Snagg said:
Money maps, zerg gets owned. Zerg's advantage is in non-money maps. That's what I've been talking about. Money maps, zerg is disadvantaged because Protoss and Terran do not need to rush.
You didn't look at my second replay? There were almost every single zerg unit?
No? Money maps and Zerg have nothing to do with rushing.
Actually, it is better off for the Zerg if P/T don't rush at all because they'll need to keep their economy flowing.
The reason why Terran player pressures Zerg with 10marines/2bats/2medics in the early game is to force zerg to make a few sunken colonies, which will slow down the time to get mutas/lurkers greatly while Terran's mind is occupied on something else, like getting his nats.
Zergs suck in money maps because they don't get the advantage from expanding at all, since there're are numerous amounts of mineral patches and vaspene geysers, Terran and Protoss will get the same amount of resources as the Zergs do. There is NO WAY Zergs can out-resource T/P in money maps. It is almost as if Z is playing "one base" vs T/P in non-money map games, you could look at it that way.
Way to be on topic, whoever said I was newb. That's totally irrelevant and ignorant.
Where do you get enough confidence to say that when you clearly stated yourself that you play in money maps?
From slaying newbs in the public game called "3vs3BGH<CLICK>CABLE/DSL ONLY!!"?
Do you even know what units deal explosive/concussive/normal dmg?
Or what units have light armor/medium armor/heavy armor?
And as I said before, Terran/Protoss, Terran/Terran <- worst combinations for 2:2, it's not an opinion, this is a fact
You didn't look at my second replay? There were almost every single zerg unit?
No, that replay was crap, have you ever noticed cumputers CAN'T micro and not to mention their AI.
I added my own replay to this post, I counted the EXACT number of units you had in your replay, meaning I counted every single lings, ultra, hydras, and archons. No upgrades. So take a look close look.
And if you're gonna whine "oh it was vs. computer! do it vs. players"
Then that goes straight for you too.
Considering how much gas templars take and how much time they'd need to get ten archons, I would have a lot more than that by the time ten archons are made.
In fact, I wouldn't recommend making any lings/mutas at all vs Archons, but only up'd pure hydras, that's all Z will need.
Gateways producing HT/Archon -> zerg notices -> pure hydra -> timing rush -> protoss will not have enough zealots/dragoons because gateways have been making high templars only -> GG for protoss.
Keep in mind that Protoss player will not risk his game by making Archons instead of zealots, and his precious storm.
Protoss player has to use his resources wisely and can't waste his gas like that since he won't get that many chance to expand in PvZ.
The only times Protoss will be making archons are: To fend off against mutas/ultras/crackling/badly wounded HT's/no mana left during the fight