Diablo 3 Area/Act/Quest ideas!


New Member
Jul 5, 2005
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Im new to this but who cares....First of all,if D3 is 3D it wont be Diablo.What makes diablo feel like Diablo is that helicopter view kind of thing.If it is 3D the game will look like a wanna be WoW.I also think there shouldnt be any character customizations or any of that.I think people just want to pick a person give him a name.We dont want to get into all that stuff with the character.They should also keep the idea of using waypoints and all that.If you have to run it will be really boring like WoW is when you have to run or fly or ride a horse for an hour before you can get to where you are going.It all drags the game down and maked it way to into it.With that I think they should keep the idea of joining a game rather then one huge one.Everyone like the friends list when you go and play with your friends right away instead of saying "hey ill meet you in the middle of God knows where in an hour because I have to get there....."That would suck.With characters,all I think they should do is add more.I dont think the idea of a light and dark side would be simple....Diablo needs to stay simple like its always been.They should up the graphics a bit nothing like WHOAAAAA.You dont need all of that to have a good time.The storyline should tie into D2 like D2 did with D1 using tristram.Brings back memories of the old game and is just cool.They should keep all the skill tree and stat type things but add more quests and acts.They should also keep the Cube...and even add more things and keep the runwords and gems and all of the things u can do with the cube..The stash should also stay.A massive amount of weapons and armor added.And definatley keep the cow level for the hell of it.This is what i think D3 should be like but im saying you have to keep the things in the game that make Diablo,Diablo.....


New Member
Jul 11, 2005
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my ideas;)

:shocked alright here goes my opinions. d3 should stick the same way as d2 in the "game play" and "game type" no 3d or weird animations and all that it should stay rpg in helicopter view.. i play d2 lod.. i got hacked and my char sucks so bad now so i havent played much lately cuz im pissed... but d2 is mainly go out of town.. walk the only way you can walk.. click 50 times and then walk up more click 50 times walk more etc... i think the game should be more with places to be discovered and all that type of stuff.. you should have a massive map where you can travel by horse through towns and interract with many things.. forests, caves, swapms and small enemy settlements could be secondary places where quests could be completed in order to get money and experience. characters in d2 mainly use all "uber" equip and roam around the map killing everything and doing same thing over and over again and its fun but sucks if you think of it.. d3 should let you personalize your character more. you should have new character types and can sellect sex and "evil-good" atributes.. and each character could have some sort of "homecity" to go to for learning new techniques with their gained expericnce points and buy special armor,weapons etc for that specific character. to get to places they ride on horses i say again so its kind of funner and you can go down your horse and run around etc.. there should be some sort of arena where characters can battle and get money and experience.. then evil characters could gather up in packs and ambush trade carts between cities and good characters.. it shouldnt only cover a story and when u end it infinite baal runs like d2..
ok now we get to the setting of the world. since the primer evils are dead there should be some sort of "deus-ex magina" and oh but little did we know big-d had a son and now he is ultrapowerful so u must kill him .. no.. it should b like first solving problems with towns.. human problems like a farmer who gets outrunned by strange volves which live in a cavern and u venture to kill the volves.. to get there u cross places and get secondary quests etc.. so you get many paths you can choose. you should have a reputation bar which allows you to enter taverns and if ur an ***hole you enter a tavern and the good people may attack you or the town guards may etc.. as you avance in your quests you become aware of some evil that lurks around and does weird things soon you realize that (for ex) with the destruction of the world stone a part of dwarf kind has become mutated from nature and do strange things out in the hills and there is a king dwarf which is governed by the undestroyable spirit of diablo. cmon ffs he is the devil if u kill him he reborns.. (the game will be called DIABLO 3 for a reason).. so we get mothernature controlled by the spirit of diablo .. something like the sauron eye of lord of the rings..
i think ive written too much i dno there are some good ideas and some stupid.. mainly it should be more interactive and your character should be unique.. not like another hammerdin with an enigma hoto etc.. its so boring to see 3120984912304890238 of them!! on multiplayer you should have like 16 players in one room and not only do they do quests but they sortof "live their lives" in the game like a type of ageofempires where they get upgrades from their motherland and the party splits into 8 good and 8 bad players each act in different ways and slowy get to the end where they battle to keep their cities and fulfill their masters quests...
character classes we could have the same but modified.. paladins would become angels, with wings. then there could be angels that are bad which look like redskeletons with bone wings.. and sorcerers are importent so we could have wizards and sorcerers..each sex has diferent abilities.. so each character class would be unique. we could have horned demons.. and weird stuff dno im not making the game:p
basically it should be player friendly and you adapt your character to your likes and not follow a one-way path then repeat it 503204923 times because you have nothing left to do. i hope they do make d3 alike to my opinions. it would give players a whole new role in multiplayer world wide... and could be a thing to play for hours and hours and actually do something and not be a bot like d2 and just baal and baal and mf and mf during the whole night.. you could travel to distant places and earn atributes uniques to your style of playing... they should really think about these things rather then doing 50 mf runs on mephisto hell to get a ring that gives you 10000 life and 100 ll 100 mana leech and blablabla .. you should turn into an uber char with your skills and intelligence.. by the way you play not with the things you find..
ps: im not saying they should take out the good items;) leave them in but make it diferent to obtain them.. through experience maybe? and on servers make rooms that are flea markets.. like a whole different map.. where players go to abdicate (i think thats the word) items and other people bid for them.. and stuff like that... your reputation should be important too.. the sultans and kings of villages should grant you food and shelter for free when you step in their lands if they know that you slayed a horrifying beast and saved many lives etc.. there should be day and night also:p.. better grafix.. and mayb the veiw instead of right ontop could be a bit tilted backwards.. they should focus on how the player sits his eyes on the environment and spend hours doing many tasks and having loads of fun!! i guess thats all i have to offer.. please give me opinions:) btw ty if you took time to read all of that;)


