Kingdom of Evers'ilance

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
Tyravael: Rezael, go for Ainar. I'll bind Raphael.

Rezael: Right. *Flies off.*

Tyravael: Bhutar dur taihir!

*A magical bonding rope appears around Raphael, mentally and physically binding him.*

Raphael: Thank you, Tyravael.

*Near Ainar...*

Rezael: Dammit, Ainar, get up.

*Two huge shadows arise behind Rezael, who is oblivious.*


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
[color=sky blue]Wolfz: Rezael! Idiot!
Tanya: We should keep him alive.
Wolfz: Agreed...

Wolfz and Tanya each take aim at a single shadow. Their ammo rips through the air at what seems like the speed of light. The shadows are hit, one with a strange bullet and the other with a strange Grassfire Arrow. The shadows let out a loud shrill of pain.

Tanya: Nice hit!
Wolfz: You, too.[/color]

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
In you, of course.
Rezael: Huh? Oh sh- *rolls*

*The shadow brings an arm down, attempting to crush Rezael.*

Raphael: He's in trouble...

Rezael: I'm in trouble... *dodges, draws Zaelphaer.*

*Rezael ducks, and comes in with a rising slash.*

Shadow: Urghh... *Swipes at Rezael, casts a spell*

*Rezael is blasted back, thrown away by some sort of spell.*

Rezael: And I'm a Demon... let's see how he fares against the true me...

*Rezael rises up into the air, held up by a magical force. His wings become like a bat's but with fire instead of the normal leathery membrane-like wings. A flaming halo appears around his head, and his eyes glow a deep red. His hair grows darker, and he changes into a Balor Demon Lord.*

Rezael: Your Desturction approaches...


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
*The Ice all around Ren begins to freeze up the intricate parts of her Tesla Rifle as she continues running for the Node. As she gets closethe ground around it seems to melt away as the 3 Elder Ice Elementals rise up from the ground. She snaps off a piece of her Rifle and chucks it into the center of the three. As she turns to duck the rifle explodes in a brilliant flash of light and energy. The Elementals hits the ground, smoldering corpses of Ice. Two piles of Ash can be seen next to the Node, two former Magi. Ren quickly gets to work on setting up the explosives before she freezes to death.*

((not complaining, but are these actual shadows, or something thats just shadow-y? Cause Shadows of like darkness and stuff aren't really around anymore, but meh.))

*The naked Ainar slowly rises to his feet as the nearby battle awakens him. He notices his nakedness, and with a flash of light and a swirl of mists he is clothed once again, with all his equipment from before.* "Looks like I got a bit worked up...anyway, back to work." *Without the aid of wings or any sort of technological device, Ainar jumps back up to the Mesa, leaving Rezael behind. He cautiously enters the Death Node Area to begin setting up the explosives.*

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
In you, of course.
Raphael: Unbind me... Ainar... is headed for the Death node...

Rose Warrior: ... okay. Durasti.

*The magical binding spell disapates, freeing Raphael. He quickly changes into the Final Warrior and flies off.*

Final Warrior: Careful, Ainar. I shall watch over thee.

Rezael: And what about me, dear brother?

Final Warrior: you are a big boy now... watch over yourself, Demonchild.

Rezael: I'm as old as you! we're both over12 mellenia old... and we have the same mother and father. Shadows... sadistic. *Casts a magical spell*

*The Shadows are blown away, lost to the wind.*

Rezael: Your node exists no more... begone.

OOC: Tac, you'll be in charge of distributing the EXP around, seeing as this is your sidequest.


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
((ok,.... It'll likely be a bit, and this campaign will likely take a long time...after each episode I'll distribute XP. five episodes if i remember correctly... (Nodes, Forests, Church, Defense, Offense, um, whatever...)))

*Ainar finishes up with the explosives as the two Mages of the Node unleash a Finger of Death spell on him. His skin begins to fall from his body as he turns to face them. Sheer terror overhwhelms them at what they see, but they cannot turn to run. Whisps of mist have locked their legs in place and are slowly making their way up their bodies. Ainar walks over to ne and places an Accelreator Pistol to his head. His voice is distant* "Bad ... move." *He fires, giving death to the one who would protect it. He leaves the other to watch what comes next.*


*Ren finishes on the Explosives and sets these for a timer, don't want the cold to freeze it up. She gets up and makes a run for it for the Iron Node*

((damn, anyone feel like helping me out by determining what we've killed so far?))


