Ah, and for my first post in the forum. Hello.
Shadow_Drifter, I like your idea. It's clever. What about this, though;
Shifting planes would be like the unsummon skill, or opening a window (Simply a press of the key). That would keep it fast paced, but then again, perhaps actively casting it (Without a mana cost, for that'd just be unfair) and showing an animation for the switch would be better. Personally I think both planes should be layered directly on top of each other (with the same map and dimensions), in order to simplify map generation and make it easier to navigate. Also, you might want other people to know where you're at (Though being completely invisible would be fun for sneaking up and killing people, an interesting element to PvP), and so perhaps having your character displayed in a different way on the screen.
I was thinking that perhaps on the other plane, when you switch, just invert the colors. It'd be the easiest thing to do, I think, as far as load on the computer and what not, rather than filling the screen with various stuff. Also, it'd make it simple for informing others on where you're at - Just having your character map inverted from everything else. For example, you're in this big black-and-red room, and you're character is all white. You need to switch planes to fight the boss, so you hit the trigger to do it (whatever it is) and bam! You and the room invert colors (but any teammates left in the other plane stay the same color), and you can do what you need to do in that plane. To your teammates, your character does it's little animation thing and inverts colors (or dissappears, if that's how you want it). Just thought it'd be an interesting way to do it.
Also liked your idea of the entire spectral and plane-specific stuff. For a monster on a single plane, perhaps it looks like some glowy orb thing floating around when you're on the wrong plane, but when you switch it's the full monster? Also thought since you're switching to spectral stuff, maybe use ethereal weapons and armor for the spectral plane, to throw in a little taste of the old D2 world into D3? For instance, in D2 ethereal weapons damage like a normal weapon but can't be repaired. How about if in this idea for D3 ethereal weapons can be repaired, but only on the 'spectral' plane, as well as only doing damage on that plane?
Another interesting twist would be if you switched the health and mana values when you switch planes? As in, when you switch to the 'spectral' plane, because it's all spiritual, your mana is treated as your life, and you spend your life as mana. When your mana (blue) is completely depeleted, you're automatically kicked out of the 'spectral' plane back into the physical plane until your mana regenerates and you're 'alive' again in that plane, enabling you to do the animation to go back. I think it'd lead for a more balanced character Health/Mana wise rather than the barbarians with ten thousand health and twenty mana. Also perhaps when you're kicked from the 'spectral' plane it drops a certain amount of durability (not the max, just the current, because dropping the max would be uncool) from your spectral equipment?
Perhaps even throw a new spin on the death concept (Diablo seems to have a little habit of that - D1 single player; You die, game over. D1 Multi Player; You die, all your equipment flings about and you restart back in town completely naked, and you must go find all that stuff before someone takes it. D2 single and multi player; You die, you lose a % of money and/or experience, you restart in town and must go find your body. Only if you enable it can others take your stuff), so that when you 'die' in the physical plane (Red globe completely empty), you get automatically kicked to the 'spectral' plane (with a % damage done to current durability of physical equipment), and you cannot return to physical plane until a certain thing. Be that go to town and have some shaman or whatever revive you, or just drink a health potion, I don't know, either sounds alright, but if it's just health potion it makes it too easy to just die and come back full force. Perhaps make it a kick to the spectral, and when you return you must grab your corpse. Traditional, but with a twist.
Overall I do like your two-plane idea. It would utilize the dual-sets of equipment equip from LoD, because you'd need 'spectral' and physical, but without really giving players a chance of loading up on two amazing suits of equipment. More strategic planning this way.
I also like your spin on the towns with this two-plane idea, but I think rather than having it in a graveyard (even though that'd be a nice supernatural edge that the Diablo series has), you could have the 'spectral' NPCs in town with the regular ones, perhaps in the same spot, perhaps in a slightly different. Also, of course, if you use the whole go-back-to-town-at-death thing version of my earlier stated idea on death, you'd need an NPC who could interact with either plane.
Personally one thing I'd love to see is actually having the npcs inside buildings (the ones you come to a lot; Armorer, Magic...dealer...person... You know what I mean, even if I can't describe it well!), like that shaman-thing for the death in some sort of voodoo hut you can walk inside. Probably wouldn't fit well with the organization of space or the viewpoint of the Diablo games, but I thought it'd be travelling a little forward along the path of Diablo's npc evolution (You couldn't go inside buildings in D1=Everyone was standing in front of their door but had a dialogue as though you just burst into their home. D2=You'd find NPCs under coverings and stuff, but the only 'actual building' that was one with a true purpose and recognizable would be the palace and the tavern in Lut Gholein. NPCs didn't have their own homes, but their were plenty of houses in Lut Gholein for some reason...?).