Mar 24, 2005
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Garden Grove, CA
d3 should be more like d1 except with the modifications of d2 (stash, run, lots of chars, class specific items, etc.) and be online, maybe like 10 players or so instead of 8...


Feb 23, 2005
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well i think that they should go more into the world (asia?) and encounter demons of that type style and into other areas (africa) and all using portals that demons use to try and escape but you slay them before they can use them?


Battle God
Jul 16, 2004
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Salabasha said:
I always wonder where the brothers came from. Main Boss? There Dad

Thats seriously interesting. I'd like to wonder if in D3, what main boss would we fight at the end? I was thinking that at the end of the game, it could have you taking a large legion of angels deep into the burning hells, and just having a war type of thing. Your character sneaks in to deastroy the source of hell, and what is his name?


silver slyph

Jul 27, 2005
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some things i would like to see in d3.

1. more secret rooms and passages. in previous games there just isn't enough of them. the games are mostly all battle, not much on the exploring part.
2. the rewards (or imbues) you get from quests should be something incredible that you would want to keep for a very long time. at a minimum a very rare or unique item or maybe a high level rune.
3. there could be a school where you could send your merc to gain a skill (according to his class) that he doesn't have. example: act1 rouge aquires critical strike skill, act3 iron mages aquire lower resistance ect......
4. more different types of mercs. monk, illusionist, ranger, cleric, bard, wizard, fighter ect.......
5. in d3 it should take the battle to hell itself. the mortal realm is safe for the time being, but there are some quests and stories that need to be wound up.


Aug 8, 2005
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I think that the personalization quest should give the item bonuses corresponding to your build, for example if your an assassin and you put points into traps personalization would give points to trap skills. That quest is worthless.
Also maybe they should make it a side scroller just for the hell of it, lose some money because of a messed up looking game.
The story i dont care about but then again who played d2 for the story......


