Diablo 3 Area/Act/Quest ideas!


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
What if their was a quest that if beaten you get a 1 of a kind item that no one else can get. It would pertain to your character class, and maybe even your skills used and the current lvl. For example you might get for a hammerdin, a shield that adds to hammers, holy shield, auto aura of holy freeze, and faster cast rate.

If you haven't noticed in act 1 their are chickens in town, what if their was a hidden lvl where you have to kill maybe 100 of those stupid chickens to get a secret portal to open. Inside would be thousands of chests. Some are trapped, some have unique items, and some create demons that are unique and very powerful. You could even have some with negative effects.

I would love to see the demons have their own skills, and not copies of skills that are from usable characters. Example would be the councel and the hydras. Have them cast earth, water, air elemental powers.

And finally as I mentioned before with my synerio, have them go into the portal, but have a ultimate showdown. First fighting all the act bosses that arent the prime evils, as in Andy, Durell, Councel, Izuel, and that act 5 quest 1 guy (forgot name), then you must face mephisto, Diablo, and Baal all at the same time.


New Member
Apr 3, 2005
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I think it would be a prolouge with the prime evils dead and such or the lesser evils would be the main bosses in D3


Apr 3, 2005
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Kansas The Heartland, Hell
Lesser Evils

Theres Gotta be a big role for asmodan and belail the two lesser evils mentioned in the D1 book that you didnt Kill in D2 Also I think perhaps the shattered peices of the worldstone could play a big role, and maybe also they peices could be used as gems of some sort in a gameplay sense.


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Oct 3, 2004
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People, dont forget that asmodan and belail were even mentioned in the game Diablo one itself. Diablo one tells you a bunch of information in its quests that could be used for Diablo 3.

Go here and download this cool Diablo Remix that has some main quotes from the game. You might find it interesting:



New Member
Apr 3, 2005
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Andriel could maybe come come back she might have been just banshed to hell( hence the big fiery death) and whit the worldstone shattered everyone you killled (with the exeption of the prime evils) comes back and wants revenge.


Apr 3, 2005
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Kansas The Heartland, Hell
I want to see the druids land of scosglen, you could have druids roaming the plains outside in werewolf and were bear form like the barbs in harrogath and the areas


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
I would love to see the homelands for all playerable characters. Imagine a necro homeland or sorc, actually any of them would be cool. You could have a huge castle for the pallys, giant graveyard with caves for the necros, ect.

BtW, is their a place I can find out more about the lesser prime evils, need some research for a story that I am writing here in this forum. Primarilly I'm looking for a link to a page, or just some detils on powers and an image of what they look like. Dont want to have to download any files. Thanks in advance for anyone who can help with this.


Apr 3, 2005
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Kansas The Heartland, Hell
YEAH The amazon rainforest the town could be built in the trees and well the hometown for paladins was technically act three in d2 since paladins are from the church of zakarum, but the sorceresses temples and the giant necro graveyard would be neat with undead roaming around perhaps even skeletal or golem npcs merchants that would be interesting haggling with a skeleton, or a fire golem blacksmith that doesnt need a forge just heats the metal with his ass. Perhaps... hmm... rogues should make a come back, give them zon like bow skills, and a better character models selection, gender on certain classes (Zons can only be chicks of course) and skin color for a bigger assortment of looks,


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Apr 5, 2005
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Hey, I just joined, and read through this thread, I really like the original Diablo 1. I loved talking to the people of tristram and how much fun it was, considering it was based in such a small ammount of space. I think it would be kinda cool, if the game somehow went maybe forward and backwards in time. Like, say, you had to go back in time to save tristram, i dont know, and all your ideas rock btw !


Premium Member
Dec 1, 2003
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Stickied (for now):)

I really didn't bother with all 5 pages (not much time) but I'd find it cool if they took us back to the Sin Wars, or back when the Horodrum first imprisoned the Prime Evils, that would be different.


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Apr 6, 2005
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(1)I was browsing through the web and came across this forum, and decided i had to join just to get my say in.

Firstly, for those who say Diablo is dead and can't return, he died at the end of Diablo 1 aswell didnt he? I mean, he possessed the very man who killed him- the one known as the Dark Wanderer in D2. So surely there can always be another Diablo.

I don't know if this has been mentioned as i am lazy and didnt read all the forum posts, but i was thinking an idea for Diablo 3 could centre around the Father of Diablo as the main character. Say he was sitting around, chilling in the depths of hell (though i dunno of the word 'chilling' is the appropriate word for a place that possesses temperatures that can melt steel). Anyway, so you've got Mr Diablo Senior sitting on his throne in hell and he just discovers that his three sons have all been slain. Man he is pissed.