BattleForums Addict
Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Ilya, city of stone.
Vox: *walks up to the fire node* heh my element *plants the explosives and sets the timer* *salutes the node* cya around *runs toward the water node*

Ishtar: stupid magi. *Deflects spells with his sword and severs a mage's head off* A Ithinioul ni Acamiea Dreastioe! *Shoots a death beam towards the other magi and kills them* hurr hurr hurr you are all stupid.

Vox: *at the water node* im at the water node what now?

Final Warrior: be careful, that place can take out the fuse on the explosives and you!

Vox: great... *runs toward his destination* *water sprays himalong the way* thank god im in my human form if i was in my Flaming form i would be gone for good *plants the explosives* damn i just remembered Final Warrior these explosives cannot keep the fuse lit. im going to sheild them with my body until the charge is set

Ainar: great.... don t get yourself killed again just stay there untill youve set the timer

Vox: well here goes... *puts a flame spark into the fuse* *sets the timer* well see ya around :p

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
In you, of course.
OOC: A couple of mages, 2 Shadows, and I think that's it... you'll need to count destroying Nodes for EXP. Hopefully, anyways.


Tyravael: I'll go for Renesa. Aevaer Flamthaer!

*Tyravael's wings grow a whitish-blue hot. The air around him shimmers, and the temperature shoots up.*

Tyravael: I must leave quickly.

*Tyravael flies off as quick as possible to avoid alighting the forest on fire.*

Tyrvael: Renesa! I'll cover you!


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
((ok, just a couple notes. The Magi are not supposed to die by single hits for any reason. As you'd be attacking they'd be casting some spell, regardless of how fast you can move, their spells are faster. Another thing, the Fire Node is a big cube of Fire and the Water Node is a big cube of water. So, suddenly you can breathe Dihydrogen Monoxide and not suffer ill effects? Amazing. Sage's post is now nuxed, even if he hadn't started breathing water its nixed casue he planted explosives THAT HE DOESN'T HAVE. Ren and Ainar have the explosives, you guys are supposed to be getting rid of the Elementals and the Magi))

((Another thing, even if your char. is immune to fire, going in the fire Node Area would be bad. I'm haven't really payed much attention to your char., but These areas not only supply the energy for spells of ther energy type, they control it in all shapes and forms. Hence the Elemntals that popped up.))

((Just leave the Nodes and the explosives alone...))

*Deep within the Death Node area Ainar has begun a ritual of sorts, calling upon the ancient powers of death and destruction to aid him. He places his hands on the Node as they begin bubbling and releasing vast amounts of stinking mist which surrounds him in a veil, hiding him from view.*


*The Mesa is rocked by an explosion as shards of Ice fly through the battlefield like daggers, only stopped by the walls of the Iron, Fire, and Temporal Nodes. Ren Gets to the large Iron Node just before three large walls of Adamantiumspring up around it like a triangle. Three Elementals Rise from the ground and smash their huge fists into the ground all around her in attempts to strike her.*


BattleForums Addict
Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Ilya, city of stone.
tsk tsk tsk

thats just like you tacitus: being so cynical all the time. Vox is imune to fire and absolutly NO shape or form of fire can hurt him. even if the node isnt fire, he has the survival skills neccesary to go through what ever u said earlier. and it could be possible that vox could sneak some explosives off ainar and ren and run off to the fire node. now... SUBMIT TO THE POWER OF LEGENDS!!

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
In you, of course.
OOC: Sage, this is Tac's sidequet, hence, he has full control over it. And Rezael's a Fallen Demon, yet he doesn't have an immunity to fire. Tyravael's got superheated wings (for now) and he's not immune to fire. Because Vox is the Dark Flame Warrior doesn't mean he's immune to fire. Heck, the Final Warrior has no immunity or defense against any element.


