Everything on Hold; Huge Project Massive Online RPG/Campaign Turn Based Battle System


May 25, 2003
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Ok Kald here's the hero models: Choose 3 from each list

Sword: BladeMaster, Maybe a bigger scaling size footman, Maybe a Demon Hunter, Raider; Arthas; Black Cital TileSet, Elder Sage (Most do him he looks sweet)

Axe: Mountain King, Fel Orc Grunt; Tauren Cheiftan

Black Mage: Lich; Shadow Hunter; Dreadlord

White Mage: Blood Mage; Priests; Paladin

Blue Mage: Choose 2 Naga Units to use, since blue mages will use spears; I think the Mymiradon and a Royal Guard though they may look the same not sure; Warden; A Murlock

Summoner: ArchMage; Far Seer; Shaman

Theif: Bandit or Bandit Lord (only both if they dont look the same); Spell Breakers; Jailor Kassan; or a murlock that looks completely different than the one you used as a blue mage.

BeastTamer; BeastMaster; Keeper of the Grove; Hydralisk

Archer: Archer; Priestess of the Moon; Dark Ranger

Hand Fighter: Peasant; Peon; Female Citizen

I think I covered them all, I need to restart my comp, graphics messing up, as for upgrades i will say on aim


Jul 8, 2003
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Possible sollution to the mini game:

Your unit is a Human Canon Tower
The Cannon towers ammo is a variable called ammo set to ammount of ammo, i made 5 in my example map!
Unit - (the Cannon Tower) is issued an order targeting a point
Maybe? Dunno yet!
Unit - Order (the Cannon Tower) to stop (didn't work, dunno what went wrong)
If (ammo Less than or equal to 0.00) then do (Unit - Kill (Triggering unit) else (do nothing)
Set ammo = (ammo - 1.00)


Ok, ill make some other triggers... Don't know what to make though!

ZzZzZz, see you tomorrow morning for alot of :shoot and :fencing


May 23, 2003
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Genki, in battle if you chose from the dialoge for example something from kaldaris mage, you would click black magic on the first dialogue, then a second would show up on which magic you wanted to perform, now, if this is possible, it would be alot easier, (sorta), how would the character, choose which one too attack? the only idea i have for this is slots. Im not sure if we could do this, but in each battle place, we have what i call 3 or 4 slots. When theres an encounter the monsters go to random slots but can never exceed 3 or 4 or whatever the mximum number of slots is. So what i am asking you is, is it possible if after we chose the black magic in dialogue 1, then fire in dialogue 2, then if he chose like slot 1, could we get it so fire would effeft the monster in slot one? like a attack everyone in this region, since there will be only 1 enemy in each slot (region).

Now the problem with this is, can you read button clicks two times in a row, could the A.I store it that he is using fire, and which slot to attack?

The other way to do it, is just put them as abilities like spells in the real game. But i am thinking it may limit the game, depending on how many spells we have for everyone? I rather do the slot idea, but not sure if its possible to store in the A,I a fire attack and then click another dialogue button. And if we did do them as hero abilties, can you do once they cast 1 spell and use it, move back to original position and stop?

The other way to do it, i just thought of would be to use triggers to add and remove. If they clicked the fire dialogue button have a trigger add that to her abilities, and once she is done using it, remove it. Just with trigger, im pretty sure theres an add spell, remove spell from hero trigger.

Whichever way would be the best and most possible. Your choice
ALRIGHTY THEN!!!!! here is your answer - teh dialog thing is possible and YEA - it can attack direfernt "slots"
IT WILL know which one to attack cause you will choose which one of the "SLOTS" that you wanna attack - YEAAAAA - i can make them move forward and backwards for each attack - AND YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa When you do a regular attack you wont half to click on anyone. If we use use teh dialog BATTLE SYSTEM!! you wont half to manual click anything!!. In fact i am pretty sure that i can disable user control and then RUN teh ENTIRE BATTLE off of teh dialog BATTLE SYSTEM without having to click anything!!

OK ANDDD WHATS ALL THIS ABOUT STORING thing in teh A.I. you dont need to do all THAT - man simple solution to this!! but very complicated!! so i am not gonna type it all!! - OK SO i am helping you with this map - i guess i will be helping alot with this dialog battle system!! which is fine with me!! keep in touch!! later!!

