Just to clear something out

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You didn't view it as an arguement? I take that as an "I agree". I put facts, examples, and legitimate reasons. While your arguements are not backed up by shit. If anything, I should be the one saying that to you.

Also, I intend to believe the majority of Russians I run into, than just you. Sorry if that is a surprise to you.

What you said about you'd have everyone on the streets - if that were true, it goes to proove how uncivilied, small minded, and arrogant Russians are - especially you. People are entitled to there own opinion, rather you like it or not. You need to learn and respect this. It is called Freedom. People are entitled to it. You have no right to take it away or assualt them because of it.

Immagration wise, thats funny you even try to compare.

Historically, post1970 immigrants and their descendants have added between 35 and 45 million people to America's population48 - the equivalent of absorbing all of Central America, excluding Mexico,49 in less than 30 years
Immagration contributes over 2.25 million people annually, and within the next century the population is expected to double.

(taken from http://www.susps.org/overview/immigration.html)

Russia, on the other hand...

Experts say that Russia not only has no immigration strategy, it has no effective laws to govern the issue at all. "There are only prohibitions," says Viktor Voronkov, director of the St. Petersburg Center for Independent Social Research. "This guarantees that most immigration remains illegal, a boon to only the black market and the criminalized part of society." Tens of thousands of migrant construction workers, from Ukraine, Moldova, and other CIS countries fuel a growing housing boom on Moscow's outskirts, yet few have legal status in Russia or pay any taxes.
"Demographic experts say that the country is losing one million of its population annually, and the nosedive is accelerating."

"Russia is facing a demographic crisis so dire that its population could shrink by half within 50 years."

Don't attempt to compare demographics.

(taken from http://www.cdi.org/russia/202-4.cfm)

That is what an arguement is. Can you argue that?


Nov 23, 2003
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Originally posted by Guru
You didn't view it as an arguement? I take that as an "I agree". I put facts, examples, and legitimate reasons. While your arguements are not backed up by shit. If anything, I should be the one saying that to you.

Also, I intend to believe the majority of Russians I run into, than just you. Sorry if that is a surprise to you.

What you said about you'd have everyone on the streets - if that were true, it goes to proove how uncivilied, small minded, and arrogant Russians are - especially you. People are entitled to there own opinion, rather you like it or not. You need to learn and respect this. It is called Freedom. People are entitled to it. You have no right to take it away or assualt them because of it.

Immagration wise, thats funny you even try to compare.

Immagration contributes over 2.25 million people annually, and within the next century the population is expected to double.

(taken from http://www.susps.org/overview/immigration.html)

Russia, on the other hand...

"Demographic experts say that the country is losing one million of its population annually, and the nosedive is accelerating."

"Russia is facing a demographic crisis so dire that its population could shrink by half within 50 years."

Don't attempt to compare demographics.

(taken from http://www.cdi.org/russia/202-4.cfm)

That is what an arguement is. Can you argue that?
Thr fact that all the Russians you know don't love their country does make them traitors. The fact that Russians in Russia do love their country and are going to be hostile against traitors does not make as arrogant it makes as nationalists. I don't agree with you, there are those facts you are talking about? You are saying something but you not backing it up. I too am not doing this but perhaps i should start. We have a lot of immigrants and yes our population was shrinking but this year (and i know it because it was said by our president before the new year) the growth rate increased on 5% that isn't much but we are moving, conditions for life inprove and people are now more able to afford children. About the immigrants i am not saying that it is a good thing for as. There is a whole region of Russia near the border with China there Chinese immigrants live. They form their own communities, they speak their own language, sooner or later that might lead to the war with China. You know what the worst thing is, we can't do anything about it, they obey the law and "thanks" to US winning the cold war and braking up USSR we now care about what world thinks of as. Again thank you for braking as up and weakening as. We have stealth bombers by the way i just watched the news another day, they are upgrading pur air force. I am thinking it is because of the money that came from sell phone and TV cable and satelite companies. We are now using all the nukes we had to disarm in Germany as rockets to launch satelites into space. All we need right now is a better leader, actually that is what we always needed, we are good people but twe are easily corrupted by power. Actually we might have a good leader, Mironov, he looks like an average Russian, i am going to vote soon i choose him. S a closing i want to ask you are all the Russians you know traitors and don't love their country?


