What created life?


Aug 18, 2003
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Theres really a very simple explanation for all of this anti-matter and other stuff going around. Just let God explain it in the Bible.
Aug 26, 2003
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Originally posted by Crimson-Shade
Theres really a very simple explanation for all of this anti-matter and other stuff going around. Just let God explain it in the Bible.
I don't belive in god because of the bible lol.


Oct 22, 2003
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First of all, we have a problem with Miller Experiment. He used a mechanism called "cold trap" in order to get the products(here a.acids) out of apparatus because lightining will burn every thing just after they are "created". Wýth an apparatus in which cold trap is unplugged this experiment produces nothing.

Secondly, it is shown that early earth atmosphere does not consist of the gases NH3, CH4 and the like. I am currently trying to find where I wrote them :) . Why Miller used these gases is that he knew that in order to create a.acids these gases are necessary, as he confessed later.

Thirdly, we all know that DNA is essential for a cell to exist. Also we know that cell membrane is essential. These two MUST exist at the SAME time to survive. DNA,on the other hand, is too complex to have existed with cell membrane in the very first times of evolution. Ãf DNA did not exist, how did the first cell manage to survive and reproduce?

If we acept that evolution theory is true, we should accept that all the improvements came into existance within long,very long time periods-for a single protein consisting of 500 a.acids,which is an approximate value, 10^39 years.(Notice that our universe is 10^17 years old. :) So, should there be a miscalculation about the age of universe?)

Ok, let's say we solved this "little" time problem. Then another problem occurs: where are the fossils of living things which once existed with incomplete, undeveloped and malfunctioning organs/systems over billions of years?

Skip that fossil problem. How did organisms came out of water and "stepped" in earth? We know that ,in water, organisms do not need to "carry" their body since water does. But in earth how did they suddenly manage to carry their body with extremely complex balance mechanisms? How did their respiration systems so dramatically changed?

Second law of thermodynamics says that "a closed system ALWAYS goes to disorder. But evolution theory claims that we, 6.5 billion very complex, showing-extreme-situations-of-order-creature evolved from ultimate disorder. Should we believe a law or a theory?

Let's go back to the question.
What created life?
Of course God!


Sep 10, 2003
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Electron, first out on the Baud!!
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If the answer is God -
where did he come from?
Why did he create us and the universe?
If God is the supreme being, is he an extraterrestrial or a spirit type entity?
Where is he now?
I'm sure people have alot of questions in that regard, and I don't
believe the bible will really give those answers. I think that's what this thread is all about, discovering and searching for answers!


Oct 22, 2003
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Originally posted by -=SaphriX=-
If the answer is God -
where did he come from?
Why did he create us and the universe?
If God is the supreme being, is he an extraterrestrial or a spirit type entity?
Where is he now?
I'm sure people have alot of questions in that regard, and I don't
believe the bible will really give those answers. I think that's what this thread is all about, discovering and searching for answers!
We can not ask a question like "where did he come from?" since this is asking like "who paints the painter?". This is because we think God like us. Does the painter look like the picture? Of course not. So, things which bind us,such as questions "where did he come from?","Does he a sprit type entity or e.t.?","who created God?","Where is he now?" are not applicable for God.

Why did he create us and whole universe?

Let's think of an artist who is very talented. Doesn't he want to see his work? Doesn't he want someone know him? Doesn't he want someone who will recognise his art and talk about him? That is why we are created.

Have you ever looked for the answers in Qur'an, our(muslims') holy book? I strongly recommend you to do so.


Jun 25, 2003
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who created life? i really dont know. i have absolutely no opinion on the subject.

edit: changed my mind, i think that life is basically a miracle. Of course that goes against my dislike of people who say " if you cant explain it its a miracle" but thats my best explanation.


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 17, 2003
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OMG.. You people really don't know much about religion these days. God made the universe. The mixing of chemicals? What the heck are you talking about? You actually think chemicals made us and the world, the universe, the creatures, all the order and design that God has made?! READ GENESIS FROM THE BIBLE! WoW.. Wasnt that hard! The question is quite simple. What started everything? The big bang? NO! God created everything with perfect order and design. We are made in God's image and likeness. God never started, he always was. Then i suppose the SCIENTISTS were made before the universe?! Give me a break!

I am Catholic, in 7th grade, go to a Catholic school, and am very proud of being a Catholic.



