New Character Class/Race/Ideas thread


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Oct 6, 2005
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silver slyph said:
characters should be kept to just humans.

the idea of haveing good and evil characters would add an interesting twist. because good and evil characters will not be able to be in the same party. that way we could have battles between good partys and evil partys.

but then there would be a lot of high level player killers out there killing all the other players off making it almost impossible to get any where in the game. so in the end it would be a very bad idea i think.
well i never said good or evil i just want some kewler char i mean they get boring with the same stuff


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Oct 9, 2005
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Wow, this is sad

You know what, you people need to understand while diablo2 is's because you can play single open and closed, They should add another game type...and because I said so

Oh yeah, the whole character thing...Here's what happens, things change cause the world stone exploded...New evils from hell arise and wreak havok...You can customize your char hair skin sex all that good shit, the world stone exploding caused the world to merge with a bunch of other alternate realms, and you might end up fighting ogres and goblins and stuff from another places....also each character will have an ultimate skill that you will acquire at level 99...more races of heros will arise because of the alternate dimensions and shit, and you can now forge equipment if you have the right items..certain stones and medals and stuff....that whole you can be good or evil thing sucks, there can be more evil looking classes but ultimately you are fighting the same people...a new class from earth underground arises...elves come out of the woods of earth, you can choose between different types of the same characters, new items can be forged and there will be super unique items that are like diamond or some great material, if you walk into a territory of another class you may be ambushed and have to fight them off, there will be enemy camps where if you wonder in to them you will have to fight off a horde of guys, and I think there should be thought put into the use of having clan towns and stuff instead of joining games you will start out in the game and have to join a chat room depicting a certain subject(this should get rid of the cybersex shit that happens DISGUSTING)

I have been playing diablos for more than half my life...and these are just my thoughts, please critisize...I would like to know what you think and make any corrections you feel necessary....oh yeah and I have had a level 99 of every char on every patch....and a level 5000 of every char...and a level 127 of every char


Official Forum Hamster
Jun 22, 2005
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Mianus, CT
how about this?
There would be 1 extra rune, it would be called "R" rune and it would automatically would transform into the rune for any runeword, basically, it cannot be first, and cannot make ladder only runewords unless on ladder(duh)
And Runes would have to be id'd encouraging players to keep take all runs no matter what:D and countess can drop any rune...


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Oct 13, 2005
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Diab 3 Idea's

You know how their are people who make MF charactors right......
Well I think there should be items that give you % chance of finding runes
or gems. that would be pretty cool. also i think the thief idea is cool and the two handed diff gloves and boots and if u had the same ones ud get a bonus or something


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Oct 14, 2005
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Arent u bored of using the same old characters with the same old skills. My idea is to be able to customize ur own characters. Including the appearance, for example if u want ur character to be fat u could make him fat. Even the skillz that he uses say u wanted to be a barb with necro skillz u could do that or a druid with skillz from three characters including sorc skills, zon and pally. That would make a vitually endless way of playing the game. :grunt

plz reply to mine id like to here ur ideas


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
What if you could create some heros from D1 & D2, and maybe relive some famous battles they were in as secret quests or something along those lines. For example, you beat hell with a barb and you can now open a new game by using Sigon the character, with his armor. Immortal King, Griswald, Tal Rasha, possibilities are endless with all the gear runing around.


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Oct 10, 2005
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Line Up-D3 Chars-Line Up

This is the character line up I would most enjoy playing. It's simple, and everyone, (I hope), is familiar with the chars:
So we have the original D2 cast. But let's add a few new chars...
Cleric- I like the idea of a priest-type char, with similar pally abilites and converts. IMHO, it should be a female char, cause there's enough men already. And honestly, your dying necro would appriciate the beautiful medic coming to save his life ;)
Monk- martial arts master of the staff. Sorc/sin hybrid. He could use actual disciplines, like... and this is just random... the Bojutsu style.
Mage (or Sorcerer, but that's unimaginative)- like the Lut Gholein mercenaries. A perfect balance of magic and melee combat.
Rogue- as from the original Diablo. I liked her ability of being able to sense traps, and I think she should lean a bit toward the role of "thief", like from Darkstone (if anyone's ever played that. Real lame game btw that tried to rip off Diablo.)
So that's just my idea of characters. No crazy "good or evil" guys, and Blizz wouldn't have to bust their asses trying to create complicated chars that no one else could figure out how to play.