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Originally posted by Otmorosok
Thr fact that all the Russians you know don't love their country does make them traitors. The fact that Russians in Russia do love their country and are going to be hostile against traitors does not make as arrogant it makes as nationalists. I don't agree with you, there are those facts you are talking about? You are saying something but you not backing it up.

I'm giving you reasons and facts. Thats backing something up. A traitor is someone who turns against something or someone else. Just because you don't like something does not mean you are going against it. And whether you like it or not, people are allowed to think what they like. A Russian citizen has every right to say "**** Russia"

You don't think I'm right? You disagree? You want facts?

The Constitution of the Russian Federation says that I am right and you are wrong.

And lets not forget who created this constitution"

"We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation"

That includes you. So really, I guess not letting someone think what they like would make you the traitor, since in logic you're the one disobeying the constitution of Russia.

Article 26:

Article 29
1. Each person is guaranteed freedom of thought and speech.
There it is. Suck on it. You're entire country agreed on it.

I too am not doing this but perhaps i should start. We have a lot of immigrants and yes our population was shrinking but this year (and i know it because it was said by our president before the new year) the growth rate increased on 5% that isn't much but we are moving, conditions for life inprove and people are now more able to afford children. About the immigrants i am not saying that it is a good thing for as. There is a whole region of Russia near the border with China there Chinese immigrants live. They form their own communities, they speak their own language, sooner or later that might lead to the war with China.

Not sure if you've ever been to citys on the West Coast, but just about ever major one of them has a "Chinatown".

Face the facts, your population and immagration is crap compared to that of the United States. Why you are trying to argue is a mistery.

You know what the worst thing is, we can't do anything about it, they obey the law and "thanks" to US winning the cold war and braking up USSR we now care about what world thinks of as. Again thank you for braking as up and weakening as.

Keep telling yourself that. You're entire country seems to be against you. But that's ok. Make excuses.

We have stealth bombers by the way i just watched the news another day, they are upgrading pur air force. I am thinking it is because of the money that came from sell phone and TV cable and satelite companies.

I'm talking about the US' stealth fighters that will be coming out in a few years. Amazing. Supersonic. Stealth. These are for air to air combat, your MIGs wouldn't stand a chance since you can't pick them up on radar.

Money wise, don't try to argue you are rich. In the United States eyes, you are as rich as the hobo outside of McDonalds begging for a dime. As I said before, the US has 60% of the worlds wealth.

i want to ask you are all the Russians you know traitors and don't love their country?

In your eyes, they might be traitors. In the rest of your countries eyes, you are the traitor.

To sum it up, I'm putting more facts and reasources on the table than your brain can handle. I havn't seen one reference from you. Once again, you're putting out bullshit.


Nov 23, 2003
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Originally posted by Guru

I'm giving you reasons and facts. Thats backing something up. A traitor is someone who turns against something or someone else. Just because you don't like something does not mean you are going against it. And whether you like it or not, people are allowed to think what they like. A Russian citizen has every right to say "**** Russia"

You don't think I'm right? You disagree? You want facts?

The Constitution of the Russian Federation says that I am right and you are wrong.

And lets not forget who created this constitution"

"We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation"

That includes you. So really, I guess not letting someone think what they like would make you the traitor, since in logic you're the one disobeying the constitution of Russia.

Article 26:

There it is. Suck on it. You're entire country agreed on it.


Not sure if you've ever been to citys on the West Coast, but just about ever major one of them has a "Chinatown".

Face the facts, your population and immagration is crap compared to that of the United States. Why you are trying to argue is a mistery.


Keep telling yourself that. You're entire country seems to be against you. But that's ok. Make excuses.


I'm talking about the US' stealth fighters that will be coming out in a few years. Amazing. Supersonic. Stealth. These are for air to air combat, your MIGs wouldn't stand a chance since you can't pick them up on radar.