Sep 10, 2003
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Well good for you DarkGhost...... But HolySh1t!!! that's your view.... very singleminded! Chemicals are the basis of everything, God created the chemicals, fine...... but in what order, how, where, what time? etc etc etc you know these questions but dare not ask them because of your religion. We just wanna see the directors cut of the creation. Is that wrong?
Sep 2, 2003
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Umm... Chemicals.... Guess what... There are thousands and thousands of chemicals in the World... Also there are thousands and thousands of chemical reactions that must take place with in the body by breathing alone.... Then there is the growth and reproduction of cells... They are always the same... So you can never get a multicellular organism from a unicellular organism... End of story... Oh and dark ghost... I'm a strong Christian also.. But there is a problem you can't use beliefs to battle intellect... Because you can't take theories to battle science... Same for evolution... and Creation... You can't test either of them.... Both are a theory... Just one is believed more than the other been around a heckovalot more then the other... Evolution=1800
Creation=Since 6000 B.C. .... Well things must whether the test of time in order to be considered fact... I think Creation has does that... And not one part has been disproven.. Now Evolution on the other hand... There is the Horse theory... The fossil theory... the list goes on and on..... Oh yeah and what do we have to thank for abortion? Evolution... It was the belief that the fetus(small baby) was part animal when it was in the womb.... They said it had gills... a tail... and a bunch of other crap.... But yeah then there are cells... with out lipids... there would be NO cells... so you can't have life with just amino acids...

(lets see the directors cut of Evolution...)


Sep 10, 2003
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Wot the hell are you talking about? Bullshit.......
Evolution exists, Christianity's Creation exists
Why can't they live together?
Evolutionists hate christians, Christians hate Evoulutionists!!
I fondly reside in the belief that God created all Earth and Life upon it to intentionally change and "evolve' to suit their needs and the changing of the Earth. It's all controlled, he knew what we would turn into. It's a survival mechanism God inserted into life!! The Earth was extremely different long ago, perhaps more hostile to what our bodies were then. But with the evolution that God 'INTENDED', our bodies adapt to survive. Why does everyone disregard evolution. Evolution doesn't necessarilly say that God doesn't exist. It just suggests and gives more proof of the capabilities that God has programmed into our bodies.
Now if you talk of intellect, use your own damn intellect and re-read what I said. Did I say God doesn't exist and evolution is against God? Don't get offended so quickly, you "Christians" are so quick to jump onto you're hind legs!!

Another thing, regardless of how fvcking long Creation or Evolution has been around, both are fact and provable!! Maybe creation a bit less because not much physical evidence is available to prove it, but it has been around in stories, myths and fables even in the christian bible!!

So terran_commander, prove the fact that Unicellular organisms can't evolve into multicellular organisms over a long period of time. Bear in mind that many things have changed over the ages. Because whatever you explained about chemicals and 'this and that' don't disprove it!!

So, instead of us being born, drink babymilk, wait for our teeth before we can eat any sort of solid then becoming small kids growing and growing blah blah blah.
We come straight out the womb, fully grown, full head of hair, fully developed body, with teeth, start eating solids immediately, don't need school. Bullshit!! Our bodies go through so many chemical changes while we're growing up whereby our body becomes more and more complex, which shows that these are actually reasonably new additions!! It takes a while to grow to understand them, whereas instinctively in animals, thay don't have to be taught or learn how to use some of their functions!! This shows that they are not as complex and not much has changed in their biology that they can survive for the time being as is!!

Blessed Be..............

Also, who the fvck told you that abortion is due to evolution being discovered!!!

Sep 2, 2003
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Ha... Ha.. Ha.... Very funny... Don't try and argue for things that you don't understand..... You just described micro-evolution.... Not macro-evolution... And a baby growing teeth is NOT evolution.... It's called "growth"! You are doing it right now!.... Oh and what about the fact that there is absolutely NO physical fact for evolution... In fact most of it has already been disproved.... Well I have to go right now... school!

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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One would think that you'ld have learned your lesson after you got your ass kicked in your little evolution thread. :)

Hey Saphix, go back a few pages, and look for a 3 page long evolution thread by Terran. MacMan and I posted some arguements in there that Terran wasn't able to debunk very well.
Sep 2, 2003
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Umm... I if I remember right you weren't either... Oh and you look closely I debunked about 80% of it.. The rest of it was untested theory that couldn't be proven either way.... And if you want to take any credit for it you can start another one you vs. me... Because the only person who actually did "anything" was mac man... And I salute him for being a more than worthy opponent. You on the other hand are just some one trying to get alittle bit of his glory.

Tempest Storm

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Apr 5, 2003
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You did a terrible job at rebuking my arguements against the Flood. And there was many of MacMan's points that your practically ignored.

And Mac Man was able to debunk most of your arguements.

And I would, but like abortion debates, they take up way too much time, and I don't have hours to spend researching shit. So, have fun with Saphrix


Oct 22, 2003
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Originally posted by -=SaphriX=-
Ok, here's the answer!! ANTIMATTER!!
Energy exists, it just exists, energy has no argument like 'What came first, the chicken or the egg' argument!! Energy is a dimensional, and non physical element of our universe!! One rule of science says that energy cannot be created and cannot be destroyed!! So energy was not created, it was there and will always be there, for eternity!!
Let me see if I can get this right.... Energy consists of Protons and electrons added to that the opposites, Antiprotons and Positrons if an antiproton collides with a proton, antimatter is created and the opposite with the other charges!! If antimatter then hits a proton it is instantly destroyed, the opposite with matter colliding with a positron!! Something Must have happened where in a small area micro - even nanometers - could have had more protons available so as to start destroying more antimatter than usual, leaving the matter! There's the creation of matter and the beginning of our universe in a nutshell!!

