There is more to the equation than WWII. WWI also did its part to devastate Europe. We waited a long time to get into WWI and WWII. We let the other European countries weaken each other, then we stepped in. Geography is part of it, but an important part is tactics.
Throw in the imperialist expansion caused a large number of colonies that in some ways became burdens. Natural resource abundance also plays a role.
btw ppl borrowed money to but more than stocks. They borrowed to live beyond their means. Lots of people did it. When trouble occurred and their loans were called in they couldn't pay them. On a small scale it would be a few peoples problem. On a large scale it becomes everybody’s problem even for those who lived within their means. Aside from that we had problems with dust storms that caused problems with food supply. Stock market speculation caused the stock market to hemorrhage its inflated value.
Throw in the imperialist expansion caused a large number of colonies that in some ways became burdens. Natural resource abundance also plays a role.
btw ppl borrowed money to but more than stocks. They borrowed to live beyond their means. Lots of people did it. When trouble occurred and their loans were called in they couldn't pay them. On a small scale it would be a few peoples problem. On a large scale it becomes everybody’s problem even for those who lived within their means. Aside from that we had problems with dust storms that caused problems with food supply. Stock market speculation caused the stock market to hemorrhage its inflated value.