Just to clear something out

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Originally posted by Otmorosok
Okay first dont invloe RF in it this is just stupid. Second you want facts here are the facts: according to US time magazine 53% of Americans don't like Bush, according to your defention of patriotism 53% of Americans are not patriots, they don't like their leader. Ever heard of Anti-Bush organizations? Well according to your defenition of a traitor all Americans who are involved in them are traitors. So who is more patriotic?

First off, as I said before, disliking something does not make you a traitor. So once again, your wrong.

Moreover, what does American patriotism have anything to do with anything? Stop going off topic, kid.

I don't see any anti-Putin organizations. Now about the freedom of speech, there is a TV station in Russia and it is called in your language ITV(independent television), it was not government owned and basically all it did was flame our government on every step, some times i agreed with them but some times they just seemed stupid. So you know what Putin did, he forced the owner of the Chanel to escape to England and later captured him and put him into prison, and he confiscated ITV and now it is a government owned station. So you see although there is a law, even our government that passed that law disregards it, they agree with me i hope this is enough facts for you.

Firstly, I would like to see a link with an indetail discription.

Secondly, disregarding something does not me they disagree with it. So, once again, you're wrong.

As for the no anti-Putin organizations, if I don't recall, you have said all Russians hate there government but not the land. So either way, you're a lier.

I don't care what you and Amrtin77 thinks, if i ever meet you than we talk "face to face" but if i don't then i still have a good life, freinds and my motherland. To understand the Russian idea about motherland you should read Pushkin or even better Esenin they were the once who put the idea of motherland that has always been with my people on paper and explained it. Oh yeah, i still don't see the forum adress so now i know for sure that you have no Russian freinds exept for maybe that exchange student,

I will hold the thoughts of Russians citizens in higher regard than Pushkin and Esenin.

And, what shocks me is how you seem to get dumber and dumber. I have said it over and over, there is no Russian forum address! Get it through your head dumbass. I never said there was. I said I have ran into Russians, just like yourself (cept not as stupid), in chatrooms, games, et cetra.

that means that you judjed the nation according to the saying of one man, and that insures you of not making the right conclusions about the country. According to that i my self can not conclude that all Americans are idiots just because you are, i have American freinds and they are good people so you are dumb not because of your genes but because you just are. And if you look at the flamings then you can see that yours are no more mature then mine. And armtin it is well said indeed, i don't agree with you but at least you stay calm and don't make stupid arguments like Guru, now you are an example of a smart American. Even if my government is sending me to war, but i am not gonna fight for a bunch of fat people, i am going to fight for the idea, for my family, for my land, for my people. Those Russians who died in WW2 didn't die thinking about saving Stalin's fat ass they died thinking that they are protecting their motherland.

The Russians who died in WW2 died because of stupidity. Not nationalism.

I judge your nation based on the opinions of many Russians, the stupidity of you, the facts, the news, their history - not one man.

I'm sure calling me an idiot makes you feel like a big boy, but lets not forget the fact that I did win both the arguements, so, I guess if I were an idiot, you've gotta have some sort of mental disease.

And just for the record,

"no one ever won a war dieing for their country, they won by making the other poor bastard die for theirs".

-General Patton

(those probably aren't the exact words, I'm quoting it out of memory)