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Nov 20, 2005
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Hmm, since this is just for fun... how about a class like "Samurai" ?
That'll be pretty neat.

The Samurai class unique only item would be Sheaths (you know, the thingy swords go into) and it'd be equipped in the off-hand/shield place (or maybe a new slot for Sheaths, idk). The Sheaths will offer extra bonuses similair to what Heads do for Necros.

And there could be a new set of weapons called the Katana. Both one-hand and two-hand set would be cool. The ultimate unique katana = GREEN DESTINY (jk).

A new set of armor would be cool too, you know those rad colored bamboo armor and stuff. And those crazy ornate helmets with dragon faces.

I don't know how the skill tree would be like but I guess you could have like a physical/combat tree which includes skills like one-handed parry, two-handed parry, inc. crit strike (I forget, was there crit. in Diablo 2? I play too much WoW), stat buffs, general stuff like these but with cool names like Dragon Training which just is passive inc. health.
Or you can have like a Flag skill tree. You know how some samurais wore bamboo poles with flags on em' on their backs during wars? I guess the Flag skill tree would consist of all flag skills and whichever one you "cast" it appears on your char and acts either as a single character buff or an aura. For example, say like, Red Dragon Flag is a level 6 skill in the Flag skill tree, if you cast it for some amount of mana a red dragon emblem flag appears on your char, and your char (and allies, maybe) gets like, idk, +30-50 fire damage as a rank 5 skill. I know, this is just like pallies' auras but c'mon! it'd look cool, and i guess you could make Flags better than pallies stuff and to balance it, Flags would be a duration cast, or possibly, you'd need Blank Flag items in your inventory in order to cast a Flag skill.

idk, i just wanna' see a kick ass looking samurai in the diablo realm.

Or, you could take the original characters from d2+exp and create "sub" characters that would be enabled once your character reaches.. idk, say like level 40 or 50. IE: You choose Assassin and when you get to level 30 or 40 you can choose an advanced class like Ninja or Shinobi and recieve a bonus skill tree (this throws off the whole amount of skill points recieve and whatnot, but w/e)


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Nov 23, 2005
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so basically what you guys want to turn diablo 3 into a slightly shittier graphic version of everquest. lol. as for the idea of being able to customize your skills..thats horrible. because unless you have some way of limiting the skills for each character why wouldnt u just pick all the good skills from each class and end up with an entire game full of overpowered characters. you want to make d3 work. the keep the idea of mounted battle. thats a good idea. wether its horses, hippogriffs, bears for druids...then go back and spice up skills a little more...think of new ideas to make characters diffrent. like new sorc skills for the three element trees. or adding elements like water for instance. assassins traps are fun for beginners but unrealistic. add a theif tree for them. if you really want to add a class make it something that isnt already there. add a bard type..that would fit. the biggest change has to be in the items department. d2 now has too many rediculous items that make characters much that people starting out have no chance against them pvp and basically rely on them for pvm. you should also fix the glitches in the quests allowing lvl 1s and 2s to be mats\pats


BattleForums Member
Nov 23, 2005
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Such an useless thread... Everyone writes huge posts that will never be read. If Blizzard has been so successful in their games yet, I think they will make Diablo III an awesome game, if they decide to do it.

I just hope economy will be based more on gold than on godly items as it is currently in Diablo II. I also hope there will be more freedom in the game, having horses and a fame and karma system like in Ultima Online would be great.


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Nov 25, 2005
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My Diablo Three ideals

Hey this is my frist post and i would like to put in my two since.

First Races
I think there should be new races, and ofcourse differant. I know what you some of you are going to say, that it dosse not go along with the story line. That it dosent need any more races but whatever.

