New Character Class/Race/Ideas thread


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Jul 2, 2005
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Fightin' for Hell

Fighting on Hell's side would be pretty cool... you could start out as a little guy of your choice and rise up the ranks to become powerful.


Jun 5, 2005
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Yeah, maybe then you would have to overthrow the prime evils again and the youd have to maintain controll. i think there should also be a reptile man or something, like he chages into a dragon or something. i guess thats i bit like a druid though.


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Jul 8, 2005
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Latrosicarius said:
Hi, I just joined today so I'm pretty new, but I've been playing D2 since 1.07 and I've had a level 99 character of every type. I stopped playing about 2 years ago, when the patch 1.10 or whatever came out. My most familiar patch was 1.09d. Anyway, I have some ideas for D3 but please go easy on me.
You have a level 99 of each character class?... A level 99 assassin, amazon, druid, sorceress, barbarian, necromancer and paladin? I find this extremely unlikely. If you have some proof of it, please do provide!

Also, no offence your idea simply sounds like a D&D rip off, or much akin to a Deku MUD set up.... As much as it would be cool. ;) MUD rules.


Jun 25, 2005
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zefr he could simply mean that though his years of playing he has had at one point or time, but not all at once a lvl 99 charecter of each type. as in one patch he might have had 2, in another 2, and so on. sounds reasonabbly possible on ladder or nonladder. someone's gotta do it, might as well be him.


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Jul 8, 2005
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Ok i have read all the topics and all the ideas for the char line ups, but who the f**k is going to make this game??? And think what did make this game so alive for so long??? I persenally think it was the items and the skill trees, second category goes the game and how its set up, third is the trade marks. So if some 1 ever thinks of making this game or some rich fan would decide to make the game...............well ill be happy =D

Anyway...back to my point i cant stand the class characters that are allmoust the same exsample monk and priest same f**king thing or somthing like dark warrior and shadow warrior its all the same why not have 7 or 8 different classes that u can pick evil or not evil example Druids they can be evil or good. Also the way you start the game w/ each char should be different, i love the items in D2 i sujjest doing somthing like that in the new D3 i also would like the game to be somthing like ./hack anime (yeah yeah i know its just an anime but the worl that they travel in to is awsome also the final guy should be really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really hard to beat. Well thats me and thats the whay i wold like it to be.

I appoligise for my English i am form Europe and this is my best. If u have any suggestions plz do not contact me becouse this is my 1st and last post.


Jul 5, 2005
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I think the idea of diablo II (LoD) is great! play through the game in like 6-7 hours get some eguip do it harder to get more exp or again to get better equip...

therefore i think it would remove one of the things a lot of people like (the equip part) i they made "unequipped" chars like monks...

i think blizzard have hit just the perfect amount of char classes in LoD (the druid adds SO much to the game with his shape shifting and the assa with her traps!)

but i like the idea of customising you char or maybe make some kind of advanced runeword where u had to put the runes a sertain PLACE on the item not just in a special order...

the only char i would like to see in diablo is some kind of alternative fighter some kind of spirit maybe? that could be some kind of uber char with minions, melee, shapeshifting and spells!


The best of both worlds
Jun 9, 2003
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skynet666 said:
Anyway...back to my point i cant stand the class characters that are allmoust the same exsample monk and priest same f**king thing
Monks and priests are different. Monks generally go into combat, using bare fists or nunchuka type weapons. They're also known for healing themselves, and the status ailments of others. That and Chi waves to attack.

Priests would generally avoid combat, and just camp and heal.


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Jul 8, 2005
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DIII gameplay idea

this may turn into a small novel, sorry...

ok, so i haven't been able to read all the old posts, but i read through the ones in the new thread... and it appears as though the seggestions would essentially make a bigger Diablo II. same crap, every day. Blizzard North has a long history of revolutionary games, games that changed the way the genre was played, made, and viewed. Star Craft was far ahead of its time when it hit the market, and Diablo itself made a whole new genre of 3rd person roleplaying/action. so, if Blizzard were to consider Diablo III, it'd need to be a whole new concept, something outside the box, and out of the ordinary.

