Kingdom of Evers'ilance


Oct 25, 2002
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OOC: i know this is kinda annoying for u final, but do u think we could make it so shadow warrior is a boy and monk warrior is a girl, then finofantasy can create a monk warrior as girl. Cause my character is a shadow servant of the shadow guild.

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.

Regarding Adhesive... no.


BattleForums Addict
Jun 11, 2003
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Ilya, city of stone.
Sam: who is this guy?

Nym: I am Nym

Sam: NIM? never heard o ya

Nym: hmm perhaps you will later

Sam: err...riiight

Raphael: we should get some food here


Sam: hmm i hear something

Rhianna: ...

???: The road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began now far ahead the road has gone and i must follow if i can... Oh, a party

Sam: who are you?

???: i donot surrender my name so willingfully

Sam: fine, ill beat it outta ya *draws Flame Dancer*

???: HA! Pathetic Child you cannot defeat a MASTER SWORDSMAN

Sam: grrr

Rhianna: this is gunna hurt

Sam: RRRRRR DIE!!! *slashes The Stranger*

???: heehee it barely tickled

Sam: wha?

???: i like you kid wuts yon name?

Sam: Samsion Redarrow

???: the name is Drake *shakes Sam's Hand Firmly*

Sam: well met

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
OOC: Vox... we're with the Brotherhood, on another world... we were inside the GQ... why camp?! Please edit your post.

Oh, Adhesive? I said this in a post before... no more Monk Warrior.

Why don't people actually read?...


*Ainar strolls out to the group, escorted by a small dragon.*

Raphael: Bravo, Renesa. I'm not as insane as I seem, huh?

Renesa: Yes, I guess you're not.

Raphael: And to have mastered thoughtspeak... you know, I've driven people insane using that. They thought they were hearing voices. And technically, they were. *Turns to Ainar.* So if she's the Mistress of Technology...

Ainar: You heard?!

Raphael: A whisper is as good as a yell. But if she's the Mistress of Technology, then who is the Master? *Turns to face Zacxko.* Ready?
Aug 31, 2003
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The Area of Role Playing


Zacxko: Ill try changing once again. *Concentrates deep into his heart, searching for the transformation, the goal. You can see Zacxko trying hard as he tries to transform, suddenly a bright light shines and Zacxko becomes blurry, several seconds later, theres a strong wolf standing in Zacxko's place*
Ace Warrior: I think I did it. *growls*

Btw, do i have to stand or ... not. btw whats the italic speak? "yes i guess your not" ?!?
when do we intro the shadow warrior? mefou..


BattleForums Addict
Jun 11, 2003
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Ilya, city of stone.

Suddenly, A light shines around Sam

Sam: im coming too...wait...i feel something

Drake: of corse you do.. *every1 sees a sword right through Sam's Chest*

Sam: it barely tickles *purple/blue flames whirl around the wound and heals Sam*

Drake: HAHAHA thats the way

Wolfz: wut are you doin?

Drake: teachin the kid some toughness

Wolfz: it seems dangerous

Drake: im all about Danger boy im all about danger

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
OOC: Italics are for thoughtspeak. You can intro the Shadow Warrior anytime you want.


Raphael: You think you can turn him into a Warrior?... Ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA!

Rhianna: Raphael? RAPHAEL!

*Raphael's skin dissapears, leaving a skull and muscle covered skeleton.*

Drake: What the hell?

Sam: Jeez!

Wolfz: Raphael?

Final Warrior: Couldn't you tell, Rhianna? Or have you gotten too used to having me around?

Rhianna: Raphael...?

Final Warrior: ANSWER ME! *Slaps Rhianna*

*Rhianna flys backwards, straight into the wall. She stands there, silently crying, with her hand on her cheek.*


Final Warrior: You fools. Rhianna was your best hope. You couldn't tell, could you? You couldn't see the subtle changes in your precious Raphael. He has been twisted. The Lord Apocalypse will show you the truth. Abandon this cursed path and come with us. We are the Knights of the Apocalypse. Join us.

Rhianna: Raphael... No.

Final Warrior: You lost me once. Are you going to lose me again. You are weak. ALL OF YOU! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rhianna: Damn you. Damn you!