*Tyravael flies at the adamant walls, hoping to melt them.*

Mage: Fool. You canst melt it.

Tyravael: Then I'll melt you. *Draws sword.*

Mage: Fool. *Begins to cast a spell.*

Tyravael: *Smile* You're an accomplished Mage, I can see that. *Swings blade*

*Tyravael's hand begins to slow, and then it becomes encased within Adamantine.*

Tyravael: Only my arm. *Flies at the Mage, pierces him.*

Mage: Fool... not... dead yet... *Casts spell*

Tyravael: *Casts counterspell.*

Mage: Guh... regenerative spell... not working... *dies*

Tyravael: Anyone have a counterspell for this idiotic petrify spell? My arm's encased within adamantine.


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
*Ainar chimes in, but his voice is odd through thoughtspeak, almostas if it were a dead man talking.*I have a concoction that can reverse it, but you'll have to wait until after we return to The Sanctuary.

((meh, don't have time for IC actions, just quick posts))
Aug 31, 2003
Reaction score
The Area of Role Playing
*The explosion from the bomb sends The Ace Warrior flying back hundreds of yards from the node. The Ace Warrior dechanged into Zacxko from the blast, which drained all his energy. Not only was The Ace Warrior sent flying but mages were scattered around the battlefield too, they lie dead and lifeless while some stood and tried to survive, but without the Fire Node they were useless against the Warriors of Appolyon. Moans and groans could be heard from many, Zacxko got up, but his left leg, right arm and left arm was extremely damaged.*
Zacxko: Hey Vox! What was that? Arrgh, you ought to be taught a lesson, dont kill allies!! *moans and falls to the ground*

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
In you, of course.
Rose Warrior: Zac's down. *Flies off to look for Zacxko*


BattleForums Addict
Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Ilya, city of stone.
*as the smoke lifts, a figure limps out of the fog...*

Vox: feck, i couldnt have survived that

Zackxco: well you did and you almost killed me *looks at Vox* GOOD GOD WHAT THE **** HAPPENED??!!!

Vox: *criticlay injured in all areas and his tunic top is ripped completely his sword Wolfsbane seems undamaged* damnit...couldnt...trasnform fast enough.



Wolfz: looks like that was the area your father went to.

Sam: *starts to tear* NO! HE CANT BE DEAD!!! I WONT HAVE IT!! *starts to run toward the smoke* *a hand grabs him firmly by the shoulder*

Wolfz: you cannot go. you will not stand a chance against those magi.

Sam: or will I? *starts to transform...*

Dark Fire Squire: I shall find my father. *flys off in a streak of blue flames*

Wolfz: sigh there is no saving that kid...


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
OOC: Wolfz and Tanya are transformed right now... They can easily see that far off, too.
FYI: I'm presenting a foreshadow of a mission I'll present ;) :D

Holy Warrior is about to fly off when Dark Warrior stops him. She shakes her head as to say "it's okay" or the like. Holy Warrior resigns himself to stay -- as he wishes no part in destroying the nodes.

Holy Warrior: Do they not realize that if the node holding their elemental powers go, they, too, will lose power?
Dark Warrior: When the Iron Node goes, I'm afraid Ainar and his cohort will lose their powers.
Holy Warrior: You catch on quick. Vox might see a slight decrease in his abilities. The Fire Node was important to his powers, and the Darkness Node may have also been feeding him.
Dark Warrior: Speaking of Darkness Node..., wouldn't that be my source?
Holy Warrior: I don't know... The Nodes aren't just magical creations. I've heard rumors they may well be living creatures. I wouldn't dare speculate what type of creature...
Dark Warrior: We'll find out if we are even affected by them, soon enough.
Holy Warrior: Even if our Apllyon forms are not, our regular forms are. You are an elf; a creature born and protected by magic. I'm also afraid that something...bad, even cataclysmic, might occur...
Dark Warrior: I hope you're wrong.
Holy Warrior: You don't know the half of it...
Dark Warrior: I'll hope for the best. We did as we both said; we did not interfere. Let's just make sure our allies stay alive.