In my humble opinion, i'd like to see DIII be a dynamic game environment, preferrably a pay-to-play MMORG (pay-to-play keeps all the stupid little 10 year olds, that hack the crap out of the game and screw over legit players, out). anyway, i would think the best way to design the game would be around the Sin War (those who don't know, go read about it). this would mean only human player characters (PC). and now the kicker: no character classes (to speak of). this will probably piss people off... but keep reading.

when you start a new character, you choose male or female, then what they look like. if i had a say, i'd want a face/body editor similiar to that of The Sims 2. then, you play... and everything you do, the people you ally with, the weapons you use, the things (or people) you kill, will decide what course your skills will take, and your appearance, go. this is ofcourse, somewhat similiar to Fable... except if you say, used swords exclusivley, you're skills in "swordcraft" would become dominant, but you could pick up a staff and start slinging spells at any time. perhaps blizzard would design it so you could "forget" skills, and learn new ones instead. that way eliminating "character regret", and still maintain a level of balance.

all this in mind, if you ran around killing innocent NPC's, or other "good" characters... you'd start to look more and more evil, and vice versa. the complexities of such a character system are mind boggling, but it would revolutionize MMORGs (i think). the old fashion good vs. evil, with the classic DII towns and villages (and new ones, mentioned in the books). with angels as allies for the "good guys", and demons allies for the "bad guys". that'd be pretty sweet to fight along side Tyreal (he'd be NPC of course). perhaps they could work in a way to allow characters to defeat the prime evils at certain intervals (and make sense for them to come back). or just have really, really big demons to kill.

anyways, i'm sure the writers can come up with the specifics. but i think the dynamic character and skill system would be much better than trying to think up new (and therefore different and unboring) character classes. and the changing skill trees would be nice... then you could try different skill sets without losing progress on a character.

to sum it up... take Fable, give it about a bazillion times the items and item types, take away the effect of maxing the skill tree and becoming indistructable, add a face/body editor, female character type, keep the no holds barred sword swingin' butt kickin freestyle combat system that makes Fable fun (and especially the swing your sword once, cleave a dozen guys effect). add in the MMORG side, keep the townspeople stuff/villages (hey, the bad players will need fodder to build up thier evilness, and good characters will need to try to stop them)... and throw in way more bad guys, and way tougher bad guys (so that there's always somewhere you can go to live on the edge of death).

i think if Blizzard could take what they've learned from WoW, the dynamic character appearance of Fable (and run with the idea to expand into skills and stuff), and the people editor of the Sims 2... you'd have a hellofa game.

one last thing i was thinking of, was expansion of item types. it'd be cool to have a left glove and a right glove (because when finding ancient artifacts, the chances of finding both gloves are slim, and perhaps you want the bonuses from two different gloves)... in otherwords, a flexible game, where you can change anything, and do anything. and kill alot of stuff... then kill some more stuff, and then when everything's dead, kill it again! then, if it's still alive, rip out it's skull and beat it to death with it. (you're thinking, that's not physically possible... but that's what it'll be screaming [in some wierd demonic language])

anyway, if you read this far, congratulations. please feel free to comment and expand on my ideas. don't bother flaming them, cuz i couldn't care less.


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness

Sorry did not read most of this, so forgive me if this is said before.....

I would love to see the existing characters, but have them branch off a bit into the other classes. For example, a Paladin and a Necromancer, could end up with a Fallen Paladin. (I mentioned all this in another area but I'm too lazy to look for it)

Basically instead of summoning a Golem, you would summon a spirit horse in three different lvls. (this could also be rode upon and will add def to yourself) Have a lvl 5 horse, but it will ride odd and swurve off a direct route, lvl 20 a steed fast strong hit points def ect, and lvl 30 a nightMare which atcually does some minor attacks with its hooves and better stats then the steed. Auras will be more like curses that will effect enemies, or enhance it's own gear and abilities, like a poison summoning sword that uses your life to increase damage. Earth element summoning hammer that causes knockback/stun (each lvl adds a bit more poison damage for better durations), but lowers your defense a bit. Cold mace that can cause shatter/orbs on striking and as well as frozen, and increased length of slow, this could be taken away from your life with each strike like sacrifice does.

Another idea I had was combining a Sorc and a Druid, to become a Mage which is a male verson of the Sorc but relies on elemental allies. Earth, Poison, and Wind. Will have skills such as Life, and mana regeneration + to specific elemental damage, and lastly complete immunitie to 1 type of element (in stages of course)

The Amazon class could be split into 2 different characters Female (Javalin) Male (Bow/Arrow) This could be known as the Amazon, and Ranger classes. With existing skills, but just revamped a little with some new skills added to fill in for the lack of the other class.

The Assassin, could possibly have a split as well. Might sound a bit corny but I like the idea just need to work on a back story of where a Shadow master becomes its own person using traps, and the Assassin has to rely on martial arts.