*Rhianna changes changing into an angel, with pink tinted armor. Her blade's hilt looks like a rose.*

Rhianna: Come to me, Rosaeliae!

*A Griffin roars, challenging the Corrupt Final Warrior to a battle. Out of nowhere, a strange Griffin appears. This Griffin has a mane of crimson red and wings of golden pink. Silver streaks cross her back.*

Corrupt Final Warrior: You cannot defeat me.

The Rose Warrior: Fool. I am thy lady, and always was. Thou sadi that only I could thee in check. And I shall. I shall up to my promise, even if thou does not up to thine.

*The Rose Warrior climbs on Rosaeliae, swinging her battle blade.*

Ainar: Stop this. Just stop it. We cannot war among ourselves.

*The Corrupt Final Warrior turns on Ainar.*

Corrupt Final Warrior: Fool. Thou'rt naught but a dabbler in toys. I shall show thee what real technology is!

The Rose Warrior: Fool. Thou shalt do no such thing.

*Rosaeliae rushes The Corrupt Final Warrior, slicing a neat cut through his armor.*

The Corrupt Final Warrior: DAMN YOU! COME TO ME EPSILION!

*Epsilion appears, but does not roar.*

Epsilion: I will not be ridden by scum like thou.

The Corrupt Final Warrior: WHAT?! Then watch as I do away with the Rose Warrior!

*The Corrupt Final Warrior's eyes darken even more. A huge shadow appears outside.*

Ainar: What?!

Zacxko: We're in big trouble.

The Corrupt Final Warrior: Quiver in fear mortals. Thy destruction is upon thee! DOOM SPEAKER'S JUDGEMENT!

*A gigantic ball of pure energy descends upon all, blinding everyone. When the light is gone, however, everything remains undamaged.*

The Corrupt Final Warrior: WHAT?!

*A figure appears high in the sky, arms and wings outspread.*

The Corrupt Final Warrior: Damn you, my love.

Rose Queen Warrior: I am no longer that which you thought I was. You will stand down.

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
In you, of course.
OOC: Raphael's trying to make a joke...

I get my worst ideas over at my "cousin"'s house... I don't know why!


The Corrupt Final Warrior: NEVER!!

Drake: Damn. When he want's to yell, he can yell...

Sam: Aw shit, my ears...

Katie: What?! Say that again! I can't hear you!

*THe Rose Queen Warrior descends, to the ground, right in front the Corrupt Final Warrior.*

Rose Queen Warrior: What kind of twisted entity could have done this to you?... No man nor mortal magicks, that much I can tell.

Voice: Idiots. You will all bow down to my newest Knight, the Knight of Corruption!

Rose Queen Warrior: So it was yourself, was it, Raphael? What did you do?

Voice: Bow!

The Corrupt Final Warrior: You can't sweet talk me anymore, darling. Do as the Apollyon says... or else *grins.*

Voice: BOW!

*A magical force pushes everyone into a bow, and forces the women to curtsy.*

Voice: Offer me no resistance, and I shall not harm thee... too much. Ha ha ha!

Rose Queen Warrior: So this is how it ends, eh, Rezael?

The Corrupt Final Warrior: I am NOT Rezael. He is a weak fool.

Rose Queen Warrior: Yet you are evil, just like him. So I'll call you Rezael.

The Corrupt Final Warrior: I hate to do this, but... *draws sword* I'm gonna have to prematurely execute you! *Holds sword up high, swings it downward onto the Rose Queen Warrior's neck. The sword, however, does not cut straight through the Rose Queen Warrior's neck. Instead, it stops in mid-air.*

Voice 2: You forget, Raephael, that my magic is as strong as my brother's.

Rose Queen Warrrior: The sword would not have cut through anyways. There is an inscription on the sword blade that says something along the lines of,
"This blade will ne'er be used for evil,
Nor be used to serve unto the good an innocent,
A cold-blooded death."

Voice 2: That may be so, but-


Voice 2: Brother, did you teach him any manners at all? Like the one where one does not yell at one's lord?

Voice: Yes, I taught him, and he knew. But to publicly embarass me...

Renesa: I'm hearing voices...

Wolfz: So it seems that Lord Apocalypse and Lord Apollyon are used to having civil conversation.

