New Member
oh, i like your signature newbie4lyfe
compare units to their counterparts, and you will see everything is good and yet...has a weakness! you get 2 zerglings per egg! at a cost of only 50 minerals! thats 70 hp+10 damage, compare that to a marine. Marines however, are not melee, and can go in bunker (whoo another advantage). Then theres the Zealot, 160 hp(sort of..) 16 damage per hit. the downside? cost is 100 minerals. If your comparing something like a battlecruiser to a marine, then your dumb. Try comparing things that are some what equal in value (and price) and you'll see that everything is good, period!Originally posted by FZ. | gOsu
in my opionion the worse unit in the game would have to be a zergling...besides rushing, there HP is really low...
OK...again, what I said. Scouts are good against most air units, but who actually builds them(unless your going that fast arbiter thingy...)? but if you think price, then you'll get 2 scout per carrier +addition money, so that would mean 2 scouts, a corsair verse one carrier. hmm...I think the scouts will win.Phoenix2003
It just occured to me. Scouts aren't as good against carriers as everyone thinks. Using the same micro as you would against a BC and scouts will get murdered. Carriers fire while they move scouts cannot. If corsairs are supporting carrs, then those scouts are dead.
umm...I only said scouts are good againts air units. but you compared it to Carriers, so i thought about it, and did some math(sort of) and miscalculated... well the point is 2 scout (no corsair) can take out a carrier, but who goes stargate in a PvP? not many people... in my opinion, scout suck, because of it's price and the fact it can't attack many things without dying.Originally posted by Phoenix2003
Chocolate, how many times must I repeated myself? Scouts are too specific situations that don't occur that much. Corsairs are much better at taking down wraiths and mutas than scouts are. If you want to blindly believe that scouts are good, then that's fine, but when you give situations like scouts beat BCs, I've already said that, but that's all they 're good for. NOBODY goes BCs vs toss, so scouts are useless.
no one listens to him for some reason...fritfrat
well, now that this thread is no more, listen to him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Originally posted by fritfrat
you guys are SO dumb..
it has been stated MANY TIMES that this is a BALANCED GAME, by MANY PEOPLE.
all you guys are doing is wasting time by expressing the bad facts about each unit while other people say the good things about them.
didn't really understand this...Originally posted by Hellwolf_36
Golaiths when getting attacked by ground, air they sumwhat ok![]()
funner isn't a wordOriginally posted by God Illuvatar
This may be a bit of a rant, but I just wanted to get this out about the capital ships (Battlecruisers/Carriers).
Going mass carriers or battalcruisers is a newb tactic that is right up there with making four hundred canons (Although for canons you can just make tanks). Granted it is tough to stop, so it is not called a newb tactic because it can be easily stopped. It is called that because the game turns into a stupid pixelated weapons race of "who can make the most capital ship crap in THIS game" when that's what has happened the last ten games. It quickly makes the game a matter of "how much time can I last before I get wiped out b/c so and so allied so and so and they both went mass BCs/Carriers."
To heck with those dumb things,they should either make some sorta patch to limit the number of capital ships you can make, or to limit the damage the things do. The games on BGH and other melee maps would be alot funner this way. So for the record, in my opinion, the capital ships are the worst units. There, I'm done.