New Character Class/Race/Ideas thread

Me me me just me

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Aug 14, 2005
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Seven Diablo 3 characters

Barbarian –based on the Hun Barbarians. The Barbarian is a male warrior, and is skilled with mounted weaponry, heavy swords with light shields, and bows. The barbarian only weapon is the reflex bow. One of the skill trees enables the barbarian to ride horses. Excellent pvm.

Centurion –based on the Roman Legion Centurion. The Centurion is a female, melee character versatile with the short sword and tower shield combination; she is also well suited for long ranged by using throwing spears such as the pilum. The centurion only weapon is the gladius. One of the skill trees is made up of battle commands that improve the Centurion’s party’s statistics offensively, by increasing damage, attack rating, stamina, etc. Excellent party member.

Samurai –based on the Japanese Samurai. This male character is completely melee, and normally uses two handed weapons, but makes up for it with great mobility and critical strike. One of his skill trees consists of abilities like whirlwind that are for the katana only; the katana being the Samurai only weapon. He can also break open locked chests when using a two handed weapon, so he never needs keys. Finally, the samurai is immune to poison. Excellent pvp or boss killer.

Archpriest –the Archpriest uses the forces of light and dark in two of his skill trees: Charms and Banishing curses. Charms effect enemy players or individual monsters by making it immobile, preventing it from using any skills, rendering its shield useless, or other such things. Banishing curses are more directly offensive, by making the individual lose health in one way or another. His third skill tree enables him to shape-shift into either a more “celestial†being or more “earthly†beast. Excellent pvp or boss killer.

Demon Necromancer –This new necromancer deals with summoning demons, shooting fire, and developing passive individual auras instead of summoning dead, firing poison/bone, and casting curses. She can either summon one major demon that consumes all her manna while he is alive, or summon several imps that cost some manna that can be restored through potions. Her fire skill tree simply consists of spells much like the one Baal used in the D2 LOD cinematic. The Demon Necromancer’s individual auras are completely passive, unlike D2 paladin, but do not affect any players. Instead it affects monsters within in a certain radius, about the same as D2 barbarian’s shout. These auras can do anything from drain life to encourage the monsters to miss. Excellent pvm or when using major demons, excellent boss killer.

Horadrim Mage –The Horadrim Mage is the basic magic user, like the sorceress from D2. He can manipulate the forces of lightning and ice, and enchant weapons. The Mage enchants weapons by trapping the essence of a monster into a soulstone, then socketing a weapon with it. Excellent pvm.

Ally of Nature –the Ally can summon animals alike those of D2 druid, and has passive skills alike to the D2 Amazon. Her third skill tree enables her to become a spirit, in which she can travel much faster and scout out terrain or make the monsters fight amongst themselves. The only downside is that her body must be protected while the player is in spirit form. Excellent party member.


Aug 21, 2005
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Whoa, first of all, chill out whoever just posted lol.

Second, I like the idea of character appearance customization along with the Male/Female option. While I don't think it should in any way affect a character classes stats I do think it should do something. Like in D2 how certain NPC's greet you differently based on your class. Except I think they should go as far as Class-Specific Side-Quests and stuff. Or maybe certain npc's who sell their wares cheaper to certain classes.

I also think they should add a Cleric or Priest type character and a Monk(different, monks like someone stated before are generally more combat oriented with less of the healing and spiritual power).

The monk should have combat skills to increase the power of his punches or to add special attributes to them such as paralyzation and stuff like that. Like said before, he should not be allowed to wear body armor, but any "armor-gloves boots etc." should be allowed. Obviously his physical strength would be enourmous along with his life to compensate for his lack of defense.
Tabs: Combat Skills/Dunno Really lol/Dunno Really lol

The Cleric/Priest/Priestess(w/e you want to call it) would focus on healing, harming the undead and demons, and boosting defense/resistance(much the opposite of conviction or lower resist)/and absorption(yes i think they need to do more with this as is it appears on hardly any items).
Tabs: Healing/Combat(damage vs demons/undead spells and maybe an "Enchant-D2 Sorceress Fire Skill" spell but only for damage to undead and demons
)/Defensive(dont know exactly what you would call it, but basically non-passive auras(much like a necromancer casts curses on enemies she would cast it on the party...actually, bad comparison, think barbarian battle orders but with resistance and defense and stuff).

Also as a note to all you people who say the Necromancer is "evil", Blizzard disagrees lol, check the Arreat Summit character information, he isnt evil, he "understands the balance." Their line of work is simple.....uncommon.

I also agree with the idea of different starting towns(Necromancers would have that underground city of theirs, Amazons their Isle, Barbarians the Northlands, Etc(I do realize this is supposing those classes made it into D3).

