Why is US powerful?


Sep 18, 2003
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There is more to the equation than WWII. WWI also did its part to devastate Europe. We waited a long time to get into WWI and WWII. We let the other European countries weaken each other, then we stepped in. Geography is part of it, but an important part is tactics.

Throw in the imperialist expansion caused a large number of colonies that in some ways became burdens. Natural resource abundance also plays a role.

btw ppl borrowed money to but more than stocks. They borrowed to live beyond their means. Lots of people did it. When trouble occurred and their loans were called in they couldn't pay them. On a small scale it would be a few peoples problem. On a large scale it becomes everybody’s problem even for those who lived within their means. Aside from that we had problems with dust storms that caused problems with food supply. Stock market speculation caused the stock market to hemorrhage its inflated value.


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 23, 2002
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Originally posted by Gedrin
There is more to the equation than WWII. WWI also did its part to devastate Europe. We waited a long time to get into WWI and WWII. We let the other European countries weaken each other, then we stepped in. Geography is part of it, but an important part is tactics.

Throw in the imperialist expansion caused a large number of colonies that in some ways became burdens. Natural resource abundance also plays a role.

btw ppl borrowed money to but more than stocks. They borrowed to live beyond their means. Lots of people did it. When trouble occurred and their loans were called in they couldn't pay them. On a small scale it would be a few peoples problem. On a large scale it becomes everybody’s problem even for those who lived within their means. Aside from that we had problems with dust storms that caused problems with food supply. Stock market speculation caused the stock market to hemorrhage its inflated value.
then you could also add that banks closed because they did not have the money to give back. So people who had money saved..... lost all of it. which just really sucks


Dec 29, 2003
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The reason that the US became a super power is as said by many people said before is b/c our country wasn't touched by the War, except for Pearl Harbor and even then they are proving evidence that we knew that they were coming. We found their spy subs:

Which were one man subs that just relayed who was out of the Harbor and if it was good to go in. We knew they were coming for a time before that and didn't do anything b/c FDR knew we had to enter the War, but the public was against it and he needed something to go into it. Just like WWI when we waited for the sinking of the Lucitania.

WWII messed over Germany and France the most. England had cities, a few, but still cities destroyed and Russia was the only one prevelant enough to stand back up.

But even that proved to costly to them as the USSR broke up and turned to democracy.

The USA was able to provide war goods to both sides and then even more when we entered the war. FDR was a brillant man, and is the reason why we are where we are.

Our two biggest Presidents of the last century were both Roosevelts and they made their way through politics through NY, and watch out, but in 2008 our next great President will be Hillary Clinton. She will revolutionize our country and the world.

And btw, Russia was just as big as us until 1991. Now they are on the same tier as Britain.

"We're like we are, because Canada and Mexico won't dare declare war on us. The rest have to travel for a while overseas to get to us." Jake Jeckel

YOU MORON! Who won the Mexican-American War? Remember the Alamo!? THERE IS A MOVIE COMING OUT FRIDAY ABOUT IT. If Mexico declared War on the US what do you think would happen!?! We would lose??!?! Would their mops and cleaning products kill us!? There are more Mexicans living in the Southern US illegally than in all of Mexico.

Canada has NO army. NONE! Remember the French Indian War? We won that one too against Canada and the Indians!

STFU pwned. Gg.


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Dec 5, 2002
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Originally posted by Otmorosok
I think i got it. Location. After WW2 US was the only industrial power who's factories and cities were not destroyed at all. And that is only becasue they were far away from Geramany, and had an ocean in between. While WW2 weakend industrial capabilities of other nation it strengthened US because european economies after war lay in ruins, and europe had to buy american dollars, which remained stable becasue no war came to US soil, exept Pearl Harbor, and that gave US lots and lots of gold, and also made europe dependent on US's industries for some time. Those are the onle reasons i can see. Discuss.
You want to know why the US is so powerful?

The reason we are so much more powerful is because our founding father's were wiser and more humane. They learned from eariler counrties mistakes and tooks strong points of certain countrys governments, eliminated the weaknesses, study philosphers views on government, and drew up the best form of it this world has ever seen.

WW2 did strengthen the economy, but it we were had been the industrial juggernaut that we are long before the war all thanks to the combination greed and entrepernuers (sp?).