Money wise, don't try to argue you are rich. In the United States eyes, you are as rich as the hobo outside of McDonalds begging for a dime. As I said before, the US has 60% of the worlds wealth.


In your eyes, they might be traitors. In the rest of your countries eyes, you are the traitor.

To sum it up, I'm putting more facts and reasources on the table than your brain can handle. I havn't seen one reference from you. Once again, you're putting out bullshit. [/B]
Alright first the constitution was created by few people, and i am saying the opinion of the majority. As i said we don't like our government, but we love our land, our cities, our culture. I never said that we are reacher or have a bigger population then US. Then did i say that, i only stated that it is not as bad as you think it is in Russia. Calling me a traitor, well i know you are surrounded by traitors from Russia so i can understand why you saying it. All that crap on the paper is nothing, in the real life you might not no this but Russians love their country and you do have to be careful about what you say, it is not like anyone going to call police on you they gonna handle it themselves. Please tell me what i have not covered.


Nov 23, 2003
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Originally posted by Otmorosok
Alright first the constitution was created by few people, and i am saying the opinion of the majority. As i said we don't like our government, but we love our land, our cities, our culture. I never said that we are reacher or have a bigger population then US. Then did i say that, i only stated that it is not as bad as you think it is in Russia. Calling me a traitor, well i know you are surrounded by traitors from Russia so i can understand why you saying it. All that crap on the paper is nothing, in the real life you might not no this but Russians love their country and you do have to be careful about what you say, it is not like anyone going to call police on you they gonna handle it themselves. Please tell me what i have not covered. Oh yes and most people liked life more during USSR, i mean better pay, you always had money the life was good and everyone was afraid of as, it was good. After everything broke apart the money that people earned became nothing you couldn't by anythiong on it, many went into drinking, a lot became homeless, criminals were taking what they wanted and no on could stop them, today we have gone through much but we still have a long way to go before becoming as powerful as we were before 1990. Your freinds are traitors whenever you like it or not, if they have no respect for their motherland they have no respect for themselves, if they have no respect for themselves they are not to be considered human, they are scum and nothing more all you can do is put them out of their misary (wrong spelling)
Please excuse me for double posting that was a pure accident, i pushed the wrong button.


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Originally posted by Otmorosok
Alright first the constitution was created by few people, and i am saying the opinion of the majority. As i said we don't like our government, but we love our land, our cities, our culture. I never said that we are reacher or have a bigger population then US. Then did i say that, i only stated that it is not as bad as you think it is in Russia. Calling me a traitor, well i know you are surrounded by traitors from Russia so i can understand why you saying it. All that crap on the paper is nothing, in the real life you might not no this but Russians love their country and you do have to be careful about what you say, it is not like anyone going to call police on you they gonna handle it themselves. Please tell me what i have not covered.
As a citizen of Russia, the constitution applies to you. Whether you like it or not. Your land, your cities, your culture is formed and ran by your government. Going against the your own constitution and taking away a fellow Russian's rights is treason, in my eyes, and in your country's eyes, whether you choose to accept it or not.

I'd like to finish by saying. very impressive post (that is sarcasm btw). Once again you provide no facts or reference with the exception of fictional situations. But what shocked me the most is that you denied an entire list of facts, simply saying "it is not so". Once again you fail to put up any arguement.


Nov 23, 2003
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Originally posted by Guru
As a citizen of Russia, the constitution applies to you. Whether you like it or not. Your land, your cities, your culture is formed and ran by your government. Going against the your own constitution and taking away a fellow Russian's rights is treason, in my eyes, and in your country's eyes, whether you choose to accept it or not.