Aug 26, 2005
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In my opinion, a REALLY new ideia would be the Bound Item quest. Optional quest only avail for level 90 or above characters. The main ideia is that you cna choose to bound irreversibly an Item to your character. Of course it would be any item boost in attributes something around 50-100 times. Offered by tyreal, if obtained would make your character as powerfull as archangels themselves! But the quest to obtian it would be very very dificult, only doable 1 time per character and envolving lots of risks:
if die, you lose character
You would need to go to hell into a secret chamber to obtain a the item Soul drainer, which lowers your character level to 1 chaneling your powers to the selected item. ( the hard part is this: your item may break due to the awsome energy it receives, the better the item, the more probability it has to break, say Elite unikes would have a 90% chance of breaking, leaving you with nothing!)
FInally in Heaven you must fight inside the Sacred Arena against the best angel champion ( sugestions for a name?), USING ONLY YOUR BOUND ITEM WHATEVER IT IS AND BEEING LEVEL 1 NO PORTALS OR POTIONS AVAIL
Having passed that your character just need to level up again to equip himself and finally become a Uber character ( how about a +200 skills Mara kaleidoscope? nice but them how to escape from hell with the soul drainer and beat the Angel champion ? :hbut )
I´ll write a more detailed version whem I can.
So what do you think?


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
Way to powerful IMO but intersting none the less.

What about at lvl 99 you can choose from a new merchant, (maybe Tyriel himself) 1 any only 1 perfect mod runeword item not listed anywhere, or attainable to wear under lvl 99. This runeword will be specifically for that spacific character class and build. Will also automatically be personalized with your character name.


The best of both worlds
Jun 9, 2003
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GoodIdeas said:
In my opinion, a REALLY new ideia would be the Bound Item quest. Optional quest only avail for level 90 or above characters. The main ideia is that you cna choose to bound irreversibly an Item to your character. Of course it would be any item boost in attributes something around 50-100 times. Offered by tyreal, if obtained would make your character as powerfull as archangels themselves! But the quest to obtian it would be very very dificult, only doable 1 time per character and envolving lots of risks:
if die, you lose character
You would need to go to hell into a secret chamber to obtain a the item Soul drainer, which lowers your character level to 1 chaneling your powers to the selected item. ( the hard part is this: your item may break due to the awsome energy it receives, the better the item, the more probability it has to break, say Elite unikes would have a 90% chance of breaking, leaving you with nothing!)
FInally in Heaven you must fight inside the Sacred Arena against the best angel champion ( sugestions for a name?), USING ONLY YOUR BOUND ITEM WHATEVER IT IS AND BEEING LEVEL 1 NO PORTALS OR POTIONS AVAIL
Having passed that your character just need to level up again to equip himself and finally become a Uber character ( how about a +200 skills Mara kaleidoscope? nice but them how to escape from hell with the soul drainer and beat the Angel champion ? :hbut )
I´ll write a more detailed version whem I can.
So what do you think?
I think you should change your name to '"Retarded Ideas"


Aug 21, 2005
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GoodIdeas said:
In my opinion, a REALLY new ideia would be the Bound Item quest. Optional quest only avail for level 90 or above characters. The main ideia is that you cna choose to bound irreversibly an Item to your character. Of course it would be any item boost in attributes something around 50-100 times. Offered by tyreal, if obtained would make your character as powerfull as archangels themselves! But the quest to obtian it would be very very dificult, only doable 1 time per character and envolving lots of risks:
if die, you lose character
You would need to go to hell into a secret chamber to obtain a the item Soul drainer, which lowers your character level to 1 chaneling your powers to the selected item. ( the hard part is this: your item may break due to the awsome energy it receives, the better the item, the more probability it has to break, say Elite unikes would have a 90% chance of breaking, leaving you with nothing!)
FInally in Heaven you must fight inside the Sacred Arena against the best angel champion ( sugestions for a name?), USING ONLY YOUR BOUND ITEM WHATEVER IT IS AND BEEING LEVEL 1 NO PORTALS OR POTIONS AVAIL
Having passed that your character just need to level up again to equip himself and finally become a Uber character ( how about a +200 skills Mara kaleidoscope? nice but them how to escape from hell with the soul drainer and beat the Angel champion ? :hbut )
I´ll write a more detailed version whem I can.
So what do you think?
How about take what you said, lose the become level one portion, remove the breaking and take out fighting an angel, add fighting a new super unique demon(Belial or something perhaps) and sure keep the bit about it badically being hc.
Then take 50-100 and make it 2-3 instead.(do you REALLY want to see a 200 skill, 500 all attributes maras or a ebotd cb with over 40k ed or w/e? imagine 1200ed ebotd cb on its own....frightening.)

