, and the training to control the elements, the druid who can control other life to aid it in battle, ventures further to become one with the world, by creating and combining life from the very world around him, to form one of three fighters for nature itself.

Cleric - Seeing clearly, how important life was, the Paladin aids in the rebirth of a new world, and the healing of it's old scars. Ridding those of illness, and making the weak strong.

Mage - Realizing that they were limited, the Sorceress expand their training of all elements possible. In doing so they conjur up new skills to control poison, air, and earth itself.

Fallen - In the quest to find ultimate power, a lone Assassin releases it's power to control it's shadow. Having a physical form no longer the shadow, it becomes currupt and seeks out a new host. It finds a Paladin and trys to take control. Their is a internal struggle where a man of god, and a souless form, create a hero with the heart of a warrior, but the powers of a monster.

Missing one more, can't really think of one I'll edit when I do come up with something worth while.


Mar 15, 2006
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Some nice ideas Pale. But many people fail to see is that the 7 from the prior game arent the only classes. A prime example is the first diablo (and its Sierra based expansion) which had Warrior, Rogue, Mage and Monk (i think it was monk).

Not to mention that there are plenty of different classes that aren't playable (eg the Mercenaries from D2) and the Jungle Shaman (ormus).

What I would like to see again in Diablo are those "cursed" items. Like stuff of the Frog. I loved that stuff (when people snatch it up being greedy and it was more or less junk anyway HAHAHA)


New Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Hello. New to the forum. First post...

Love a lot of the ideas here.

Love the Samurai/Ninja idea.

Kind of like the Viking idea although when I think "Viking" I think of a dude with a horned helmet and a long beard sailing around on a ship. Don't know how that would work in Diablo, but anything's possible.

Love the Vampire idea.

Love the idea of being able to choose a monster/demon Char. I know it's not the "Diablo way" but the way I see it is the Prime Evils are dead and evil influence over demons should be lessened. If you can have an evil human, then you should be able to have a good demon. JMO

Love the idea of choosing to be male or female per each "race".

Love the idea of choosing to be bad or evil (for single player. For MP it would be tricky getting it to work, but it can be done).

Love the idea of customizing your Chars height, build, hair color, etc....

Love the idea of starting off as a "regular Joe" and learning stuff as you go. Sort of like a "jack of all trades" char, but not as powerful at any spell/skill as the "true" wielder of those spells/skills.

Also, instead of having a barbarian/warrior, add a different type of a similiar char. Like a gladiator (although it's been done) or a Warlord or Trojan (not the condom) or something like that.

I like the idea of riding mounts, but add more then just horses. Like if you choose to be evil, you should have some kind of demonesque type of mount.

For a new demon type class a Minotaur would be cool. A "Gore" skill for that char would be sweet.

Maybe have a banshee, although I don't think there is such thing as a male banshee. Then again, if I we're getting technical, don't think there's such thing as a banshee anyway so ... yeah.

I like the Witch/Warlock idea (to replace the sorcerer/sorceress).

Maybe add some type of half human/half god type char. Like a Hercules, although that would just be another Barbarian. Maybe something different, other then a brute strength type of char.

Oh, I also like the Thief/Spy type of char. Very low on attack, but very high on stealth. Good idea.

To replace the druid, maybe some type of Indian char. One that pretty much does what a druid did, but looks different.

Also, it would be nice if we can change the color of our armor, shield, helm, etc... Just to individualize your char a bit more. Maybe just have it with sets, and only if you acquire a certain number of pieces to a set.

Anyway, I just hope I'm alive 10 years from now so that I'll have a chance to play the game when it comes out. And it will come out. Blizzard knows it'll make money, and it's all about the money.


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
Shadow_Drifter said:
Some nice ideas Pale. But many people fail to see is that the 7 from the prior game arent the only classes. A prime example is the first diablo (and its Sierra based expansion) which had Warrior, Rogue, Mage and Monk (i think it was monk).

Not to mention that there are plenty of different classes that aren't playable (eg the Mercenaries from D2) and the Jungle Shaman (ormus).