Monsters: We need more different monsters, no more just switching palette's, I want to see whole new monsters sheesh. Fine, switch palette's for bosses in different modes(example-Diablo, Baal, etc in Norm/Nightmare/Hell)
I would like to see Dragons, fish type monsters(not just those Kurast serpents)-speaking of which-tangent-you could go back and revisit the newly repaired Kurast, see Jeryhn as Sultan, go to the Monastery, revisit the ruins of Arreat(and head over to the barbarian homelands-not just the camp but their fortresses and everything).

But yeah, D2 is pretty open to a D3 and that would definitely be something I would like to see in D3 should they make it.

Sry it was so long lol

EDIT: Also wanted to mention whoever came up with left/right glove idea i wholeheartedly agree thats a great idea, I also think you should find boots seperately but that you would have to wear 2 boots of the same size or suffer a stamina drain/speed penalty.


Aug 21, 2005
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First, Ignore Hoff he's been going off on every thread probably banned or something.
Overall it sounds ok, but a few criticisms-
1)Skills: Lose Bash, Stun, Rampage, and Attract and change backstab. Anything with even a remote chance of 1-shotting anyone or any boss would just be seen as unfair. Backstab i think should be more like baldur's gate backstab where it's like 400% damage attack except more damage as u put more points into it.
Also, you're missing the most basic principle skill a thief needs: Pick Pocket. Every theif has to start somewhere stealing money ;)


Aug 26, 2005
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Hi everyone. I played diablo since the game came out and have some years of experience on the game.
Your ideas are all very nice but they are simply variations of themes blizzard has already created in D1 and D2.
I think there should be 2 new types of character classes in D3 ( hope it comes out in the next 2 or 3 years)

The first one would be a Ninja type asian man. He would have a misture of barbarian and and ninja skills, such as trowing shurikens and other silent weapons. Ok nothing new. But this ninja wouldn´t fight alone, he would ride on top of a Yaak, much like tibetans do today in tibet. This yaak would serve as permanent hireling and would have special skills. 2 atacks: a back kick with both legs, which does +500% damage and a frontal atack with his horns, much like pally charge skill stunning the monsters and pushing them back. Very nice if you are surrounded or in thigh corridors. Like normal hirelings, you can also equip it, not with your equipment of course, but with other special stuff you buy from the vendors, things like Yaak boots, tails spikes and metal Yaak armor.

The second character would be something like half repatile- half fish man, derived from the WaterPeople. Because Evil also tormented the depts of the seas and swamps, these warriors came out of their wet home to fight them. As for skills a water skill tree would be nice. maybe with water jets to slow down monsters, 50% boost in life and mana when it rains or he is walking on a swamp or river. Ability to summon minions from water like squids or giant crabs. because of its scales, it would be more damage resistant, but very vulnerable to fire skills, so in hot places such as river of flame with would be weaker than normal. should have better eyesight because of the large eyes. Also should have a poison atack, like poison dagger, but much more stronger because a the reptile half part of the body.

Well those are my ideas, please comment without flamming.

PS: for the storyline, I totally agree with the one that depicts the begining of the Sin wars. The hereo would be a horadrim, and he would have to capature the prime evils, not kill them. Also he would fight alongside Cain, much younger of course and maybe meet some of the Zakarum preistesses from Kurast :)


New Member
Aug 6, 2005
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Yes someone who finaly agrees with me on setting the game in during the Sin Wars. But I dont think any thing should be put into the game that makes it less dark. That would mean no firearms (first off it if it was set during the Sin Wars there would be no logical reason for firearms, secondly I think that they take away from the dark, mideval tone of the games). I also dont think that there should be other races. Think about it, when was the last time that you saw a movie that scared the crap out of you where one of the main characters was not a human, and Im not talking about one of those "OMG monster popped out of nowhere" scenes that u might see in the Lord of the Rings, Im talking about real suspence. I think that that was the one failing of DII, it lost much of the dark feeling from DI. That is also why I dont think that there should be any mounts in the game, animals are just to cute to be dark.


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Aug 30, 2005
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I think you should be able to use the npc like cain and akara as playable chars. I bet cain would be able to whoop sum monster butt. Gheed could find items to sell to pay mercs to do his fighting. I think you can see where Im going with this. Just my 2 cents.


The best of both worlds
Jun 9, 2003
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Hey, Chief, change the thread back to

"Diablo III new Class/Race/Character thread"

Aug 29, 2005
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my hate the idea of a pay to play it would ruin it all. sure some kids do ruin it with there smart ass comments but werent we all a kid sum time any way im 14 and i get along with most older people cos everyone has the potential to be mature its just only certain people can bring it out of them properly as sugesseted by the muppet hear-preferrably a pay-to-play MMORG (pay-to-play keeps all the stupid little 10 year olds, that hack the crap out of the game and screw over legit players, out). anyway, shadow of power you suck


New Member
Sep 16, 2005
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How about...

