Originally posted by c9h13no3
I also think it's very reassuring that the people have some kind of weapon to defend themselves with. It's not exactly a good thing to have ALL of the control in the hands of the government.
Right. Let's give some *control* to some un-controllable people. It is very reassuring, indeed. Especially if we take a look at statistics like the following:
* Handguns comprise about one-third of all firearms owned in the U.S. (65 million of 192 million total),17 but they are used in half of all homicides, 7, 18 approximately 80% of all firearm homicides (See Figure 4), and 70% of all firearm suicides.19, 20, 21
Of the 38% of American households that had a firearm in 1998, 23% had a handgun.11
*Handguns account for 77% of all traced guns used in crime.22
FBI-Uniform Crime Report 2000
In 1999, 28,874 Americans were killed with firearms--in homicides, suicides and unintentional shootings.1
Firearm injuries are now the second leading cause of injury-related deaths nationwide, surpassed only by motor vehicle injuries.2
Firearms sent 75,685 individuals to hospital emergency departments to be treated for non-fatal gunshot wounds during 2000.3
Each year an estimated $2.3 billion is spent on medical care for the nation’s gunshot victims. Almost half of that sum is paid by U.S. taxpayers.4
Guns cause the death of 9 young people (those 19 years of age and under) each day in this country.5
The overall firearm-related death rate among U.S. children under age 15 is nearly 12 times higher than that among children in 25 other industrialized nations combined.6
More Americans were killed by guns during the 18-year period between 1979 and 1997 than in all U.S. military battles since 1775.7