I am putting together a little map - as a test and EXAMPLE to show you how teh Battle system can work!! like a PREVIEW!! and then you can add or make changes as we gooo on my little test!! thing

P.S. umm PORNO to QUOTE a message use the {quote} "mesage" {/quote}


May 25, 2003
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Ok, I know Nut has been doing the creeps and some bosses, and I'm pretty sure We are close to done, depending on the numbers of units, and how many bosses we will have.

As for Kald, I am not sure, I gave him the models, and how to do the stat points, So he should be close to done with them, if he has been working.

I am starting on the system tommorow at 1 after I get back from my Weight Lifting School Thing. . .

I may be asking lots of questions lol, so trigger people be ready and check often :). After I do the triggers, we are going to copy whoevers unit group has less (Kald or Nut) and copy and paste them to the other persons. Then we will export unit settings and import them into my trigger map.

Then We need a terrainer to do terrain, and I will just copy and paste my triggers I added since the imported units, to the terrained map.

We do have most of the ideas set out for battles, and most of the ideas left to come are more storyline, bosses, and secret stuff.

As for the battle idea I do need help:

Ok, when a mage needs to cast a spell, he chooses what type of spell and that unit comes out; and the unit can move does no damage, and can only cast the spell and choose the person to cast it on, Now, the problem with this is, due to the fact the person can move, (He doesn't have to move, Kald If you can affect Spell range that would be great so he could cast it without moving.) The problem with this is; People on B.Net can be ***es, so they could just sit there and wait and bother people. I have thought of a time limit, he has to choose spell and cast. Yet, if a laggy computer comes in, the whole turn can be blown. So if anyone has a way to limit his time in there, without a countdown timer; please say.

Also; The Encounter System I find extremely Defective. And Alot of questions on it.

The encounter system will work, as the player will enter a monster inhabited area, a countdown timer will start, 45 seconds or something, and then the person will face a random # of monsters, and random monsters. Each monster will be a number. There is some way you can make a random number generator. And I am pretty sure you can assign a monster to a number. Each area will only have certain numbers according to difficulty. There will also be another generator which will determine how many. There will be 1 to 4 monsters you will face at a time. All Random.

Now, If you can make serperate countdown times, we are fine, as then when that persons battle ends, the new timer starts until he is out of an area that has monsters. If you couldn't have sperate countdown timers; how would we time it, make everyone wait, until that persons battle is over? Or another way? Hopefully, seperate countdown timers.

Yet; even with seperate countdown timers, there is still a problem. If a laggy computer starts to lag, the games timer would not stop. Which would mean, players could go from battle to battle if people kept lagging. But i have a feeling timers are the only way to do that one, so people will have to live with it.

Damn, I am saying all this stuff about number generators, ummm how do you make them? : ), i saw some1 else doing a campaign with a TBS system and the person making their system said he implented a random number generator and monsters are based off that. I have a feeling if that's possible it would be the easiest.

I think that's all I was questioning on what to do, more to come later, Update me some Kald and Nut.



May 25, 2003
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ugh, i completely missed genkis post answering the dialogue questions, well crap : )

K well genki; good thing its possible we did have a solution but better if its all dialog, The Summons or the inventory will still have to be done manually tho, unless the dialog will change according to which summons the summoner has, try finding an answer to that lol. Ya i was planning on doing it mostly dialogue, and moving back n forth n stuff. The double dialog A.I storing was this:

I was afraid that if you clicked fire, then slot 1 it couldnt read the fire part, but then i remember the last clicked dialog button that should work now, as you click fire then the slot menu comes, then you attack that slot.

K thats fine, if you find a way to read each summons since summons are option ones you choose, then tell me that.

I might have figured out how to do the encounter system.

First we make a box with cliffs around it with every single monster in it. Then we make a variable. Unit Group: Units in region X equal to (Monster), Set variable value create 2 of those units in Region slot 1 and 2.

Yet, one problem, is how to make it random, and the monsters would never move in the box they just there as the region trigger.

I wouldnt know how to make random types in certain areas, unless i made like 4 different cliff thing for each area there is but then there could be like 30 which could be hard. And i still maybe not be able to get it random.

