Diablo 3 Area/Act/Quest ideas!


Aug 26, 2005
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Tiznit said:
But the point is that resetting your character to level 1 makes the quest not HARD, it makes it IMPOSSIBLE. So, yeah, I suppose you could do it if you're like an acended lifeform or something rofl. But in order to make the quest DO-ABLE you would have to rip out the lvl 1 bit and then it would totally own. Also, imagine only one person is ever able to do it. Well, he/she is now the single most powerful character on the entire freaking realm.
No matter how you look at it, your combination of "breaking" and "lvl reset" and "25-50x" just makes catastrophe. The idea of a powered up item for just your character is nice, I'll agree, but you're just pushing it too far.

2-3 would be fine(Botd doing 2400 damage-very powerful, I agree, but unstoppable? Not nearly.)
Or Maras x3 6 Skills, AWESOME, 90 Resist, AWESOME, total power on a orb sorc: 180 damage ;)
You have to put things in perspective before you just throw in a super-power item or quest.
Although the Mara's would be totally sick and that makes me think it should just be 2x no matter what(can't have like 1.5 because if its 1 to all skills do u then get 1.5 to all skills? rofl )
I'm not saying your idea is bad, just that it needs work....major work.
Even I'm not close to figuring just how it would need to be done.
Also, remember, a game is meant to make the gamer enjoy it so he'll keep playing or buying new games from the same company. Add breaking and lvl reset and you'll have very unhappy customers as well as overpowered characters that manage to accomplish it.
Correct. To sell the game just make more items, new monsters and new skills and story line. leave all the rest unchanged cause it works very well ( i.e. people buy the game and that gives the game more awards etc)

The idea is new ( probably not good to help sell the game) and that is why it meets with lots of resistence from people, like you and me, who dont want to see things changed beyond certain limits.

gl on your other ideas!


New Member
Aug 6, 2005
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Ive posted this in another area but I figured I should also bring it ove here sence you guys are getting more posts.

What I think they should do is make the game a prequal to diablo 1. U would fight againsts the hordes of hell in the great war along side cain and tyrrel and the horadrin. The game would start in Kurast as u fight the demons flouding out of the hell gate. In the end of that act u would fight some sort of demon general only to findout that the kurast ducks have been surrounded forcing u to flee across the sea to the desert. There u fight against baal minions and eventualy seal baal away in the tomb. Im not sure what would happen in the 3rd act, maybe fight through some desroyed city scape, i think that would be cool. The 4th act would be u defendind tristram and sealing diablo beneath the chapal. I dont remeber my diablo story line too well so tell we what u think and what i need to change. And in the expansion u could fight mephy some where.


New Member
Oct 16, 2005
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I think they should get rid of the ACT bit as a whole and make it an expanding world. Something more like Everquest, but without the 3d grafx. I think with the expanding world, it would allow for more options, and would enhance the games replay value. You look at D2, it has only so many quests, you do them over and ovewr and over, the only thing that changes is they get harder. You take D3 and make it like Everquest, the chances of someone doing all the quests becomes slimmer, and people exploring and finding new quests brings more life to the game, and will draw people to it


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Oct 25, 2005
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in the east
Hardcore characters

In Diablo 3 dead Hardcore characters may join games as phantoms(that can not do anything but watch the gamers and conseill them) or as bad or evil monsters that are by the dark side...... :redeye


Oct 20, 2005
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Druidess said:
I think they should get rid of the ACT bit as a whole and make it an expanding world. Something more like Everquest, but without the 3d grafx. I think with the expanding world, it would allow for more options, and would enhance the games replay value. You look at D2, it has only so many quests, you do them over and ovewr and over, the only thing that changes is they get harder. You take D3 and make it like Everquest, the chances of someone doing all the quests becomes slimmer, and people exploring and finding new quests brings more life to the game, and will draw people to it
you mean make d3 a mmorpg (no, d2 ISN'T a mmorpg). sounds cool but then the world would have to be like 100x +++ the size it is now to support a hell load of players at the same time (imagine youre trying to level at some place, but you cant bc som1 is already at that place, and since it would be just 1 world for every1 you cant "create another game" ). if d3 was mmorpg (kinda like WoW) it would rok

more classes (i miss my warrior from d1, and no paladin can replace him *snif*) more cities, more mercs, more outfit customization (everyone looks so equal wearing the same damn armor), races to chose from -elves, dwarves, humans, orcs- (actualy i dont like the idea of races -too warcraft-ish- , but who knows?), no gay armor with tele (takes away 1/2 the fun of being a sorc or wiz if every single class can tele ). no normal, nm and hell games, just make diferent areas with diferent monster lvls. popcorn vending machines
!!! (ok j/k)


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
It would be cool IMO, if you could have a quest to save a group of mercenaries, and as a thank you get your choice of which merc will accompany you on further missions. Kind of a cross between the Bloodraven quest and the act 5 quest for the merc prisoner rescue.