Also, my take on a "bound" item is one that is forever tied to your character so-it would be Un-Unequippable. This would make or break your character. You bind a weak item, you're crippled.

The "bound" item's power would vary by the level you completed the quest(and be do-able in all 3 modes) The higher you are the better "bound" item it would yield.

Also doing this un-unequippable bit would prevent people from doing it over and over and transfering a ton of "bound" items to one character.

Personally I like this general idea.....I just thought it needed major tweaking. Any constructive criticism welcome.


Aug 26, 2005
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You are missing the point of the quest. Because of the optional nature of it, you are not garanted of acheiving it just by killin some monster or putting runes in the right order. That is why there must be a high chance your bound item can break when it is enhanced. Maybe an increse in atributes around 25-50 times would be more balanced, besides angelic items should be unearthly.
chose an item ate level 99? never, that is too easy and involves no risc at all...


Aug 21, 2005
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GoodIdeas said:
You are missing the point of the quest. Because of the optional nature of it, you are not garanted of acheiving it just by killin some monster or putting runes in the right order. That is why there must be a high chance your bound item can break when it is enhanced. Maybe an increse in atributes around 25-50 times would be more balanced, besides angelic items should be unearthly.
chose an item ate level 99? never, that is too easy and involves no risc at all...
a Perfect 400% Edbotd Cb does around 860 max damage. What you propose is multiplying the power of the Bound item by 25-50. Just for the sake of showing you how overpowered it is, we will work with the 25.

25x400=10,000+100(base % damage of item)=10,100% damage(not Enhanced damage)
10,100x58(MINIMUM 2 Hand damage-w/o sword mastery etc.)=585,800
Now this is without Sword Mastery damage and skill damage factored in. In Diablo II this sword would nearly be capable of 1-shotting(if not capable with skills etc) the Ubers.
Congrats you just screwed everything ;)
Now I understand that D3 would be different, so, let's suppose that the new "uber boss x" has about 5 MILLION hp to counterbalance these super items. A new problem arises. It is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to kill them without these super items, and even with 5 million this barbarian should kill it in about 10 hits.
Now do you see why even 25 is too much?


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
Tiznit said:
a Perfect 400% Edbotd Cb does around 860 max damage. What you propose is multiplying the power of the Bound item by 25-50. Just for the sake of showing you how overpowered it is, we will work with the 25.

25x400=10,000+100(base % damage of item)=10,100% damage(not Enhanced damage)
10,100x58(MINIMUM 2 Hand damage-w/o sword mastery etc.)=585,800
Now this is without Sword Mastery damage and skill damage factored in. In Diablo II this sword would nearly be capable of 1-shotting(if not capable with skills etc) the Ubers.
Congrats you just screwed everything ;)
Now I understand that D3 would be different, so, let's suppose that the new "uber boss x" has about 5 MILLION hp to counterbalance these super items. A new problem arises. It is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to kill them without these super items, and even with 5 million this barbarian should kill it in about 10 hits.
Now do you see why even 25 is too much?
Nicely done. This was a good idea but just way to overpowering.


Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
In a house
Man, I've made this thread and at the beginning I thought I woul read all of the comments, but now there are just too many!!

Btw, cool Sig Sworn, but my Avatar is just too cool to be pwned. XD


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
McGorilla said:
Man, I've made this thread and at the beginning I thought I woul read all of the comments, but now there are just too many!!

Btw, cool Sig Sworn, but my Avatar is just too cool to be pwned. XD
LOL yea you made this like your second post right lol. You should spend some time reading these posts some are really good, then their are the other ones lol.

Thank you btw


Aug 26, 2005
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Tiznit said:
a Perfect 400% Edbotd Cb does around 860 max damage. What you propose is multiplying the power of the Bound item by 25-50. Just for the sake of showing you how overpowered it is, we will work with the 25.