As far as location goes, it's not like we were just given that land. We had to fight for it, and it's Russia's fault they didn't reach America. They could easily have sent expeditions, but chose not to. The land America is on was open game, and we fought for some of it, and bought some of it from European countries. Infact, it belonged to European countries to begin with, and they could have easily kept it. It's your own fault we have the land we do today.

And the US didn't make europe dependent on its industry, they dug their own grave. So once again, blame yourselves.

The United States was a juggernaut in industry and super power of the world long before the two world wars.


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Aug 27, 2003
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Originally posted by Otmorosok
I think i got it. Location. After WW2 US was the only industrial power who's factories and cities were not destroyed at all. And that is only becasue they were far away from Geramany, and had an ocean in between. While WW2 weakend industrial capabilities of other nation it strengthened US because european economies after war lay in ruins, and europe had to buy american dollars, which remained stable becasue no war came to US soil, exept Pearl Harbor, and that gave US lots and lots of gold, and also made europe dependent on US's industries for some time. Those are the onle reasons i can see. Discuss.
Yes otto. You got it. That is absolutely correct. Now die.

Of course we're powerful, we are secluded, we are industrialy amazing, and so far no country can stop us. We have the best trained military, special operations, and cooperative operations...we can help any country any time. Eat it.


BattleForums Senior Member
Mar 18, 2004
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Originally posted by Dw-Riot
and so far no country can stop us
Au contraire, monfraire. Take a look at China.

Or, better yet, go to Fred Meyer or a large consumer store and see where most of our products are made. Fancy that! Most of it is made in China / Taiwan.

We need to put tariffs on China's imported goods. They won't even let us sell a Harly Davidson in China unless its made there. Free trade my ass. China is now probably on par or ahead of the U.S in terms of industry / producing.


Dec 29, 2003
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Good, you have good trained troops. Now just TRY to get them onto American grounds. You can't. If you thought the German bombardment during WWII was bad on London. . .imagine what we could and would do. There wouldn't be any need like Germany to try and boast about our accomplishments, we'll just keep going to town on your Brit a$$es


Like my cute wabbit?
Dec 23, 2003
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That would be against the geneva convention. Wtf are you going on about anyway plump. You start babbling about bombing raids and that is supposed to relate to getting troops on American soil we probally already have. Did you know that we're allies?


Dec 29, 2003
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I'm saying in general if we were to war with each other Britain would be pwned by the pwnzars!


May 28, 2003
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Otto, saying location is the only reason why the U.S. is powerful is like saying size is the only reason Russia is powerf... er, not completely conquered. If it weren't for Russia's size, Napoleon probably would have succeeded in conquering it, and the same thing goes with Hitler.

And back on subject as to why the U.S. is powerful:



Eat your vegetables!
Nov 16, 2002
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Originally posted by Otmorosok
I think i got it. Location. After WW2 US was the only industrial power who's factories and cities were not destroyed at all. And that is only becasue they were far away from Geramany, and had an ocean in between. While WW2 weakend industrial capabilities of other nation it strengthened US because european economies after war lay in ruins, and europe had to buy american dollars, which remained stable becasue no war came to US soil, exept Pearl Harbor, and that gave US lots and lots of gold, and also made europe dependent on US's industries for some time. Those are the onle reasons i can see. Discuss.

Ok....How exactly did it give us lots of gold? Oh wait...heres another thing it gave us....DEAD SOLDIERS/CIVILIANS AND THE LOSS OF HALF OUR PACIFIC FLEET (save the carrier battle groups)...oh well, we still owned the japanese....but thats history.

Want to know the reason we're powerful? Here it is....plain and simple. Sure, the foresight of the founding fathers may have had something to do with it, but its more pertinent to the fact taht from the start....alot of people hated us. Hell, weve had wars wth the british, germans, alot of africa, and now most of the middle east....and lets not forget our thing in panama a while back.... But why is this important you ask? Well, if everyone hates us, we are driven o defend ourselves against possible threats, correct? This move to defense and woodrow wilsons much heralded policy of "isolationism" has pushed our economy as well as our military well above the standards of the rest of the world....dont like it? Tough. Want to kill us because of it? Well, you can go ahead and do that......but dont expect us do not do anything, and when were done kicking the crap out of you, you can damn well bet that we'll be ready for anything else you can throw at us. Now, why dont we analyze another country, just for fun.....since you're so eager to critique other nations, oto...i think its high time you got a syringe of your own medicine jammed up your ass.

