Diablo 3 Area/Act/Quest ideas!


Mar 18, 2006
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Well I have a few personalities really. One is a mass murderer {which is what I am at the moment} and a post man, a nerd, an emo, a hippy, a gamer. I like gardening and enjoy the odd virgin sacrifice. Who are you??


Mar 15, 2006
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lol hell schmell (maybe if i die now I will be put into diablo as Tortured Soul #42)?


Mar 18, 2006
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The hills are alive. With the sound of music. Lalalala.

What's a noob?? Sorry I am new to this.


Aug 10, 2004
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In a house

Do you think that there should be a whole act underground? Or a whole act in a forest? Good/Bad Idea?


Mar 15, 2006
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Yes an act entirely in the forest would be cool (like D2 A3)

As i said elsewhere I think that there should be 5 acts (since thats how stories (shakespear) is set out) but each act has 2 areas.

Like maybe say Mountains that has a sub boss and when you beat it you can carry onto the Desert

An MMO would have more then that amount of areas per act however and would be awsome.

However they really do need a full on forest segment where it is just a HUGE open space and you have to dodge trees and such (as an MMO from behind the char view that would be quite a sight)


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
McGorilla said:

Do you think that there should be a whole act underground? Or a whole act in a forest? Good/Bad Idea?
I mentioned a forest thing a while back. It should be something like where the Zon characters come from. Maybe even treetops with bridges, and huts. Mountain range has been done in d2. Look off the side of the summit and you can see the town of Harogith.


Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
In a house
Yeah thats good, it's the kinda thing I meant when talking about a forest town. Not like Kurast, like what Pale Horse said. Yeah you can see Harrogath from the Summit :) That is rather cool, very nice for screenshots


New Member
Mar 30, 2006
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u now how can is found in tristram and still alive he should be like the creater of the soul stones and stuff and he is the prim evil


Mar 15, 2006
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gman121 said:
u now how can is found in tristram and still alive he should be like the creater of the soul stones and stuff and he is the prim evil
Dekard Cain never made the soul stones. They were made (untold) years prior to Cain even existing.

Also there are only 3 prime evils. There would be no changing that.

Acid Reign

Apr 14, 2006
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The game would take place soon after destruction of the Worldstone, about 10-15 years later. That way there won't be any cannons and stupid guns. Tyreal is corrupted and reconstructs the three Soulstones at Hellforge, the sky turns dark, and heroes arise to the occasion. Deckard Cain vanishes. Using the map from the Diablo II booklet will help you out if you're reading this.

Act 1 : Starts in Arreat Mountain range, ends in outskirts of Tristram.
Main Objective of Act : Hunt down and destroy Mephisto, collect his Soulstone, and liberate Tristram.
Major Bosses : Undead Commander Leoric, Undead Oracle Lazarus, Mephisto

Act 2 : Starts in Tristram, ends on Skovas (Amazon Island).
Main Objective of Act : Travel to Kingsport and rid out Baal's stationed ships. Hijack ship and destroy Baal's coastal onslaught. Liberate Lut Gholein, Philios, Lycander, and Skovas. Defeat Baal and collect his Soulstone.
Major Bosses : Leviathan, various naval galleons, Baal

Act 3 : Starts in Ureh, ends at Inarius' Cathedral
Main Objective of Act : Fight Azmodon's protruding army, liberate Kurast, venture to Ruins of Inarius' Cathedral. Travel down portal and defeat Azmodon. Collect his Staff.
Major Bosses : Various warlords, Azmodon

Act 4 : Starts in Inarius' Cathedral, ends in Fortress of Flame (Hell)
Main Objective of Act : Follow Diablo's protruding demonic forces down to Mephisto's Temple. Travel down to Hell and stop Belial's army. Kill Belial and collect his head. Socket Azmodon's staff with Belial's head, and place in lock to unlock Diablo's superfortress. Defeat Diablo's minions and kill Diablo himself. Collect his Soulstone. Travel up to Tristam.
Major Bosses : Various undead and demon commanders, Belial, Lord De Seis, Diablo

Act 5 : Starts in Tristram, ends in forests of Scosglen.
Main Objective of Act : Travel through deserts and Twin Seas coast, defeat remaining minions of the Prime Evils. Cross into Scosglen at the Great Bridge. Search for Tyreal and put him to rest along with corrupted Deckard Cain.
Major Bosses : Deckard Cain, Tyreal