*Mass chaos ensues. The Corrupt Final Warrior dances around, screaming, "SHUTTUP!" while everyone is trying to subdue him. The two Griffins are courting each other, and the two brothers are talking about the "good old days." Drake is talking with Sam, teaching him some "toughness." Then a stranger appears.*

Stranger: *mutters*Jeez. I leave for a few hours, now look at what's happened...

Sam: Hey, who are you?

Stranger: Crap, do I look that different? EVERYONE< STOP AND BE QUITE!

*Everyone tops in mid-step, even the Corrupt Final Warrior, who is bawling his eyes out.*

Rose Queen Warrior: You seem... familiar. Very familiar. As if you were an old friend... or lover. But I never had any lovers, except for Raphael.

Zacxko: Yeah... he does seem kinda familiar. If only he'd remove his hood.

Stranger: Sorry, old friend, but no. If I am not remembered, then I am not wanted.

The Corrupt Final Warrior: Yes, you aren't wanted.

Stranger: It is not your place to say. It is the lady's.

Rose Queen Warrior: Stay, of course. But if we do not know you, then why would we forget you?

*The stranger says nothing, choosing to draw his own sword, whoch happens to be a rapier.*

*The Rose Queen Warrior morphs and changes back into her old self.*

Rhianna: I know that blade... I think.

*The stranger turns to face the Corrupt Final Warrior and brings his blade into a fencing stance.*

Stranger: En garde!

The Corrupt Final Warrior: I'm gonna skewer you and roast you like a shish-kebab!

*A battle ensues, much like DBZ, but with the addition of swords. In the middle of the fight, the stranger's cloak is caught onto the Corrupt Final Warrior's blade and comes off, revealing...*

Rhianna: RAPHAEL?!

Sam: What the....?

Drake: Uh-oh. Two of them? That is NOT good.

*Indeed, it is Raphael, the Final Warrior. For some reason, he seems to be dueling the Corrupt Final Warrior, and seems to be holding his own, yet he has not changed.*

Rhianna: *whisper*Where have you been Raphael?


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
As Corrupt Final Warrior is distracted by Raphael, Rhianna notes a shadowy figure move swiftly into the room. She tries to follow the shadow's movements, but it is as if the shadows do not wish to be followed.

Rhianna: *quitely* Huh?

As she begins to look around, an arrow screams through the air and strikes the Corrupt Final Warrior. In a rage, he turns to the direction of the arrow's trajectory. As he sees a cloaked figure, another arrow screams into his arm. His eye twitches as he looks at the cloaked figure, now distinguishable as a female.

Corrupt Final Warrior: found her, did you? The Dark Warrior?
Tanya: I'm no Dark Warrior!
Wolfz: Uh-oh!
Tanya and Wolfz: I know that voice! *looking at each other* It's you!
Tanya: *at same time* Wolfz!
Wolfz: *at same time* Tanya!
Tanya and Wolfz: What are you doing here?!

They go on saying things at the same time, nobody really following what they are saying. Rapheal continues his gaze at Corrupt Final Warrior, while Corrupt Final Warrior has a o_O look on his face. Tanya and Wolfz seem to be having...a disagreement. The group manages to catch the words "flirt" and "egregoius" among Tanya's words, and "tomboy" and "deserter" among Wolfz. They, very obviously, know eachother.

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
In you, of course.
Raphael: Let's finish this. Deathstrike!

*Raphael leaps up into the air and does a back hand stab with the Griffin Blade, smashes up the Corrupt Final Warrior's chin with the hilt of Death's Kiss, and then runs the blade through his throat.*

The Corrupt Final Warrior: Whhargggh!!

Raphael: Never touch her like that, damn you. *Pulls the Corrupt Final Warrior to the ground.*

The Corrupt Final Warrior: Damn yoo ttoo...

*Raphael pulls the blades out of the Corrupt Final Warrior and wipes them on the rotting shirt.*

Raphael: So who is this pretty lady, Wolfz?


