Originally posted by Black~Enthusiasm
Ayway, in the USA, what the 2nd amendment right means, is that u can form militia groups, not go around toting guns and blasting shit up.
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. That last italisiced part... that means that the people have the right to keep and bear arms, and if people there means state militias, then the word people means state militas everywhere else.
Here's what I think : americans live in a cultur of fear. Only in America would you get helicopters flying over the suburbs, spraying poison to kill mosquiotos to stop West Nile Virus, a disease only dangerous to the weak and elderly and statistically about as common as leprosy. Only in America do you have FOX news previews: "Could something in your sock drawer be KILLING YOUR CHILDREN? Tonight at 10." funny, I dont see these kinds of commercials Only in America do you see beach attendance dramatically drop during the few days after a shark attack in Florida, which is literally an 8 million to one chance. Only in America do you get people in no danger whatsoever sealing themselves inside their houses with plastic wrap and duct tape. okay, now your just exaggerating.
So, americans are conditioned by fear. So what do you think hapens when they see on the news channel, every night at 6, that some black guy killed, shooted, or robbed such and such places? so, no black people kill people where you come from? you've got many people keeping guns in their homes out of fear of intruders,, and you have crazy militias out west stockpiling machine guns against "the government."where are these strange militias you talk of... [/B]