1: Necromancer- this would be pretty much the same except for a few mods, adn mabe a few new skills.

2: Shape Shifter- this is almost like the druid except for not elemental and all that, it would be three differant types of shapes and some skills he could learn.

3: barb- the exact saame except for more melee and less magic

4: sorc/wizard- same except for not just elemental you get differant skill to

5: spy/assn- you have ether stealth on your side or fighting/traps

6: half vampire-like blade you have all the vampire skills but no weaknesses and dueling you cant use bite and same on bosses

7: phantom warrior- can turn invisable walk through walls posses poeple except in duels and you learn afterworld skills ecta

8: zon- same except alway new skills

9: pally- same but new skills

10: serpent people- deals with venom and como acta

last but not least you can choose to ride hourse and beast

theses are my ideas on char races these new char come into play becase sice hell is trying to take over heaven every one around the would feels and sees so they all jusmp into action

thanks for reading


p.s. i dont care what you think so dont reply if you have a bad comment only reply with + plz:-/


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Nov 27, 2005
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classes and races

:bouncy Ok, I agree to the idea of a new and original game so I decided to post some ideas on new character races and classes:

If you’re a little confused please read my last post.

1. Angels - mind bonus, bonus to magic find, 30% to resist all.
2. Demons - strength bonus, bonus to speed, 80% to resist fire,
3. Humans - dexterity bonus, bonus to gold find, bonus to skills
4. Spirits - life bonus, bonus to light radius, 50% to resist physical damage


Ranger; Ranged, specialized at ranged attacks, precise tracking and setting traps.

Kamikaze; Ranged, specialized in ranged explosive attacks, using explosive powders and weaponry.

Conjurer; spell caster, conjurers spirits, demons, and monsters from a plane unknown to our own.

Which; spell caster, specialized in using elemental magic to aid his or her allies or to inflict damage upon foes.

Priest; spell caster/melee, specialized in curses and casting spells to aid his or her self and allies.

Mystic; spell caster/melee, uses his or her mind by psychics, to manipulate and inflict damage to the mind of its foes.

Sword; melee, a skilled warrior specialized in the martial arts of weaponry.

Giant; melee, large in size and powerful he or she is specialized in skills using brute strength and vitality in battle.

Clone; shape shifting, shape shifts his body into whatever creature or character he sees, retains his stats and adds a 30% of the stats of whatever he clones to, loses all skills and gains the skills of his clone.

Shaman; shape shifting, shape shifts into many animals, also specializes in buffs.

Herbalist; potions/specialist, specialized in creating potions and medicine to aid his or her allies or to inflict damage upon foes.

Smith; weapons/specialist, specialized in forging weaponry and armors, but can also damage the weapons of enemies.

Architect; structures/specialist, specialized in building cities and defenses, all defense structures can be destroyed. Also can build vehicles of war to attack his or her foes.

Bodybuilder; stats/specialist, specialized in building up the body in strength, vitality, dexterity, and mind of him or her self and allies.

Some spells:

Sword – mid level spell
Haste; increase movement and attack by 300%

Giant – mid level spell
Flex; increase strength and life by 300% but slow movement and attack by 300%

Which – high level spell
Invisibility; using the elements of nature her or she can cast a character invisible, including herself.

Liquefy; the witch casts a spell on an enemy group, weakening their life and dexterity.

Conjurer – highest level spell
Summon Odin – praying to the god of war (Odin), a 40% chance Odin will arrive to aid the conjurer in a battle. Odin stats, 300% all stat bonus of players character, 300% resistance of players character.

Priest – high level spell
Stone Curse, turn any target for a period of time, including allies to stone, they cannot move but they gain a 400% life and a 400% defense bonus.

Pelage, the priest calls a cloud of his god’s wrath to smite his enemies, wasps, scarabs, decease.

Sword – highest level spell
Dance Strike, uninterruptible, the sword leaps into the air dancing his sword into a group of enemies.

Shaman – highest level spell
Dragon morph; morphs self into a powerful flying dragon.