I had read a couple of books and sites regarding this so I'm reasonably sure that thats how it should have happened!! If I got something wrong please feel free to correct me!! We are all learning here!!

I apologize if I sound a bit like TheBastardSword who thinks he knows everything, but raDixGhost did say someone should take a shot at it!!

Vanilla_.... I think I have an answer as to what god is!! Thats if he exists.... He is ENERGY!! Energy cannot be created or destroyed it can be changed and used differently!! but not destroyed!! It's a rule of science!!

Energy can be created or destroyed. Even now energy is being created and destroyed.
How can it be destroyed? I am sure you all have heard about black holes, singularity that consumes matter and and light, electromagnetic energy carrying particles. We can not exactly know what happens "inside" a black hole but we are sure that energy amd matter(another form of energy) is destroyed there.

How can it be created? Most of us have heard the beings called quasars, incredably big, extremely far stars that no more things exists beyond. A "small" quasar emits more radio waves than entire Milky Way. They also produce extreme amounts of light.

They should exist less longer if energy is not being created or they have some source of energy which is unknown to physics and probably due to a fifth power(which cannot be).

Energy can not be God as energy prefers ultimate disorder(due to second law of thermodynamics). But God, it seems, prefers order.


Sep 10, 2003
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Well Spike, you're right, abortion arguments waste so much time, so does arguing with someone who looks straight past the facts opinions and thoughts of someone who is on both sides. I mean I believe in evolution and believe in the creation. But by the sounds of his answers he is discrediting both. I know I am reasonably knowledgable on this subject, however wasting my time and patience is really not constructive. Enjoy your stay Terran-Commander.......

Have fun... on your own!!
I won't return until this becomes an intelligent discussion again.

Oh, and P.S. I went back a bit to the 3 page thread and read everything. You did sound intelligent though......
Sep 2, 2003
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I'm not the one not being intelligent... You can't be on two different sides... If so what are you? A double agent? A supporter of both sides? You can't really do that unless you don't believe either side... Because if you believe in one side... You will discredit the other.. but if you don't believe in either side you can belive parts of each and you can discredit parts of each... So pick a side... You can't believe in two diferent things... Not in a debate...


Sep 10, 2003
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The ARGUMENT is about what created life. I think this thread has actually "EVOLVED" a bit into being more of a thread that tries to eliminate the cons and find more pros. Not much debate on the main topic but on little topics that have arrived.

I believe that a supreme being created life with the intention for it to evolve. Is that too difficult to understand. It's not so much a debate as to try and come to a conclusion of what created life.
So, come to the party and help decide what created life.

Here Terran Commander_Heres more to debate about, a sub-topic!! --------->

Naga, I like your reply, but one vital point that cannot be disproven is the fact that energy cannot be created or destroyed. You have given and example of a Quasar that emits different energies in another form. But the fact remains that the Quasar would have had to soak up some energy to release the energy it has, eventually the quasar would dissipate, die, run dry. Where is, another young Quasar could be soaking up the energy this Quasar released and become big and old then also run dry.

If you want to give credit to the black hole destroying energy, then you have to give credit to the new White Hole recently discovered mathematically, for creating energy!
(Which could actually just be the Inter-Dimensional swopping of energy)

What I'm saying is, in school already, you are taught that energy cannot be destroyed. It can be redirected, slowed down, sped up, changed to another shape or form, but never created or destroyed. You could change per se, kinetic energy into light energy. Seemingly the kinetic energy would be destroyed and the light energy created.



Oct 22, 2003
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No, I wanted to mention that quasars should have shorter lives if there is not energy input and quasars do not soak energy because they are so far from any matter that the energy which arrives to quasars is negligible. I mean even if we suppose that they soak energy it won't meet its needs/output.The problem is that they emit energy more than the sum of they have and soak.
I have heard about white holes but I'm looking forward for a phsical proof to be discovered. I am being suspicious. Math does not make mistakes but men do sometimes.

It seems that we agreed on black holes explanations.


Sep 10, 2003
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Well, metaphorically speaking we agreed. It's seems is if black holes destroy energy. (Black holes by the way also discovered mathematically). But there is also supposedly always a balanced amount of energy in the universe. Many mathematical work has been done do discover why and how blackholes can exist but energy always remains constant, thus all theoris and evidence leading to the existence of white holes.

If you say that quasars emit more energy than they soak up, how can they then be created? They have to have a source of feul, but, perhaps they soak energy till they get to a certain point where they turn into Quasars then emit energy.

Tell me, Naga, what do you think about Evolution and Christianity combining or being married to circumvent any confusions that mey occur? Do you think that both can exist? Or that they should both compliment eachother?

Oh, and Naga, do you think I'm being a "Double Agent" by thinking that Christianity and Evolution can co-exist?

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