Ok Kald here's the hero models: Choose 3 from each list
Sword: BladeMaster, Maybe a bigger scaling size footman, Maybe a Demon Hunter, Raider; Arthas; Black Cital TileSet, Elder Sage (Most do him he looks sweet)
Axe: Mountain King, Fel Orc Grunt; Tauren Cheiftan
Black Mage: Lich; Shadow Hunter; Dreadlord
White Mage: Blood Mage; Priests; Paladin
Blue Mage: Choose 2 Naga Units to use, since blue mages will use spears; I think the Mymiradon and a Royal Guard though they may look the same not sure; Warden; A Murlock
Summoner: ArchMage; Far Seer; Shaman
Theif: Bandit or Bandit Lord (only both if they dont look the same); Spell Breakers; Jailor Kassan; or a murlock that looks completely different than the one you used as a blue mage.
BeastTamer; BeastMaster; Keeper of the Grove; Hydralisk
Archer: Archer; Priestess of the Moon; Dark Ranger
Hand Fighter: Peasant; Peon; Female Citizen
I think I covered them all, I need to restart my comp, graphics messing up, as for upgrades i will say on aim
Sword: BladeMaster, Maybe a bigger scaling size footman, Maybe a Demon Hunter, Raider; Arthas; Black Cital TileSet, Elder Sage (Most do him he looks sweet)
Axe: Mountain King, Fel Orc Grunt; Tauren Cheiftan
Black Mage: Lich; Shadow Hunter; Dreadlord
White Mage: Blood Mage; Priests; Paladin
Blue Mage: Choose 2 Naga Units to use, since blue mages will use spears; I think the Mymiradon and a Royal Guard though they may look the same not sure; Warden; A Murlock
Summoner: ArchMage; Far Seer; Shaman
Theif: Bandit or Bandit Lord (only both if they dont look the same); Spell Breakers; Jailor Kassan; or a murlock that looks completely different than the one you used as a blue mage.
BeastTamer; BeastMaster; Keeper of the Grove; Hydralisk
Archer: Archer; Priestess of the Moon; Dark Ranger
Hand Fighter: Peasant; Peon; Female Citizen
I think I covered them all, I need to restart my comp, graphics messing up, as for upgrades i will say on aim