Normally he is a pretty chilled out guy, concerned only with what goes on in his domain. In fact, he previously disowned his three children for their desires to dwell in the world of men and corrupt the balance of both the Earth and the Underworld. His disowning of them could explain the fact he is never referred to in the previous games.

Now, however, he is truly pissed off. I mean, ok so his sons were bad boys, but they didnt deserve death. Now mr diablo, overlord of the underworld, decides to truly open the gates of hell and release his minions of evil.

His minions roam the earth, slaughtereing innocents by the thousands, and for every mortal slain by these demons, Diablo Senior grows stronger. He is merely waiting for his strength to reach its peak so he himself can enter the world of men and reign his terror upon those that berieved him of his children.

(2)An alternate idea that i came up with was focusing on the idea that diablo possesses those who slay him. So at then end of D2 we say that it was a party of seven adventurers, one of each class. After slaying diablo and then baal, the seven adventurers went there seperate ways. However, each began to gardually become more and more evil as the possession by diablo corrupts their soul. Eventually, each of the seven turns into an evil demonic creature.

Now the game could be split into 8 acts. Sounds liek a lot but people did complain the game was too short. Now picture this. At the end of each act, you could fight one of these possessed warriors.

Act One, you could fight the Demonic Barbarian, Act two the Demonic Druid, summoning vultures instead of ravens and hellhounds instead of spirit wolves, maybe even some great big firey bear, and so on. So each act ends with a boss fight with the demonic version of one of these classes.

Finally Act 8, you could fight diablo himself. Cliché ending but i quite liek the ideas of the Dark Devil versions of the other classes.


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Apr 6, 2005
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My idea of diablo 3

Of course everyone has their own ideas of how and what should be. And thats why i am going to take in all points of view in how i think diablo 3 should be.

First of all i am not going to say anything about the story and stuff like that b/c if it was used everyone would know it and the story is more fun to discover than read.

The beggining-You start out in a town with almost no idea of the story line and you just are wandering and of course there is a char w/ a ! above their head and than everything begins. The very first quest should be required and this should be the most linear part of the game all other quests should not be required. The reason behind the first quest bieng required is because it will lead to a choice of new quests that are activated due to what the first quest is.
Of course it will follow this basic act and quest idea just like diablo 2 but, it should be taken further like on the diffucutly level of normal there should be 4 acts w/ around 30 quests total but, they should be fulfilling and not to tidueos and just right to make the player feel like he is a part of this adventure and he wants to complete these quests. Some quests should be more rewarding than others and some quests should just be 1's that lead to other's but, having smaller rewards. Upon beating as for say the 3rd quest in act 4 they should make it seem as if u have beat normal diffuculty only to suprise u when u suddenly end up in act2? :/ only to find that something u saw in act 2 that caught you're eye is a gate to a place in act 4 that "was" inaccesible but, now leads to quest 4 of act4. Ok skipping ahead after beating normal diffucutly of course u go on to the next only to repeat what u already did? wrong! everything should be changed some areas from normal diffuclty should be re-visited BUT! new things should happen and new areas should be there. and the same for the next diffuclty.

Ok now moving on from the acts and stuff like that.

Environments- We should see some almost familiar areas like maybe a new castle? some grasslands etc. etc. but, to amp up the players expirence maybe take them far far underground to the depths of an undiscovered crypt u stumble upon and u find yourself upon an underground kingdom witch at first appears to be all the living dead but, u find a small area of civilization. Next take us to somewhere on top of water like a floating palace of lost decent or something. An area in the sky maybe on top of the world stone or soemthing would be insanly cool! Also i realley loved act 2 and i would like to see something similiar and as big.

Characters- duh new characters are a must b/c everyone has their favorite characters class. But, this time please make characters more welll rounded and have every characters have badass moves and tons of them to choose from. of course bring back all the other chars but, have some new ones that way we dont always see a billions barbs in one game and etc. Also characters should be able to be good/evil and etc. and some chars should have special quests that others dont !

Battlenet-allow up to 10 players for one game. Also a special arena or something should be made specificalley for open/battle net b/c that would be insane but, don't make it small make it like the size of the den of evil or something but, don't make it a cave make it something like the collesium in rome.

ok i did say i wasnt going to mention a story but, what the hell!