I'd like to finish by saying. very impressive post (that is sarcasm btw). Once again you provide no facts or reference with the exception of fictional situations. But what shocked me the most is that you denied an entire list of facts, simply saying "it is not so". Once again you fail to put up any arguement.
Well first let me say that you are no Russian so i don't care how i look in your eyes, second my country agrees with me, people who run that country agree with me. The stuff that is written on some paper somethere is only what it is, a pease of paper. People are going to agree with me, because no one likes it then someone says something bad about their country, especially if it is said by someone of your own people. Oh and one more thing, so you are saying that every Russian you know has only said bad things about their country? You know what i don't care what they say. As long as they keep their asses away from Russia and not trying to blow up buildings or something i don't care. What do they want anyway? Do they want Russia to be conquered by US, do they want our spirit and our understanding of life which we have kept with us through more then a 1000 years, to be destroyed. If they do not respect Russian culture, they don't respect our traditions, our way of living our understanding of things like life and death, honor and shame, what gives them a right to call themselves Russian? They can call themselves Russian-Americans but i can't take it that they are going to call themselves Russian then they have nothing of Russia in them.


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Once again, no facts = no arguement.

Sorry kid, but the fact that your entire country disagrees with you, is a fact. It's written. You are entitled to obey it. Like I said, you can keep telling yourself that you are right, but the truth is the facts and your entire country agree with me. Being the ignorant kid you are, I'm sure you will deny that or make another, false, retarded excuse about it. Something like you've said before, in example "the facts are factual because i dont want them to be blah blah blah."

Stop wasting your time kid, you're not putting up any arguement what-so-ever.


Nov 23, 2003
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Originally posted by Guru
Once again, no facts = no arguement.

Sorry kid, but the fact that your entire country disagrees with you, is a fact. It's written. You are entitled to obey it. Like I said, you can keep telling yourself that you are right, but the truth is the facts and your entire country agree with me. Being the ignorant kid you are, I'm sure you will deny that or make another, false, retarded excuse about it. Something like you've said before, in example "the facts are factual because i dont want them to be blah blah blah."

Stop wasting your time kid, you're not putting up any arguement what-so-ever.
Excuse me but as i said my country does agree with you, and i am not going to be called a kid by some 12 year old who can't get it in his head that what is written on the paper is nothing, you put me in the position then i can't really proove anything with what you call "facts" because you know it is a fact that people anythere are not going to like it then someone says something bad about their country, oops sorry i meant everythere exept US. You are a kid here, your argument is so weak that you don't even choose to answer my questions. I don't remember anyone asking all 140 million Russians if they want the things to be the way they are. You see son it is a bit more complicated then you think and my country does agree with me, ofcourse i don't expect you to understand me, i mean you are hanging out with people who hate their own country, in my eyes and in the eyes of everyone i know, and according to the attitude i see on the news and on the street every day, those people are traitors and please i know you understand what i am saying no one asked the people if they wanted to let the traitors be above the law, besides who cares about the law? Lets say i beat up a traitor, what is he going to do? Go to police? I don't care he can proove nothing, it is just going to be worse for him then i see him again. And calling me a kid, common if you can't answer me then atleast don't show your immaturity by calling me names, what is this a kindergarden? And please don't you start that thing about spelling. Oh and you haven't answered my question, are all the Russians you know only say bad things about Russia and if they do, then what is it exactly that makes them Russian? I want to remind you that if they have a double citizenship in US then they need a Visa to be in Russia even if they were born in there, so they aren't even considered Russian by law.


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Originally posted by Otmorosok
Excuse me but as i said my country does agree with you, and i am not going to be called a kid by some 12 year old

Look kid, if you act childish and make stupid assumptions, you're going to get called a kid. Judging by your posts and intelligence level, one would think you would be used to it by now.

you put me in the position then i can't really proove anything with what you call "facts" because you know it is a fact that people anythere are not going to like it then someone says something bad about their country, oops sorry i meant everythere exept US. You are a kid here, your argument is so weak that you don't even choose to answer my questions. I don't remember anyone asking all 140 million Russians if they want the things to be the way they are.You see son it is a bit more complicated then you think and my country does agree with me, ofcourse i don't expect you to understand me

Here you go saying that the facts aren't the facts because "you said so". I'm sorry, but that can't be taken as an arguement.

Since you have such a small knowledge on civics, I would expect you to say the thing about no one asking the 140 million Russians blah blah blah. The reason no one asked every Russian is because a direct democracy is not pratical. Instead, your country uses a representative democracy. You elect delegates to speak on your behalf.