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Wolfz: This is...uh...Tanya Shorbane. She's a Grassfire Forest Elf.
Raphael: Grassfire? An interesting tribe.
Tanya: Yeah... if you're into that. I left them behind a long time ago. *turning her attention to Wolfz* And you! I can't believe I'd run into you here! I'd have though you'd forsake both the mage and tech camps!
Wolfz: I...uh...have, really. I'm here to...observe.
Tanya: Oh? I was here for more...personal reasons.
Wolfz: *slaps forehead* Your at it again!
Tanya: So?! I need to make a living!
Wolfz: :rolleyes Yeah, I suppose so. What are your "personal reasons" this time?
Tanya: You know something, last time I told you -- you got in my way!
Raphael: Not that this banter isn't interesting, but why did you come when you did?
Tanya: What can I say? I didn't like the smell of that fellow you were fighting.
Raphael: Smell?
Wolfz: Yeah... She can..."smell" evil a league away.f
Raphael: An interesting skill.
Wolfz: Did Corrupt Final Warrior mention something about Dark Warrior?
Raphael: Yes. She is your opposite, Wolfz. She is the Dark Warrior to the Holy Warrior -- not that you are rivals or on opposite sides, that is.
Tanya: What's this talk about, now?!

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
In you, of course.
Raphael: So you think I'm a nut too?

Tanya: Er... no, but I'd like to know what it is you're talking about.

Raphael: You have a higher purpose as a Warrior of the Apollyon. The one you saw me dueling... he and I are one.

Tanya: ... Schizophrenia to a new level, huh?

Raphael: Let's just say Lord Apocalypse can use even the smallest amount of evil within you and twist it.

Tanya: *whispers* You take orders from this guy, Wolfz?

Wolfz: We-

Raphael: No one takes orders from me. They don't have to. They choose to. You are the Dark Warrior, whether you like it or not. Now we'll need to teach you the basics.

Tanya: Basics?

*Raphael glows brighter and brighter, and then disappears and reappears behind Tanya as the Final Warrior.*

The Final Warrior: The basics of transforming into a higher form.

Tanya: Pretty armor. How'd you do that?

Tyravael: How'd I do what?

*Tanya spins around and is confronted by Tyravael, the angel form of Raphael.*

Tanya: What the?!

Tyravael/Final Warrior: We are one. One are we, yet we are missing one. No brother, we are missing 3.

Tanya: Er...

Wolfz: They converse with each other every once in a while. But we need to show you how to transform.

*Rhianna rushes up to the Final Warrior and Tyravael.*

Rhianna: You two quiet down.

Tyravael/Final Warrior: Yes, m'lady.

Rhianna: Don't call me that. *Turns to Tanya and Wolfz* Hi. I'm Rhianna. You are?


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina, USA
Tanya: *stating quite boldly, and proudly* I am Tanya Shorbane, the Grassfire Burner! I have forsaken my Elven Name, so don't ask!
Rhianna: I see.
Tanya: So...which is his highest form?
Rhianna: I don't think that's important right now. Perhaps we need tell Tanya how to transform?
Wolfz: *sighing* I think I need a chance to tell her.
Tyravael/Final Warrior: I agree. Teach the Dark Warrior how to attain her higher form.
Wolfz: Okay...let's see here... Dark Warrior? I've got it! You personify the Dark Warrior as it is...
Tanya: What are you getting at?
Wolfz: Not evil, just...oh... Just think about...well, you. Think about darkness destroying corruption!
Tanya: Okay...
Wolfz: Oh yeah! Try closing your eyes. It help to concentrate.
Tanya: You aren't going to try anything funny, are you?
Wolfz: Would I do that?
Tanya: *quite bluntly* Yes!
Wolfz: *rubbing back of head; silly anime look* Well...just trust me, would you?
Tanya: *closing her eyes* Whatever...

Instincts take over her when her eyes close, and Wolfz being there actaully aids her. As she begins to feel the transformation take place, Wolfz begins to feel something very different. Holy Warrior just suddenly takes his place, and he is surprised by this reaction. Looking before him at Tanya, he begins to feel restraint lifting. Tanya becomes awash in first light then dark energies. Dragon-like wings sprout out of the cloud that is created, and soon the energies disipate. Before them stands a most unusual site. Dark Warrior actually appears to be a werewolf angel, for she has the wings of an angel but the look of a werewolf. Her face, however, looks more human than wolf -- though still wolfish. Dark Warrior then looks at Holy Warrior.

