Why are Americans in love with their guns?

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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Originally posted by Galatia
In a democracy people fight for their rights without guns. And the american political system is one of the most democratic political systems in the world.
Well, you have to remember, the 2nd Admendment was made because the Founding Fathers didn't want America to turn into another Britian, and they want the ppl to have an outlet of resistance if it ever did.

Though I do agree with BE, if the need ever comes for us to fight the government for our right, it will already be too late.

But likewise, I do agree with allowing ppl to have gun for hunting and self defence, though I do believe that ppl should be educated about gun before getting one and that backgrund checks are a good thing.

Here's a copied reply from another forum about this subject I made about a year ago:

I live in the country, in the middle of nowhere, on a small farm. It is very important for us to have guns up here because it takes the police anywhere from an hour to two hours to get to my house. Example, two years ago, there was a bridge that washed away at the bottom of out 700ft hill, it was 4am and a man was driving on that road and he didn't know that the bridge was out and he ran into a 20ft ditch. It took 4 hours EMSA to get out here and get his ass out of there.

We need weapons, not only cuz of lack of police protection, but ppl in the city bring there unwanted family pets out here and literally dump them. These animals get hungry, and sometimes vicious. In either case we have ducks and goats who don't carry guns and can't protect themselves and unfortunatly we have to destroy these confused animals when they wonder onto our doorstep.

We also have wild animals, most of the time we can just scare them away and that usually that works and thankfully we have not had to kill a wild animal...yet, but the sound of a gun is what scares them away. We have killed snakes and shit, poisionious copperheads, water mokisans and such.

We have a collection of weapons, most of them are shotguns, we have long-range and short-range shotguns, we rifles for acuracy, and we have a pistol for close, range. Different weapons for different purposes.


Nov 13, 2002
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Why is it that every time I enter AS, I feel ganged up upon? Maybe it's because your all..... *calms down*

Britans crime rate went down because they started reporting crimes differently. My dad when to britan several times when I was younger, was mugged 3 times.

Guns arent just for defence. It's also a fun pastime, go down to the range, bang off a couple, see if you can make a smily face in the target, and whatnot.

Guns dont cause crime, people cause crime.
and as colin quinn used to say: "that's my story and I'm stickin' to it"


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Jan 21, 2003
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Originally posted by c9h13no3
And are you saying that I don't vote. Are you saying that I don't participate in political organizations? Are you saying that I don't discuss politics with others? Because other than absolutely refuting what I said, the only thing I can detect is that you're being redundant.
Are you saying that when we talk about *the americans* we mean you personally, c9h13no3? :D

And Mr.Whippy why would you feel like that? This is AS. We debate. Claiming that americans have guns because they want to be protected from their governement you start a debate too good to be resisted:D


Jul 30, 2003
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c9h13no3 has it right, when / if you ever go buy a gun, are you thinking "I can't wait 'till someone pisses me off so I can kill them", or "That gopher's been ruining my lawn..." The reason you'd get a gun if self security and personal protection.

The one thing that makes our country different from others is our freedom. If noone in our country had guns... the government could do anything and we couldn't do anything. We would have no voice and no power with the government. I'm not saying that this will ever happen, but if we elect oppressers, then we have a way of confronting the government.

I mean if we didn't have guns to fight them, what would we do? Send Mike Tyson to bite their ears off, or Arnold? This was what happened in the french revolution and they ended up releasing their hundreds of years of anger on the government because they weren't allowed to speak out.


Jul 29, 2003
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Originally posted by CitricAcid13
The one thing that makes our country different from others is our freedom. If noone in our country had guns... the government could do anything and we couldn't do anything.
That reminds me of The Simpson's episode where Homer buys a gun. He says: "If we wouldn't have the gun, even the Queen of England would come into our house and boss us around. NOT that thats going to happen but its a matter of principals."

Oh, does anyone appreciate the irony here?


Aug 11, 2003
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Tampa, FL
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Redgardless if we have guns or not, the goverment can pretty much do whatever they want because they will always have the better guns.


Jul 30, 2003
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Originally posted by Steven22
That reminds me of The Simpson's episode where Homer buys a gun. He says: "If we wouldn't have the gun, even the Queen of England would come into our house and boss us around. NOT that thats going to happen but its a matter of principals."

Oh, does anyone appreciate the irony here?
Yes, I did see that episode... but I totally forgot about that. I am not and never wil base my opinions on the show lol.


Jul 29, 2003
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No not basing my opinion. Thats why I put if anyone appreciated the irony.


Aug 8, 2003
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some are

First of all,not all americans are in love with guns.Its just the rednecks and freaks,but the freaks get all the media coverage.I mean,how many buyers will a paper that runs 'Man does not shoot idiot boss' get?You only hear about when guns get out of control.Yes,our justice and law system is kinds messed up,but no law system is perfect,not even portugals.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Right to bare arms, its in the constitution.