Nov 23, 2003
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First, you know only one Russian second, stop calling me kid i know you are stupid and immature but still that doesn't give you the right to call someone who has a superior intellect a kid. They died because they were nationalists and you are a lier because you say that some Russians told you that they were stupid then you never talked to a Russian before. About me going of topic, do you even remember what the first argument was? Cause i don't think you do. You never said that there is no forum until now and the first time you said that there is a forum. And can you please stop saying that you won something, i just gave you the facts and you can misinterpret them all you want they will still remain facts and they still proove that i am right. May i remind you that you cald me dumb on many ocassions and i am sure that right now you are feeling a lot like that big boy you mentioned. "Oh look i can't put up an argument so i am going to flame him". You said yourself that disliking and doing something against it makes you a traitor, or if it doesn't then on what grounds did you call me a traitor? I mean all i did was not liking your imaginary Russian freinds flaming my nation. http://www.gazeta.ru/2003/01/21/Dismissedfro.shtml
Here is the link, in English.
Who told you that you won anything anyway you didn't put one valid argument. As for you armtin that was my point that a traitor is someone who harms his nation, but if his imaginary freinds were real, do you think they are going to do good for their nation with that attitude? And Guru did those people tell you that their grandfathers who died for their children's and their motherland's well being were stupid. You know i get the situation you are one of those gay hippies yes that explains a lot.
Alright now lets talk serious, listen kid i showed you the facts you are not listening to them and are even trying to turn them against me, not smart very not smart, learn how to put up a valid argument then i might consider you as equal, right now you are way below that rank. Let me also tell you something, the only reaon you invented nuclear weapons first was because of Jews you got from Germany, we got some too but you got much more. We would have invented it without any help from you, and you do have to be in Russia to know what its like, you not agreeing to it just means you luck the brains to understand the simple things. Guru, Guru, Guru if you can't put up a valid argument then, as i said many times before, just quit it i just gave you all the facts and they are truth no matter what you do with them. And if we were so stupid then why was everyone Afraid of as? Why we only had 2 major looses through out our nations history? Why did we livethrough all those years and expanded our land so greately? Why were we the once who defeated Napoleon, and Hitler don't start with weather we are as vornurable to it as Germans or French were. Why were we the once who took Constantinople then we were just a bunch of barbaric tribes? Can't answer it well here are the fact i won the arguments and you are just puting invalid arguments and saying that they are from your imaginary freinds. And do those freinds like to be called stupid or something, because it seems that you call all Russians that. Grow up, get a girlfreind, start trying to think faster, and come stop going agaisnt your self in your arguments, first you say that Russians are as smart as americans and then you say that all Russians are stupid. About the girlfreind thing i am sorry didn't want to hurt your hippi gay feelings.


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he was calling you a traitor on your own terms, not his. i dont think questioning your country, its government, or the people in it makes you a taritor. i think that when you act to harm your country you are a traitor.


Nov 23, 2003
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I think i should get some of my freinds in this forum, and Pushkin and Esenin are the 19th century Russian poets, for as they are like Lincoln for you.


BattleForums Senior Member
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have at it, it would be a little less one sided that way i guess, and battleforums always likes active members.


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Originally posted by Otmorosok
First, you know only one Russian second, stop calling me kid i know you are stupid and immature but still that doesn't give you the right to call someone who has a superior intellect a kid. They died because they were nationalists and you are a lier because you say that some Russians told you that they were stupid then you never talked to a Russian before. About me going of topic, do you even remember what the first argument was? Cause i don't think you do. You never said that there is no forum until now and the first time you said that there is a forum. And can you please stop saying that you won something, i just gave you the facts and you can misinterpret them all you want they will still remain facts and they still proove that i am right. May i remind you that you cald me dumb on many ocassions and i am sure that right now you are feeling a lot like that big boy you mentioned. "Oh look i can't put up an argument so i am going to flame him". You said yourself that disliking and doing something against it makes you a traitor, or if it doesn't then on what grounds did you call me a traitor? I mean all i did was not liking your imaginary Russian freinds flaming my nation. http://www.gazeta.ru/2003/01/21/Dismissedfro.shtml
Here is the link, in English.
Who told you that you won anything anyway you didn't put one valid argument. As for you armtin that was my point that a traitor is someone who harms his nation, but if his imaginary freinds were real, do you think they are going to do good for their nation with that attitude? And Guru did those people tell you that their grandfathers who died for their children's and their motherland's well being were stupid. You know i get the situation you are one of those gay hippies yes that explains a lot.
Alright now lets talk serious, listen kid i showed you the facts you are not listening to them and are even trying to turn them against me, not smart very not smart, learn how to put up a valid argument then i might consider you as equal, right now you are way below that rank. Let me also tell you something, the only reaon you invented nuclear weapons first was because of Jews you got from Germany, we got some too but you got much more. We would have invented it without any help from you, and you do have to be in Russia to know what its like, you not agreeing to it just means you luck the brains to understand the simple things. Guru, Guru, Guru if you can't put up a valid argument then, as i said many times before, just quit it i just gave you all the facts and they are truth no matter what you do with them. And if we were so stupid then why was everyone Afraid of as? Why we only had 2 major looses through out our nations history? Why did we livethrough all those years and expanded our land so greately? Why were we the once who defeated Napoleon, and Hitler don't start with weather we are as vornurable to it as Germans or French were. Why were we the once who took Constantinople then we were just a bunch of barbaric tribes? Can't answer it well here are the fact i won the arguments and you are just puting invalid arguments and saying that they are from your imaginary freinds. And do those freinds like to be called stupid or something, because it seems that you call all Russians that. Grow up, get a girlfreind, start trying to think faster, and come stop going agaisnt your self in your arguments, first you say that Russians are as smart as americans and then you say that all Russians are stupid. About the girlfreind thing i am sorry didn't want to hurt your hippi gay feelings.
Listen child, you never have put up a valid arguement, you probably never will. There is so much ignorance and immature flaming in that, I thought it was pointless continueing on, but I went ahead and read on. My mistake, it was pointless.