Totally Forget mixing it up with good and evil, and totally forget the prequel. And, of course, the storyline is dead... FROM THE GOOD SIDE! Take on the role of an evil hero, and merely fight your way back to having the earth under control. Start with easy enemies like peasants, similiar to carvers and such in that they try to fight, but run away, and have some master "priest" who can heal them. Also some enemies like watch dogs, and even cows (cows get spooked by demons you see) then maybe some more advanced enemies like knights and stuff protecting the land under the rule of a new and powerful king. Slowly progress through the acts (acts of violence that is, hehe) until you reach the end of your plight, a battle with The angels of God himself. And maybe even a battle with God, but how can you beat God? I dunno... Anyways, classes are still all human, they're just really really mean people...

Arch-Knight ( a Knight turned evil pretty straight forward)

Doom Priest (One of those Cultists)

Assasin (Who said they were good anyways)

Mutant (I cant think of a better name, but kind of like the opposite of a druid, they can turn into a Demon or a Beast of some sort)

and anything else you can think of that follows the story line :)
Sep 26, 2005
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Tallahassee Florida,
new Character classes, I think that they should add paths, or ways you can take your character down. Kind of an attention grabber, and not as plain as just staying one class the entire game.
Healer/Priest/Monk-----(can take path to become pope or something)
Knight----(can take path to become dark or good)
Mage---(can take path to become dark or good arch magi)
Cabalist---(can take path to become necromancer<---(with new spells, those old ones r lame, like demon summons n crap),or a Summoner.)
Rogue---(can become either an assassin<---(new and improved version lol) or an Irekei<----(evil assassin with slightly demonic features, small horns ect.)

and a few more to balance it out and everything, but Character customization at the beginning and after the first time the game is beaten should be available, such as after normal is beaten, you may be able to add immortal features, such as glowing eyes or something, and after hell is beaten maybe if your good or evil you can have demon or angel hardcore characteristics.....leet leet ideas everyone, we need to make the damn game >.< :grunt

ect ect ect......could go on for days.........but a diablo game like KOTOR II....only diablo based, with continued play after beating the game.....omfg i would be lovin it. :shocked


I want to see a Drow quest race that should be invintation only to join. That way we won't have people who know little, if anything, about Drow society.

Naturally we would also have other king/queendoms. but that's another story.


Oct 3, 2005
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Highway 90
Dark Elves are my bag baby.....check out , me and my cousin's guild site. If we ever get it back up and running again....under construction atm

but yeah.......they should make a Blade Dancer class............ :lucifer


L'elamshin d'lil ilythiiri zhah ulu har'luth jal.

The only phrase to remember.

The drow will conquer you all, destroy your homes and kill your children. You shall be our slaves!


Aeromath, between us (And a bit off topic) I'm thinking about making a MUD based off of merentha. How would you like to start as Matriarch as the Drow? (Add my msn if you have it, or aim)

On topic: I want all the original classes as is, but with racial selection available.


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Oct 6, 2005
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this is my first so just cope with it

Arial Black

I think there sould be a couple new races but i ve herd that you think you would have to be background info on them but just say diablo in now ravageing there land

here are some race

morpher: skill lear how to tranform into thing and the abilitys

Pantom: lear invisable skils afterworld affects ecta

Vampire:dueling mode cant use bite skill

Costom beast: choos from skills and apperance to make a costom beast char







you sould be able to choose beast to ride or horses and you have to find armor for them to

:tnt merce can be full equipt


New Member
Oct 6, 2005
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this is my first so just cope with it

:shoot :hxc :morph :angry :lucifer :nooob :yum Arial Black

I think there sould be a couple new races but i ve herd that you think you would have to be background info on them but just say diablo in now ravageing there land

here are some race

morpher: skill lear how to tranform into thing and the abilitys

Pantom: lear invisable skils afterworld affects ecta

Vampire:dueling mode cant use bite skill

Costom beast: choos from skills and apperance to make a costom beast char







you sould be able to choose beast to ride or horses and you have to find armor for them to

:tnt merce can be full equipt


Oct 3, 2005
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Highway 90
............ *cough*................... wow........
:nooob :nooob :nooob :nooob

no offense bro.....but come on

silver slyph

Jul 27, 2005
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good and evil

characters should be kept to just humans.

the idea of haveing good and evil characters would add an interesting twist. because good and evil characters will not be able to be in the same party. that way we could have battles between good partys and evil partys.

but then there would be a lot of high level player killers out there killing all the other players off making it almost impossible to get any where in the game. so in the end it would be a very bad idea i think.

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