i like to incorporate guerilla tactics, but it requres too much micro managing and i find the effect isn't effective enough for the effort.
so there could be better AI's, where you can select the mode each unit goes in. for example, an offensive mode and it will just atttack to the death if you leave it by yourself. and then patrol mode and hold position, which pretty much explains themselves. these are the only options you have now, but wat if they have a sentry mode, that once they spot an enemy unit they immediately dash back an appointed spot and sound an alarm?
or say, you have snipers and you just statioin them scattered around the map in, lets say, guerilla mode. if they encounter any enemy units, they fire a bit and run to an appointed spot?
of course, if every unit can manage itself it takes much of the challenge from the game, but i if specific unique units are "intelligent" (probably a unit very unaccustomed to heavy battle) enough to some degree, there can be new strategy.