25x400=10,000+100(base % damage of item)=10,100% damage(not Enhanced damage)
10,100x58(MINIMUM 2 Hand damage-w/o sword mastery etc.)=585,800
Now this is without Sword Mastery damage and skill damage factored in. In Diablo II this sword would nearly be capable of 1-shotting(if not capable with skills etc) the Ubers.
Congrats you just screwed everything ;)
Now I understand that D3 would be different, so, let's suppose that the new "uber boss x" has about 5 MILLION hp to counterbalance these super items. A new problem arises. It is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to kill them without these super items, and even with 5 million this barbarian should kill it in about 10 hits.
Now do you see why even 25 is too much?
I think you forgot something
All that is correct but you are missing the chance to break. Say runewords have a 95% chance of breaking ( they are already very powerfull btw) And even if you do get one after trying 20 times (19 level 90 characters with a Edbotd Cb lost in the mean time btw, 2 years game time?) using it to fight the angel champion would be useless because your resist would be ~0% so any fire/lighting/cold atack would finish your before you had a chance to hit him... maybe a COH armor would be nicer but then you must fight him with your bare hands :p good luck!

Maybe the idea is not very refined yet, but it is surelly a good one. Like i said before it is suposed to be an optional, yet very hard quest...


Aug 21, 2005
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GoodIdeas said:
I think you forgot something
All that is correct but you are missing the chance to break. Say runewords have a 95% chance of breaking ( they are already very powerfull btw) And even if you do get one after trying 20 times (19 level 90 characters with a Edbotd Cb lost in the mean time btw, 2 years game time?) using it to fight the angel champion would be useless because your resist would be ~0% so any fire/lighting/cold atack would finish your before you had a chance to hit him... maybe a COH armor would be nicer but then you must fight him with your bare hands :p good luck!

Maybe the idea is not very refined yet, but it is surelly a good one. Like i said before it is suposed to be an optional, yet very hard quest...
But the point is that resetting your character to level 1 makes the quest not HARD, it makes it IMPOSSIBLE. So, yeah, I suppose you could do it if you're like an acended lifeform or something rofl. But in order to make the quest DO-ABLE you would have to rip out the lvl 1 bit and then it would totally own. Also, imagine only one person is ever able to do it. Well, he/she is now the single most powerful character on the entire freaking realm.
No matter how you look at it, your combination of "breaking" and "lvl reset" and "25-50x" just makes catastrophe. The idea of a powered up item for just your character is nice, I'll agree, but you're just pushing it too far.

2-3 would be fine(Botd doing 2400 damage-very powerful, I agree, but unstoppable? Not nearly.)
Or Maras x3 6 Skills, AWESOME, 90 Resist, AWESOME, total power on a orb sorc: 180 damage ;)
You have to put things in perspective before you just throw in a super-power item or quest.
Although the Mara's would be totally sick and that makes me think it should just be 2x no matter what(can't have like 1.5 because if its 1 to all skills do u then get 1.5 to all skills? rofl )
I'm not saying your idea is bad, just that it needs work....major work.
Even I'm not close to figuring just how it would need to be done.
Also, remember, a game is meant to make the gamer enjoy it so he'll keep playing or buying new games from the same company. Add breaking and lvl reset and you'll have very unhappy customers as well as overpowered characters that manage to accomplish it.


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
On the edge of madness
What about simply give the first person on each ladder, realm ect. that reaches to lvl 99 a super unique item that is not tradable or dropable. You pick the item, and it is your for good.

Or maybe even a few more extra skill/stat points to be put in any skill (even if that said skill is already maxed out) I mean their is always a skill that can use at least 1 more point in it IMO.


Aug 21, 2005
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XxSworn_EnemyxX said:
What about simply give the first person on each ladder, realm ect. that reaches to lvl 99 a super unique item that is not tradable or dropable. You pick the item, and it is your for good.

Or maybe even a few more extra skill/stat points to be put in any skill (even if that said skill is already maxed out) I mean their is always a skill that can use at least 1 more point in it IMO.
Nice. Simple and it works. I like the second idea better though. Giving them an undroppable item might be a bad idea since Blizzard tends to jack up the power level each patch they add to a game. The item could become outdated and then it would be wasted space.

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