okis new idea....
the end of diablo 2 brings a new era of expansion and peace througought the lands. New continents are discovered, new creatures are catalogued and eventually, not more than 3 decades after the fall of baal, man(and amazonian woman

) have expanded out to greater lands and have populated the inhabitable parts of the world.
after 30 years, the slayers of diablo/baal/mefisto are old and retired from adventureing. Heros in their own time, they settle in various parts of the world. You would think that nothing bad will ever happen again...well this is diablo and you are very wrong...
now, 100 years later, It turns out that diablo and his brothers dont just die, They reincarnate by becoming a part of the ones that touch their soulgems, and then, spread through their bloodline. Depending on wether the person is good at heart or bad, they form odd traits like never seen before. Humans growing extra body parts or horns or begin learning how to levitate have appeared as uncommon traits in humans. A select few humans are evil, far too evil to be held in their mortal bodies...
it turns out these evil humans control massive empires, that were at peace after the fall of diablo. They all lust for power, and drive war against other weaker nations until their nations rub elbows against the rulers of vast good human empires, and thus war insues. The humans in the evil empires use dark mystics and other magical properties to conjure up the dead and other spells to kill the good guys. Eventually, atrocities are commited and a select 3 rulers morph into the great evils themselves...Mephisto, diablo, and Baal return to earth, new and improved greatly, at the helm of 3 massive armies with several controlled lands. Their armies transform into beasts themselves, becoming imps, and other monsters we all know well from diablo2, and new ones that are humongeous, fast, and deadly.
The angels are sent to prevent any more lands to become pure evil. They align with the good peoples, and imbue them with their powers, refusing to interfere since they have no right in the realm of man.
what do the good humans get you wonder....
in your chracter creation screen, you get to align yourself under what greater evil you were "heritage" to(meaning they will have traits like, horns, whatever traits baal has, or levitation...cant remember the evils from diablo too well)...
*diablo-your power is in flame, you are tougher to kill, and your summons or spells have a flame effect
*mephisto-your power is in lightning, you are a bit faster to attack, your summons and spells have a lit effect.
*baal-your power lies in psychic spellls, you have better accuracy and chance to hit, your spells and summons have a psychic effect.
then, you choose what characters, i dont know what they would be, but lets just say the orig from diablo 2.
so it would be like..
diablo barbarian, he has strong attacks, hard to kill, and his weapons can be imbued with flame power.
mephisto amazon, she has electrid attacks, shoots whatever a bit faster than usual, and has a lit effect.
baal sorceress, and becasuse she is magi, her psychic strength adds to her mana pool/regeneration, her spells hit more often.