Each merc within that group you saved will have special skills all of their own, that no playable character class has. You could pick from a cleric, that heals both mana/life but does minimal damage, a fighter (along the lines of D1) good life good attacks, but weak against magic, and a wizard/mage that will stand back casting assorted elemental spells but is slow and very weak to physical attacks. With different acts, and difficulties the merc skills vary to some degree. For example, if your fighting against cold immunes and have a mage , that normally fights with cold skills, would use fire, poison ect to help combat the evil instead.

Each merc can be outfitted with full gear, (helm, armor, shield, weapon, 2 handed weapon, amulet, rings, boots, gloves, belt) but only gear desiganted for mercs.

The hired merc will be able to carry pots for self healing only, but will also have an invintory to carry extra gear you can not. Only draw back is when a merc dies all invintory is gone.

Another idea is to get rid of the mercs all together and have a allied magical pet that could be saved somehow, or maybe given as a reward from a quest. Each character class will have its own pet, each pet will also do different things.

Paladin - Horse:
Can be rode, or used to hold items, and do some serious damage, but wreckless and attacks wild.

Necro - Elemental(Poison, Cold, Electric):
Use as a meat shield, or even better combine with the necro for for added damage, life, mana, def.

Sorc - Owl (or bird of some sort):
Scout ahead to warn or coming danger, or physically attack with knockback and stun

Barb - No clue .... maybe a bull or something massive and powerful
Used to clear a path of safety since barbs are known to get surronded, and to carry items

Zon - Tiger:
Bodyguard. Will block and attack anything that gets within melee range of the Zon

Sin - No clue again ..... thinking something small and fast
Could use the pet to steal life, mana, and items from the dead

Druid - Spirit of nature:
Since Druids are one with nature, why not a slain monster that would turn enemies into allies, or be used call on it's surrondings to aid in some way

Something else that would be interesting, is after reaching a high level, your character will have the ability to use another tree of skills from another preset class. For example, a Bowzon that can lay some minor damage traps, a Summon Necro that can use Holy Shield, A barb that can cast enchant on itself, Sorc with Natural resistences or Iron skin, Druid that can revive, Paladin that has a weapon mastery, ect.

I would however love to see some acts, or at least 1 quest on the water, since everything so far has been on land, this would be a nice and new change for D3.


New Member
Nov 27, 2005
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Quest Ideas

:lucifer Ok, I have some quest ideas here:

Shard Quest;
Heros will search around the world to find the shattered shards of the soul stones, once they find all the shards of a soul stone, the shards will become one creating a soul stone. They will then stick the stone in there head, and they will fight one of the evils. If they fail the battle they will become a walking prime evil for others to kill, kinda like diablo clone.

Free Tyrells Brother;
A lesser evil demon his holding Tyrells brother captive. They are torturing Tyrells Brother Riell, and Tyrell needs your help to rescue Tyrell. Save Riell and you will be given a high set item.

Sin of the Flesh;
A monster is stealing children from there homes at night. The childrens oregons are found strung from the branches of the trees in blood forest. You must research and descover who is behind the slaughter. You find out that this creature is eating the children but not their insides.

Friends change;
A dear friend has lost his sanity, and refuses to aid you in your quest to kill Diablo. You must find and kill him before he hands earth to Diablo.

Sea of Blood;
A town is vexed. There only sorce of water (a lake) has become a lake of blood. Trees and plants made from flesh and guts grow around this dreadful lake. Creatures cry in pain and horror, for they have been turned inside out. A man who called himself to local folk "the wanderer" was last seen by the lake before the horror began.

Waking Death;
Everyone, including players alike recieve a pleag when walking into a city. You must find a cure before you lose all your stats to a disturbing death.

