Why is US powerful?


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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Originally posted by Otmorosok
Can you please stop saying bullshit. Russia's public school education is far more advanced then the one in US. I been to both places, believe me i know. You learn they same staff in 9th grade i already learned in 7th grade. You dont educate everyone, stop the bullshit man, its annoying. Monroe Doctrine, i heard of it, but hay you still were afraid of everyone, thats just europeans were to busy fighting with each other to go against you. You were harmless.
schools teach things at different times...... say like a second language... i took french in 6th grade because they required us to start learning a new language at that time. where as i live right now they dont require it till high school. Also alot of people say they have learned ipc before biology wich is stupid but hey that is just me.

i am curious otmorosok. What will be the highest math you will take before you go to college? or millitary since you love it so much.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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We dont have shit like Algbra 1, or 2 like you do we have Algebra and geometry each course for 7 years beginig in grade 5. Then i was in US in 9th grade and took world history, i studied the same thing i learned in 6th grade in russia, then i took geometry i studied what i learned in 7th in russia. I know your system i lived in US for 1 and a half years. Russian education system is harded it requires much more work. As in US i would get drunk every day before school and still get an A in every class


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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Originally posted by Otmorosok
We dont have shit like Algbra 1, or 2 like you do we have Algebra and geometry each course for 7 years beginig in grade 5. Then i was in US in 9th grade and took world history, i studied the same thing i learned in 6th grade in russia, then i took geometry i studied what i learned in 7th in russia. I know your system i lived in US for 1 and a half years. Russian education system is harded it requires much more work. As in US i would get drunk every day before school and still get an A in every class
you come close to what you say but no cigar...... guess you dont learn caluluss(sp?) here we do even though it is not require. also it is better to learn all of alg1 and 2 at one time ....not orver a span of time. hm and im guessing you wont be going to college? looks like youll be stuck with a high school education for the rest of your life! have fun with that:p


May 28, 2003
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Oto, please shut up. And did you know that Russia was founded by Scandinavian PEASANTS who migrated east?

Did you know that it got the shit kicked out of them by the Mongols?

And in 1904-1905 got beaten by the Japanese?

Yes, of course, blame Communism's failure on outside intervention... HOW DID WE INTERVENE IN YOUR INTERNAL AFFAIRS? The opposite should be said.

WHERE HAS COMMUNISM SUCCEEDED? The last major Communist country is China, and even it's becoming more capitalist each year.

Russia was founded like what? 500 years ago? And the United States less than 300 years ago...

So how the hell can you compare a 100-year old U.S. with a 400 year old Russia? And oh, btw, 1900 America could still have defeated 1900 Russia.

I mean, in the 1840's, Japan was still mainly a medieval country, with samurai's and whatnot. But then 60 years later, defeated a "major European power". HMMMMMMMM....

Haha, if Russia's education were so great then they would've taught you the negative aspects of Communism. Guess not eh?

Well, no worries! Just compare the U.S. and Russia's economies and even a monkey can deduce that capitalism is better than communism.

I'm in eighth grade right now. I learned Algebra I last year, am learning Geometry this year, and am going to learn Algebra II next year (9th grade). You say that you have SEVEN year courses in Algebra?? haha.


Dec 29, 2002
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44 Francis St Marrickville Syd
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Communism collapsed because there was a lack of improvements, according to my teacher......

There's no competition in the economy, so there's like only one product that you can buy. And if there's only one, there's a guarantee that people will have to buy it, instead of having choices.

Thus there is no point to improve the product, because there's no competition. Capitalism forces the companies to constantly improve their produckt to maintain their section of the market.

Eventually, Communism falls behind and collapses on itself.

Communism has a good theory, of equality. It didn't work because of their leaders. However, that was the Soviet Union.

Modern Russia had to recover after the Soviet Collapse. However, it has the necessary resources, massive amounts of coal and oil and so has the potential to grow into a superpower. Yes, that sounds crazy, but they can, and will be....eventually.