Clone – highest level
Inhabit body; for a period of time the clone can inhabit the body of its enemy.

Kamikaze – high level spell
Death Wish; Aura, if the kamikaze dies in battle there is a 50% chance he will be resurrected and his enemy will die. If he kills his enemy, there is a 50% chance he will die and his enemy will be resurrected.

Let me know what you guys think of these ideas. :p


BattleForums Member
Nov 23, 2005
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You should remember we are talking about Diablo, not a huge MMORPG. I doubt there would be classes other than humans, and classes like architect and kamikaze just don't fit the Diablo series.


these are the classes i think you should add

:lucifer EVIL
:wavey good
:bouncy :bouncy :bouncy :bouncy :bouncy :bouncy


BattleForums Member
Nov 23, 2005
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diablofiend said:
these are the classes i think you should add

:lucifer EVIL
:wavey good
:bouncy :bouncy :bouncy :bouncy :bouncy :bouncy
Two forces: Good and Evil sounds good, but I would put Assassin into evil... Druid should be added to Good, Paladin and Warriors are almost the same so you should remove Warrior. Maybe adding a kind of Berseker to Evil would be nice, like a Diablo II barbarian with blood-thirsty skills that make him furious and devastating. Cultist and Necromancer are pretty the same too... Shaman and Sorcerer too.


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
Personally I think that their should be:
2 types of casters Male (Mage) dealing with elementals, and some spells like Poison, Wind, Water, and Earth. Then your classic female (Sorc).
2 types of meleers Male (Barb) same as always, and a Female (Zon)
2 types of support Male (Cleric) dealing with all healing, and Female (Bard) doing casting support spells.
2 types of mass killers Male (Paladin) zealer, hammerdins, and a female (Sin) trapper, kicksin
2 types of Nature characters Male (Shapeshifter) Bear, Wolf, maybe air or water as well, and a Female (Priestess) dealing with natures aids like wisps, walls of dirt, air armors
2 types of Necros, Male (Fallen) summons, and bone skills, Female (Vampire) cast curses and poison skills


Dec 9, 2005
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ok im not up for this whole little good bad thing because it brings a lot of diversity and balances. but wut i would like to see is more mythical beasts like mintores and sphinxes dragons and steads you can ride allso maybe a mesmer (illusionist) but just think there isnt many more classes you can add with out them adding in different races which means theyed have to come up with a backround info on them and every thing.


Nov 26, 2005
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Latrosicarius said:
Hi, I just joined today so I'm pretty new, but I've been playing D2 since 1.07 and I've had a level 99 character of every type. I stopped playing about 2 years ago, when the patch 1.10 or whatever came out. My most familiar patch was 1.09d. Anyway, I have some ideas for D3 but please go easy on me.

First you will pick your race:
• Humans
• Dwarfs
• Elves
• Goblins
• Ogres
• Orcs
• Trolls
• Werewolves
• Vampires
• Druids
• Nephalim
• Centaur
• etc

Then you pick your sex:
• Male
• Female

Then you pick your discipline:
• Melee combat
• Distance combat (bows, spears, throwing)
• Mounted combat (riding horses/beasts)
• Sorcery
• Wizardry
• Lycanthropy
• Necromancy
• Spiritual holiness
• etc

Then, for single-player mission mode, you also pick your force:
• Good (you play through the game following the good storyline (conquering evil)
• Evil (you play through the game following the evil storyline (taking over Earth and enslaving the mortals)

Certain races/sexes have predispositions to certain disciplines. For instance, a Druid will be able to do more with his lycanthropy discipline than a Human. A Werewolf will be able to do even more, mastering the art of turning into almost any kind of beast. Males make better fighters, but females might make better casters.

Anyway, these were my ideas, but I just joined and read the post of the person who started this thread, and I think he's right. There shouldn't be non-human races. So I don't know what to do now, I'm at a loss :(
That would be like WOW :(


The best of both worlds
Jun 9, 2003
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And WoW is one of the highest grossing games of all time...

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