BattleForums Senior Member
you got it backwards dude.
and how is that exactly?Originally posted by amrtin77
you got it backwards dude.
So u may see now that i disagree with u cause u have no explanations for your argument. U just say that it is so because it is and make for some reason u mention Hitler, still that does not change it fascim has never influenced Russia, and it was not fascism that made it possible for USSR to exist so long,which i think was good for Russia as a nation.Originally posted by amrtin77
nevermind, i thought u had it backwardsi reread your post my bad
It was not fascism it was dictatorship, and let me change my opinion yes fascism did influence Russia, we cam out of the war with Nazis more powerful then ever. What do u think fascism is? Killing of innocent people and trying to conquer the world? Because if u think that is fascism u are deeply mistaken.Originally posted by amrtin77
it was a mistake on my part, but now your startin somethin.......
fascism never influenced russia? so stalin never existed, right? if im not mistaken it was stalin who industrialized russia.
we did not racism and there is another word for what we had totalitarismOriginally posted by amrtin77
fas·cism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fshzm)
often Fascism
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
Oppressive, dictatorial control.
i am not mistaken.
Lets not forget who invented those first...Originally posted by Otmorosok
And we would have nukes, and hydrogen bombs, we did not steal it from u we invented it ourselves,
Let's not forget you are an American.
it is just so typical of Americans to make up some redicilus stories then they cant take the truth, yes we are as smart as you, and yes u should be happy that real war never came, because all you have to do to get killed is to get Russia angry, like did Napoleon and Hitler.
Originally posted by Guru
Lets not forget who invented those first...
Let's not forget you are an American.
Individual Russians are just as smart as Individual Americans, but lets remember America has literally twice the amount of people. Thats twice the amount of minds. As an overall country, the United States is smarter for the simple fact we have twice the amount of minds to think.
The reason Napoleon and Hitler lost to Russia had nothing to do with Russia's anger. It was for the simple fact they were poorly equiped, and a vast amount of them died because of the harsh climate.
If the United States and Russia were to go to war, there is no question the United States would win, unless nukes were used.
In that case, our missles would pass eachother in the air, and it would be a nuclear holocaust, resulting in a draw.
However, if nuclear missles were not used, the United States
would win so easily with the huge edge on technology. Yes, you have hydrogen bombs, but those are old school. How are your cruise missles and stealth bombers coming along? Modern warfare has nothing to do with anger and shear numbers, it is all about the military leaders, technology, and money.
You don't have to live in Russia to know what Russia is like. If you think you do, it (and all the other arrogant remarks) just goes to show I obviously know more than you do.Originally posted by Otmorosok
I would expect u to say all this, u are not Russian, u have never been to Russia, u don't know anything, and what was that about me being an american?
We would have won WW2 without anyonce help, it is all in numbers, Hitler kills more of as we become angrier, i am not saying that only Russians are doing that during the war, all i am saying that we have loyalty to our land, u have loyalty to your government, it angered as greately that Germans were taking our land, all we needed was motivation, Germans dug their own grave. I didn't say that we invented nukes first, i said that we invented them without any help from US traitors.
Now to say something to Faerie and that other guy, i know that your public school system is very uninformotive so i understand why u are the way u are. First we would have won the war without weather, for example Stalingrad, we destroyed most of German panzer devisions in there, how was weather helping as? Our soldiers had to run against German machine guns, and only every third soldier was given a rifle, yet we won and if we haven't destroyed those panzers with our tanks (T-34 considered the best medium size tank of WW2) then they would very easily destroy your forces, they done very good job at it before Hitler send them to Stalingrad. If we haven't destroyed those tanks then all Hitler had to do was to just provide air support because the exchange rate of the tanks was 1 German for 20 Allied. You would have been simply over run. Faerie if not Stalin then we would have more people, we had 20 years before WW2 to industrialize, if we would do it the way Lenin planned then things would go smoothly and 10 million Russian people would not end up dead, killed by Stalin.
Any anger that Russia had was cancelled out by stupidity. Russia has never been much for generalship.By Dec., 1941, German mechanized divisions had destroyed a substantial part of the Soviet army and had overrun much of European Russia. However, the harsh Russian winter halted the German sweep
And i didn't want to say this but, well world doesn't like you, before the Iraq situation you were looked at as a little anoying, but mostly good nation with good people and all, but now people are starting to talk about you starting WW3, even i the one who has freinds in US, feel some sort of hostility towards it, in Iraq situation you didn't even try to hide that you are doing something like that only because of resources and to have more influence. Sorry for saying this but i have been to Germany and England recently, that is how people feel. That is the fact, i did not make this up.