"A government is said to be democratic if it represents the "true interests" of the people, whether or not the people directly affect the making of those decisions"

I'm sorry, but the people of Russia agree with me on the fact they should have the freedom to think and say whatever they would like. Go ahead and try to argue that, but that is human nature. Since they agree on that right, they also agree that if someone wants to dislike Russia, they have the right to.

That is a fact. Now, in your post, when you reply "even though its a fact, its not true because I said thats not how it is", be prepared to be insulted on your idiotcy.

those people are traitors and please i know you understand what i am saying no one asked the people if they wanted to let the traitors be above the law, besides who cares about the law? Lets say i beat up a traitor, what is he going to do? Go to police? I don't care he can proove nothing, it is just going to be worse for him then i see him again.

A traitor is someone who disobeys one countrys. Not liking Russia using one's freedom of thought is in no way mutiny. However, going against a countrys cause (in this case it's constitution), is classified as treason.

Bottom line - your the only one who is a traitor.

My conclusion is based on the gather from several reliable websites, your's is gathered from off the top of your head. In other words, no facts, no truths.

And calling me a kid, common if you can't answer me then atleast don't show your immaturity by calling me names, what is this a kindergarden? And please don't you start that thing about spelling. Oh and you haven't answered my question, are all the Russians you know only say bad things about Russia and if they do, then what is it exactly that makes them Russian? I want to remind you that if they have a double citizenship in US then they need a Visa to be in Russia even if they were born in there, so they aren't even considered Russian by law.
Refering to you as a kid isn't name calling, its addressing you with the proper title of respect you deserve. Btw, nothing is more immature than the fact you keep going on and on with your false arguement and false statements.

The Russians I know are exchanged students and some on the internet. Not all of them dislike their country, but the majority of them do. But, they are in no way traitors. And, they are all Russian citizens - they live in Russia, with the exception of the exchange students who lived in Russia, and will return to Russia in June.

I wasn't aware I hadn't awnsered your question, but lets not forget although you have awnsered mine, you have given the shittiest explanation possible - "because I said so".

I haven't seen one fact or reasource from you, which pretty much means everything you have said is false and incorrect, unless you can proove something, shut up and realize I'm right. Traitor.


Nov 23, 2003
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alright now first you are the one who is acting childish, kid, you are as stupid as a chair you are sitting on and i just read in the Assylum that you are in 7th grade, that explains a lot, its not your fault that you ge beat up in school and you lost too many brain cells. Okay i never said that people in Russia can't talk freely, it is not against the law but i am just saying that if they going to say something other people don't like then other people are not going to look at the law they are just going to use violence, common it is the same in US i know. Get this in your head i am not a traitor, i don't care about what stupid defenitions your primitive language has but i love my country and i am willing at any moment to give my life for it, i am myself using that free speech then i am calling them traitors, sorry they are not traitors they are just scum, if they don't like their nation then as i said before they can either get their asses out or get beaten up if they talk about it with real Russians, the once who have respect for their country. Now about your respect for me, i don't care what you think cause you see from my point of view you are even worse then those Russian freinds of yours, you are lower then scum, i have no respect for you and i actually like it that you have none for me, i mean who wants to be respected by scum. Those Russians you talked too probably do love their country they were only talking about the government. I am sure that you are about to have to change your dipers from anger, well i don't care the shit. I new there was something annoying about you, i mean you don't even know what you are talking about, and you make some claims like "It is so because it is written and all people agree with it" i don't remember anyone asking the people if they want that so called "freedom". IT was decided by a bunch of fat ugly people who only cared about how to fill their own pockets with my countries money and US was preasuring them into it. For example Garbocheove sold a lot of our nuclear missiles for US for almost nothing, and then our nation never got even the 10th of that money he took it. Can't stop laughing, talking about something serious with a 7th grader and a dumb one, kind of makes me feel bad i mean lowering myself to your level, i thought that you were at least a smart kid before you started saying that crap about me being a traitor and my nation agreeing with you. Don't get a boo boo from reading this, i can't stop it is just to funny, 7th grader, trying to say something smart, alright thats it, oh that is just too much, a 7th grader, okay i am stoping, stoping.


