Why is US powerful?


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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Who was the first to split the atom?
A hungarian Jew.
Plenty of people. Who exactly are you referring to?
Who lost the space race?
They got into space first. Nice hoax though.
Who lost the Cold War?
Not a shot fired.
If you're a better country
You are not your country, you just live there.
Not only does Russia get foreign aid, but they also get military cooperation, sharing of intelligence, and unhampered trade deals with the U.S.
Visa versa. You get privellages to some of thier technology(Visa versa).
Alright, you and your peasants keep in those factories like world war ii. use outdated tactics, be ill-equipped, and mainly untrained like world war ii. fight to the death and to the last man like world war ii. go ahead! how about we play it like hitler did in world war ii then? lets bomb the shit out of your country, kill all civilians, and assassinate your political leaders.

Geez more county vs country crap. I tell you this, if Russia had anywhere near that wealth they would be dominant. Russia is far more effient than America and so are many other countries. America is a powerful country with 60% of the worlds wealth but it isn't all that many people believe it to be.


May 28, 2003
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1. a hungarian jew who was american, living in america, funded by the american government, working with other americans
2. its generally accepted that the wright brothers invented the airplane...
3. i was talking about it generally, not the first to get a satellite into space
4. if you want to get technical, then the Cold War wasn't really a war. fine. which country collapsed and is no longer in existence today?
5. so? who's giving who more?
6. im sorry im not going to take the time to worry about minor grammar mistakes
7. thats like saying "if russia had all of the necessary requirements to being more powerful than the U.S., it'd be more powerful than the U.S." really? i didn't know that!

too bad russia DOESNT have as much wealth as the u.s. does


Nov 23, 2003
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Originally posted by newbiebotter
Alright, this study was done by RUSSIANS:


Seems like your country is begging for more aid.

Here's how much the U.S. has given:

And yes, the U.S. gives russia technical aid on military issues to russia, and there IS military cooperation, as I stated before, between the U.S. and Russia.


Hmm, how is Russia going to bomb the U.S....when it only has one outdated carrier left? Is it going to fly missions out from Siberia to bomb Alaska!?!?! You have no carriers and hardly a navy to speak of. Many of your submarines are sold or out of service because of lack of funds in maintaining them.
We can bomob with subs, we have lots of them and the biggest one on earth it carries 250 nukes and we have 3 of those subs. That sub can shoot a missile from Kursk there it is stationed and hit Washington DC. We also have lots of land launching sights. No one is bombing right now, it is an age of guided missiles and we have them. We have a lot of navy to speak of, just because you are to dumb to know about it doesnt mean its unexistent, our sailors are payed 100 bucks a week but hay, they still have one of the best trainings and a will to do their job, unlike army navy is a volunteer only service.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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Tell me how being forced to do something (military) makes you want to do it more than if you signed up for it? Id think its the other way around. Actually, I know its the other away around.


Nov 23, 2003
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No matter is motherland is threatend to extend of crisis and you by some stroke of luck or with help of allies defeated our army (which will never happen if we fight on our land, and are in defensive) we would nuke you, no question about it, no surrender.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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I highly doubt the russian government would destroy the world before surrendering. they would most likely negotiate a treaty, get disarmed, and lose some land. nukes are shallow threats... unless in the hands of a religious extremist or a maniac. If Russia did start nuking, american nukes would be flying towards any nuclear silos we know of that you have.. and maybe waste a few cities, but i doubt wed nuke civilian targets even if we got nuked.. we did in japan, but we didnt want to screw more people, including ourselves, with a land invasion. in this scenario we would have already invaded by land.


Nov 23, 2003
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We would nuke you, because if we loose a war against you our national pride will not allow as to move on, we rather die ourselves, but atleast know that our enemy is dying with us and motherland is avenged. Besides, we are allies, and you wouldnt beat as on our land if we are defending today no one can do it alone.

Oh and you dont really know what is really going on inside the russian army, 90% of all information on it is secret.


May 28, 2003
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lol so you speak for your entire country when you say that they would sacrifice their lives to get revenge?

and you do know that 89.432% of statistics are made up, don't you? and since "90% of all information on it is secret", how do you know anything about it unless you work in the army? therefore no one is qualified to talk about it?