BattleForums Addict
Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Ilya, city of stone.
i agree with bam those nodes dont just affect the magi. they also affect evryone else. if there was a life node... wed all die and this would have been in vain. wow tac good job on making this side quest a tough one


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
((*points to Life Node, then smiles wickedly*))

((guys, don't worry, no matter how much we destroy these things, theres not going to be any longterm affects on anybody, except maybe from the explosions...oh, and everyone except the Final Warrior and Ainar will have a near death experience when the Life Node is destroyed, but with the Death Node going as well, the effects will be reversed.))

*Within his Veil of Mists Ainar, the ritual is well underway. Souls of the dead begin to rise from the very earth he stands on. They begin dancing around him in some very unique and ancient dances for calling upon the power of the gods. By now Ainar's hands are nothing but bones and his arms are slowly rotting away. With a flash of light his entire body goes ridgid as if he was in extreme pain. His hands turn from bone to some sort of metal alloy as he becomes the Tech Warrior. Soon older souls begin to rise from the ground, ancient ones from places far away...*


*Ren dives and roll out of the way of the crushing fists, slmost driving a small spire of metal into her skin from the surrounding landscape. The three large elemntals pound the ground making a large indentation. She pulls out her Fireball Pistols again and runs out into the field of metal spires.* was that dwarven blackrock... *As the Elementals turn to find her, she unleashes several small Fireballs into their midst. The tempertures become high enough to turn them into huge masses of walking, molten metal. She ducks behind another spire and puts away her Fireball Pistols. She then pulls out something that looks like a Flamethrower, but much different, steam begins exhausting out of two long metal pipes on the sides as she flicks it on.*

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
In you, of course.
OOC: Bravo on making this side quest a toughie, Tac. We need more **** like this. No, really.

Rose Warrior: Hmm? Zac, Vox, you two are nearly dead!

Zacxko: Gee, you think?

Vox: Ugh... can't keep standing... much... longer...

*The Rose Warrior casts a healing spell, restoring the two enough so that they can run off*

Rose Warrior: Go on, off to where the Final Warrior resides.

*Zacxko heads off, but Vox stays behind.*

Vox: You can't just give me orders... I've got a child to worry about.

*The Rose Warrior shoots him a look of venom that could've split dwarven blackrock*

Rose Warrior: Thou shalt leave this area, Dark Flame Warrior. Thou art bound unto the Final Warrior by blood and soul. As such, I can exert my power over thee. Now leave.

Vox: What? Hey...!

*Vox's body starts moving off, even though Vox himself does not will it.*

Final Warrior: So she exerted her power over you? I forgot to tell you that if we are bound both by blood and soul, then that means that certain things that can happen to me can also happen to you.

Vox: Great. This means that she can force me around.

Final Warrior: To a certain point, yes.

Dark Flame Squire: Father!

Vox: Hey! A little help?

Rose Warrior: Vox... don't make me teleport you there.

Dark Flame Squire: What the...? Father, why do you walk that way?

Vox: Because the Rose Warrior has some control over, because I am bound to the Final Warrior both by blood and soul.

Final Warrior: I take my leave, to assist Ainar.

*The Final Warrior flies off, headed towards the Death Node, when two avatars of Destruction appear.*

Final Warrior: Avatars of Destruction at the Death Node... uh-oh. He hunts me again.

Rose Warrior: Who, Destruction?

Final Warrior: Yes. At least it is not Father Death.

*The Final Warrior dives down, hoping to catch the two Avatars by surprise. He knows however, that if the two Avatars of Destruction are here for him, they must know exactly where he is. Sadly, he is correct. The two avatars bat at him knocking him straight out of the sky.*

Final Wrrior: Sh-

*The Final Warrior recovers his balance and comes in for another attack, slicing through the first fist that comes at him.*
Aug 31, 2003
Reaction score
The Area of Role Playing
OOC: Guys, what is my element? Im The Ace Warrior, thats kinda like natural... I guess ill be life.. Also, Im The Dark Warrior right... Not the Shadow? I getting mixed up.

Zacxko: Gee, thanks Rose Warrior... I can feel my feet again.
*Zacxko lies down, resting until he has gathered enough strength to fight again. But he is cautious, since his allies are still fighting next to him.*

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