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Originally posted by Otmorosok
alright now first you are the one who is acting childish, kid, you are as stupid as a chair you are sitting on and i just read in the Assylum that you are in 7th grade, that explains a lot, its not your fault that you ge beat up in school and you lost too many brain cells.
Ok kid, first of all I'm sure telling someone they are as stupid as a chair and that they get beat up in school crushes their heart in Russia, but in the United States, it's lame as hell. Secondly, you seem to have this huge problem with saying things before you have all the information. If you had read on further in that thread, you would have seen that I was being sarcastic, and am not in the 7th grade. Now, that first paragraph goes to show your ignorance combined with immaturity.

Moving on...

Okay i never said that people in Russia can't talk freely, it is not against the law but i am just saying that if they going to say something other people don't like then other people are not going to look at the law they are just going to use violence, common it is the same in US i know. Get this in your head i am not a traitor, i don't care about what stupid defenitions your primitive language has but i love my country and i am willing at any moment to give my life for it, i am myself using that free speech then i am calling them traitors, sorry they are not traitors they are just scum, if they don't like their nation then as i said before they can either get their asses out or get beaten up if they talk about it with real Russians, the once who have respect for their country. Now about your respect for me,

If you are going to violate someone's right to free speech, you are the traitor. Most people, like you, are ignorant and do not understand that because that isn't how society raised them up to be. That doesn't refrain it from being the truth.

i don't care what you think cause you see from my point of view you are even worse then those Russian freinds of yours, you are lower then scum, i have no respect for you and i actually like it that you have none for me, i mean who wants to be respected by scum. Those Russians you talked too probably do love their country they were only talking about the government. I am sure that you are about to have to change your dipers from anger, well i don't care the shit. I new there was something annoying about you, i mean you don't even know what you are talking about, and you make some claims like "It is so because it is written and all people agree with it" i don't remember anyone asking the people if they want that so called "freedom". IT was decided by a bunch of fat ugly people who only cared about how to fill their own pockets with my countries money and US was preasuring them into it. For example Garbocheove sold a lot of our nuclear missiles for US for almost nothing, and then our nation never got even the 10th of that money he took it. Can't stop laughing, talking about something serious with a 7th grader and a dumb one, kind of makes me feel bad i mean lowering myself to your level, i thought that you were at least a smart kid before you started saying that crap about me being a traitor and my nation agreeing with you. Don't get a boo boo from reading this, i can't stop it is just to funny, 7th grader, trying to say something smart, alright thats it, oh that is just too much, a 7th grader, okay i am stoping, stoping.
As I said before, you're lame as hell. I mean common, scum? Is that suppose to offend me? That line was used in black and white cowboy movies for God's sake.

And, once again, the fact you think I'm in seventh grade only adds on the lists of reason that you are ignorant.

Argueing with someone as ignorant, immature, and stubborn as you seems to be pointless. This is the second thread you have been prooven wrong in and you've replied with immature flames.


Nov 23, 2003
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Alright kid, i know you are a 7th grader so i don't really care what you say anymore, and i am not a traitor i love my country and they can say what they want as long as no real Russian is around to hear them and teach them a thing or to about being patriotic. I don't get those people, are you saying that according to them all those 30 million people who fought Germans who fought and died for their motherland, who have spilled their blood to protect it, who had no chance to survive yet they went against the guns with nothing but an old rifles or in some cases only hands, went against machine guns, against altirelly, against the panzers, are they saying that those people died for nothing, that their own Grandfathers and Grandmothers who were ever giving up their life on a front line or making shells for the guns, are you saying to me that your freinds are saying that Russia is nothing that its people are weak, that all that blood that was spilled to protect it was spilled for no reason? Because if those people are saying that i don't care what their passports say but they have no right to look real Russians in the eyes and call themselves Russian, they did nothing to be Russian they don't even care about what happens to their motherland if they are like that then they are not only traitors but they are pigs, I believe that Russian Federation will solve its problems i believe that we will take our rightful place among the great nations of this world, and those freinds of yours don't so how are they Russian exactly? I will take their rights, it is my duty as a citizen of Russia, and just a Russian man to make sure that my motherland is given the proper respect. That is all, if you want to continue this discussion go ahead i got some more tihngs i want to say to you, but all the truth is here in this lines.