Nov 23, 2003
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I never said that, and i know that we will nuke you, it is not for whole country to decide but for the president, but still i mean if we are defeated then the only thing left to do is revenge, i dont expect you to understand that, i mean you are american. Besides we wouldnt be defeated anyway, for two reasons, first US will never attack us, second if it does then we gonna beat the shit out of them, because we know how to defend ourselves, and if we need to we will destroy everything. Besides, you wouldnt attack as because you dont want to risk world destruction, that's how Cold War didnt become real war and thats why you not gonna attack us.


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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2. its generally accepted that the wright brothers invented the airplane...
Stop insulting Americans. They didn't invent anything. They managed the first filmed motorised flight. They worked off other peoples success's like many people before them. There were designs and other planes/motorised planes built. The first successful airplane was the glider that the British invented also there was a British man that was believed to have flown months before them but he didn't have sufficient evidence of this. I don't personally believe it but there is a chance. Archi made the biggest contribution to planes, even though he didn't build any of his designs his way of thinking was a massive leap forward. The first people who managed flight was the french (hot air baloon). There were people that made realistic moddels or just designs on paper, there were many people that died by jumping off cliffs with glider type planes. So no they didn't invent it they were just some lucky yankes that did better than many people with lots of funding.
3. i was talking about it generally, not the first to get a satellite into space
They got the first man/woman into space, they got the first satelite into space (sputnik) and the first space station. First probe to the moon......
6. im sorry im not going to take the time to worry about minor grammar mistakes
I wasn't saying anything about your grammar.
7. thats like saying "if russia had all of the necessary requirements to being more powerful than the U.S., it'd be more powerful than the U.S." really? i didn't know that!
No... I'm just saying wealth. For the sad fact that America wastes too much.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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Originally posted by Otmorosok
I never said that, and i know that we will nuke you, it is not for whole country to decide but for the president, but still i mean if we are defeated then the only thing left to do is revenge, i dont expect you to understand that, i mean you are american. Besides we wouldnt be defeated anyway, for two reasons, first US will never attack us, second if it does then we gonna beat the shit out of them, because we know how to defend ourselves, and if we need to we will destroy everything. Besides, you wouldnt attack as because you dont want to risk world destruction, that's how Cold War didnt become real war and thats why you not gonna attack us.

dude otmo just stop while you are this far behind..... you are just digging deeper and deeper. First off i dont think anyone would nuke another country in this day and time unless they had gone mad. You dont think we would attack you? (hah) that is funny.


Nov 23, 2003
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Dude remember Cuban crisis? It almost happened and there was no war at all. Do you really think that if US defeats us then we wouldnt nuke it? Well then you are stupid too bad for you. But yeah you right we never gonna nuke you cause if you attack us we gonna defeat you. In the matters such as beeing nuked you cant just assume that we will not nuke you, as long as it is a possibility you will not attack us and we will not attack you. And i think you are thinking that invasion of RF will be something like Iraq, quick and easy. Well its not gonna be this way sorry, a lot of people gonna die on both sides, CNN will not be able to least the name of everyone dead becasue there will be millions. Our people will not surrender, we will fight as we fouhgt in WW2 but this time we got more guns and superior technology.


Sep 1, 2003
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During the Cold War, which I guess it'd debatable who won, Gorbachav wanted American and the Soviet Union to Disarm all of their nukes, for the simple fact it was ruining the Soviet Economy, and it did. So by saying that Russia would rather nuke a country than surrender, I wouldn't go to far with that. The Cold War wasn't an OFFICAL war, but the Soviets still wanted to disarm because their nation was struggling.


Nov 23, 2003
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Okay we still got 10000 nukes, enough to destroy annyone and we have technology to cary them anythere. Gorbachev was just a stupid, old, fat, son of the bitch, he only cared about his own ass, and tried to dissarm all nukes so he could smuggle something else while people are looking at his good deeds, we will nuke you, why do you think we will not? If we are invaded and beaten by annyone that means we are ruined, only exit is revenge. we will nuke you make no mistake, because if you win that would mean that all of our youth is dead and only the old are left, and they will want revenge for the death of their children. But then again you are afraid of us nuking you, and we are afraid of you nuking us, we never gonna attack each other unless some way to disable nukes is invented. Besides dont forget of millions of your people who will have to die to beat us, and there is no guaranty you will win, i mean you are already backing out of Iraq and you lost what 200-300 hundred soldiers? How will you react to millions dead on your side?