What I would like to see again in Diablo are those "cursed" items. Like stuff of the Frog. I loved that stuff (when people snatch it up being greedy and it was more or less junk anyway HAHAHA)
Yes I am aware of the original characters, but if you haven't noticed, their has been a melding, and expanding of the classes and what they can do, from the very start.
For example the warrior is split into your base paladin and barb character, the rouge has become the amazon, mage is your sorceress, ect. You can take that a step further into D2 and look at how it expanded from that to the expansion. I am just trying to continue the trend they have layed out already.
Yes their are loads of other options for characters that were not used, and even more that were not even thought of at the time, but I tryed to stick to something familiar to us all and not too out there. I have made some posts of some more out their options, (some might even be in this thread) but I see this as the natural evolution to the characters.

Welcome to Battleforums Mr. Rack, hope you enjoy your stay here.


Mar 15, 2006
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true. and looking back at what I said I have to agree that the original characters (D1) wernt really possible.

The Vizjeri Mages were gone by D2 (aka the mage), the rogues had too many troubles (IE the loss of the monestary) and the warrior in D1 was actually quite unique (was able to cast spells (even though that was thanks to the book learning method he could still do it))

However, sadly, im going to have to disagree with some things there pale. I think the chars in D2 were just fine HOWEVER, and in a way you said it without knowing it, theres an idea there that i really like.

I mention it elsewhere (this thread i think) but i like the "step up" model of character development.

A fundamental class that at a certain point "evolves" to another class

I mean, say lvl 1 you can select Page, Apprentice and Rogue. Your choice here builds up some fundamentals (IE common properties of the larger specialist classes and some fundamental skills common to a class set).

At lvl 20 you can specialise.

Page - Warrior, Barbarian, Paladin

Rogue - Amazon(Hunter (Male Version)), Assassin, Thief

Apprentice - Druid, Sorceress(Elementalist (male version), Necromancer

Then at lvl 80 you could further specialise (Raise lvl cap to 120 - this gives people something to work to)

Warrior - Mercenary, Weaponmaster

Barbarian - Warlord, Beserker

Paladin - Cleric, Knight

Assassin - Shadowmaster, Mind Render

Amazon (Hunter) - Valkarie (Ranger), Archer

Thief - Thug, Prowler

Druid - Lycanthrope, Summoner

Sorceress (elementalist) - Vizjeri Mage, Sage

Necromancer - Lich, Warlock (Witch if Female)

If you want me to post some differences and my definitions of the above classes I can do that if you like also


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
Shadow_Drifter said:
true. and looking back at what I said I have to agree that the original characters (D1) wernt really possible.

The Vizjeri Mages were gone by D2 (aka the mage), the rogues had too many troubles (IE the loss of the monestary) and the warrior in D1 was actually quite unique (was able to cast spells (even though that was thanks to the book learning method he could still do it))

However, sadly, im going to have to disagree with some things there pale. I think the chars in D2 were just fine HOWEVER, and in a way you said it without knowing it, theres an idea there that i really like.

I mention it elsewhere (this thread i think) but i like the "step up" model of character development.

A fundamental class that at a certain point "evolves" to another class

I mean, say lvl 1 you can select Page, Apprentice and Rogue. Your choice here builds up some fundamentals (IE common properties of the larger specialist classes and some fundamental skills common to a class set).

At lvl 20 you can specialise.

Page - Warrior, Barbarian, Paladin

Rogue - Amazon(Hunter (Male Version)), Assassin, Thief

Apprentice - Druid, Sorceress(Elementalist (male version), Necromancer

Then at lvl 80 you could further specialise (Raise lvl cap to 120 - this gives people something to work to)

Warrior - Mercenary, Weaponmaster

Barbarian - Warlord, Beserker

Paladin - Cleric, Knight

Assassin - Shadowmaster, Mind Render

Amazon (Hunter) - Valkarie (Ranger), Archer

Thief - Thug, Prowler

Druid - Lycanthrope, Summoner

Sorceress (elementalist) - Vizjeri Mage, Sage

Necromancer - Lich, Warlock (Witch if Female)

If you want me to post some differences and my definitions of the above classes I can do that if you like also
I agree that is a great way to play, but IMO, I don't see that as being "Diablo" that is more along the lines of WoW, and if that is the case, why not play WoW.
The D2 characters are great, that is why I still play after how many years, but their needs to be some type of evolving in the character prossess father then making it more MMORG.