Russia......some things you should know:


-need visa to get in/out

-horrible cars

-my burps sound more coherent than your speech

-vodka tastes like shit

-the women are hot......hehehe

Ok, so russia isnt all that bad.....im not really tryign to rip on it.....ive got russian friends that could probably kick my ass. Seriously though, otomorosk, get off the Us's back......how bout north korea? Who wants that little zit of a dude with bifocals shitting nukes everywhere? Why is HE as powerful as he is, huh?


Dec 29, 2002
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The US was powerful because of it's industry. A massive industry. Go to Pearl Harbour. Again, as said above, half the fleet lost. But they managed to recover and make a massive fleet again, in a couple of years.

Besides, the US is currently has a trade deficit.......so yeah, it's not as powerfulas it used to be.


Nov 23, 2003
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Originally posted by newbiebotter
Otto, saying location is the only reason why the U.S. is powerful is like saying size is the only reason Russia is powerf... er, not completely conquered. If it weren't for Russia's size, Napoleon probably would have succeeded in conquering it, and the same thing goes with Hitler.

And back on subject as to why the U.S. is powerful:

Sorry to tell you that bu no, capitalism had almost nothing to so with it. You didnt loose any factories and a major portion of your labor force like Europe and Russia did, still after the WW2 Russia did come out a global superpower with only one nation strong enough to be its rival.

QUOTE]Originally posted by Guru
You want to know why the US is so powerful?

The reason we are so much more powerful is because our founding father's were wiser and more humane. They learned from eariler counrties mistakes and tooks strong points of certain countrys governments, eliminated the weaknesses, study philosphers views on government, and drew up the best form of it this world has ever seen.

WW2 did strengthen the economy, but it we were had been the industrial juggernaut that we are long before the war all thanks to the combination greed and entrepernuers (sp?).

As far as location goes, it's not like we were just given that land. We had to fight for it, and it's Russia's fault they didn't reach America. They could easily have sent expeditions, but chose not to. The land America is on was open game, and we fought for some of it, and bought some of it from European countries. Infact, it belonged to European countries to begin with, and they could have easily kept it. It's your own fault we have the land we do today.

And the US didn't make europe dependent on its industry, they dug their own grave. So once again, blame yourselves.

The United States was a juggernaut in industry and super power of the world long before the two world wars.

Once again you show how weak is education in US. DOnt you know that Russia sold you Alaska? Your forefathers had nothinbg to do with anything, US was just a little annoying country that was afraid of everyone before WW1, i know that US land belonged to Europe, not everyone is as stupid as you. Damn, you really have to upgrade your education, you people no nothing.


Eat your vegetables!
Nov 16, 2002
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Los Angeles, CA
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Yes...Russia sold us alaska......thanks for that....you missed out on decades of oil reserves, minerals....and fisheries. Congratulations. And what exactly do you suggest as an alternative to capitalism? Communism? riiight.....we all know how well THAT one works...


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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It worked for my country for 70 years, and it would work for everyone if you didnt enterfere. Alaska is nothing compared to natural resources we have on our land, dont forget who has the second largest amount of oil and largest amount of natural gas in the world. Thats not including many other resources we have in great numbers.


Dec 29, 2003
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Okay 70 years of communism, compared to over 200 years of capitalism. Do the math.

Russia has one of the worst edu programs in the world. The US educates EVERYONE!

The US scared of everyone until WW1?

Did you ever HEAR of the MONROE DOCTRINE? Or how about the Olney Doctrine? You my friend need to pick up a history book that wasn't written by Stalin.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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Can you please stop saying bullshit. Russia's public school education is far more advanced then the one in US. I been to both places, believe me i know. You learn they same staff in 9th grade i already learned in 7th grade. You dont educate everyone, stop the bullshit man, its annoying. Monroe Doctrine, i heard of it, but hay you still were afraid of everyone, thats just europeans were to busy fighting with each other to go against you. You were harmless.

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