Originally posted by Guru
You don't have to live in Russia to know what Russia is like. If you think you do, it (and all the other arrogant remarks) just goes to show I obviously know more than you do.
What was that about you being an American? You live in America, you can be classified as an American - regardless of if you have gone through naturalization or not.
As I said it before, the main reason Germany loss was because the land and weather was so harsh.
Any anger that Russia had was cancelled out by stupidity. Russia has never been much for generalship.
As I stated previously, so many Germans had frozen to death and suffered from frost bite they weren't able to stop the Russian counter offensive. If they had had good weather, they would have had way more men and been able to hold Stalingrad.
The reason Russia one had nothing to do with "anger". It was because of more tanks, bad weather, and shear numbers. Sorry to burst your bubble of extreme arrogance once again.
Furthermore, without technology developed by the United States, Russia would not have been able to develop nuclear weapons.
Oh, and since your ignorant and didn't know, in our school system, you can take AP classes your sophmore year. But I would expect such lack of knowledge from an arrogent Russian.
Rofl, no shit sherlock. Why you felt the need to state such the obvious is a mystery. But, I have a new flash for you, it doesn't matter if the rest of the world hates us, as long as the worlds leaders do. Take Great Britain and France for example - there people hate us - but we are still allies are we not?
Originally posted by Otmorosok
Wrong. My knowledge is based on what normal Russias say and have said.Second you don't know anything about Russia, cause you haven't been there, your knowledge is based only on stereotipyes,
I don't care what you say about as wining the war only because of our weather, because i can give you a couple of douzen sources that will say that weather had nothing to do with it, exept you are not smart enough to understand the languages they are written in and i don't want to bother with translating.
I love how you can never back you awnsers try to say that you can, but then make excuses to avoid posting where those sources are.
Stop tossing out things you cant proove. I see it everyone of your posts. You try to say something is true about someone or something for stupid reasons that you have observed and stick by them although no one agrees with you.
We have great technology, maybe in some ways better then yours, all you said was that your technology is greater, you said that because you think that we still use 50 year old technology we used in WW2.
I never said you used equipment from WW2, but the US has the technological edge. It's fact, rather you would like to except it or not, that how it is.
Want examples?
You have MIGs...big whoop...have you seen the new stealth fighters for airial combat the US are coming out with? They are amazing...
Through out history, the United States has made the majority of technicological advances. Just about everything you have, we had first. While you are developing new technology, we are making ours better.
No offense to you oh so dear motherland, but you can't compete with the United States in technology. For the simple fact we have more minds to think, and more money to spend on programs, manufacturing, et cetra.
Might I add, money is perhaps the most important thing in modern warfare, and it just so happens the United States accounts for 1% of the Worlds population, but contains 60% of the worlds wealth.
Thats the facts.
I know that you are 20% illiterate, so I suppose you missed the section of my posting in response to the world hating America. However, that seems to be such a big concern to you, I will elaborate on it.
If i die in Chechnya, then my freinds and family will care about it. And i am guessing that if you don't reply to my comment about world not liking US, you are agreeing with me. US is better not to put it's nose in what isn't its business or the real nations, the old world nations including Russia may finaly get anoyed enough to stop tolerating your existence. You don't like the truth then shut up and go crying to your Mommy, i am sure someone like you is good at doing that. I am sure that you are going to be satisfied with yourselve at age 18 then all you have to do to feel patriotic is to pay taxes, while i am going to show my love for my nation with my blood.
What you said was in no way fact. A select few of people that you bumped into in England and Germany can in no way represent an entire country. You thinking it is goes to show how ignorant you are. Yes, some English and Germans do dislike America, but they both owe a ton to America. Some of the more intellgent Europeans realize that.
Furthermore, it doesn't matter if some of the world dislikes America, as long as their leaders do. Take Great Britain and France for example - there people hate us (and if you lived in America you would know we hate them just as much in return) - but we are still allies are we not? Politics is not a popularity contest, kid.
America has provided aid to so many countries, and so many countries owe their existence to America. Whether you (and others) like it or not, America has helped this world far more than Russia ever has.
And let me add this: although some people may dislike us, the immagrents keep pouring in, and not many are leaving. I don't see anyone rushing into Russia.
Thats is what a fact is. Not opinions of one or two kids from your past expierences.