classes and races
:bouncy Ok, I agree to the idea of a new and original game so I decided to post some ideas on new character races and classes:
If you’re a little confused please read my last post.
1. Angels - mind bonus, bonus to magic find, 30% to resist all.
2. Demons - strength bonus, bonus to speed, 80% to resist fire,
3. Humans - dexterity bonus, bonus to gold find, bonus to skills
4. Spirits - life bonus, bonus to light radius, 50% to resist physical damage
Ranger; Ranged, specialized at ranged attacks, precise tracking and setting traps.
Kamikaze; Ranged, specialized in ranged explosive attacks, using explosive powders and weaponry.
Conjurer; spell caster, conjurers spirits, demons, and monsters from a plane unknown to our own.
Which; spell caster, specialized in using elemental magic to aid his or her allies or to inflict damage upon foes.
Priest; spell caster/melee, specialized in curses and casting spells to aid his or her self and allies.
Mystic; spell caster/melee, uses his or her mind by psychics, to manipulate and inflict damage to the mind of its foes.
Sword; melee, a skilled warrior specialized in the martial arts of weaponry.
Giant; melee, large in size and powerful he or she is specialized in skills using brute strength and vitality in battle.
Clone; shape shifting, shape shifts his body into whatever creature or character he sees, retains his stats and adds a 30% of the stats of whatever he clones to, loses all skills and gains the skills of his clone.
Shaman; shape shifting, shape shifts into many animals, also specializes in buffs.
Herbalist; potions/specialist, specialized in creating potions and medicine to aid his or her allies or to inflict damage upon foes.
Smith; weapons/specialist, specialized in forging weaponry and armors, but can also damage the weapons of enemies.
Architect; structures/specialist, specialized in building cities and defenses, all defense structures can be destroyed. Also can build vehicles of war to attack his or her foes.
Bodybuilder; stats/specialist, specialized in building up the body in strength, vitality, dexterity, and mind of him or her self and allies.
Some spells:
Sword – mid level spell
Haste; increase movement and attack by 300%
Giant – mid level spell
Flex; increase strength and life by 300% but slow movement and attack by 300%
Which – high level spell
Invisibility; using the elements of nature her or she can cast a character invisible, including herself.
Liquefy; the witch casts a spell on an enemy group, weakening their life and dexterity.
Conjurer – highest level spell
Summon Odin – praying to the god of war (Odin), a 40% chance Odin will arrive to aid the conjurer in a battle. Odin stats, 300% all stat bonus of players character, 300% resistance of players character.
Priest – high level spell
Stone Curse, turn any target for a period of time, including allies to stone, they cannot move but they gain a 400% life and a 400% defense bonus.
Pelage, the priest calls a cloud of his god’s wrath to smite his enemies, wasps, scarabs, decease.
Sword – highest level spell
Dance Strike, uninterruptible, the sword leaps into the air dancing his sword into a group of enemies.
Shaman – highest level spell
Dragon morph; morphs self into a powerful flying dragon.
Clone – highest level
Inhabit body; for a period of time the clone can inhabit the body of its enemy.
Kamikaze – high level spell
Death Wish; Aura, if the kamikaze dies in battle there is a 50% chance he will be resurrected and his enemy will die. If he kills his enemy, there is a 50% chance he will die and his enemy will be resurrected.
Let me know what you guys think of these ideas.