Story-the worldstone has been destroyed....what could be possibly be next?
well an advenuteur has collected ashes from diablo and baal and is perfmorning a ritual in tal rashas tomb to not revive them but, worship. something goes wrong and baal and diablo are revied/joined and your advenutre begins. You find yourself a somewhat expirenced warrior looking for some money or a job or something when u stumble upon a guy who offers u something that will be"worth your while" if u just clear out some area or somethign. upon doing this you find a book and you learn the story of diablo a baal and the world stone bieng destoryed but, u don't think much of it at the time so u complete your quest and im to lazy o continue so let someone at blizzard continue the story!


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
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hah i shoulda known only u would say something of the sort "nick" or if that is your real name?


New Member
Apr 3, 2005
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I think do to some disatster you traval back in time changing history so then when you back to your timeline it has changed and now you have to rekill the prime evils.


Apr 3, 2005
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Kansas The Heartland, Hell
Jesus Saves souls and redeems them for valuable prizes

I agree with jesus (cant beleive i said that) Persius you ideas are crap, That would completly take the soul out of what is a diablo game tho i do like idea of having smaller bands of people about the country side maybe giving you access to uniqe quests or merchants removing the central town/home base aspect would completly kill the whole diablo spirit those towns are your lifeline, they're the people your fighting for your a protector in diablo thats your role, remove that and your just some dickhead killing things for no reason without the town to give "EVIL" context you have no purpose. that and i think your gay :ufo


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
Moridinxx said:
I agree with jesus (cant beleive i said that) Persius you ideas are crap, That would completly take the soul out of what is a diablo game tho i do like idea of having smaller bands of people about the country side maybe giving you access to uniqe quests or merchants removing the central town/home base aspect would completly kill the whole diablo spirit those towns are your lifeline, they're the people your fighting for your a protector in diablo thats your role, remove that and your just some dickhead killing things for no reason without the town to give "EVIL" context you have no purpose. that and i think your gay :ufo
HAHA! Owned!

Anyways, back on the subject at hand. It would be amazing if you could have more than 8 total players in a made game. I would have it something like maybe 10-14 players in a game. But, make the monsters so hard that you would have to play together or die. Just to make it a bit of a pain in the ass, have it where characters 20 lvls higher and ppl who have the quest done already can not enter. That would be because of pking and rushers. If you can't do it on your own dont play.


Apr 16, 2005
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I thought of this when people were saying a "castle" area. They could have it so you go back to Act 4 to the Pand. Fortress, but it's all torn up and stuff, and they could call it Pand. Runes. So then your walking down the Steppes to the place (Plains of Dispair?) and theres nothing there, just a couple of enemies. You just go from there.

Also, if you had a paladin area, it should be a village with this huge church, not a castle, 'cause pallies aren't much of a kingdom-type race.

If Diablo is brought back, they have to make the area where he spawns have a bunch of switches and stuff. It's a necessity when it comes to Diablo (Diablo 1, switches and stuff. Diablo 2, seals).


May 1, 2005
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Most likey not authentic. yet creats suspence



May 2, 2005
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Ok just a short bit here compared to most but i think it will be enough. I have read some things online that say that all of the 10 different characters including d1 and 2 came from different homelands ((12 if you count the monk and the test bard in hellfire)) so why not take and have one act for each of these 12 homelands. Six major quests in each act all necessary to move. Plus some minor ones unnecessary to move on. each quest reveals more of the history of diablo and his brothers. This would encourage players to do the quests and learn more. The major quest would all be set and the minor ones would be random. Now lets see. We could make like a decade after the events in d-2 or better yet a century since being pretty much immortal that wouldn't be long for diablo. You start as a certain class and begin in the homeland of that class as you progress you go from your homeland to the closest land to it and from there to the next one and so on. You hear tales of the great hero who finally laid the prime evils to rest and it inspires you to grow stronger ((part of the story not something you have to do. but would work either way i think)) When you have mastered your training you are like a level one such and such (whatever class you choose) and no longer in training. Sinister things begin to happen in the world and you decide to investigate. Beginning of the gameplay here. make a long story short it turns out that hell is rising and that diablo was only hiding until he regained his strength after his last defeat, his brothers may or may or may not be with him haven't thought about that, and you have to save the world yet again with a different generation yet again. what do u all think? I know it turned out alot longer than i thought it would so sorry to those of u that read it all and hated the idea


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
What if you could have a town for sorcs? Imagine something like castles, a tower, ect. This act could have alot of potential. Their could be magical barriers that need to be deactivated, in order to move forward, but like the seals to fight Diablo, they could unleash protectors that you must defeat first. Each one of these protectors could have a different element, and be immune to that element too. Maybe even fighting your way up a tower on a spiraling staircase, with doors on the sides, traps, ect. The boss could be some high powered Wizard that has gone evil or something.

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