Thinks thas all Genki THX


May 23, 2003
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Just a quick litte answer - before i go to bed i will answer tommorrow - more details - BUT DIALOGS can change according to certain variable - lol i bet you thought it anit possible - i got a map in which there are 6 mini games and to start them you SIMPLY click on Start game in a dialog that come up when i pres teh "esc" button - now WHILE in a game - when i bring up the dialog again (while playing another game) the button where it said Start Game for the one i am already playing - it says the name of the game and the word Option next to it!! so i can choose the same button again and it will bring up another dialog that askes you if you wanna quit teh current game or Pause teh current game - impressive huh!! took me awhile to get teh pausing and starting and quiting of gamess to work PERFECT but i am still working on this - but MY POINT IS you can use If/then/else for dialogs also :) think about it!!

example If Real(life points are less then 100) Then create dialog button labbelled Super Attack Else create dialog button labellled reglar attack!!

This would give you the option of the super attack in your dialog if your life points are less then 100 or if there are more then 100 you would do a regular attack!! understand!! :) g-night!!


May 25, 2003
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Ahhhhhhh, Great idea Genki, I never thought of If/Then/Else.

K also, the eno****ers, the thing i said about the region with all of them would that work?


May 25, 2003
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Ahhhhhhh, Great idea Genki, I never thought of If/Then/Else.

K also, the eno****ers, the thing i said about the region with all of them would that work?

EDIT: Lol encounter is beeped out cuz iu said enc*nter! heh ooops

BTW, Genki do you have aol or msn messenger?


May 25, 2003
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Ok, Can't edit twice for some reason,

There won't be a time limit to anything but encounters, since everything is now done by dialog.

Genki, you may need to help me, and I will probably let you do the double dialogs, with 2 in a row. I'll set up the base for it, and then post when your back from work or whatever, and you can do the doubles and movement and stuff.

So basically the whole map is sorted out, just now putting it toghther, the hard part.

Nut, i know you are close to done with your bosses and creeps. Kald, im not sure of, but he should be close also.

Ok, Nut since you are close to finished I will tell you the items to work on:

I prefer to have a different item for each class; instead of 2 using a wand or something so here it is:

Sword: Sword....... You may have trouble finding icons on these, uh oh. Unless a skinner could skin us some icons lol!

Axeman: Axe, (Claws of attack good icon, but different ones for each)

Black Mage: Wand (Wand of Negation with the skull on top good, lots of em for these.

White Mage: Hmmmmm; This is tough; Maybe like of FFX a moogle lol, and we could use Summon doom guard and stuff like that as icons.

Blue Mage: Spear

Archer: Bow

Theif: Dagger

Summoner: Staff

BeastTamer: Whip

Hand Fighter: Gloves

Also, we need Helmets, Armor, Shields, and Rings

The helmets and stuff, will be all of the same classes, anyone can wear them, so we need about 15 of each in that category.

This way, there is one slot left in the players inventory, so when he picks up items, we do an item check and if potion or something, it moves to his mules.

Weapons: 4 Different weapons, plus an ultimate class weapon.

The ultimate weapon will be unlocked by collecting the pages of the old diary, and then beating the secret boss, in which you will then have a choice to takre your ultimate weapon, or some super uber armor.

Icons, make them up, im not sure if someone could skin icons for us, so maybe you could use the same icon, but try not too.

I think thats all for now. Get to work on those, genki i am waiting for a reply then starting.


Jul 13, 2003
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i got tons of sword icons have you even been in its latly lol
i have about 55% of the creeps compleated
i can do both though with an idea i had to inter twine items and creeps


May 25, 2003
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RANDOM countdown timer encounters:

I might have figured out how to do the encounter system.

First we make a box with cliffs around it with every single monster in it. Then we make a variable. Unit Group: Units in region X equal to (Monster), Set variable value create 2 of those units in Region slot 1 and 2.

Yet, one problem, is how to make it random, and the monsters would never move in the box they just there as the region trigger.

I wouldnt know how to make random types in certain areas, unless i made like 4 different cliff thing for each area there is but then there could be like 30 which could be hard. And i still maybe not be able to get it random.

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