Something I would love to see would be a Whip class and a character to go along with it. It could have taming abilities where the character could possibly control monsters for a short period of time to long legths almost like the Paladin skill conversion. The ability to raise the contolled dead like reanimate would be nice if they could have add on powers from skills like + to damage, life, def ect.

To solve the debate on having non human characters you could always have it when a character defeats hell baal or whoever is the last boss they can choose to have the same character only as a demon. Example would be a Minitor for a barb, Vampire for a sorc, ect.

I also believe they should upgrade the merc situation as well, to add a summoner of some sort, a cleric for those melee characters, and a tanker for the casters. If you think about it what is a assassin, but a hired killer. Imagine a low lvl trapper for a merc, or kicksin for that matter. Maybe another solution for the non human character idea, is have these monsters from D2 captured and sold as mercs. Those frozen bigfoot things would make a awsome tank, to where a shawman could revive the monsters your character has killed to aid in your fight.

Just because gold has become such a useless thing in D2, you could have a more indepth personalization to your gear. Change the colour to match everthing else you were, add spikes to armor, pay for upgrading of all gear. Name non unique, set, or magical items to say any name you want (within limits of course). Maybe even a NPC follow you to hold extra gear, or help you find runes and MF.

A bit of a side track sorry but I believe their should be a seperate area for dueling, like in a collusem or arena where its an automatic hostile on every character within the game room, and leave questing to non hostile only to prevent PKing (this is a must in any HC game). Within this arena you could possibly get a prize (such as a unique item only available to duelers, that cant be traded like anni, gheeds) for winning duels. You could have a preset area for team duels, merc and player duels, only one type of class duels ect.

Acts should have a non set path that a character can choose which quest to better fit his/her character. Malace for example who actually goes and gets that in norm nm and hell? I have yet to touch that quest outside of resetting of ladders when no one has any really good dear.

Lastly change the enviornment and battles in the different difficulties. Make normalin one area of the world and nightmare and hell in others. Maybe have a necromancer town or a magical town where their are alot of sorc, mage and warlocks, jungle like area where amazons are from. Also have the enviornment more interactive. Have a swamp that slows down characters, blizardous mountain top that decreases defence a bit, ect.

These are just some ideas I had hope this brings something to thought for the rest of you wondering what could be done. Hope you enjoy.


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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Shadow_of_Power said:
this may turn into a small novel, sorry...

ok, so i haven't been able to read all the old posts, but i read through the ones in the new thread... and it appears as though the seggestions would essentially make a bigger Diablo II. same crap, every day. Blizzard North has a long history of revolutionary games, games that changed the way the genre was played, made, and viewed. Star Craft was far ahead of its time when it hit the market, and Diablo itself made a whole new genre of 3rd person roleplaying/action. so, if Blizzard were to consider Diablo III, it'd need to be a whole new concept, something outside the box, and out of the ordinary.

In my humble opinion, i'd like to see DIII be a dynamic game environment, preferrably a pay-to-play MMORG (pay-to-play keeps all the stupid little 10 year olds, that hack the crap out of the game and screw over legit players, out). anyway, i would think the best way to design the game would be around the Sin War (those who don't know, go read about it). this would mean only human player characters (PC). and now the kicker: no character classes (to speak of). this will probably piss people off... but keep reading.

when you start a new character, you choose male or female, then what they look like. if i had a say, i'd want a face/body editor similiar to that of The Sims 2. then, you play... and everything you do, the people you ally with, the weapons you use, the things (or people) you kill, will decide what course your skills will take, and your appearance, go. this is ofcourse, somewhat similiar to Fable... except if you say, used swords exclusivley, you're skills in "swordcraft" would become dominant, but you could pick up a staff and start slinging spells at any time. perhaps blizzard would design it so you could "forget" skills, and learn new ones instead. that way eliminating "character regret", and still maintain a level of balance.

all this in mind, if you ran around killing innocent NPC's, or other "good" characters... you'd start to look more and more evil, and vice versa. the complexities of such a character system are mind boggling, but it would revolutionize MMORGs (i think). the old fashion good vs. evil, with the classic DII towns and villages (and new ones, mentioned in the books). with angels as allies for the "good guys", and demons allies for the "bad guys". that'd be pretty sweet to fight along side Tyreal (he'd be NPC of course). perhaps they could work in a way to allow characters to defeat the prime evils at certain intervals (and make sense for them to come back). or just have really, really big demons to kill.