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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Originally posted by Otmorosok
Dude remember Cuban crisis? It almost happened and there was no war at all. Do you really think that if US defeats us then we wouldnt nuke it? Well then you are stupid too bad for you. But yeah you right we never gonna nuke you cause if you attack us we gonna defeat you. In the matters such as beeing nuked you cant just assume that we will not nuke you, as long as it is a possibility you will not attack us and we will not attack you. And i think you are thinking that invasion of RF will be something like Iraq, quick and easy. Well its not gonna be this way sorry, a lot of people gonna die on both sides, CNN will not be able to least the name of everyone dead becasue there will be millions. Our people will not surrender, we will fight as we fouhgt in WW2 but this time we got more guns and superior technology.

how are you so sure of yourself that yall would sucsessfully defend yalls fronts in russia!?

lol we cant even announce each person who has died. ever since we have taken ove iraq there has been more us troops killed now than there was while we were fighting to get in. Like i have said its gorilla warfair. U cant tell the enemy from a harmless civillian. I also never said i would be quick nor easy to take over russia. Yet you say yall would nuke us. sounds like youve already admitted defeat.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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Iraq isn't a problem. We've done very well in Iraq and people expected a bloodless victory.. Iraq to just fall to us. well, this is as bloodless as a war gets! We've minimized casualties on both sides.. A few hundrew Americans dead and a few thousand Iraqis. People say our economy is ruined. My ass! We've LOWERED taxed during this war. If you'r able to LOWER TAXES while fighting a war, one your stupid, and two your having no problem winning the war. After a war you'll always have some pockets of resistance. We took Iraq in a few weeks. Now we are just losing one or two soldiers a day to guerilla warfare. It's a war, we're not losing thousands of troops every day, its just getting televised more than ever. I cant stand people asying Iraq is difficult for us. It's difficult because people freak out about every soldier killed. I'm not saying two Americans coming home in body bags a day is a good thing.. I'm saying it's pretty damn good compared to past wars.


Nov 23, 2003
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Originally posted by NTS
how are you so sure of yourself that yall would sucsessfully defend yalls fronts in russia!?

lol we cant even announce each person who has died. ever since we have taken ove iraq there has been more us troops killed now than there was while we were fighting to get in. Like i have said its gorilla warfair. U cant tell the enemy from a harmless civillian. I also never said i would be quick nor easy to take over russia. Yet you say yall would nuke us. sounds like youve already admitted defeat.

I meant that you wouldnt attack us becasue first we are allies and second even if you win you get nuked.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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Originally posted by Otmorosok
I meant that you wouldnt attack us becasue first we are allies and second even if you win you get nuked.

yes we are at the moment but if it were to occur then ...... well we would just have to see the outcome of it all. but i highly dought yall would use nukes. Its just not humaine to do so for this day and time.

When we bombed japan ,we bombed small cities........ just to let show what could become of Tokyo.:p


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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Originally posted by amrtin77
Iraq isn't a problem. We've done very well in Iraq and people expected a bloodless victory.. Iraq to just fall to us. well, this is as bloodless as a war gets! We've minimized casualties on both sides.. A few hundrew Americans dead and a few thousand Iraqis. People say our economy is ruined. My ass! We've LOWERED taxed during this war. If you'r able to LOWER TAXES while fighting a war, one your stupid, and two your having no problem winning the war. After a war you'll always have some pockets of resistance. We took Iraq in a few weeks. Now we are just losing one or two soldiers a day to guerilla warfare. It's a war, we're not losing thousands of troops every day, its just getting televised more than ever. I cant stand people asying Iraq is difficult for us. It's difficult because people freak out about every soldier killed. I'm not saying two Americans coming home in body bags a day is a good thing.. I'm saying it's pretty damn good compared to past wars.
sorry if i double post..... dont feel like editing.....im lazy right now.

very well said amrtin! now i just dont understand why everyone bashes bush for the bad economy. i saw on fox new they had like some sort of chart of the administrations and bushes was better than clintions.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 21, 2002
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Well I dont like bush very much myself... I just like kerry even less. Bush does like to spend... but clinton didnt do much for our military. I am all for spending on military. A superpower cant be weak. some may want less military i dunno... I guess im just saying were doing good in iraq, 5.7% unemployment isnt too bad (4% is normal) but our trade deficit and the big 7 trillion dollar deficit aint good.. thats not all bushes fault obviously, but he's not trying to help it much it seems.

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