Eat your vegetables!
Nov 16, 2002
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Los Angeles, CA
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All i hear is capitalism this......were better than you that.....russia sucks, no wait, the us sucks......it makes me sick...now to clear a few things up so we can get back on track...

-Russia was NOT founded by scandanavians moving east....it was founded by peoples from the balkans who had escaped persecution from the byzantine emperors for their radical takes on orthodox christianity.....do your homework you moron...

-Also, coming from someone who cant even spell CALCULUS right...the idea of you preaching the finer points of our education system is positively nauseating......you're just helping to prove otmo's point.....so shut the hell up.

-And plump.....stop posting in the arcane sanctuary to look smart.....you arent...deal with it..

Now back to the real topic.....please.

Undead Cheese

Aug 3, 2003
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Originally posted by Gedrin
There is more to the equation than WWII. WWI also did its part to devastate Europe. We waited a long time to get into WWI and WWII. We let the other European countries weaken each other, then we stepped in. Geography is part of it, but an important part is tactics.
Exactly. The trend bringing the US above Europe definately can be traced back to WWI. While countries in Europe lost as many as 900,000 - 1.8 million soldiers, the United States only lost 50,000. Then again, we stepped in like a year before the war ended.

WWI was the industrialized war, and was the first generalized war since the age of Napoleon. No one knew the capabilities of things like machine guns and chemical warfare until WWI, and people actually supported the idea of a war before it actually happened. After the war was over, so much money had been spent, and so many lives had been lost, that Europe fell from it's dominant global position.


Dec 29, 2003
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Munchyman, stfu, just b/c I know more about history than you do and have a better look on the world, doesn't mean you have to get jealous.

Compare the two countries.

We fought off the most powerful country in the world TWICE within fifty years of our country being founded. You need to take a step back and look at Russia then and compare the two, to decifer that the US is the MOST POWERFUL country in the nation.

Who could beat the U.S. one on one?

Munchyman chew on that slapnuts.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Originally posted by newbiebotter
Oto, please shut up. And did you know that Russia was founded by Scandinavian PEASANTS who migrated east?

Did you know that it got the shit kicked out of them by the Mongols?

And in 1904-1905 got beaten by the Japanese?

Yes, of course, blame Communism's failure on outside intervention... HOW DID WE INTERVENE IN YOUR INTERNAL AFFAIRS? The opposite should be said.

WHERE HAS COMMUNISM SUCCEEDED? The last major Communist country is China, and even it's becoming more capitalist each year.

Russia was founded like what? 500 years ago? And the United States less than 300 years ago...

So how the hell can you compare a 100-year old U.S. with a 400 year old Russia? And oh, btw, 1900 America could still have defeated 1900 Russia.

I mean, in the 1840's, Japan was still mainly a medieval country, with samurai's and whatnot. But then 60 years later, defeated a "major European power". HMMMMMMMM....

Haha, if Russia's education were so great then they would've taught you the negative aspects of Communism. Guess not eh?

Well, no worries! Just compare the U.S. and Russia's economies and even a monkey can deduce that capitalism is better than communism.

I'm in eighth grade right now. I learned Algebra I last year, am learning Geometry this year, and am going to learn Algebra II next year (9th grade). You say that you have SEVEN year courses in Algebra?? haha.
Well you see you are an idiot, so you should be the one to shut up. Russia was found by slavs, and thats only oficially, the word Russia, dates even before the creation of Moscow 857 years ago. Mongols, we kicked them out and now we own most of them, so whats your point? Russians as people were there seens 1200 years ago then preslavs and some viking tribes have merged together to form new nationality. By saying untrue bullshit you only proove how dumb you are. So shut up, and also know that russians once captured Constantinople, in 970's and gave it back for good trading relations with Byzantium. About my 7 year courses in Algebra it is because we dont have precalculus and calculus as a separate subject we call all math related things algebra and geometry. Seeing how much untrue bullshit you are saying your school system is that for "special" people. We have to deferent educational systems, and mine is superior.