anyways, i'm sure the writers can come up with the specifics. but i think the dynamic character and skill system would be much better than trying to think up new (and therefore different and unboring) character classes. and the changing skill trees would be nice... then you could try different skill sets without losing progress on a character.

to sum it up... take Fable, give it about a bazillion times the items and item types, take away the effect of maxing the skill tree and becoming indistructable, add a face/body editor, female character type, keep the no holds barred sword swingin' butt kickin freestyle combat system that makes Fable fun (and especially the swing your sword once, cleave a dozen guys effect). add in the MMORG side, keep the townspeople stuff/villages (hey, the bad players will need fodder to build up thier evilness, and good characters will need to try to stop them)... and throw in way more bad guys, and way tougher bad guys (so that there's always somewhere you can go to live on the edge of death).

i think if Blizzard could take what they've learned from WoW, the dynamic character appearance of Fable (and run with the idea to expand into skills and stuff), and the people editor of the Sims 2... you'd have a hellofa game.

one last thing i was thinking of, was expansion of item types. it'd be cool to have a left glove and a right glove (because when finding ancient artifacts, the chances of finding both gloves are slim, and perhaps you want the bonuses from two different gloves)... in otherwords, a flexible game, where you can change anything, and do anything. and kill alot of stuff... then kill some more stuff, and then when everything's dead, kill it again! then, if it's still alive, rip out it's skull and beat it to death with it. (you're thinking, that's not physically possible... but that's what it'll be screaming [in some wierd demonic language])

anyway, if you read this far, congratulations. please feel free to comment and expand on my ideas. don't bother flaming them, cuz i couldn't care less.

That also sounds like Star Wars Knights and the Old Republic 2. I loved that game. And they should add like elite weapons for those who are pure evil, pure good... good stuff.


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Jul 13, 2005
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Diablo 3 char ideas

I think that they should keep assns in diablo 3... but make her have bigger titties and longer hair... and make more traps and more dmg for her traps. i also think that they should make something that let's you choose between a boy and a girl. I also like the vampire idea that's going around. And by making passive skills like life leech would make it awesome. The only thing is... what weapons would a Vamp use? Maybe it should take place of druid.... they are wimps :D. either that or a character like beast in the original X-men should take the druid's place. More skill types should be added to each character too. And also i think you should get 3 skilll points per lvl. That would be awesome. The sorc should be replaced too. They are so annoying in duels when they use tele to dodge attacks by us barbs and assns. Another good idea for characters is giving each new char 3 or 4 skill points to use when they're made so new chars don't have to go through den being killed cause they're trying to use melee with they're sucky weapons. That brings up another thing... gold. I think that new chars should start out with about ahh 1000 gold at least. AND WHY ARE THE MERCHANTS SO GREEDY? lol if anyone wants to duel me or anything on d2 my accnt name is breacher. Tell me what you think about my ideas.


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Jul 15, 2005
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ok first u dont need a whole lot of classes all u need is a couple of new classes and dont branch off into more games the idea of haveing good classes is a good idea but u need a equel amount of classes

y would u put preists and monks theres no point there almost the same thing they train 4 the same thing u would b makeing 2 classes that r practicly the same thing

part of ur ideas r ok and some r good but the fact that u want 2 put that many classes is crazy :angry the part about haveing horses is a good idea but if ur horse dies is it gonna b like haveing a new merc and will u b able 2 take ur horse all over with u ??? u could ave some better ideas think man u dont need that many classes. dont get me wrong i think that u need some new classes but not that many.

wats the point of have ing them if there not gonna fight wat powers would they have 2 defend them selfs

ur starting 2 sound like ur trying 2 make a game like a mixture of morrowind and warcraft and sort of a fable story line its like u want 2 make a mix of all the games in makeing d 3 like that than ur just gonna have a game that has moved into more branches of diffrent games. i like the fact that u can make ur sex and wat u can look like but not ur class (like mele ranged ext) thats wat the classes r for (barb,zon ext.)

if u have any more ideas than plz send them 2 me i just want 2 c wat u got 2 say send at

i think u sould have sme of the old chares back like akara but she sort of plays the role that cain plays in the previous games and mabey have it so u travel back 2 the old acts like the rouge camp and oher places


