Just to clear something out

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i also would have to say that citezens on average are smarter in asian countries, but we have more people going to good colleges because of our ability to fund so many big universities and colleges and scholarships...

edit: look at my post above for the links you asked for otmo


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Originally posted by Otmorosok
I agree that it is the reachest but it is far from being most educated, the most educated country in the world is probably Japan or China. And immigrants did have a lot to do with your nation i mean the founders of your nation were immigrants, you are a nation of immigrants. We already discussed that your public school system needs help, and although your colleges are generally good not everyone is going to get into college, besides there are english colleges that are just as good.
They were more refugees than immagrants. But the US history is in no ways succesful only because of immigrants.

Also, amrt, that link he gave also agrees that the German defeat was because of the winter.

I quote:

In December of 1941, the Barbarossa campaign against the Soviet Union, which had been intended to win before the snows began to fall, was mired in the snow and mud and looked to have failed.


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Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC
u have no idea if any lifes were saved thats just a assumption it is completly un-moral to nuke innocent civilians that were used as a TEST to see how much damage there stupid toys can

They had tested nuclear weapons before the ones on Heroshima stupid. And, if you want to talk about unmoral, look at Germany. They bombarded London citizens with rockets, and killed 6 million jews.

Unmoral, perhaps. A good decision, defaintly. Civilians and soldiers are all human beings, and their lives should be wieghed the same as civilians. The people who died in the bombing are causualties of war, stop griping about it.

do urm you say this because you cant face the fact a german saved you years of trouble.

Say that?? No, I quoted it. I can back it up, too. Here is the link:


Even otmo agreed with me.

What evidence do you have about Germans making? Absoluting none.

As for supplies,

well u didnt atualy save our ''ass'' we were on the offensive when u came to claim a bit of glory u wait years, you gather enough forces so there could be no chance of losing.... it took about 2 years for you to come to our help.. it took the british
"When Hitler invaded Poland on the 1st September 1939 it was swiftly followed by the British and French governments declaring war on Germany, this occurred on Sunday the 3rd September 1939." thats 2 days btw if u helped us earlier maybe so many people's lives could be saved or not we all know how much the yanks love friendly fire
Take otmos link, it tells you how the US was key to Russias victory on the Eastern front.

well this would never happen..... but if it did the majourity of europe would support russia.... maybe more because america = bad rep not many fools would support them
Wrong again. Most of Europe are allies with the United States.

they wernt stupid they "ran" in with rifles because they had no choice how is that stupid? tbh america wouldnt be nearly as powerfull as it is now if they didnt step in last moment to claim superior german technology. hey face it if russia/france/britian didnt step in europe would've of got conquered then hitler will set its greedy eyes on america AN america would be ruled be hitler or his decendents maybe even the whole world you know this but cant admit it well this is true but germany was gathering forces probaly quicker than russia so it helped them urm compared to russia america has had a breeze 800 years more of trouble. you keep saying the russian only won because of the winter so what? russians had to deal with the cold aswell just they were better prepared than them
Charging machine gun nests with a rifle and a clip for every 3 men is classified as a stupid tactic. There are other way of taking ground than charging head on in open terrain.

Hitler wouldn't have sufficient enough forces after so many battles to conquer the United Sates.

Do us a favor and either put some facts out on to the table, or shut up.
Jan 15, 2004
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hmm, so it was ww2 that hittler invaded poland starting ww2 correct? well, if so, they did this around the same time the russians did, yet you dont hear about the russians that invaded and sent over 10,000 polish officers to die, many they shot, but most they sent out into the ocean on a boat and sank it.


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No? Most immagrants we recieve are not very smart. The reason we turned out so well is because our founding fathers put together a better form of government than everyone else. And, one good decision lead to another, and before you know it the United States was the richest and most educated country's in the world.
united states is far from most educated country.. havent u read that thread about it.. US has a apauling education according to the facts displayed.

Most of Europe are allies with the United States.
i never said that -.- all im saying is that europe agrees that america is abusing the power and if a conflict arrose UN will turn thier back on bush just like he did to them
What evidence do you have about Germans making? Absoluting none.
absolouting? and i havent displayed evidence of it that much is true but i not having any.. look this is what i know not your copy + paste from a website... a captured german sciencetist made the breakthroughthat made your toys(nukes) possible..________________________________________________Charging machine gun nests with a rifle and a clip for every 3 men is classified as a stupid tactic. There are other way of taking ground than charging head on in open terrain.________________________________________________ did u wittness this? no, russians, despite what u think are not that stupid they had low ammo... that has nothing to do with comanders they cant be picky in times of crisis and with limited resources this probaly happened once in a blue moon just media blew it out of proportion people do stupid things when they are aafraid . isnt it charging AHEAD not charging head... and you complain about z russian speaking a different language without perfect grammar.btw how can someone shut up on a forum lol.u think after so many battles he wouldnt have enough strenth totake over america? i wouldnt doubt this man with the countrys he already had he was pumping twice as much air forces, tanks ect than any other so i would give it 2 years then hitler would start to take america then when they fall the rest of the world? one more thing... i never said they didnt test nukes before but what they didint know is how it would affect the public ect you cant learn everythnig by nuking abadoned islands..


