Why are Americans in love with their guns?

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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The ultimate purpose of a gun is to kill, whether it be humans, animals or the French, :D. Now I'm not saying that everyone who owns a gun is gonna go kill someone, but most ppl who own guns legally own them so that they could kill anyone who threatened them.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by Tempest Storm
but most ppl who own guns legally own them so that they could kill anyone who threatened them.
Just how many ppl do you know who own guns? Have you conducted a survey? If killing ppl is the sole purpose of guns, then why do I own a .243 bolt action rifle instead of an Uzi?

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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Did I say that the only purpose of guns is to kill humans? No. I said the only purpose of guns is to kill, anything, human, animals, bugs, whatever. And you .243 can still kill someone or something, right? Not as effecient an an uzi perhaps, but it can still kill. Give me another use for a gun besides killing or threatening to kill?


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May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by Tempest Storm
Did I say that the only purpose of guns is to kill humans? No.
Originally posted by Tempest Storm
Sorry, I assumed by "anyone", that you didn't include animals and politicians.

I use guns because it's a part of my life style. I grew up hunting and tracking various animals. It's a sport that takes skill, and I enjoy it. I also think it's very reassuring that the people have some kind of weapon to defend themselves with. It's not exactly a good thing to have ALL of the control in the hands of the government.


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Jan 21, 2003
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Originally posted by c9h13no3
I also think it's very reassuring that the people have some kind of weapon to defend themselves with. It's not exactly a good thing to have ALL of the control in the hands of the government.
Right. Let's give some *control* to some un-controllable people. It is very reassuring, indeed. Especially if we take a look at statistics like the following:

* Handguns comprise about one-third of all firearms owned in the U.S. (65 million of 192 million total),17 but they are used in half of all homicides, 7, 18 approximately 80% of all firearm homicides (See Figure 4), and 70% of all firearm suicides.19, 20, 21
Of the 38% of American households that had a firearm in 1998, 23% had a handgun.11

*Handguns account for 77% of all traced guns used in crime.22
FBI-Uniform Crime Report 2000

In 1999, 28,874 Americans were killed with firearms--in homicides, suicides and unintentional shootings.1

Firearm injuries are now the second leading cause of injury-related deaths nationwide, surpassed only by motor vehicle injuries.2

Firearms sent 75,685 individuals to hospital emergency departments to be treated for non-fatal gunshot wounds during 2000.3

Each year an estimated $2.3 billion is spent on medical care for the nation’s gunshot victims. Almost half of that sum is paid by U.S. taxpayers.4

Guns cause the death of 9 young people (those 19 years of age and under) each day in this country.5

The overall firearm-related death rate among U.S. children under age 15 is nearly 12 times higher than that among children in 25 other industrialized nations combined.6

More Americans were killed by guns during the 18-year period between 1979 and 1997 than in all U.S. military battles since 1775.7


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May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by Galatia
Right. Let's give some *control* to some un-controllable people. It is very reassuring, indeed. Especially if we take a look at statistics like the following:


Handguns comprise about one-third of all firearms owned in the U.S. (65 million of 192 million total),17 but they are used in half of all homicides, 7, 18 approximately 80% of all firearm homicides (See Figure 4), and 70% of all firearm suicides.19, 20, 21
Of the 38% of American households that had a firearm in 1998, 23% had a handgun.11


Firearm injuries are now the second leading cause of injury-related deaths nationwide, surpassed only by motor vehicle injuries.2


The overall firearm-related death rate among U.S. children under age 15 is nearly 12 times higher than that among children in 25 other industrialized nations combined.6
1) I don't own any handguns, however, I can say that I'm for keeping them legal. The problem isn't handguns. The problem is violence and ignorance. Just because their tool to enact this violence is a gun, doesn't mean guns are to blame.

2) So we should ban cars too eh?

3) America's crime rate for all violent crimes is higher, not just with guns. We're a violent country, and I seriously doubt that banning of firearms will help. People will just run each other over with a car, or something of the sort.

I think the real problem is that you can obtain a gun without proper education. I know how to handle, store, maintain, and safely use guns. I think a large majority of the people who own one don't. I also think that it's quite ironic that you have to get a liscense to drive, but you only have to get a background check to obtain a lethal fire-arm. I personally am all for gun control. I think killing machines should be kept out of the hands of idiots, however, I'm not in favor of gun bans. I think with proper education, and regulation, they can be a safe part of the American lifestyle, and a testament to the liberty we have in this country.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 20, 2003
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USA California
c9 is correct on a certain level that some people own guns not to kill people

some people collect 'em like pokemon cards, magic, antique, cars, model airplanes. Yep their value goes up over the years.

but then again I believe the only other reason some of us own guns is because we feel that we lack power and guns provide some that power. it makes us feel invincible, suave or should i say cool (these things are the things retarded teenagers think)

remember its not the gun that kills people, its the bullet that pierces their flesh!