All the acts would have seperate quests. At the end, you attempt to rescue Cain, who has been kidnapped by Tyreal as a mentor for advice for Tyreal's ritual to cleanse himself of evil. Cain dies in the rescue attempt, inable then to inform you of Tyreal's state and ritual. You kill Tyreal and his corrupted soul takes over yours. The last cinematic would be your hero walking away with an evil laugh and red eyes, staring at the three collected Soulstones in his hand... :mean


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
You have 3 prime evils, and 3 difficullties right, so why not make each difficulty revolving around one of the 3 primes and their army. Their of course will be side quests, new classes, and new skills, to do and such, but I will focus on the main storyline, and if needed, I will add in the side quests at another time.

Contines right where D2 left off. Terial detroyed the worldstone, and ported the hero(s) to a better place. What if at the same time the hero(s) were going to their "better place" the worldstone that was destroyed sent a ripple that made the hero(s) destination change.

Normal:Welcome to the Underworld You start in another demention or whatever. This is the homeworld of the prime evils. Everything here is backwards, almost a opposite image of the game we all know. Trees are black where the roots are showing and the branches are underground, water runs upstream and is red, and it is always dark with a red sky and black sun.
All of your skills do not work here, and normal gear is cursed as well. You must use new skills, and gather new gear to succeed.

Story line is that you find out that something went wrong, and you arrived in this land by accident. As you venture forth, you find out that the worldstone being destroyed was all apart of the plan for the prime evils. The worldstone causes a rift between both this world and the D2 world. Diablo went threw the rift back to the D2 world, while Baal is trying to make the rift open more and become open forever. While they are doing this, Mephisto is massing a huge army to go and take over your world.
Here you can hire a mercenary or a guide, (all of which will be a daemonic verson of the standard hero(s) in d2) all of which are daemons, that want to stay here and not fight for another world.

Your goal is to travel threw these lands and stop Mephisto, and his army at all costs.

Nightmare: The Venture Home The nightmare difficulty is a bit different then the D2 version. The enemies all have immunes to something. It could be Physical, Elemental, Magic, as well as they will all have certain unique skills, like auras, ED, CS, Magical damage ect.

Storyline for Nightmare is you must stop Baal from opening the rift any further by killing him and his horde. Then go threw the rift (since they do not die in our world they must be brought back) to bring Diablo so you can kill him once and for all. Sounds simple, but it is far from that. First off Baal has learned some new tricks, or is no longer holding back (since him being defeated was apart of the plan in D2). Baal can and WILL revive the slain daemons you just killed, as well as call upon new monsters to fight for him. This area will be one long Baal run. This area will be seven levels (one for ever hell their is) and each level will have it's own random monster, special skills, and immunes. Not only do you have to face off against a endless army, but the area itself drains some life/mana from you as you venture threw it.
Once you get to the bottom level where the rift is and face Baal, the real fun begins. Every monster you have destroyed will be periodically brought back to fight you again in random order. So the more you killed the more you will have to fight off in the end. After they are gone, you face Baal who will have immunes to 2 types of attacks, magical, physical or elemental. He will also create a clone that will be immune to whatever he is not.

Once Baal is dead travel threw the portal to your world.

Hell: End Game You will return to the town of character class. example, Barb is Harrogoth, in multiplayer it will be Tristrum. Here is where things get hard(er). Every class of monster gets not only immune to a certain type of damage, but will also absorb it. Example, anything "Undead" will be immune to Physical, and will absorb it.
All gear you have from normal/nighmare is now cursed in the normal world, so you need to get new gear.

Storyline is you return to your world to find it not overrun with evil, but completely destroyed. Before you can move on, a horde follow you threw the portal and you must fight them. This is how you find out about the absorbs, evey daemon class will be here fighting.

further venturing you find out that Diablo can reanimate Mephisto, and Baal and have them travel back to the otherworld to live again. You must fight all three at the same time, as well as every class of daemon at the same time. Think of Ubers times 10. Each of the prime evils will have a absorb of one of the 3 attacks, as well as 2 types of auras, and a special attack skill, then their own powers. After you defeat all the primes you find out that Diablo was a clone (D clone) and the real Diablo slipped back threw the portal to his own world.
Once you find him, you must face every unique in the game and a group of 6 of their own army. Each one of these unique bosses will drop a unique body part item. You need to combine them all and insert it into a mount. After doing so 6 statues will rise out of the floor on seperate areas of the room. You need to activate each one, but when you do each one reanimates one type of deamon will one boss. All will be immune/absorb one attack style. After they are destroyed, you need to collect their parts to put together a second item. This second item is a devise that will cut Diablos defense by half, and his damage by a third. Insert this item into another device that opens up a staircase down.