New Member
Apr 1, 2006
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A new Character Class: The Artificer

Okay, my idea would combine necromancers with assassins and it comes from something Larzuk or Qual-Khek gossip about in LOD. One or the other describes a cannon. I got to thinking about the destruction of the world stone giving birth to the pursuit of early science. Which was hit upon a little with the assassins traps and the necromancers Iron Golem.

The Artificer would be able to construct a minion out of an item like the necromancers golem. The golems would be made out of stronger materials as the Artificer grew in levels. For instance, one of the earliest golem could only be made out of made of leather: gloves, boots, leather armor, or hard leather armor, and would be called a flesh golem. The next would only be made out of wood:clubs, spiked clubs and bows. Progressing to the Steel Warrior, made from metal weapons and finally the Steel Guardian made from, you guessed it, metal armor and sheilds. The rest of the skill tree would be devoted to upgrades of the golems such as resistances and masteries.

The second tree would be a whole lot similar to the assassins traps only the traps would spew out poison clouds or maybe even those balls that trail poison in Lut Gholien quests. And of course a few cannons thrown in.

Haven't really thought about the third tree, but maybe something along the sorceresses "enchant" would be appropriate where the Artificer could add bonuses to damage of his weapons and improvements to his armor for short periods of times.

Anyway, that is my idea, feel free to let me know what you think.


Apr 30, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry I posted a message before finding out it was in the wrong forum section. Please delete this.


New Member
Apr 8, 2006
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I think you guys got some ace ideas. the thing is the game is so god damn popular we need to be able to reognise each other online. So the in depth customisation of your character statistics is almost compulsary. i think we should be able to smith our own weapons to make them personal and unique in our own characters ways. There is nothing better than finding a weapon you have never come across before. Eventually u can suss out what the weapons are gonna be so u often leave them as not to clutter up your inventory but if everything you come across is different in a certain way then the game will be so intensley catchy that blizzard will probably make us to play it. i will very upset if i have to pay to play lixe world of warcraft. it has good ratings but why the hell should we have to pay to enjoy a past time. i understand that at the end of the day blizzard are a business and it costs alot to sustain a virtual world at the exstent it has developed but i dont feel 'pay as you go' gaming is the way to go. But im just a small voice. Diablo 1 rocked, diablo 2 plastered my hand to the mouse so lets see what they can do with a sequel.:bouncy


Mar 15, 2006
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Actually nanook some nice ideas there.

I think (revolving round your ideas) that there should be more indepth CHARACTER generation (not to the insane degree oblivion has). Something like a few dozen heads and hair styles as well as height and weight.

As for smithing your own weapons. an interesting idea but perhaps do something Vagrent Storyish? What if you find a good sword but the hilt is crap, you should be able to disassemble and reasemble blades for a mix and match THUS some rare weapons can only be made off of specific parts (Say a combination of a gemmed hilt and a runned blade?)

I also think that all armour is different. Like if you wear studded leather that armour should have studs. or gothic plate being different to say a chest plate. (still have the SAME armour look different on other classes but)


New Member
Apr 8, 2006
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Wow i genuinly didnt think about smithing that way but that is a pretty damn good idea. Also i think that changing colours of items is a must coz everyone trys so damn hard to be unique and after a while every combination is done so just being able to have a different edge to someone else's uniform will make the game that much more personal. god just chatting about the ideas makes me want to play diablo 2. Baldurs gate would be a good place to take a couple of ideas, but personally i dont think the action in baldurs gate is as up close and in your face as diablo. Baldurs gate you dont see it coming but diablo has an essence of raw combat that no publisher of games has manage to beat.............yet. im not saying its better than every game in the world but i can tell you one thing if diablo 3 comes out in the near future ill be ensuring my self a space in the midnight queue at my local games shop the night it comes out. :lucifer


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Apr 11, 2006
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Sagnasty, MI

didnt feel like reading through 130+ repost but ive had a few ideas for a while. i dont think blizzard will use the same characters in d3 as in d2 and d1, that would be very uncreative and blizzard is definitely not uncreative. i think having more regional characters is a good idea. it sounds cheesey when im typing it but work w/ it; but the different classes would represent different parts of the world like ninja/samarai/mongol, shaman for africa, chemist/marksman for europe, Mayans/Aztecs or whatever for central/south america, sand warrior (think prince of persia) for middle east, etc. but blizzard would do much better w/ specifics, and would probably do a much better job at making it sound more diablo and less final fantasy. btw, stop w/ the bard/dancer...thats something only tactics could pull off. and i do think it would be cool to choose if u wanted to side w/ diablo or fight against him, it would kinda make pvp a part of the game instead of something u do in act 1 when a pker comes in a game while u are trying to level your hardcore character...


