D3 Acts,Quests,Arena
Yes, more of my inane babbling.
I would like to have first off, different settings, for example: the roman empire, rainforest (like act3 in d2), desert (yet again), lush green forests, plains, mountains, underground, we should stay clear of heaven/hell arena's.
What else, We should have quite a few Acts, and quite a few quests, everyone likes a LONG game, but what I think would really take the cake, would be SUB-quests, going off and doing your own thing for a while, doing random smalls but entertaining tasks, earning money, bonuses, and items along the way, meeting new merchants, all while exploring vast and changing landscapes and weather conditions. Some of this Diablo 2 has covered, but it should be emphasized more.
You should be able to make towns...how can I put this, free certain inhabitable areas, and pay a certain fee to sponsor the creation of a town here, basically more quests, more merchants, and making the world more travel friendly.
Also, citizens should be found outside of the city....alive, not scattered around on the floor, but some farming, some wandering, going about routine based activities, some fighting for an honourable cause, all interacting characters who can help/cause problems.
What would be nice would be animals, which are not necessarily our enemies nor friends, but wildlife to make the areas more realistic, you can choose to kill the animals and collect skins/teeth/body parts for upgrades/quests/items.
Maybe, I dont know if this is necessary, but make some of the terrain interactive, like being able to chop down trees or something, something like that...
Furthermore, I think enemy encampments which are not geographically limited moving around on the constand hunt for you, you may think you know one area, but come back only to find it a camp for your enemies.
Which brings me to the night and day, we need night, day, dawn, dusk to make the environment more friendly, it will add to the overall effect.
That is all I can think up for now
I hope you enjoy
Yes, more of my inane babbling.
I would like to have first off, different settings, for example: the roman empire, rainforest (like act3 in d2), desert (yet again), lush green forests, plains, mountains, underground, we should stay clear of heaven/hell arena's.
What else, We should have quite a few Acts, and quite a few quests, everyone likes a LONG game, but what I think would really take the cake, would be SUB-quests, going off and doing your own thing for a while, doing random smalls but entertaining tasks, earning money, bonuses, and items along the way, meeting new merchants, all while exploring vast and changing landscapes and weather conditions. Some of this Diablo 2 has covered, but it should be emphasized more.
You should be able to make towns...how can I put this, free certain inhabitable areas, and pay a certain fee to sponsor the creation of a town here, basically more quests, more merchants, and making the world more travel friendly.
Also, citizens should be found outside of the city....alive, not scattered around on the floor, but some farming, some wandering, going about routine based activities, some fighting for an honourable cause, all interacting characters who can help/cause problems.
What would be nice would be animals, which are not necessarily our enemies nor friends, but wildlife to make the areas more realistic, you can choose to kill the animals and collect skins/teeth/body parts for upgrades/quests/items.
Maybe, I dont know if this is necessary, but make some of the terrain interactive, like being able to chop down trees or something, something like that...
Furthermore, I think enemy encampments which are not geographically limited moving around on the constand hunt for you, you may think you know one area, but come back only to find it a camp for your enemies.
Which brings me to the night and day, we need night, day, dawn, dusk to make the environment more friendly, it will add to the overall effect.
That is all I can think up for now