Dark Warrior: It seems you made a promise.
Holy Warrior: It seems my prayer was answered.
Dark Warrior: Things just got a little more...complicated.
Holy Warrior: I don't think so.
Raphael: It seems you two warriors know eachother.
Holy Warrior: It seems fate is kind and dreams come to fruition. Is there anything you wish to say to Dark Warrior, now?


BattleForums Addict
Jun 11, 2003
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Ilya, city of stone.
Drake: its seems the kid still cant transform so we need to give him some motivation. *Drake transforms into a very realistic looking Vox*

Vox/Drake: hia son

Sam: DAD!

Vox/Drake: hahaha gotcha

*Transforms back*

Sam: aw stop it Drake

???: What did i miss?

*a hooded and cloaked figure aproaches from underneth a tree. The company cannot see his face but the voice is somehow familiar...*

???: heh sam your gettin big

Sam: *draws his sword* who the hell are you?

???: you mean you do not know...

*the final warrior and Tryaval transform back into Raphael*

Raphael: show yourself

???: heh i thought you would be the first to recegnize me... *throws back hood revealing the face of a former companion*

Raphael: VOX!

Sam: DAD!

Wolfz: welcome back!

Drake: who the hell is he?

Vox: ha whos this sad excuse for a samurai?

Drake: Drake...Turbine

Vox: th' name's Vox Eladrin or as my colleges know me as.. THE DARK FLAME WARRIOR

Drake: uh huh really who are you

Vox: *does the anime fall down legs up foot twitching routine* Omg what the hell is this guy Raph?

Rapael: a guy who is teaching your son how to fight.



Raphael: if i may intrude, Sam came of his own free will

Vox: yea well... anyway

Ainar: how did you come back?

Vox: heh the Gods gave me one last chance. they said if i find the sword of Evers'ilance, i can live the rest of my days, teaching my son. But if i day again... its curtains for the Dark Flame Warrior.

Sam: I can take up where you left off watch! *eyes go purple/blue flames again* MAGITTO!! *fires his very formidable purple/blue flaming meteor at a nearby tree, incinerating it to ashes*

Vox: *whistle* very nice

Sam: thank you

Vox: anyway have you learned to transform yet Sam?


Vox: well this filth *pointing to Drake* aint gonna teach you how to transform


Vox: here...stand over here ill go talk to the others

Raphael: its good to see you again

Tanya: who is this guy?

Wolfz: he is the Dark Flame warrior. He is also The Final Warrior's brother and Raphael's brother-in-soul. But he has died too many times now and the gods are giving him 1 last chance to be happy.

Tanya: rrriiiiggghht

Vox: ahh and who is this lovely lady?

Wolfz: Tanya.... the Dark Warrior

Vox: She looks like Violet....*start to burst into tears* i have to go now...

OOC: by the way, vox's tears have healing capabilities just like a phoenix and they are colored purple/blue*
Tanya: right....

Wolfz: Dont ask about Violet. She is or was very dear to him.

Ainar: ive made this *holds up a mechanism* its called the Stay-a-way

Wolfz: wut does it do?

Ainar: it repells enemies from a particular object or person. *looks toward Vox*

Wolfz: no i think Vox is good without a gizmo

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
In you, of course.
OOC: Thanks to BAM for telling me how to get back here... goddamn server... I won't be around much, I'm busy with school and my books (Cursed One (200 pgs. so far...), Fallen One (not started), and Final One (not started))


Raphael: Darkness weaves unto thee strength.

Dark Warrior: What?

Raphael: The Darkness gives you strength. There is no evil within the darkness, but do not use its power for anything and everything. I sound too much like my brother.

Vox: Who, me?

Raphael: No, Tyravael.

Rhianna: What? He's your brother?

Raphael: As is Rezael. We are the Brothers Griffinhart, sons of Lord Death and Lady Life. But eough about that. When do we strike, Ainar?


BattleForums Addict
Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Ilya, city of stone.
Sam: I CAN TRANSFORM! SWEET! thanx dad

Vox: no problem sam

Drake: humph, dumb luck

Vox: i dont like your attatude mister Turbine

Drake: *draws his sword* you want a peice o me boy?