And PLum once again you demonstarate how stupid you are. You see if people are superior to your intellectually you dont need to say bullshit to them, they know more then you and can separate truth from your imagination, hope that serves you well. US didnt really fight any industrialized nation that is powerful one on one. Iraq is not powerful, try fighting England, France or RUssia, or atleast Canada, then see how many people you will loose and after that debate on how powerful US is. Going against Russia will mean millions in casualties and years of war for any nation, besides its never gonna happen, no matter how arrgant and ignorant US may be they dont want to get nuked and going to war with Russia makes that a strong possibility.


May 28, 2003
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Originally posted by munchyman
All i hear is capitalism this......were better than you that.....russia sucks, no wait, the us sucks......it makes me sick...now to clear a few things up so we can get back on track...

-Russia was NOT founded by scandanavians moving east....it was founded by peoples from the balkans who had escaped persecution from the byzantine emperors for their radical takes on orthodox christianity.....do your homework you moron...

-Also, coming from someone who cant even spell CALCULUS right...the idea of you preaching the finer points of our education system is positively nauseating......you're just helping to prove otmo's point.....so shut the hell up.

-And plump.....stop posting in the arcane sanctuary to look smart.....you arent...deal with it..

Now back to the real topic.....please.
lol i suggest YOU do your homeowork...

The Early Settlements of Russia:

the first settlers were Slavs who TRADED WITH, not escaped from, Constantinople.

however, the VIKINGS (SCANDINAVIANS) later came down from the north, defeated the Slavs, and formed the State of Rus.

The numerous tribes were united in the 8th and 9th centuries, when the Scandinavians, Vikings known as Varangians, migrated south and began establishing trade settlements with the Slavs, along with their own strongholds. Many of these settlements were situated along the Neva River and Lake Ladoga. When the Norseman Rurik defeated the strongest Slavic settlement, Novgorod, in A.D. 862, the Varangians became the rulers of northern Russia. In the south, the Slavic Prince Kii had formed the Kievan territory. In 880, Rurik's successor, Oleg, conquered the Slavic-ruled Kiev and made the city his capital two years later. With the two areas united, the State of Rus (its name derived from the Viking word ruotsi, meaning "oarsman") became one of the largest kingdoms in the world.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Vikings dint defeat slavs you moron those were preslavs, and then Vikings were absorbed by slavs. And the naiton still dates more then a thousand years back, oh and i have no problem with having Viking blood in my veins.


Dec 29, 2003
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The Shire
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Lol I love how everyone thinks they are so smart. Newbie has been saying the same things I have been saying. The United States has never "officially" been defeated. If you want to count Vietnam you can, but remember we didn't exactly go full out on them, as we wanted to preserve their country, habitat, environment, and not kill that civilians.

The United States would rape any country named above. Russia can't fund a war, France has never fought a war on its own since Napoleon, Britain is now our little brother.

The United States is backed the best one country economy in the world, even in our recession, and we have the best technology. We just have an idiot in the White House who I hope loses in 2004.

Ralph Nader 4 Prez.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Well about the technology, our tanks are better our plains are better until F-22 is releazed and then it will be three years until Bertuck. Funding a war isnt always a problem, during WW2 people worked on factories all day in Russia and were only given food in return. Oh and still a war with big country will mean a lot of casualties not like Iraq, your people probably will not stand for it, and then we got nukes, and ofcourse we are allies.


May 28, 2003
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Originally posted by Otmorosok
Well you see you are an idiot, so you should be the one to shut up. Russia was found by slavs, and thats only oficially, the word Russia, dates even before the creation of Moscow 857 years ago. Mongols, we kicked them out and now we own most of them, so whats your point? Russians as people were there seens 1200 years ago then preslavs and some viking tribes have merged together to form new nationality. By saying untrue bullshit you only proove how dumb you are. So shut up, and also know that russians once captured Constantinople, in 970's and gave it back for good trading relations with Byzantium. About my 7 year courses in Algebra it is because we dont have precalculus and calculus as a separate subject we call all math related things algebra and geometry. Seeing how much untrue bullshit you are saying your school system is that for "special" people. We have to deferent educational systems, and mine is superior.