Listen, most of it is so stupid and hard to read, I might leave out a few things he. Don't blame me if I skip something because your lack of spelling, grammar, intelligence, et cetra; and other's are just plain retarded and off the subject we are on.

"You know i get the situation you are one of those gay hippies yes that explains a lot."

First of all, work on your insults. They are about 30-50 years out of date. However, living in a cave in Russia, I can understand that you might have been excommunicated from society.

"Who told you that you won anything anyway you didn't put one valid argument."

Russia, Russia's constitution, me, other members.

"Alright now lets talk serious, listen kid i showed you the facts you are not listening to them and are even trying to turn them against me, not smart very not smart, learn how to put up a valid argument then i might consider you as equal, right now you are way below that rank."

You seem to be the only who thinks that, kid. If you would review your post, you would realize how stupid what you are saying sounds. Hell, half the time you just repeat the things I said to you because you can't think of anything original to say (even if you could, you wouldn't know how to spell it). But if you like me so much you feel the need to idolize me, go right ahead.

The rest of your post, let me sum it up for you: its wrong. I've gone over why it is wrong over and over, posted reliable links to very reliable sites (www.historychannel.com, for example), and I'm not going to go on and on repeating myself about why you wrong because you are too thick headed to understand it, so you just put up false arguements. Sorry if that offends you, kid.

Originally posted by amrtin77
he was calling you a traitor on your own terms, not his. i dont think questioning your country, its government, or the people in it makes you a taritor. i think that when you act to harm your country you are a traitor.
Thank you amrt, thats exactly what I've been trying to say to him on him being the traitor issue, but apparently he is just too narrow minded to accept the truth.


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^ hey guru u f00 how the **** can u critise him for bad spelling + gramar u speak(type) perfect russian and get everything right..stupid jackass omg your a kid your a kid!! stupid name calling like that = LOL if hes a kid then hes ****ing smart! and..... i won a argument...... rofl u cant win a argument and your the only who says that..
And we would have nukes, and hydrogen bombs, we did not steal it from u we invented it ourselves,
urm a german invented it (he was working for you) but then your country says hey lets pick 2 BIG cities in japan and flatten them. millions of civilians will die but what does that matter as long as we win GOOD JOB AMERICA!!!
The reason Napoleon and Hitler lost to Russia had nothing to do with Russia's anger. It was for the simple fact they were poorly equiped, and a vast amount of them died because of the harsh climate.
urm germany were better equiped that america but americans had more.... sherman < tiger but whens its 6-1... the germans didnt have enough weather proof clothes but it has been blown out of proportion the russians were disadvantaged germans had beeter machine guns than the english ffs and russian rifles.... it definitely wasnt just the weather
You have MIGs...big whoop...have you seen the new stealth fighters for airial combat the US are coming out with? They are amazing...
its very odd that theese latest fighters from the US have uncanny similarities to the euro-fighter coincedence? i think not


Nov 23, 2003
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Finally someone is here to support me, oh and yes German Jews were the once who invented nukes, but they didn't invent hydrogen bombs. And there is Guru? Probably went hiding under his bed after realizing that he was wrong.