Nov 23, 2003
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Originally posted by amrtin77

^ that is about barbarossa then stalingrad


and here is a site dedicated to stalingrad i used for a report once

a report starts off with the russian winter kicking germany's ass on the way to moscow

it pretty much says that the germans were stupid and they were underequipped for the winter.
We still won the war, and as i said that we were as ill prepared for the war as Germans were, who cares how we did, as long as we saved the world and got the job done. Oh and it is not like all of our weapons and amunition came from US, most of it we made ourselves, and what about tanks, we had the light tank, and second best heavy tunk in the war, you think that our government would give US or UK a secret of production so they would be able to supply us with those? No they didn't we made those ourselves, and we made our own guns, you have helped as with supplies but it wasn't like we didn't have anything, your aid was major but not major enough to suppoly the whole nation, no one would expect you to do that anyway, but that goes against what Guru said about US doing most of the job. We did most of it, we destroeyed most German forces, and doesn't, matter if our tactics weren't good, the casualties would still be in the millions just because Germans hit as the hardest. We did most of the job on Eastern front and if we didn't destory German forces in the East they would overrun you in the west, i mean bettter weather, they wouldn't have to make their supply lines as long and they would hit you with their full strength not just with the echo of the explosion far to the east. I agree weather did have somethig to do with Russian victory, but it was not a major factor, as i said many times we were as badly prepared for winter as were Germans, we didn't have any mistical powers that would make our oil unfreezeble or our people immune to frostbite. It is strange however that the coldest record making winters occur during someone invasion of my motherland, some might think that it is the land it self trying to protect its children from the enemy, something to think about. Not that i think that way.


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america,the greedy country willing to forget about 300,000 people who died in one of the biggest atrocities imaginable committed by japan... you wonder why? of course information on bio weapons The brutalities included shooting, stabbing, cutting open the abdomen, excavating the heart, decapitation, drowning, punching the body and eye with an awl. Thousands of civilians were buried or burned alive, or used as targets for bayonet practice, shot in large groups and thrown into Yangtze River.


^this article will tell u all about it


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Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC

united states is far from most educated country.. havent u read that thread about it.. US has a apauling education according to the facts displayed.

The US how superior collages

i never said that -.- all im saying is that europe agrees that america is abusing the power and if a conflict arrose UN will turn thier back on bush just like he did to them absolouting? and i havent displayed evidence of it that much is true but i not having any.. look this is what i know not your copy + paste from a website... a captured german sciencetist made the breakthroughthat made your toys(nukes) possible.._
Dumbass, the US provides far too much funding to the UN for them to turn their back.

As for nukes, link? Oh wait, there is none because it is not so. I sent you links for valid websites, and even otmo agrees on the nuke. Give it up.

did u wittness this? no, russians, despite what u think are not that stupid they had low ammo... that has nothing to do with comanders they cant be picky in times of crisis and with limited resources this probaly happened once in a blue moon just media blew it out of proportion people do stupid things when they are aafraid . isnt it charging AHEAD not charging head...

Witness it? You idiot, its called history. And it did have to do with teh commanders, they ordered it. Russia was not much for generalship in the world wars.

and you complain about z russian speaking a different language without perfect grammar.btw how can someone shut up on a forum lol.u think after so many battles he wouldnt have enough strenth totake over america? i wouldnt doubt this man with the countrys he already had he was pumping twice as much air forces, tanks ect than any other so i would give it 2 years then hitler would start to take america then when they fall the rest of the orld?
How do you shut up on an internet forum? Simple - stop posting stupid things not backed up by anything, kid.

I want to see some facts, it would be a first from you.

Note - for all you in the arguement, I'm going to be gone for the weekend, I'll touch up on it on monday


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the US provides far too much funding to the UN
if america declared war on russia fo what ever reason the UN would basically say america have broke too many rules started 2 wars in 1 year and they are abusing thier power. bush would be assinated ( probaly) and the UN would fully support russia no matter the funding.
oh btw this is what guru did when he wanted to know who invented the atomic bomb.... www.askjeeves.com who invented atomic bomb... he clicks on first link sees text and agrees with it..
Robert Oppenheimer. is the german scientist i was thinking of BUT a hungarian jew managed to think outside the box as it were his name was leo szilard "Irritated by Lord Rutherford, and aware of the recent discovery of the neutron, Szilard thought about the problem, and, while crossing a London Street a few weeks later, had the sudden realization that if there was an element whose nucleus, when hit by a neutron would split into two parts and release two neutrons, these neutrons could split other nearby atoms. This would lead to a "chain reaction" in which billions of atoms could be split in millionths of a second. For this to happen he realized that there needed to be enough atoms to form a "critical mass" lest more neutrons escape than split neighboring atoms. These were the two fundamental concepts underlying the atomic bomb and the nuclear reactor. This happened in 1934, over five years before the just described reactions of establishment physicists. Rutherford's grain of sand had produced a pearl." http://www.ipcreators.org/Heckel/szilard.htm


Nov 23, 2003
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Oh and Guru after a six pack i realized how you are wrong about me being a traitor. First i say things agaisnt the constitution, second i am a Russian citizen, third constitution applies to me too, fourth that means freedom of speech applies to me, fifth i am not a traitor cause freedom of speech gives me the right to say whatever i want. Got it. And we did do most of the job done in WW2, i already said all about it in my previous argument


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hmm looks like guru's 'smart' country aint so smart.....