And PLum once again you demonstarate how stupid you are. You see if people are superior to your intellectually you dont need to say bullshit to them, they know more then you and can separate truth from your imagination, hope that serves you well. US didnt really fight any industrialized nation that is powerful one on one. Iraq is not powerful, try fighting England, France or RUssia, or atleast Canada, then see how many people you will loose and after that debate on how powerful US is. Going against Russia will mean millions in casualties and years of war for any nation, besides its never gonna happen, no matter how arrgant and ignorant US may be they dont want to get nuked and going to war with Russia makes that a strong possibility.
You missed the whole point of my post. I was making a guess as to how long Russia has been a country. My point was to show you that Russia had been around way longer than America, so it's pointless to compare pre-1900's Russia to the U.S. Also, I was meaning to point out that Russia isn't a country of super-humans. They had humble origins as well.

And yes, Russia has only been an INDEPENDENT country for 500 years. It was ruled for CENTURIES by the Mongols. Sure, I guess you kicked them out... but it took you a lot of luck and a few centuries of time.


Conquered Constantinople? Well...the Turks did that too. I concede. You win. Russia is just as good as the Turks.

So Russia is powerful and its school system is great. I admit that must be true. After all, Russians don't immigrate to the U.S., often for college!! Americans are all dieing to go to Russia because its such a great country! Most of the new scientific and technological breakthroughs are ALL made in Russia, and of course Russia's economy is the largest in the world. Russia is truly a great country with great schools, great scientists, a great economy, and it's people are all 8-feet tall, weightlifters, and absolute geniuses. Every one of them! Wow, don't we ALL want to live in Russia, becaue its obviously such a powerful country with an excellent school system, the best economic policy mankind has developed, and it's far better than the U.S....

You truly are a dumbass.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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It took as 3 centuries to kick out Mongols, Pre 1900 Russia was more powerful then US. We just didnt buy right guns and our population was to big to supply everyone, thanks to our czar. We do have better Public schools but everyone wants to go to your colleges because your economy is better and learning there will be better for getting a job. Scientific breakthoughs? Who was first men in space? Who made first satelite? Who made the periodic table? We made many descoveries, especcialy in military tech.


May 28, 2003
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Originally posted by Otmorosok
It took as 3 centuries to kick out Mongols, Pre 1900 Russia was more powerful then US. We just didnt buy right guns and our population was to big to supply everyone, thanks to our czar. We do have better Public schools but everyone wants to go to your colleges because your economy is better and learning there will be better for getting a job. Scientific breakthoughs? Who was first men in space? Who made first satelite? Who made the periodic table? We made many descoveries, especcialy in military tech.
So you admit our economy is better? I thought you said communism is superior to capitalism?

Of course you guys were more powerful than the U.S. in 1900. You got beaten by JAPAN, whom we defeated JAPAN forty years later WHILE helping to fight Hitler...

And on scientific breakthroughs, please note the word "new". Anyways, who was the ONLY country to send men on the moon? Who is the leading country in NEARLY every major field in science?

Who created the atomic bomb? The hydrogen bomb? Who broke the sound-barrier? Russia may have been to space before the U.S., but the "space race" is OVER. America has won hands down. Just search for "U.S. space missions" in google or something to see how many manned and unmanned missions NASA has done.

Where are most of the top companies in the world located? Where are most of the top richest people in the world located?

Who created the first telephone? The first machine gun? The first computer? The first submarine to be used in war? How about you check up on the per capita income of U.S. citizens compared to Russian citizens?

How about you read some articles about the OVERALL STATE OF RUSSIA'S military?


And Russia has been a country how much longer? 1000 more years than the U.S.?


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Well, Japan, you dropped a nuke, and we could have defeated them to at the time. But back then we could have taken US easely. Who made first space station? You should search google for Russian space programs. Who put the first ballsitic missile on the submarine? Who made vector engines? Who has T-95's tanks that are in every way superior to your abrahams, who made vector thrust engine? Who made periodic table? Who has the largest submarine in the world that carries 250 nukes. Who made SU-37 which is superior to your plains right now and it is still 2 years until F-22 and then we got SU-47 coming up soon after. About our military, your articles mean nothing, you see we dont care much about dying during times of war, if we will have a need we will start paying people with food, and everyone will work jsut like they did during WW2. But this time we got better weapons (AM-94 the best assault rifle in the world, made by Russia), good altelery and this time every soldier got a gun.