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Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC
^ hey guru u f00 how the **** can u critise him for bad spelling + gramar u speak(type) perfect russian and get everything right..stupid jackass omg your a kid your a kid!! stupid name calling like that = LOL if hes a kid then hes ****ing smart! and..... i won a argument......

Thats one of the most immature and childish things i've ever seen. There was no train of thought put into that, and all you did was convince the world you are an idiot.

rofl u cant win a argument and your the only who says that..
You just said it. And if you would review posts, you'd see that Otmorosok repeated it and others things I said numerous times.

urm a german invented it (he was working for you)
oh and yes German Jews were the once who invented nukes
Wow you two are dumb. What German do you speak of? I can assure you no German-jew invented the atomic bomb. You two should really check up on your history.

but then your country says hey lets pick 2 BIG cities in japan and flatten them. millions of civilians will die but what does that matter as long as we win GOOD JOB AMERICA!!!
I can't emphasize the fact you are an idiot enough. The death toll was no where near a million people, only about 100,000 thousand people died. Do you realize that Japan was going to fight to the death? In the long run, it saved lives.

And there is Guru? Probably went hiding under his bed after realizing that he was wrong.
Thanks for some more immaturity. Truth of the matter is, I have this thing to attend, it is called school. Dumbass.


Nov 23, 2003
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All so you came out from under the bed. Before calling someone immature read your own flamings and compare the 2, you were the one who called me a kid, and who said i was a traitor if that is not immature then what is? I think you have a wrong understanding of what is, immature. Now about you being smarter then me, i would like you not to forget who is multilengual here. You really have to check your history about the invention of nukes, you might find something interesting and something to make you look less of an idiot. You prooved that you are dumb a long time ago, so i can understand most of your reactions. Let me count your dumbass steps: first you say something ridiculus, then you say you have a source to proove you right, in this case you imaginary Russian freinds who according to your own words think that they are stupid. Then you say something even more unlikely like you wining the argument, after that you start calling everyone immature because you have no way to reply to your opponents. And finally i think after 2 weeks the thought of shuting up will finally reach your brain. You can proove nothing therefore you are wrong. I get Dima in here on Saturday, he is good at debating, even you probably are gonna finally ralize that you are stupid. Oh and one more thing sarcasm is in the intanation of your voice so you cant understand if you are being sarcastic or not from your writing. And i go strait men, hippies suck. Or and something else if you want to see something immature just look in the mirror at your ugly face.


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Originally posted by Otmorosok
All so you came out from under the bed. Before calling someone immature read your own flamings and compare the 2, you were the one who called me a kid, and who said i was a traitor if that is not immature then what is? I think you have a wrong understanding of what is, immature. Now about you being smarter then me, i would like you not to forget who is multilengual here. You really have to check your history about the invention of nukes, you might find something interesting and something to make you look less of an idiot. You prooved that you are dumb a long time ago, so i can understand most of your reactions. Let me count your dumbass steps: first you say something ridiculus, then you say you have a source to proove you right, in this case you imaginary Russian freinds who according to your own words think that they are stupid. Then you say something even more unlikely like you wining the argument, after that you start calling everyone immature because you have no way to reply to your opponents. And finally i think after 2 weeks the thought of shuting up will finally reach your brain. You can proove nothing therefore you are wrong. I get Dima in here on Saturday, he is good at debating, even you probably are gonna finally ralize that you are stupid. Oh and one more thing sarcasm is in the intanation of your voice so you cant understand if you are being sarcastic or not from your writing. And i go strait men, hippies suck. Or and something else if you want to see something immature just look in the mirror at your ugly face.
My flaming is not immature comments like "GURU YOU F00!", all it is is pointing out your own immaturity and stupidity.

