Wolfz: If you recall, I'm standing back.
Tanya: I think I will, too... Though he can be vulgar at times..., I have to admit he's often right.
Wolfz: Is that a compliment?
Tanya: Don't push your luck!
Wolfz: I'll end it there, then. I hope you understand, everyone. I will not join either side, and I will only aid the side that needs it due to...balancing problems.
Tanya: You are thick-headed, though.
Wolfz: *sighing* Well, I guess I can't change your opinion overnight...
Wolfz and Tanya begin preperations for themselves, packing fairly lightly, all things considered. Ainar lets out a slight, unheard, sigh as he knows he cannot persuade them otherwise. They both seem to love a precise balancing act, and both their "accendant" forms prove that to some extent.