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Apr 11, 2006
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Pizza said:
Now, post your beautiful ideas. The old thread(s) can be found here

I'll kick this badboy off.

I personally think they should keep it races as just human. That tends to be the whole story of the Diablo series. It has to do with mankinds lust for power and greed, and the lack of the ability to clear their mind at certain points. Adding new races would be a huge mistake, IMHO, because then theyde have to backtrack as to why they were completely non-existant in Diablo I and Diablo II, and give them a whole backstory. Unless it was a prequel, and the afforementioned race was destoryed.


Hey, i found a lotta ppl with good ideas but i nobody ever mentioned about
pretty unique chars if you what i mean. Juice it up, so here's what i got and
i actually did a lil survey.

#1 lotta ppl wanted to be chars like tyrael(archangel) so that would be a unique char.
#2 some ppl ask why can't paladin summon like archangels or holy warriors to fight by his side. Like nec's skels or amazon's valk.
#3 Why not get a act where it's like the archangel's home town. where a new boss is trying to corrupt it. Abit like harrogoth, a fortress and out side the fortress is a battle field where you see all the archangels and humans fight for their lives with the bad guys.
#4 Many ppl wanted to be some undead warriors, like undead archer, returned, blabla, etc.
#5 people wonder why in diablo they don't see any chars or enemies on a horse/undead horse/currupted horse like WOW. So you could make it an ability to ride a horse or create and enemy on a horse/undead horse/ currupted horse like a calvary.
#6 Why not in one of the new quests, you must actually fight a copy of ur self? They could be in black, and can use ALMOST all the skills you have. And then when you defeated them, you can get a long lost secret unique item for the char. Like for example, Helm/pally: Zakarum's long lost knowledge, Azurwrath Blade for sword. I dunno, u think.
#7 And i found some people wishing that they could customize their char's looks and stuff.
#8 I dunno if this is a good idea but, why not be able to use headsets when playing diablo? I know this is not counter-strike but alotta times, we get tired of typin the same shitz and saying things right b4 u die. And instead of saying LOL, we could just laugh. If you know what i mean.

Well thats the ideas i have so far/surveyed. I'll let you know if i find more ideas from me or the ppl

Acid Reign

Apr 14, 2006
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The Beastmaster

One character that I think would be interesting would be the Beastmaster.

He would be much like the Druid in terms of summoning beasts, but far more beefed up.

Summoning : In this category, the Beastmaster would be able to summon far more evil creatures than say a wolf or bear. We're talking serpents, elementals, and maybe even a Wyvern or something at a high level. The goal is to make the Beastmaster borderline of being evil.

Magic : In this set of skills, the Beastmaster would have skills similar to Dragon Breath, Snake Bite, and Ettin Chill. Gotta have magic skills relating to monsters and their magical abilities.

Minion and Personal Support : Diablo II introduced the fabulous idea of auras, and what better to include some on Diablo III. The Beastmaster would get 1 or 2 auras supporting himself and his minions. Have one for protection purposes, and maybe one for assault purposes. Another thing you could sneak in here would be a couple curses, that when used on enemies, would be beneficial for both the user and his minions.

Another thing I thought of, was having the Beastmaster be able to summon certain types of monsters found in the game. The more kills you had against that particular monster, the stronger your minion version of it would be. It would max out at a certain strength, so you couldn't kill like 5,000,000 monsters and have a level 500 version of it.