Here is a room where the floor is all volcanic looking. some areas have open spots where you can take fire damage, as well as from the sky their is frequent lightning strikes, and freak blizards. Along the walls will be areas that will shoot poinson out of. Basically you will have every element damaging you. Diablo does nothing but Magical damage, as well as his normal fire, lightning attacks. He will be immune/absorb either physical, magical, or elemental. He will cast a skill like Iron Madien for anyone physical damaging, or mana drain for casters. He can also do duel leeching of 5% on contact. Any summon, merc, or NPC fighter will be put under his control.

If he is immune/absorb to physical he will have the aura salvation at lvl 30

If he is immune/absorb to magical he will have the aura conviction at lvl 30

If he is immune/absorb to elemental he will have the aura Concetration at lvl 30


Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
In a house
Hanni said:
The game would take place soon after destruction of the Worldstone, about 10-15 years later. That way there won't be any cannons and stupid guns. Tyreal is corrupted and reconstructs the three Soulstones at Hellforge, the sky turns dark, and heroes arise to the occasion. Deckard Cain vanishes. Using the map from the Diablo II booklet will help you out if you're reading this.

Act 1 : Starts in Arreat Mountain range, ends in outskirts of Tristram.
Main Objective of Act : Hunt down and destroy Mephisto, collect his Soulstone, and liberate Tristram.
Major Bosses : Undead Commander Leoric, Undead Oracle Lazarus, Mephisto

Act 2 : Starts in Tristram, ends on Skovas (Amazon Island).
Main Objective of Act : Travel to Kingsport and rid out Baal's stationed ships. Hijack ship and destroy Baal's coastal onslaught. Liberate Lut Gholein, Philios, Lycander, and Skovas. Defeat Baal and collect his Soulstone.
Major Bosses : Leviathan, various naval galleons, Baal

Act 3 : Starts in Ureh, ends at Inarius' Cathedral
Main Objective of Act : Fight Azmodon's protruding army, liberate Kurast, venture to Ruins of Inarius' Cathedral. Travel down portal and defeat Azmodon. Collect his Staff.
Major Bosses : Various warlords, Azmodon

Act 4 : Starts in Inarius' Cathedral, ends in Fortress of Flame (Hell)
Main Objective of Act : Follow Diablo's protruding demonic forces down to Mephisto's Temple. Travel down to Hell and stop Belial's army. Kill Belial and collect his head. Socket Azmodon's staff with Belial's head, and place in lock to unlock Diablo's superfortress. Defeat Diablo's minions and kill Diablo himself. Collect his Soulstone. Travel up to Tristam.
Major Bosses : Various undead and demon commanders, Belial, Lord De Seis, Diablo

Act 5 : Starts in Tristram, ends in forests of Scosglen.
Main Objective of Act : Travel through deserts and Twin Seas coast, defeat remaining minions of the Prime Evils. Cross into Scosglen at the Great Bridge. Search for Tyreal and put him to rest along with corrupted Deckard Cain.
Major Bosses : Deckard Cain, Tyreal

All the acts would have seperate quests. At the end, you attempt to rescue Cain, who has been kidnapped by Tyreal as a mentor for advice for Tyreal's ritual to cleanse himself of evil. Cain dies in the rescue attempt, inable then to inform you of Tyreal's state and ritual. You kill Tyreal and his corrupted soul takes over yours. The last cinematic would be your hero walking away with an evil laugh and red eyes, staring at the three collected Soulstones in his hand... :mean
Hmm..good ideas, but they're slightly too predictable and repetitive.. And the Cain thing is a bit random..but still, interesting ideas, you quite clearly know your stuff about the Diablo Universe.


New Member
Apr 18, 2006
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have one of the quest. like a siege where the people have to go retreive the stone of jordan from an evil castle where it is guard my hundred of undead skeleton. and when the stone is remove the gate is close and the undead boss pop out to finish off (boss summon up big unique monsters while undead keep coming bak to live). boss effect : boss attak become stronger as hp fall. with big regen.

something like that would be hella hard but fun :D

that could be hell level final boss. :D

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