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Originally posted by Otmorosok
Alright kid, i know you are a 7th grader so i don't really care what you say anymore, and i am not a traitor i love my country and they can say what they want as long as no real Russian is around to hear them and teach them a thing or to about being patriotic. I don't get those people, are you saying that according to them all those 30 million people who fought Germans who fought and died for their motherland, who have spilled their blood to protect it, who had no chance to survive yet they went against the guns with nothing but an old rifles or in some cases only hands, went against machine guns, against altirelly, against the panzers, are they saying that those people died for nothing, that their own Grandfathers and Grandmothers who were ever giving up their life on a front line or making shells for the guns, are you saying to me that your freinds are saying that Russia is nothing that its people are weak, that all that blood that was spilled to protect it was spilled for no reason? Because if those people are saying that i don't care what their passports say but they have no right to look real Russians in the eyes and call themselves Russian, they did nothing to be Russian they don't even care about what happens to their motherland if they are like that then they are not only traitors but they are pigs, I believe that Russian Federation will solve its problems i believe that we will take our rightful place among the great nations of this world, and those freinds of yours don't so how are they Russian exactly? I will take their rights, it is my duty as a citizen of Russia, and just a Russian man to make sure that my motherland is given the proper respect. That is all, if you want to continue this discussion go ahead i got some more tihngs i want to say to you, but all the truth is here in this lines.
Why you believe I'm in the seventh grade is a mystery, since I said I wasn't in that thread and likewise here. But, if you want to think I am, go right ahead. Not sure why you would, since it goes to show a "7th grader" has more intellegence than an 8th grade Russian. I mean this is the second time I have prooven you wrong.

The last part of your post, I'm sure in your head, it sounded very deep and sentimental, but if you would read over it, you would see it makes very little sense, is mostly bullshit, and was posted for a pointless reason.


Nov 23, 2003
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First i am a 10th grader and i am smarter then you, i mean you wrote a page on something as pointless as me being a traitor or my country being against you. Second, tell me the name of the forum there you talk to those Russian freinds of yours, i just want to hea what exactly are they saying. I didn't expeqct you to understand what i was saying, i was talking about Russian nature and you have to be born with it to understand it. You smarter then me, you know you should really try to become a comedian i see you are good with jokes.


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Judging by the intelligence level of my post compared to yours, and the fact I have won both are arguements now, one would say I am smarter.

The thing about understanding Russian nature, yea, thats just more crap from you trying to deny your stupidity - not working.


Nov 23, 2003
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How exactly did you win the arguments? And it is kind of ironic that an American calls me stupid i mean the only people who are more ignorant then you are maybe some tribes in South America, then i was in US half the people didn't know that Russia is not only in Asia but is also part of Europe, even some teachers didn't know that. Comparing our posts i can say that you are stupid i mean you talk about something you have no idea about, then you refer to some facts that don't apply to the discusion we are having and then you are calling me stupid cause you are lacking the intelect to actually put up a valid argument not some facts that have nothing to do with the truth, yes i am Russian and i am different then you i dont expect someone as dumb as you to understand that so i finish for now. You really should try to get this it is really not that hard you know. I can beat up whoever i want and all i have to do is disregard some law forced on as by US, and people who are my freinds and actually all the people who love Russia will agree with me, and thats a lot of people, and you haven't told me the adress of that forum so i am guessing that those Russian freinds of yours are really non existent. Try to find the valid arguments next time, and get this other countries don't have to be the same as US, there are different cultures and ways of life, i guess you don't know this cause you are an American. Well my work is done hope i enlightened you.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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oto your really one ignorant dude. all you have to do is disobey a law "forced on you by america." you blame russian laws on america, then you say youd die for your country yet you openly disagree with its laws and government (the government is sending you to war to die, not the people), but if anyone disagrees with your opinions you want to kick their ass regardless of your own countries laws that you would die for?
thats ****ing hypocritical as hell. how can you say you love your country if you will openly break its laws and call it patriotic.

and dude, hes not in 7th grade, even if he was who gives a ****? a 7th grader can be just as smart as a 10th.