I dunno, its just an idea. Leave me alone :p


Apr 19, 2006
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mother russia
Some skills ideas

I was reading all the replies on this thread and came up with my own idea of skills development.
I was thinking of all the chars have all their skills from the start (and some chars share some skills but not all) but on lvl 1 and as the chars develop and gain lvls they use their skills to kill monsters and stuff (exps only for stats), so the more a char uses a skill the more it gets developed so by doing this players wont have to be worried about bad char development, they could use a new skill and develop it as they advance more. I think that way players wont waste time by putting points into skills they dont want to get to other skill like in d2.
So if that wasnt clear, the idea is that the more you use a skill the more it gets developed and there will be no points to put into skills, only for stats.
Also i was thinking about new stat like charisma (dont blame me if i took that form D&D) so char can use skills like charm to get the monsters to fight for them instead of cursing them, that could prove useful for fighting classes.
Also when playing a magic char, it would be nice to have casting time for more advance spells or more developed spells.

And on idea about a vampire, i think it sucks cause how can u have a monster as a char??? yes i can understand that vamp is human but bloodsucking char, that wouldnt be nice


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
Interesting idea about the skills Nishtjak, I actually like that alot. Well done. Although the charisma, I don't see being of much use. Simple reason, that is what the Necro is known for, and they most likely will have a version of a summoner in D3. Also, if someone was to have that high enough, they could indeed have a huge army of followers, that would nulify the summoner aspect of it being a class specific. If that was to work it would have to be very limited, like the conversion Pally skill.

Not sure if I mentioned it, and I don't want to page threw and check, but I noticed that the Barb has Tatoos, what if their was a character class that delt with Tattoo Magic. These magical body artworks could grant the character certain skills depending on what the tattoo is. Their could be endless possibilities. Maybe 3 trees Defensive, Offensive, (and a other, not sure what to call it)
For example:
Chainlinks with one broken - gives the character added strength
Heart with a Arrow threw it - Piercing Attack
Wolf - summons a wolf to the fight
Armor - adds defense
Tiny Wing - Faster attack Speed
Medium Wing - Increased running/lower stamina drain
Large Wing - Teleport
Skull & Crossbones - Poison Immune
Glowing Weapon - Creates a weapon of the same type
Glowing Shield - Creates a shield of the same type
Weapon in Flames - Fire Damage
Titan - calls forth a hero from his history (something like Thor, or a Valkery)
Tombstone - Critical Strike
Zombie - Reanimate the dead (to fight for you of course)
Angel - Life regeneration
Devil - Mana regeneration
Hammer/Anvil - Repair gear

Everything would come at a cost of course, and the higher the skill, the more it would cost, longer deration, and damage if applicable ect.
I was thinking maybe instead of using mana or life for this, it would lower Def. by a percentage for a determined amount of time.
This character could be great since it need not buy weapons, repair, use pots, or even look for gear with certain mods on it.

Another (which I took from Indiana Jones) would be a class purely for Magic/Rune Finding. Have a Whip class fighter that is somewhat weak defensively, and decent fighting, but it's strength is in Finding those items everyone wants. Like the Amazon it would be a distence melee fighter (not caster) having the longest range of hand held weapontry.
Some skills could be as such:

Various Whips:
Bolo, Cat of Nine Tails, Barbed (each one does something different like open wounds, knockback, venom ect)

Gear Find: (Could be broken down into helm, armor, ect. High/low lvl too)
Find Magical gear - self explanitory
Find Set gear - self explanitory
Find Unique gear - self explanitory
Find Runes - self explanitory
Find Gold - self explanitory
Find Potions - self explanitory
(percentage will rise with skill lvl AND character lvl)

Indirect Attacking/Defending: (almost like curses, but has a % to work)
Blind - causes enemies to not see attackers (Cloak of Darkness)
Revolt - chance to have enemies fight for you (Conversion)
Fall Guy - Ranomly choose a target for enemies to attack (much like Attract Curse but can be friend or enemy)
Bluff - 50% chance to kill you or all enemies on screen except uniques (% changes with lvl)
Lifeline - Has someone random take the damage for you (could be friend or foe)
Hatred - decreases enemy life (same as poison but non elemental)
Passion - Life/Mana regeneration for you and Party
Doubletime - Increase attack/casting
Rally - Increase maximum damage, stats, lvl, ect (same as Battle Orders)
Grace - Increases run/walk speed when struck(used to get away)
Pandoras Box - Random skill cast at a high lvl to inhance character/party or to damage enemies.

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