May 28, 2003
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Originally posted by Otmorosok
Well, Japan, you dropped a nuke, and we could have defeated them to at the time. But back then we could have taken US easely. Who made first space station? You should search google for Russian space programs. Who put the first ballsitic missile on the submarine? Who made vector engines? Who has T-95's tanks that are in every way superior to your abrahams, who made vector thrust engine? Who made periodic table? Who has the largest submarine in the world that carries 250 nukes. Who made SU-37 which is superior to your plains right now and it is still 2 years until F-22 and then we got SU-47 coming up soon after. About our military, your articles mean nothing, you see we dont care much about dying during times of war, if we will have a need we will start paying people with food, and everyone will work jsut like they did during WW2. But this time we got better weapons (AM-94 the best assault rifle in the world, made by Russia), good altelery and this time every soldier got a gun.
Who created the AIRPLANE? The torpedo? Who was the first to split the atom?

More appropriately, I think these are better questions:

Who ISNT selling their weapons (including submarines) on the blackmarket and to rogue countries for cash?

Who DOESNT have a per capita income matching that of some third world countries?

Who lost the Cold War?

Who lost the space race?

Sure you may have some better weapons, but how standardized are they within your military? How can you pay for new weapons when you can't pay your own soldiers? how adept are your soldiers in using such weapons? how good are your tactics? the only reason russians are able to "accept" huge losses is because the rulers lie about casualties and rule your people with an iron fist. maybe the only reason you believe in all the bullshit you do is the rampant use of propaganda in your country?

If you're a better country, then stop accepting foreign aid from the U.S. and U.N.

If we supported China, how many decades do you think it would take for China to surpass Russia?

Not only does Russia get foreign aid, but they also get military cooperation, sharing of intelligence, and unhampered trade deals with the U.S.

Alright, you and your peasants keep in those factories like world war ii. use outdated tactics, be ill-equipped, and mainly untrained like world war ii. fight to the death and to the last man like world war ii. go ahead! how about we play it like hitler did in world war ii then? lets bomb the shit out of your country, kill all civilians, and assassinate your political leaders.

oh wait, we're more civilized than you. skip the killing all civilians part. we'll just bomb the shit out of you.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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We dont get any foreign aid you idiot, proove it, we get no military aid you idiot, then did US ever help us wiht anything? And if you try to bomb the shit out of us, we gonna do the same thing to you, how would you like it? Besides we are getting on our feet we had to rebuild our economy, in 20 years then world will need natural resources, and prices will be sky high and only few countries will be able to afford them, we will own all.


May 28, 2003
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Alright, this study was done by RUSSIANS:


Seems like your country is begging for more aid.

Here's how much the U.S. has given:

What aid has the U.S. given to Russia?

Until 1993 the amount of American assistance to Russia was fairly modest: in 1992, $80.4 million was provided through USAID channels for 8 minor projects. During the past two years the amounts of aid increased -- up to $234 million in 1993 and $1.27 billion in 1994. However, a downsizing in technical assistance to $220 million occurred in 1995.

American technical assistance in 1992-1995 had several aims. American advisers assisted their Russian counterparts in designing and putting into practice the voucher system for privatization. They participated in the organization of stock markets, provided legislative and regulatory consulting, and training for bank managers. Assistance has been provided for Russian legislative reform. A program for small business development, financed by the US Government, has been implemented through the American Peace Corps.
And yes, the U.S. gives russia technical aid on military issues to russia, and there IS military cooperation, as I stated before, between the U.S. and Russia.


Hmm, how is Russia going to bomb the U.S....when it only has one outdated carrier left? Is it going to fly missions out from Siberia to bomb Alaska!?!?! You have no carriers and hardly a navy to speak of. Many of your submarines are sold or out of service because of lack of funds in maintaining them.

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