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Dec 5, 2002
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Well said amrtin77

Originally posted by Otmorosok
How exactly did you win the arguments? And it is kind of ironic that an American calls me stupid i mean the only people who are more ignorant then you are maybe some tribes in South America, then i was in US half the people didn't know that Russia is not only in Asia but is also part of Europe, even some teachers didn't know that. Comparing our posts i can say that you are stupid i mean you talk about something you have no idea about, then you refer to some facts that don't apply to the discusion we are having and then you are calling me stupid cause you are lacking the intelect to actually put up a valid argument not some facts that have nothing to do with the truth, yes i am Russian and i am different then you i dont expect someone as dumb as you to understand that so i finish for now. You really should try to get this it is really not that hard you know. I can beat up whoever i want and all i have to do is disregard some law forced on as by US, and people who are my freinds and actually all the people who love Russia will agree with me, and thats a lot of people, and you haven't told me the adress of that forum so i am guessing that those Russian freinds of yours are really non existent. Try to find the valid arguments next time, and get this other countries don't have to be the same as US, there are different cultures and ways of life, i guess you don't know this cause you are an American. Well my work is done hope i enlightened you.
How did I win the arguement? For the simple fact that I put facts that related to our conversation and you just replied with personal thoughts and immature flames.

The Russian Federation, amrtin77 for the most part, and I all agree you are an ignorant fool and are putting up one of the worse arguements this forum has ever seen.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Originally posted by Guru
Well said amrtin77

How did I win the arguement? For the simple fact that I put facts that related to our conversation and you just replied with personal thoughts and immature flames.

The Russian Federation, amrtin77 for the most part, and I all agree you are an ignorant fool and are putting up one of the worse arguements this forum has ever seen.
Okay first dont invloe RF in it this is just stupid. Second you want facts here are the facts: according to US time magazine 53% of Americans don't like Bush, according to your defention of patriotism 53% of Americans are not patriots, they don't like their leader. Ever heard of Anti-Bush organizations? Well according to your defenition of a traitor all Americans who are involved in them are traitors. So who is more patriotic? I don't see any anti-Putin organizations. Now about the freedom of speech, there is a TV station in Russia and it is called in your language ITV(independent television), it was not government owned and basically all it did was flame our government on every step, some times i agreed with them but some times they just seemed stupid. So you know what Putin did, he forced the owner of the Chanel to escape to England and later captured him and put him into prison, and he confiscated ITV and now it is a government owned station. So you see although there is a law, even our government that passed that law disregards it, they agree with me i hope this is enough facts for you. I don't care what you and Amrtin77 thinks, if i ever meet you than we talk "face to face" but if i don't then i still have a good life, freinds and my motherland. To understand the Russian idea about motherland you should read Pushkin or even better Esenin they were the once who put the idea of motherland that has always been with my people on paper and explained it. Oh yeah, i still don't see the forum adress so now i know for sure that you have no Russian freinds exept for maybe that exchange student, that means that you judjed the nation according to the saying of one man, and that insures you of not making the right conclusions about the country. According to that i my self can not conclude that all Americans are idiots just because you are, i have American freinds and they are good people so you are dumb not because of your genes but because you just are. And if you look at the flamings then you can see that yours are no more mature then mine. And armtin it is well said indeed, i don't agree with you but at least you stay calm and don't make stupid arguments like Guru, now you are an example of a smart American. Even if my government is sending me to war, but i am not gonna fight for a bunch of fat people, i am going to fight for the idea, for my family, for my land, for my people. Those Russians who died in WW2 didn't die thinking about saving Stalin's fat ass they died thinking that they are protecting their motherland.
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