At the nukes, please, go ahead an tell me. What German-jew invented the nuclear bomb? Please share.

Calling you a traitor was not flaming. Instead, it was stating a fact. According to your country, you are the traitor, not the people you were accusing of such. I put up a valid arguement, and quoted your own constitution.

Face it kid, my arguement had fact after fact backing it up, yours had hardly any.

And for the record, I love how you have to call someone else because you aren't mature enough or intelligent enough to put up your own arguement.


Nov 23, 2003
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First your Russian freinds don't even exist, second what have i done against my country? HAve i beaten anyone up yet? Talking about it doesn't make me a traitor even by your incorrect definition of it, and if i beat someone up then i just say that i did because i didn't like them not because they don't love their own country. Your flames are no better then mine, you call me idiot, dumb, stupid, basically all the things i call you, but in my case you are those things. Have you read my link? It prooves you wrong cause if my government doesn't folloe the rules then how is it agaisnt me? Beisedes you are still to provide a link there you got the info about my nations constitution. And not to forget another fact i presented you are a gay hippy. I will not bring my freinds here, why would anyone want to talk to some American who only flames their country with no valid arguments and finally doesn't understand what he is talking about. We did have great generals, ever heard of Kutuzov? I guess not.


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Thats one of the most immature and childish things i've ever seen. There was no train of thought put into that, and all you did was convince the world you are an idiot.
well obviously the WHOLE WORLD wont see this lmao people theese days.. exagerate exagerate...what do u think youve proved to everyone who see's your post? stupid name calling like your a kid, your stupid, he said this stuff aswell! (shifting blame).

"I can't emphasize the fact you are an idiot enough. The death toll was no where near a million people, only about 100,000 thousand people died. Do you realize that Japan was going to fight to the death? In the long run, it saved lives." firstly its obvious you have never heard of propaganda (goverment lieing to get you on thier side)the number of innocent was far greater than this and so what if they were pretty likely to fight to the death.. dont most countries i think most people stop fighting when there dead... this wernt no reason to kill so many innocent people the cities were nice big test subjects...


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Originally posted by Otmorosok
First your Russian freinds don't even exist, second what have i done against my country? HAve i beaten anyone up yet? Talking about it doesn't make me a traitor even by your incorrect definition of it, and if i beat someone up then i just say that i did because i didn't like them not because they don't love their own country. Your flames are no better then mine, you call me idiot, dumb, stupid, basically all the things i call you, but in my case you are those things. Have you read my link? It prooves you wrong cause if my government doesn't folloe the rules then how is it agaisnt me? Beisedes you are still to provide a link there you got the info about my nations constitution. And not to forget another fact i presented you are a gay hippy. I will not bring my freinds here, why would anyone want to talk to some American who only flames their country with no valid arguments and finally doesn't understand what he is talking about. We did have great generals, ever heard of Kutuzov? I guess not.
My Russians friends exist just as much as your arguement does on "how Russia really is, and how written facts dont actually apply".

Nextly, talking against and threating a cause is just as much going against it.

And, I just read the link. From what that link said, you were completely mistaken. It basically said you were a lie.

Lets recall what you said about it:
Now about the freedom of speech, there is a TV station in Russia and it is called in your language ITV(independent television), it was not government owned and basically all it did was flame our government on every step, some times i agreed with them but some times they just seemed stupid. So you know what Putin did, he forced the owner of the Chanel to escape to England and later captured him and put him into prison, and he confiscated ITV and now it is a government owned station.
First of all, you don't even have the name of the station right. According to that article its "NTV", not "ITV".

The articled mentioned nothing of Jordan escaping to England and being capture and put in prison. Infact, it said he would even be recieving stock worth about $10 million.

Nextly, he was demissed by a vote of the company board, the government never took control of the station. His dismissal was only government influenced, not forced.