One negative comment I have is that I positively dislike your storyline. This whole bit about the worldstone being destroyed and tearing apart the fabric of space-time et cetera et cetera.... It just seems a little over the top, like you're trying to force some neat thing, as though you came up with an amazing gameplay idea, and now you're trying to fill in a storyline to explain why you're using it. I mean, it's not that bad of an explanation, because it works, but personally I find it a little... Cheesy.
It also seems like you're trying to literally drag out a sequel, kind of like a small child pulling on the edge of a parent's shirt and hoping to get a cookie. It's just too forced, I think. Personally, I find the easiest way to make a sequel when the series seems ended, is to make a prequel that fits all the history that's been described in the series, in order to help the players understand the story a little better, as well as give them more of the feeling of causing the storyline, not to mention giving the game an oppurtunity to make room for a sequel, by planting a hidden, previously un-mentioned twist in the past, that gives rise later (in the next installment), allowing for a sequel at the very end of the series, yet again. Obviously, you need these twists and complicated story bits, because otherwise people will get annoyed at you just dragging it out and stop paying attention. Note Rocky, and it's ten thousand sequels.
(Edit: Of course, the only grammatical error I find, reading my post after submitting it, is at the very beginning. Second sentence, actually, you're to your. Brilliant!)
(New post)
Ahhh, I'd so love to work for a company like Blizzard or Wizards of the Coast. Not in programming, no, I can only program VCRs, and sometimes I can't even figure that out (Hah, it took me two years to figure out how to set my VCR to record at a specific time, whereas it took me two minutes on someone elses VCR. Am I just out of luck, or do I have a very evil VCR?), but simply... Writing. It's so much fun, throwing out ideas like this, don't you agree?
Well here's mine, one that I've had since about two months after Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction came out;
The Sin Wars
Obviously, all of us are indeed a little curious as to what exactly happened during The Sin Wars, and The Great Conflict. Why not capitilize on this, and expand the storyline, by making Diablo 3 a prequel to D1, to the point when the Horadrim first is organized and hunts down the Prime Evils.
As far as the opening movie, setting the mood for the entire game, it'd be a great simplicity to take the voiceovers of the books from D1 (The Sin Wars, The Great Conflict, Et Cetera) and just throw together a good animation that illustrates what's going on (what the voiceover is talking about).
Obviously, to keep it fresh, we'll need new classes, but this is Area/Quest/Act Ideas, so they don't go here.
Forgive me if my Diablo history is a bit off in this sketch, but it's exactly that; A sketch, and therefore it's purely my plot idea and I didn't bother researching to find out if it fits perfectly or not.
And the disappointment arrives;
I'd write down the full plot thing but I've been awake a couple days now so my brain isn't at full capacity. I got up to act 2 written for the storyline then I kinda fizzed out on remembering what I had.
However, here's a very (and I do mean very) basic outline of the story.
Outline of acts; (Lemme know if it's out of order, been a while since I read the story line)
Act 1; Unite Horadrim, Gather Soulstones, Kick some Lesser Evil Butt.
Act 2; Slay your way westward after the Prime Evils, Soulstone for Baal Breaks, Kick some more lesser Evil Butt.
Act 3; Slay your way westward some more into Lut Gholien (protecting it), Carve your way into Baal's Encampment (as you have trapped him in a canyon), Kick Baal's Butt and Entomb him in Soulstone Shard with Tal Rasha.
Act 4; Go... somewhere. Kick Mephys butt, capture him.
Act 5; Hooray you're back to Tristram! YAY DIABLO ONE! Kick Diablo's butt, put him in the church.
End of game. Woot.
Obviously I'm going to post the full thing in the next couple days after I get some sleep and can therefore remember what it was. As you see act four I totally forgot where it takes place, as with act two. Hah! I feel like such a newb right now. YAY!
(New post)
Ah Yes, now I remember my final long rant before I leave you at peace for the... morning. Wow, it's morning.
Enough with this foolish "Different per diffulculty" bogus. Diffulculties are suppossed to be exactly the same. They're their for replay value, they're there so you can do the same thing with far higher challenge, and they're there so you can (obviously in a level-based game) use your higher-level skills in the beginning of the game. That's why they're the same. They're exactly what they're suppossed to be - You're starting a new game with a level 30 character? Okay, well we're going to level up all the monsters by thirty so you're not going to be completely bored killing everything in one hit.
If the diffulculties were 'different' they wouldn't be diffulculties. They'd be the next part of the game. Duh.
"Oh but it's the same story you're just taking a different path through it." - Wait, did I just hear you say it's the same story? No. You're taking a different path, you said it yourself - Therefore it's a different story. End of discussion. Go home.
(New post)
OMFG it merged my posts whyyy? :angry
This is not a doublepost! *kersmack forum*