OOC: Sorry I haven't been on in a while. I've been fixing up my PC... Neverwinter Nights owns my soul...
Super_Buu, the Final Warrior does NOT rely on technology. He's Death Incarnate. He has no use for technology. And the only thing that Raphael is wearing is his armor. It's virtually indestructible. So even if Goth'alk somehow scratched it, there wouldn't be a mark. And did you know that Raphael's armor increases his overall capabilities twofold, although it makes him less mentally stable? It's not a good idea to attack the Final Warrior if he's not feeling well (mentally).
What's up with all the new n00b RPers? They just make their characters seem all badass by putting them into an RPG and making them kick the creators' butts...
Raphael: I'll deal with you later, Goth'alk. Let's rock and roll, Warriors. Show them who we really are. Brothers, come unto me, ridden upon thy stallions.
*From two portals up within the sky, Rezael and Tyravael emerge. The Angel and the Demon come from the black and white portals, each signifying their alliance.*
Rezael: I may have once been one with the Demons, but blood is thicker than water. Onwards, unto the Apollyon!
Tyravael: My order has cast me down, unto this Earth. May my powers be used for good!
*Raphael changes swiftly into the Final Warrior. However, he is not the Pure Final Warrior. He is Death Incarnate.*
Death Incarnate: Onwards, my comrades. Destruction awaits all, but let us prolong it from assimilating us. My blades speak of that that has happened, that that is happening, and that that will happen. *Draws Death's Kiss and Demon's Wrath.* This craven dog annoys me. Come unto me, Durantaier!
*A Griffin roars from far away. From nowhere, a pitch black Griffin with a mane of fire and claws shorn with blood lands next to Death Incarnate. Its eyes burn a Demonic red, and framing its jaws is what seems to be even more blood. The wings are a crimson red. This is no normal Griffin, or even a Demon Griffin. This creature is Death Incarnate's personal beast, Durantaier (Death Speaker).*
Death Incarnate: Ah, Durantaier. Keep that craven 'Cereberus' busy. I have an appointment.
*Death Incarnate unfolds his wings and flies off. Watching the ground, he sights a small band of Magi.*
Death Incarnate: Death comes for thee! *dives*
*Meanwhile, Durantaier follows after Cereberus, nagging and worrying it with guerilla tactics. Death Incarnate flies down, straight through the group of Magi, leaving nothing but a few dismembered corpses.*
Death Incarnate: Fools *takes a hit* Ugh! Stronger magic than I thought. No matter.
*Elsewhere, Rezael and Tyravael join together, clearing the way to the Fire Node.*
Rezael: I'll take this one, unless my unholy curse holds me back! Onwards, Zaelphaer!