"This is both shocking and sad. Our education system (specifically for science) needs a major overhaul.

70% of American adults do not understand the scientific process;

U.S. depends heavily on foreign born scientists at all degree levels, as high as 45% in engineering;

Belief in pseudoscience is relatively widespread and growing;

60% believe some people posses psychic powers or extrasensory perception (ESP);

30% believe some reported objects in the sky are really space vehicles from other civilizations;

30% read astrology charts at least occasionally in the newspaper;

46% did not know how long it takes the Earth to orbit the sun (1 year);

45% thought lasers work by focusing sound waves (they focus light);

49% believe antibiotics kill viruses (they kill bacteria);

66% don't believe the Big Bang theory is widely accepted by scientists;

48% believe humans lived at the same time as the dinosaurs;

47% don't believe in evolution which is widely accepted by scientists;

55% couldn't define DNA;

78% couldn't define a molecule;

32% believe in 'Lucky Numbers';

45% want creationism taught in schools and not evolution;

42% believe houses can be haunted;

38% believe in ghosts or spirits of dead people;

28% believe people can communicate with the dead;

28% believe in astrology.


National Science Foundation
The Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSC)
People For the American Way Foundation
"Americans' Belief in Psychic Paranormal Phenomena is up Over Last Decade", Gallup Organization (Princeton, NJ, 2001)." this was first posted by flag in his thread page 2 science in america


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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we obviously have some smart people or we wouldnt be leading in techknowledgy(did i misspell that??)... maybe on average the american citizen isnt as smart as other countries, but were doing fine.


Nov 23, 2003
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Who said you leading in technology anyway, all your cellphones, most of your cars and PCs are produced by Asian companies, nokia, or mitsubishi for example.


BattleForums Senior Member
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im in a military mindest..... but you do have a point.


Nov 23, 2003
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Not really in military technology you are on the same lvl as all the rest, you just have more money so you can make more of that technology. I mean Russian missiles fly as hig, same can be said for our plains, our tanks are in some ways considered better then yours, and we made a revolution in the design of automatic rifle. No more backdraft, a 5 year old can shoot from it and his hand wont shake. Our artillery also hits as far as yours. But you just have more of that stuff.


BattleForums Senior Member
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im gunna drop it cuz i know little about this and im too lazy to go research.


Like my cute wabbit?
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Who said you leading in technology anyway, all your cellphones, most of your cars and PCs are produced by Asian companies, nokia, or mitsubishi for example.
yea,most of the high quality phones are from japan :) and so are the leading car/motor bike manufactuers. i realy hope guru dont post again... pfff what an idiot


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Originally posted by Otmorosok
Not really in military technology you are on the same lvl as all the rest, you just have more money so you can make more of that technology. I mean Russian missiles fly as hig, same can be said for our plains, our tanks are in some ways considered better then yours, and we made a revolution in the design of automatic rifle. No more backdraft, a 5 year old can shoot from it and his hand wont shake. Our artillery also hits as far as yours. But you just have more of that stuff.
With the money we do more reasearch which gives us an edge on technology.

As for planes, the new stealth fighters in development are far better than Russian ones. That, and as we speak we have planes that can be flown by remote control as we speak.

Gun wise, thats nothing. I saw a show on the history channel a few years ago (weapons at war), and it looked at a new American machine gun. Not only does it have laser guided bullets, but the bullets are explosive and can take out people behind walls et cetra.


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Originally posted by ORC-r0x0r-ROC
if america declared war on russia fo what ever reason the UN would basically say america have broke too many rules started 2 wars in 1 year and they are abusing thier power. bush would be assinated ( probaly) and the UN would fully support russia no matter the funding.
oh btw this is what guru did when he wanted to know who invented the atomic bomb.... www.askjeeves.com who invented atomic bomb... he clicks on first link sees text and agrees with it..
Robert Oppenheimer. is the german scientist i was thinking of BUT a hungarian jew managed to think outside the box as it were his name was leo szilard "Irritated by Lord Rutherford, and aware of the recent discovery of the neutron, Szilard thought about the problem, and, while crossing a London Street a few weeks later, had the sudden realization that if there was an element whose nucleus, when hit by a neutron would split into two parts and release two neutrons, these neutrons could split other nearby atoms. This would lead to a "chain reaction" in which billions of atoms could be split in millionths of a second. For this to happen he realized that there needed to be enough atoms to form a "critical mass" lest more neutrons escape than split neighboring atoms. These were the two fundamental concepts underlying the atomic bomb and the nuclear reactor. This happened in 1934, over five years before the just described reactions of establishment physicists. Rutherford's grain of sand had produced a pearl." http://www.ipcreators.org/Heckel/szilard.htm
That site even says Robert Oppen. didnt event it. As for the hungarian, he made contributions toward the bomb, but in no means invented it.
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