Everything on Hold; Huge Project Massive Online RPG/Campaign Turn Based Battle System


Jul 13, 2003
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i am back
okay i will rethink the shooting range and the climbing all though i will make a small dummy map to show u what i ment


May 25, 2003
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Ok this is all the stuff we have compiled so far in a complete post, maybe 2
Most all of this is copying and pasting so excuse the grammer.


okay i think there will be a serise of islands one main one that you start on and spend 3/4s of the game on and then several scatterd small islands with opional bosses and it you are forseing someone to go a certain way you make it so there are cliffs on each side but mostly you can roam the part that is land and roam a little of the sea and go visit tiny islands
with the sea we can create some naga battles
and with the air some flying battles

Class Specifics:

Sword: Frontline; High Strength and HP, Attribute: Strength, no special skills.

Archer: Stays behind Frontline men. Cannot be hit without The frontline being dead.

Axeman: Stronger but slower than the swordsman, also has no mana type attacks, as the swordsmen does.

BeastTamer: Strong, But Can Tame beasts, the beasts tamed will be removed from the battle; and an item will be stuck into the Tamers Mule Characters, After you obtain that beast, he is also fightable in the arena, where you can obtain more of that beast. Taming a beast will take 2 turns no matter how weak the beast, so if your party kills it the beast will not count. You can only own 2 of the same beast at the same time. You either can only combine all the monsters in the same area, or you can only combine special boss monsters. The combined beasts do not disappear after each battle but when they die, they are gone forever but you can heal them between battles. We have not decided on area or bosses. Attribute: Strength

Thief: Can steal from shops only if he has the required level. He can also "blink" to special areas that would require flying things for other units. He also has the ability Assinate. According to the level of monster, the combo will be harder. If you perform the combo it will automatically eliminate that monster. On bosses, it will take 1/2 of his base life. So if a boss had 9000 life, and your party did 1000 damage on him your attack would not do 4000 it would do 4500. Attribute: Agility

Summoner: Summoners can summon special forces, which stay out and fight for the summoner, summons cost mana, so the summoner cant just summon every battle wuthout potions. He/she has 3 or 4 level up summons that it obtains from leveling up. The majority of summoners summons come from bosses. Once they beat the boss, they may travel back to the arena and battle it, and if they beat it they will obtain that summon. Attribute: Intelligence

Black Mage: Casts offensive spells, such as fire, his spells advance as he levels up; fire, fira, firaga, I am looking for a way to do elemental advantages but... im not sure yet if the spell will matter. Attribute : Intelligence

White Mage: Same as black mage, except casts life and healing spells, can cure status effects. Attribute: Intelligence

Hand Fighters: Uses Gloves as weapon; Uses lots of combo attacks to deal large damage, has a few mana attacks. Attribute: Strength

Blue Mage: This mage can steal abilities, A message will warn the blue mage, that the monster can have an ablity stolen. Attribute: Intelligence

Nut, I prefer you attach the names; choose whatever you want, as you still need the supporting characters name.


So far we have established the Monster Arena and the dueling arena. Monster Arena, you will have your own person section and it will have all the monsters you have defeated fightable now by just walking on a circle. This is for levling up, or if you missed something like an ability or need it to obtain a summon.

Depending on how the gold system will work, The dueling arena will cost 200 gold and you duel another person, whoever wins will win a prize worth 400 or something like that, still a turn based duel.

We still need 1 more mini-game

How the system works!?

The system will work with a system of dialogues. (Need lotsa help there), Each dialogue button will lead to another menu or perform an action. For example, if a person clicked the attack button, the character would wait for his turn and then attack and then be put back on standby.

For Combo Attacks; there will be a system of keys must be typed in a message. If performed in 10 seconds the combo will be performed.

For character specific skills and inventories, when clicking those dialogue buttons, the character will have his "mule characters come to him" and he has 15 seconds to choose something from his inventory, and then use it in his inventory. The player can also use his mule characters to give it to other characters by moving his mule characters to them, and the other player would have to use it. Same with summons and more, he would use the item and it would come up as a warrior, like a stone token of some sort.

I need alot of help with how I will do the waiting, and elemental weaknesses and things like that, and i go on, I will post what things i need help with.

Things I will say later I need help with: Just do you can figure out in advance lol:

There are different areas in which i need different enounters, how do i make a random number generator, with each number being a monster, in different areas that i need?

How do i make elemental counters? Fire vs. ice, Etc.

How would I make a trigger to say once mule loses one item in inventory, send back to home base for mules or something like that, so the player cant give his guy tons of items in that 15 seconds?