New Member
Jul 15, 2005
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Read This ppl

hey ppl rite.... most of u are on about what they should do and u all most or still like d2 and if u like d2 dont u think they'll do a good job of d3? all ur **** about o they should add hair colours and **** is good idea's bt i thing they dont need ur addvice about how 2 make a good game or d3 ok! they made a good job of d2 and they'll make a f**kin great job of d3 im shore of it..... ive played d2 for 3 years and well thats the best game ive ever been on (sayin thats mostly what i do) i have all the new games for ps2,psp,gamecube,xbox and **** bt d2 is stilll better than them by miles and its 4 years old so dont u think d3 will b a squill or better than d3 i shore do... u should 2 :madatu


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Jul 8, 2005
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Gareth_duality said:
hey ppl rite.... most of u are on about what they should do and u all most or still like d2 and if u like d2 dont u think they'll do a good job of d3? all ur **** about o they should add hair colours and **** is good idea's bt i thing they dont need ur addvice about how 2 make a good game or d3 ok! they made a good job of d2 and they'll make a f**kin great job of d3 im shore of it..... ive played d2 for 3 years and well thats the best game ive ever been on (sayin thats mostly what i do) i have all the new games for ps2,psp,gamecube,xbox and **** bt d2 is stilll better than them by miles and its 4 years old so dont u think d3 will b a squill or better than d3 i shore do... u should 2 :madatu
let me start by saying, i know what you're saying... but Blizzard also has a record of giving the fans what they want, not just doing thier "own thing" when making a game. that's one of the things that makes Blizzard kick @ss...

And Diablo II is 5 years old... just to varify it's greatness


Battle God
Jul 16, 2004
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No. D2 has major flaws, and if Blizzard can't correct them in a patch, they'll need to do it in the next installment of the series, being D3. People suggest things to help Blizzard make a game that more people will like because it's fun and not because it's addicting. ;)


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Jul 7, 2005
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I was thinking something along the lines as an npc. Maybe a banker or something to help muling between chars and acc's. Or even a muleing game option where only your acc's can visit the game and the game stays open as along as u want or maybe have a timer of ten mins.

silver slyph

Jul 27, 2005
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new character

i think a thief would be an awesome character who specializes in stealth! some of the skills he or she would use:

stealth: xxx% to move unnoticed
steal: xxx% to steal an item from a monster
backstab: based on a % to kill with 1 hit if unnoticed.
infect: basic open wounds but increase damage 4 times and speads the disease like rabies from monster to monster
stun: basic barb skill
bash: basic barb skill
double throw: basic barb skill
rampage: steal something from a monster then (based on a xx% they notice that they are missing the item) they start killing their buddies to get item back
attract: basic skill
find item: basic skill
find potion: basic skill

can only use non-metal armor.

silver slyph

Jul 27, 2005
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having a muling ability between characters would greatly help in single player mode where you can't do it unless you have another program (like atma's) to do it.

some of the character ideas would make some cool hireable merc to add to your party. i would like to see more of a variety of hireable mercs in d3.


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Aug 6, 2005
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First off, only human's: using other races makes the game more corny and less dark.

As for classes:
1. Crusader: Like the palidin has combat, offensive and defencive auras but would get ride of the bolt skills in combat and change them to healing only spells. ( dont kill me for getting rid of hammers)

2. Hunter: The hunter would take the place of the ranger and assassin: he would have bow skills, sneaking and traping skills, and dual wealding weapon skills.

3. Necromancer: Would still have summons and hexes, B&P would be replaced with posses, which would allow u to take countrol of other monster and become possesed by demons or angels.

4.Berserker: Would have combat, rage, and tatoos. Combat would deal a lot with being able to weald 2 handed weapons in one hand, rages would be a lot like the warcry abilities, and tatoos would be like a more powerful mastery but you could only use one at a time (still wouldnt take up a combat slot though).

5. Horadrin (this is the name if the game was a prequal, see what I wrote in storyline, but could be mage or warlocke): Not to sure on skills, but would have lots of skills that deal with his and enemies energy and skills, being able to drain energy, switch energy and health (with enemies too), cuase enemies to take damage equal to the energy that they use, stuff like that.

More classes could be added in the expansion and I think custamizing is a must have.

One interesting idea i had though was what if u start out the game with 2 skill areas in one class and part way through the game u get 1 more area from any other class. Yeah its kinda a rip off from guild wars but i think it would be cool.


New Member
Apr 7, 2005
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What would you think, could there be guns in D3? And some specific character class who would be expert using guns and bombs and stuff... I don't mean these modern guns that we have like for example in CS, but old ''medievil'' guns...?

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