Vox: *draws Wolfsbane* sure you drew blades first so this fight is your fault

Drake: Enough talk lets fight HYYYAAAAA!! *swipes at Vox* What? *Vox fades out*

Vox: boo *slashes Drake from behind*

Drake: grrr Dragon Sword! *Sword starts to glow*

Vox: heh hit me i dare ya

Drake: *stabs at Vox* *sword catches fire* AIIEEE! *drops his blade*

Vox: *points Wolfsbane at Drake's chin* I win.

Drake: No you dont. *pulls out a knife and stabs Vox's leg*

Vox: heh i didnt feel a thing *the knife appears in Vox's hand* i win admit it

Drake: win

Vox: good boy

Raphael: Vox... youve changed. it seems you have mastered your abilities as the Dark Flame Warrior. good i hope you wont die on us again

Vox: *transforms into the Dark Flame Warrior*

DFW: I am the reason that fire exsists. that is why i live with world renown

Raphael: good nice to see you again

DFW: well met brother

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
In you, of course.
Raphael: You think that you are the reason fire exists?

Dark Flame Warrior: Yes.

Raphael: You conjured up the idea of the flame yes, but it was not you. Many Warriors have preceded us. You aren't the first. The Warriors are soon all assembled. Soon it is time for their final task. We are to recover the lost relics of the Lord Apollyon, given unto his most loyal subjects - that is, thw Warriors of the Apollyon - and use it in our battle against the Lord Apocalypse. No Warrior has ever succeeded in these tasks. However, those Warriors were missing one crucial thing...

Dark Flame Warrior: Oh? And that is what?

*Raphael changes as he stands there, his eyes still open so all can see that which is running through him.*

Final Warrior: Me. I am the Final Warrior. If we do not succeed, then the Lord Apocalypse wins, and the universe will no longer exist. I hate to say this, but I am our greatest strength and weakness. Not a good thing. Sometimes I wish that I was only a mere mortal. My life would so much more simple.

Wolfz: What are these relics of the Apollyon?

Final Warrior: The first is a sword wielded by the Dark Flame Warrior, the Daevaestaetaor, or Devastator. I have reason to believe that it is around here somewhere. Most likely guarded by the mages. That is why I have a double reason as to why I am here.

OOC: We need to introduce the Shadow Warrior soon, FinoFantasy.


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
*Ainar spins a revolver upon his finger and then holsters it. Ren stands proudly, inspecting her claws and her golden scales. Ainar then turns to the others and speaks* "We will be moving out shortly. Our mission will be to destroy the Mana Nodes of Amn. If we can destroy them we can severaly cripple the Magi offensive. I need more time to create some explosives. Just a few short hours and I'll have enough plastique and Dynamite to destroy all the Nodes. As for our intelligence on the nodes, we have as follows. They are situated high upon a magical mesa that can only be accessed by two steep, narrow paths. There are 12 Nodes upon the mesa, the area aroudn each is charged with the element each Node represents. They are Life, Death, Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Electricity, Light, Darkness, Iron, Sonic, and Temporal. Within these area the elemental energies with be strong and may even injure those who enter. For the Death, Darkness and Wind Nodes, I shall be going alone. For Fire, Iron, and Sonic, Renesa will have to go alone. There are strong energies in these area which will greatly harm all others, even in our Warrior forms as we will be." *He walks off to a workbench. Meanwhile The Sharp Warrior returns to her Dwelven form. She also leaves, but heads off towards the repair/construction bay.*

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
In you, of course.
Final Warrior: Death? Are you sure I shouldn't go there? I will stay away if you wish it, but I am Death Incarnate. My Brothers and I are the sons of Death. *Mutters to self* Oh for the days when Rezael and Tyravael were still around...

Wolfz: What?

Final Warrior: Hmm? Nothing. Just wishing for days of old, missing even older companions... *a shadow of mourning passes over the Final Warrior's face, but quickly dissapates, replaced by neutrality.* Daey'untaer shaell raeleivae mae eof beurdaens seomaedeay...

Dark Flame Warrior: What? "Day'untar shall relieve me of my burdens someday"?

Final Warrior: Too literal. Day'uuntar. The Lord Apollyon, or some other greater being.

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