How do i make it so that swordsmen cant buy bows, or at least the damage wont affect the swordsmen, so they wont be stupid an do that, just to have a better item? Basically have all the weapons only work on that specific character?

How do i make it so everyone in the battle party will do their turns, and wait one member at a time before they perform their turn, so it will go gradually instead of all at the same time?

How would i make parties of people, with one person being a leader, and the people in his party dont move but still fight in his encounters, they just follow the leader without moving manually, the only way to move, is to abondon the party, then disable the team encounter?

How do i make items when the hero buyz them, go straight to his mules except weapons and armor? (I.E Summons, Potions)

How do i make it so a message will show if a character is trying to buy 2 swords, because he can only carry one, and i cant let him buy the other without selling his first one?

Can i reable triggers? Like the combo attacks, i will enable them for the message but if he doesnt get it in the 10 seconds can i disable it, then when he trys again reable it?

I'm sure there will be lots more later, but those will come when i think of them. There will be some stuff next post as I am running out of room, Nut the next post is mostly for you.


May 23, 2003
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I'll help !! i can help with the dialog and the animations changes!!

You are right about the MASSIVE part!! - to do all the things you just described it will require lots of WORK TIME EFFORT!! (lots of dialog changes) :) let me know when you got everything set!!


May 25, 2003
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Nut heres your part: There are exactly 10 Classes, didnt even mean to do that on purpose, there will be 15 Main heroes you can choose at beginning, and 15 Supporting Characters at different towns, that contain some supporting characters. There needs to be 3 of each class So:

Main Heroes:

1 Of Everything

An extra Warrior, Archer, BeastTamer, Black Mage, and Theif as I feel those will be the most popular, if you feel differentely go ahead.

The other Supporting Characters will have 1 of each spread out, and the other 5 That were not in the main, as Supporting leaving 15 in each category.

I hope that will help. Also, I'm thinking of making the archers move behind a footmen instead of automatic, that way he has a chance to die if he's stupid. : ). I think that would be more fair and easier to find a way instead of placing him behind one, cuz those triggers will be hard.

Thats it, put the names where u want, have fun, my hands r tired, just typed like 10000 words


May 25, 2003
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WOHOO! Genki FINALLY YOU TAKE PART, I KNEW YOU COULDNT RESISTS WITH ALL THE TRIGGER ACTIVITY! have fun reading that, lol took me awhile, we will tell u when we need help, im starting to make the tbs system soon then i will just copy and paste to the terrain nut is making. So answer those questions in that first big post and it should help or i mite need u just to help so i can take a break later


May 25, 2003
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Ok, guyz im out for tonite, nut is gonna keep thinking, and i will remember more of my questions, so more comes tommorow and maybe starting, heh

I wont b back until around 3 Central Time, Damn dentists lol


Jul 13, 2003
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i got 60% of the plot and am thinking up a backup plot if you dont like the main one more to come
i am gonna put in 2 more hours before i go to bed u guys are lucky i am an insomniac
well good night


May 23, 2003
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Yea Porno - I like the trigger - thats whats make the games SOO DA** cool!!

OK you had a long A** list of questions - so i will try to answer as best as i can - NOTE you didnt be specific so i cant be specific either!!
Get back to me with specific so i can help you more - but if i answered that means i CAN and KNOW of a way to do the trigger that you are describing!!

There are different areas in which i need different enounters, how do i make a random number generator, with each number being a monster, in different areas that i need [glow=yellow] Answer:[/glow] Well - this can be done by varibles that are arrayed!! - i'll explain more later!!

How do i make elemental counters? Fire vs. ice, Etc. [glow=yellow]Answer:[/glow] - umm - varibles - math sign. abs, If-Then else_triggers!!

How would I make a trigger to say once mule loses one item in inventory, send back to home base for mules or something like that, so the player cant give his guy tons of items in that 15 seconds? need[glow=yellow] Answer:[/glow] - varible of integer 's - item manipulation count!!

How do i make it so that swordsmen cant buy bows, or at least the damage wont affect the swordsmen, so they wont be stupid an do that, just to have a better item? Basically have all the weapons only work on that specific character? need[glow=yellow] Answer:[/glow] AGAIN If/Then/Else - item manipulation - varibales!!

How do i make it so everyone in the battle party will do their turns, and wait one member at a time before they perform their turn, so it will go gradually instead of all at the same time? need[glow=yellow] Answer:[/glow] SIMPLE - since you are running the battle system off of a dialog - a simple trigger that wait for the the triggering of another dialog - or a varible of integers - one for each turn!!