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May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by Induhvidual_1
but then again I believe the only other reason some of us own guns is because we feel that we lack power and guns provide some that power.
I own a shotgun to quail hunt with. I guess I'm just a power hungry republican.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Viva la différence!
I'll bring up a quote from the love able Phil Gramn: "I own more shotguns than I need. But less shotguns than I want."
Isn't that nice.
I hate sitting in the living, when all of a sudden I need my shotgun, and I always say to myself "Nuts! I left it in the kitchen!" It must happen to gun owners all the time.
I don't really own a shotgun, but I know what I would tell my family if I ever brought one home: "Hey guys! I just bought something that's 43 times more likely to kill one of you than to do us any good!"
Why would I say that you ask?
A Gallup poll says more than half of all handgun owners keep theirs loaded, and in unlocked locations.
And some misc. polls to go along with that:
Grandpa is 20x more likely to be shot by a seven y/o nephew than by a drug addict trying to steal his VCR. The number jumps to 36 if Grandpa is barbecuing.
The odds are better that a neighbor kid will blow your kid's face off, than the other way around.
You are 3x more likely to shoot a Japanese exchange student who has knocked at your door by mistake than a Swedish exchange student who is trick-or-treating on the wrong night.
3 out of 4 homicide victims are killed by a spouse, family member, friend, or acquaintance. Comforting to all of us that fear random violence.
And then there's nonfatal injuries... for every fatal gunshot, there are 4-6 nonfatal. Those wounds cost us 14 billion a year to heal, of which, 80% of the cost is paid for by public funds.
However, shotguns are different (with circumstances).

The fact still remains, that obviously something is very wrong with this country.

Please, don't get me started by blaming the amount of guns we have on the lack of father figures, gangs, or whatnot.


Nov 13, 2002
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Originally posted by CelestialBadger
The original right to bear arms was probably written into the Constitution to insure that we would have enough people to join militias and defend our country. With our current armed forces status, the right isn't really necessary, but any move to limit it will be taken as a move to take away the "God given right" to kill each other with guns...
The Second Amendment
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
The second amendment also says things about the right for a state to have a militia. But if by people there they mean, state militias, then does the meaning of people mean the state/government in every other place it's used?

In England, they have eliminated all guns, by everyone, police and citizens alike. Crime shot wayyyy up after that. The way murder is reported in england is like this: When someone kills a person, it is one crime of murder, when someone kills 2 people, it is one crime of murder, and so on. That means that England's murder rate doesnt take into account people that kill more then one person.

When people don't have guns, they dont have a way to defend themselves. Not so much from criminals, but from the government. The world is far from perfect, and that's the way it's always been. When It comes down to it, and I hope it never does, The people should be able to overthrow a government they don't like.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Sorry, but you're wrong.
Crime shot wayyyy up after that.
(BCS) Between 1999 and 2000, the overall crime rate fell tweleve percent! Violent crime fell by nineteen percent, domestic burglary by seventeen percent. Other household thefts fell by sixteen percent and vehicle-related thefts fell by eleven percent. The first survey published in 1982, and the past two surveys, 1998 and 2000, showed decreases in overall crime rates as well.
The total number of crimes reported was a third lower than its peak in 1995

I will ask my friend in England how they report murders, as I doubt what you said is true.


May 26, 2003
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Damnit its the arcane. Cant flame Portugal.

Just kidding...

I dont have guns (to young) but my dad has guns from differnt countrys. The coolest is the nazi verison of the lugger/rugger. So yeah. its like a hobbie


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Jan 21, 2003
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Originally posted by Misterwhippy
When people don't have guns, they dont have a way to defend themselves. Not so much from criminals, but from the government. The world is far from perfect, and that's the way it's always been. When It comes down to it, and I hope it never does, The people should be able to overthrow a government they don't like.
People who live in civilized countries are able to overthrow a government they don't like by voting.

Maybe americans must try to vote more (51% voters turnout in Presidential Elections) and play less with their guns. That way they might be less afraid of their governement:D


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Originally posted by Galatia
Maybe americans must try to vote more (51% voters turnout in Presidential Elections) and play less with their guns. That way they might be less afraid of their governement:D
When congressmen start representing the people instead of campaign contributors, then I'll sponsor your way of thinking.


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Jan 21, 2003
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Originally posted by c9h13no3
When congressmen start representing the people instead of campaign contributors, then I'll sponsor your way of thinking.
In a democracy people fight for their rights without guns. And the american political system is one of the most democratic political systems in the world.


Retired Staff
Feb 18, 2003
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Just wondering, why do you all think that you need guns to defend you from the government? I think that the government restricts rights, but I don't think they physically harm me...Is the act of having a gun merely to prevent infringement on your right to bear it?


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Nov 28, 2002
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Originally posted by TrongaMonga
Because you sell guns to psychopats, lunatics, murderes, and guys of that kind?

You can't just give guns to everyone, that's too stupid to be true, but it is... And there are other ways to handle things but violence. Too bad you don't know how to use them. It works overhere some times. Times enough.
Did I say I agreed? I just answered the question.


BattleForums Senior Member
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Originally posted by Misterwhippy

When people don't have guns, they dont have a way to defend themselves. Not so much from criminals, but from the government. The world is far from perfect, and that's the way it's always been. When It comes down to it, and I hope it never does, The people should be able to overthrow a government they don't like.
Overtrow your government? You guys didnt even reacted when bush "stole" the election, and when the patriot act was passed. Assuming that your government goes to far and that you whant to overtrow it, it will probaly be to late.


BattleForums Senior Member
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Originally posted by Black~Enthusiasm
Overtrow your government? You guys didnt even reacted when bush "stole" the election, and when the patriot act was passed. Assuming that your government goes to far and that you whant to overtrow it, it will probaly be to late.
When you lump me in with the rest of the republicans without actually knowing my viewpoints, I loose respect for you.

Originally posted by Galatia
In a democracy people fight for their rights without guns. And the american political system is one of the most democratic political systems in the world.
And are you saying that I don't vote. Are you saying that I don't participate in political organizations? Are you saying that I don't discuss politics with others? Because other than absolutely refuting what I said, the only thing I can detect is that you're being redundant.


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