These are some of my crazy ideas, reply and Ill make more :p:lucifer


New Member
Dec 30, 2005
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i say it takes place about 3-4 years after diablo 2 and the acts should be bigger and u should be able to bargain w/ people in town and talk to them and steal stuff...their should be horses and u should be able to have more then 1 merc...it should be set up like WoW but in diablo form


BattleForums Member
Nov 23, 2005
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energyboy90 said:
I think maybe something like diablo1 where theres a cathedral and you have to rescure the wounded :loopy
WTF :umm!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Jan 3, 2006
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u guys are so off...

firstly... i'm pretty sure Diablo III already HAS a story line... it's a book in case u didn't know and it's called "The Kingdom Of Shadow". The author is also responsible for the story line of Diablo I. If you ask me diablo III will be very much like the first one with MAJOR upgrades. Though D3 would be sick 3D i doubt that it will simply because it wudnt be diablo without the same "view"... anyways...
Here's the box picture circulating around right now...


Here's some info on the "book"...
(sorry about the long link)
http://www.sff.net/people/knaak/KINGDOMSHADOW.jpg <Diablo III
http://www.sff.net/people/knaak/diablo.jpg <Diablo I

by the above im not trying to insult anyone... but just trying to set things straight... nor am i trying to claim that everything above is 100% correct but the brief details above are found on the "largest cites", including www.blizzard.com itself....

happy new year, best of luck in 2006


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
Sorry bnetsk8er but if you look at the bottom of the suppose D3 box image it is marked with the same exact packaging copyright from 2d and even states 2001. Not saying you or wrong or right, but, that image has been floating around since D2 has. Who knows, guess we will see when/if the game comes out
Dec 29, 2005
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I think it should take place a hundred years from wen diablo attked teh village(tristram).......then he comes back with Lilith and helps destroy tristram again:D
(note: u will kill Lilith first then have to kill Diablo Later)

There will only be certain things u could be in classes

*pally-Hammer, Zeal, Charge, Smite, And the other ones....

*Sorc-FB, Orb, Lightning, u know the "Most Popular" skills for the Sorc

*Necro- P&B, Curses, and Summining

* Driud- Shaping, Elementalists, and Summiners

*Amazons- Bow, Jav

*Assassin- M/A, Traps, Disiplines

Barbarian-Beserk, Ww, WC, and the other Most Important ones


BattleForums Member
Nov 23, 2005
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Death's the name... said:
There will only be certain things u could be in classes

*pally-Hammer, Zeal, Charge, Smite, And the other ones....

*Sorc-FB, Orb, Lightning, u know the "Most Popular" skills for the Sorc

*Necro- P&B, Curses, and Summining

* Driud- Shaping, Elementalists, and Summiners

*Amazons- Bow, Jav

*Assassin- M/A, Traps, Disiplines

Barbarian-Beserk, Ww, WC, and the other Most Important ones
That's one of the most retarded things I ever read. What are you thinking, that they will reduce the number of skills and keep the same classes, so that there will be like 10 skills for each of them?


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
LOL I was gonna say something about that, but figured, not to state the obvious. From the sounds of it, it's more like a cheap remake of the same thing going on now.
Dec 29, 2005
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Father_Chaos said:
That's one of the most retarded things I ever read. What are you thinking, that they will reduce the number of skills and keep the same classes, so that there will be like 10 skills for each of them?

No....That justs means Those would be some of da "Best" Subclasses


BattleForums Member
Nov 23, 2005
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So, Diablo 3 would be like the 2? That just doesn't work...


Jan 10, 2006
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i think d3 would be totaly new, almost nothing shoud be the same, it´ll be much funnier, but thats just an idea.


Aug 10, 2004
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In a house
If there is just one thing that I dont want in DIII, it would have to be 3D animations. The awesome thing about Diablo I and II is that you dont need to change the camera angle, and you dont stop to say "omfgzor Bob, check out that f***ing 1337 rok on teh ground".

Diablos 3/4 birds eye view (or whatever it is) is great, and Im sure many people love it. If it changes it will just be like all the other crappy 3D games ie. Dungeon Siege *throws up*

I thanks you for reading this pile of garb


Aug 10, 2004
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In a house
Death's the name... said:
No....That justs means Those would be some of da "Best" Subclasses
Oh and instead of making this guy realise that he's made a bad post, lets just ignore it and avoid conflict. Yes, the idea was very stupid, but we all know that, and instead we can just be like "Wow, great idea" and move on.


Waiting for Diablo3
Feb 14, 2006
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ya have a quest that we have to go in moo moo farm and search for king and kill him for some type of item!

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