Once again, what you said is all wrong and false.

Give it up kid, I'm right, your wrong.


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Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC
well obviously the WHOLE WORLD wont see this lmao people theese days.. exagerate exagerate...what do u think youve proved to everyone who see's your post? stupid name calling like your a kid, your stupid, he said this stuff aswell! (shifting blame).

My posts where valid arguements, not immature flames as are yours.

firstly its obvious you have never heard of propaganda (goverment lieing to get you on thier side)the number of innocent was far greater than this and so what if they were pretty likely to fight to the death.. dont most countries i think most people stop fighting when there dead... this wernt no reason to kill so many innocent people the cities were nice big test subjects...
Propaganda isn't lieing, it is a persuasive technique.

You don't quite understand Japans determination. Did you know, the night before the Emperor announced Japan's surrended, there was a munity? They tried to take the imperial palace and take the Emperors recording of the surrender speech so he couldn't play it on public radio the next day. However, because a US bombing mission, they cut the power, and halted the munity - or something of the sort. The day after, when the Emperor announced surrender, the suicide count of Japanesse soldiers was extremely high. Thats how determinded they where, and thats how much shame they felt when they lost. Just about everyman in the Japanesse army, and millions of American soldiers would have died if not for the atom bombs. Although they might have been soldiers, they are just as much human beings as the civilians who died.

Not to mention the fact if it weren't for the atmoic bombs, we would have lost the war. You probably didn;t know this, but Japan actually had Jet fighters being tested and built. If they had had about another year, those jets would have ate the American army alive, and eventually given Japan the power to invade US soil.

You have no idea how many lives were saved.


Nov 23, 2003
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First your arguments are not valid and that is a fact, second i called it ITV because N stands for nezavisimoie that means independent in English. Second tommorow i get another link, and third again before calling someone immature don't rely on your non existened russian freinds and start writing valid arguments.
Show me those facts you claim you said. I have respect for your country you have no respect for mine, so excuse me if i don't like you. And you haven't answered my question, if those Russians existed did everything they said about Russia came to: "Russia is weak it had no future, i am dumb because i am Russian". We are great people, we have great culture and a 1000 years of history behind as, who are you to call as dumb, we have succeded there others have failed, for example Napoleon, Hitler, Byzantium Empire, Mongols we have lived through all of them and at the end came out victorious you can't doubt those facts this is history it can not be changed. And if talking or threatening a cause is making me a traitor first i must ask you says who? And second how isn't that applicable to your imaginary freinds? They talk against their country, against our cause as a great nation of this earth. And i can see a bit more from here then you can see from acroos the ocean, don't forget that fact. Get this into your head your arguments are immature and invalid so shut up and if you want to proove something then bring one of those freinds of yours here, that exchange student, i want to talk to him because even if he did say that Russia sucks then i am sure that it was just you misunderstanding him.


BattleForums Senior Member
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oto and the other dude, guru is right. the atom bomb may have been wrong, but given the situation i believe it was the best option.

and oto, how are his arguments false? hes completely right, except i do believe the a bomb was built, or helped by einstein (was he german?) either way i dont give a shit who invented it, we had it and we used it to end the war with japan.

oto dont just say "no your wrong" tell us WHY hes wrong. pick apart his argument dont just say your wrong.


Nov 23, 2003
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Let em answer my questions first it is enough for him to process for now, and why should i do this i mean he doesn't do it then he tells me that i am wrong. Einstein was German. And Guru doesn't respect my country while i am neutral towards his, he knows nothing of my people and makes some assumptions that he can only test by living there. And then is he going to realize that he is flaming as much as me and his flames are more immature and that he only stated one fact and that fact first not supported by link and second not valid.


BattleForums Senior Member
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if you want the flaming to end, stop flaming him. if you want to say his arguments are false, give us reason they are false. an unbased flame does not discredit another unbased flame.


Nov 23, 2003
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As i said i already gave him enough to answer, let em do this first don't worry i have plenty of more to say.
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