They have the right to use guns against someone that has tried to attack you, enter your property, detaining them for a citizen's arrest. If they were gun-lovers, it would be communism, they would give out guns and ammo for free and just shoot whoever the hell they wanted.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Montreal, in a ghost town.
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Originally posted by CitricAcid13
c9h13no3 has it right, when / if you ever go buy a gun, are you thinking "I can't wait 'till someone pisses me off so I can kill them", or "That gopher's been ruining my lawn..." The reason you'd get a gun if self security and personal protection.

Yhea, go tell that to the people of Columbine....

The one thing that makes our country different from others is our freedom. If noone in our country had guns... the government could do anything and we couldn't do anything. We would have no voice and no power with the government. I'm not saying that this will ever happen, but if we elect oppressers, then we have a way of confronting the government.
Geee, aint we opressed up there in canada, with our evil government going wild, opressing the gunless canadian population....

The reason why we invented democracy is to prevent the use of violence and fear to rule. And the best way to prevent an opressor from being elected is by educating your people, not by arming them. And its pretty much the contrary int he land of the brave.

And if you have to confront your governement, you'll lose, gun wont change the issue of the battle. Then again, as I said, you'll never confront your government, you'll just sit by, indiferent or afraid as the german people where, in the 30.

I This was what happened in the french revolution and they ended up releasing their hundreds of years of anger on the government because they weren't allowed to speak out.
What the? the French revolution overthrew a monarchy, an absolutist gov't is that guy stupid

Right to bare arms, its in the constitution.

They have the right to use guns against someone that has tried to attack you, enter your property, detaining them for a citizen's arrest.

Ayway, in the USA, what the 2nd amendment right means, is that u can form militia groups, not go around toting guns and blasting shit up.

Anyway, in canada, you have 7 millions guns for a pop. of 30 million. We have a long tradition of hunting and sports with our guns and rifles, and we have many rifles associations. And those gun are praticaly as easy to get than in the USA. How come canadian dont kill each other like americans kill each others???
Hell, in toronto, a city of a couple of millions people, they dont even bother to lock their doors.

Here's what I think : americans live in a cultur of fear. Only in America would you get helicopters flying over the suburbs, spraying poison to kill mosquiotos to stop West Nile Virus, a disease only dangerous to the weak and elderly and statistically about as common as leprosy. Only in America do you have FOX news previews: "Could something in your sock drawer be KILLING YOUR CHILDREN? Tonight at 10." Only in America do you see beach attendance dramatically drop during the few days after a shark attack in Florida, which is literally an 8 million to one chance. Only in America do you get people in no danger whatsoever sealing themselves inside their houses with plastic wrap and duct tape.

So, americans are conditioned by fear. So what do you think hapens when they see on the news channel, every night at 6, that some black guy killed, shooted, or robbed such and such places? you've got many people keeping guns in their homes out of fear of intruders,, and you have crazy militias out west stockpiling machine guns against "the government."


Jul 30, 2003
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Like someone said earlier, ban the people not the guns. Many people can be law abiding gun holders. It doesn't mean that they'll ever use them in an act of violence.

Even if you did ban guns, the people who wanted to kill would still be able to get guns. Isn't marijuana illegal? The people who want to use it still can get it.


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Montreal, in a ghost town.
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Originally posted by CitricAcid13
Like someone said earlier, ban the people not the guns. Many people can be law abiding gun holders. It doesn't mean that they'll ever use them in an act of violence.

Even if you did ban guns, the people who wanted to kill would still be able to get guns. Isn't marijuana illegal? The people who want to use it still can get it.
Do you really think that all thieves could afford an overpriced black-marcket gun? If you think so, it prove that you do live in a culture of fear.
And if you ban gun, there will be less gun avaliable, which mean less violent crime involving guns.

Finaly, if gun would really be for protection, america would be the safest place of the planet. Sadly, it is the opposite.


Jul 29, 2003
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Originally posted by Black~Enthusiasm
Only in America do you have FOX news previews: "Could something in your sock drawer be KILLING YOUR CHILDREN? Tonight at 10."
Yes, sadly Fox News is the most sensationalist news broadcaster in America :( Don't pay attention to them, only the conservatives do.

Beside that I agree with your argument.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
Gun control has had sevral issues in the past. People get guns, shoot people for a reason, and get charged with first-degree murder. In Canada, mostly hunting is the only gun-type sport remaining, but then again even hunting has regulations. You could get charged for possession of a firearm without a license, the hunting of a government protected animal (mostly endangered ones.), and second-degree murder if you accidently shoot someone while doing this sport.


Aug 8, 2003
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Yeah,i have to agree With B-E;Most Americans do live in fear.This fear comes from ignorance and stupidity,which is rampant in the U.S. despite our wealth and all our government's attempts to educate the masses.If people don't understand something,or are just to stubborn to learn a new way of thinking,they will live in perpetual fear and ignorance.


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