How would i make parties of people, with one person being a leader, and the people in his party dont move but still fight in his encounters, they just follow the leader without moving manually, the only way to move, is to abondon the party, then disable the team encounter? need[glow=yellow] Answer:[/glow] Not clear on what you mean by this!! explain to me more!!

How do i make items when the hero buyz them, go straight to his mules except weapons and armor? (I.E Summons, Potions) need[glow=yellow] Answer:[/glow] Item being manipulated - item move (instantly) to DONKEY!!! if/then/else trigger if you need only certain to go to teh DONKEY!!

How do i make it so a message will show if a character is trying to buy 2 swords, because he can only carry one, and i cant let him buy the other without selling his first one? need[glow=yellow] Answer:[/glow] -if/then/else on inventory - item manipulation!!

Can i reable triggers? [glow=yellow]Answer:[/glow] - Yes! - You will use the "If/then/else" and "Run (this trigger)" and "Turn On/Off (this trigger" Actions here alot!!

OK i am sure that i didnt help ONE BIT!!! but, at least i tryed and i know that these thing are possible, every one of these questions you asked are possible!! i know how to do most of them!!
Laterzz :) got work tommorrow!! weee funnn WORKK!!!



May 25, 2003
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Woah, there is no double posting involved kaldaris, hardly any of our posts have 2 posts in a row..... every thing we say requires a new reply, thats not double posting, as for ur kaldaris mage lol, u can have a name, but u gotta follow the classes get that to nut, Genki I got no idea what you are talking about but you are a god!

All that maniputlation item stuff you will have to do, ill submit the basis and stuff u do the advanced stuff like those item things as for the party thing ill explain tommorow, as i have to go to sleep now, i gtg wake up in the morning and go to some activity...... then the dentist so wont be home til 3 central, until then!

EDIT: Nevermind I will tell you now,

What I want is the ability to form parties, as in a group of heroes that travel and fight toghther. Now The trigger I need to figure out, is how if a party is traveling toghther to fight toghther?

Heres how it works: In the map, there are countdown times, with variable, and random number generators attached, however you said earlier, each certain areas will have a variety of numbers depending on the difficulty of the area, Every time the countdown timer runs down the people in an area that has monsters will teleport to a battlegroup, (An square with cliffs around it......) If not in a party, it's easy, each player teleported to X region with Random number of monster, (After setting monsters as numbers/variables w/e), When in a party, you set a party leader, (somehow, you will choose a party leader, or do the strongest person or something), everyone will follow the party leader without moving, they can disband the party at any time, by stepping on a region or something. But while in the party, the members follow directly behind the leader with a follow trigger... EZ, without being able to manually move, unless he disbands his party. Not sure how to make them not move either. Now the hard part is, when the countdown timer runs out and the battle would start, how would i get the whole party to fight toghther, instead of going singally by themselves?

I hope thats enough detail, if you need more, your gonna have to wait til tommorow.


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 15, 2003
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Kennewick, WA
Double posting is clearly defined as - Posting two times in a row, i.e. Posting Order: Kaldaris - Pornomon - Kaldaris - Kaldaris


May 25, 2003
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Yes, I clearly realize that, and the time i did double post i said i could not edit twice, and maybe another time, and he has done it once or twice, i would say out of 70 replies that 3 posts making 6 r double, i think we are doing extremely well


Jun 9, 2003
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in my house, durr Post
ya back there u triple posted..... theres and edit button for a reson, as for the shooting game SUPER EASY! make a guy have an artilry line atack and an atack ground ability, then you atack ground wherever, and thats where you shoot, you have to time it right so that the units walking bye infront of you (or on cliffs/ledges) get hit by the miniscule splash, its fairly easy, i could do it for you if you want


May 25, 2003
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ooooooo i like that jim, gotta figure out if people should buy the men to do it, or have to buy like the tokens to do it, or both

EDIT: Jim Problem, if he had the attack ground, he wouldnt have to time it, unless i could limit his ammo somehow, because it would rapidly attack, if u got spare time on ur hands, and we are at that point, i guess, dude; w/e, but we need to clarify it a lil more, cuz attack ground repeats over and over.

Triple Post Really? Well OOOOPPSSS, i prob wasnt paying attention srry, that my only double or over though, I doubt this thread will be as active tommorow, as hopefully most every1 is working now.

As for you Kald, Your hero, you may come up with a name, and if he is a specific class come up with some ideas, ill stick whatever name u want on one of the characters, maybe some abilities, all matters what class, no making your own, we evened out the classes perfectely with 10, so there are an exact armount for the things we wanted. So only names and maybe abilities, just put which class you wanted him to be also.

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