ok ya kaldaris thats fine, but let me just ask genki one thing about that.
Genki, in battle if you chose from the dialoge for example something from kaldaris mage, you would click black magic on the first dialogue, then a second would show up on which magic you wanted to perform, now, if this is possible, it would be alot easier, (sorta), how would the character, choose which one too attack? the only idea i have for this is slots. Im not sure if we could do this, but in each battle place, we have what i call 3 or 4 slots. When theres an encounter the monsters go to random slots but can never exceed 3 or 4 or whatever the mximum number of slots is. So what i am asking you is, is it possible if after we chose the black magic in dialogue 1, then fire in dialogue 2, then if he chose like slot 1, could we get it so fire would effeft the monster in slot one? like a attack everyone in this region, since there will be only 1 enemy in each slot (region).
Now the problem with this is, can you read button clicks two times in a row, could the A.I store it that he is using fire, and which slot to attack?
The other way to do it, is just put them as abilities like spells in the real game. But i am thinking it may limit the game, depending on how many spells we have for everyone? I rather do the slot idea, but not sure if its possible to store in the A,I a fire attack and then click another dialogue button. And if we did do them as hero abilties, can you do once they cast 1 spell and use it, move back to original position and stop?
The other way to do it, i just thought of would be to use triggers to add and remove. If they clicked the fire dialogue button have a trigger add that to her abilities, and once she is done using it, remove it. Just with trigger, im pretty sure theres an add spell, remove spell from hero trigger.
Whichever way would be the best and most possible. Your choice